“”Sure enough, it would be better for a person like ‘me’ to die earlier, right? “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino blocked the attack from Melt Lilith, and even blocked that sharp thorn with her hand! In the world of souls, faith is the only criterion for victory!”
“”Dead? Do not! I will not die! Sure enough, I am still different from you! If you are my future and my ideal, then I will destroy such a wrong ideal as yours! “”
“”Humph! “Meerte Lilith snorted coldly, “If you want to be brave, you should take advantage of it now. With a guy like you, how could you beat me!” “”
“Her speed skyrocketed again, and the spikes pierced Yukinoshita Yukino’s body again and again!”
“However, what Yukinoshita Yukino feels is not pain, but a deeper level of despair!”
“I saw hell… At this moment, it seems that she is no longer fighting Melt Lilith, but standing in one scene after another.”
“However, no matter which scene, she can see that another self is in a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and her eyes are always gazing into the distance, where there are many people celebrating a happy life.”
“The seat called happinessThere is a limit to the number, so from the very beginning, we must eliminate those who are destined not to be able to obtain happiness! Only in this way can everyone be happy and human civilization can survive in a healthy way. ”
“Yukinoshita Yukino can feel that this is exactly another thought in her heart… However, her heart hurts so much! In order to save some people, it is necessary to eliminate all other people regardless of good and evil. The reason is, Simply because they stand in the way of the happiness of more people.”
“Is this really reasonable? She could feel the question in her other self’s heart more than once. But in the end, the other Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t do anything, she could only kill, kill, kill… He kept repeating this process, creating one hell after another with his own hands.”
“Thus, ALTEREGO Melt Lilith, which symbolizes happiness, was born. Since it is destined to create hell, then just regard creating hell as a kind of happiness!”
“”You saw it! “Meerte Lilith said suddenly, the spikes under her feet stabbed Yukinoshita Yukino, but was blocked by a sword.”
“That is the long sword imagined by Yukinoshita Yukino. After all, this is the world of the soul, and everything moves according to their wishes!”
“Ah, I see. “”
“”Even so, do you think your ideal is not wrong? Even so, do you want to make everyone happy? ! “”
“…” Yukinoshita Yukino was silent for a moment, then smiled softly, “There is one thing you forgot, the hell you saw at first! “”
“”The first hell I saw? “Melter Lilith froze for a moment, but when she came back to her senses, she found that she was already outside a large shopping mall, and this shopping mall was burning with raging flames.”
“”here is……””
“She looked at this scene blankly, everything is so familiar!”
“Where, where have I seen this scene?! When Melt Lilith was thinking, she saw a familiar figure who was about to walk into the fire.”
“She couldn’t help but said, “There, it’s hell! “”
“The figure paused slightly, then walked in without hesitation, “I know! However, even if it can only save one more person, it is good! “”
“Following a sound, the long sword in Yukinoshita Yukino’s hand pierced Melt Lilith’s body.”
“At this time, the focus of Meltlilith’s eyes seemed to stay in an extremely distant place, she said softly, “It’s too much… to actually let me see my past self. Even if it is just saving one more person, I will feel happy. Such a person actually existed before. “”
“Ah, it existed. Yukinoshita Yukino nodded lightly, “Moreover, it will always exist from now on!” “”
Chapter 299 We look alike, especially Dumb
“”yes? Melt Lilith smiled softly, it was a satisfied smile, “That’s good.” “”
“With the disappearance of Meltlilith, the world of the soul completely collapsed, Yukinoshita Yukino’s soul returned to her body, she looked at Meltlilith who had completely disappeared into nothingness with a complicated expression, and said softly, “You didn’t intend to kill me in the first place, did you? “”
“After all, if you just want to kill her, why bother to pull her into the world of the soul and let her see so many things?”
“What Meltlilith longs for is just an answer, an answer from “I”.”
“” Yukino! At this time, SABER finally rushed over, she looked at Yukinoshita Yukino with a tired face, and asked curiously, “Yukono, what’s wrong with you?” Like having a fight with someone? Also, what about ARCHER? “”
“”ARCHER, has gone back to where she should go. Yukinoshita Yukino smiled slightly, “So, we should also go back to the place we should go back to.” “”
“The two of them woke up Yuigahama Yui, who was still sleeping, and went back. After all, CASTER has been defeated, and there is no need for them to stay any longer.”
“Just as they were returning home, Sawagoe Hachiman was walking on the street in a daze. He has been wandering on the street since the magic power of his rampage killed Ichishiroba.”
“He didn’t dare to contact Yukinoshita Yukino, he didn’t know where he should go, and he didn’t know what to do next… The guilt of killing people lingered in his heart, so he couldn’t let it go!”
“”Be careful… ah! Woohoo… sorry, I didn’t stop. “The girl who was running on the road suddenly bumped into Sawagoe Hachiman, she rubbed her head and apologized a little embarrassedly.”
“No, it’s fine. “Zawagoe Hachiman looked at the girl in front of him in a daze, and he always felt that this person was very familiar.”
“Aren’t you familiar? Isn’t this me?!” Hikigaya Komachi complained like a soul. She had a feeling that she appeared as a cannon fodder just like the world line of Kato before!
“It seems that Komachi and I don’t know each other. Are we both adopted by different people?” Hikigaya Hachiman stroked his chin.
On the other hand, Hikigaya’s parents sighed sadly. Every time a video about Hikigaya Hachiman is released, they will die once. When will the world’s persecution of them stop?
“Hahaha, don’t be so sad, you two, maybe you are still alive? Just like that Hiratsuka Shizuka, Hachiman might have been abducted too.” Yukinoshita’s mother saw the grief of the parents at a glance, Then he spoke words of relief.
Um? That’s right! Thinking about it this way, Bi Qigu’s parents’ mood immediately changed.Much better, even the waist is straight.
“Not only Sawagoe Hachiman has such thoughts, but even Hikigaya Komachi feels that the person in front of him is very familiar, “I always feel that I saw your face there… Ah, yes, I saw it in the mirror!” You look a lot like me. If I didn’t know that I’m an only child, I would doubt if you are my brother! “”
“”Especially the stupid hair on our head, it really looks like, hehehe~” Hikigaya Komachi pulled the stupid hair on his head, and smiled.”
“I never thought I would meet this girl! Yuki Sawagoe, who was staying in Sawagoe Hachiman’s heart, was instantly ecstatic. Hachiman’s sister… Hehehe, as long as you can guide it well, the Holy Grail can fill more things! ”
“Ah, it does look alike. Seeing the girl’s smile, Sawagoe Hachiman, who was suffering, became happier for some reason, “Maybe we were brother and sister in the previous life.” “”
“”Hey, this way of striking up a conversation is really old-fashioned. “Hikigaya Komachi chuckled, then crossed Sawagoe Hachiman, waved goodbye, “I still have something to do at home, so let’s go first, goodbye, big brother who looks very similar to me~””
“”See you. “Sawagoe Hachiman also waved his hand lightly, and just such a small exchange made him feel much happier.”
“But, after a short while, his expression darkened!”
“Because, the guy in his body, who claimed to be his fantasy, spoke again.”
“Don’t you think she looks too much like you? “”
“”what do you mean? “”
“”Hmph…” Zeyue Zhiyin said with a smile, “Didn’t you always think about why you were abused like that? Think again, do you have any similarities with your elder brother Makoto Ito and that so-called father Sawagoshi? “”
“Zawagoe Hachiman’s face changed, and he said tremblingly, “What do you mean? “”
“”What I mean is, you can’t understand it any better. Tiger poison doesn’t even eat children. If you were Ze Yuezhi’s biological child, how could you be abused like that? However, correspondingly, as long as you are not his own child, you can naturally abuse him wantonly, right? “”
“You mean, I was adopted? That kid is my family! “Zawagoe Hachiman’s breath became short of breath, but the light in his eyes became more and more obvious.”
“He has always longed for a happy family, but the Zeyue family brought him nothing but despair! But now, his family is probably not the Zeyue family, but another, truly happy family! This makes his In my heart, hope began to rise.”
“” This is not what I said, but what you think in your heart! I said it, I am you! It’s your fantasy, it’s your subconscious! “”
“”yes? Am I thinking so? But…it is still very possible, right? After all, they look so much alike! So, if I go there, will I be happy? “”
“The longing for family for a long time made Sawagoe Hachiman forget the fact that he killed someone for a short time, and he even began to fantasize about the days when he lived in an ordinary family.”
“Just like that, Sawagoe Hachiman quickly followed Hikigaya Komachi with his longing for family in his arms.”
“”Hikigu’s family…” Ze Yue Hachiman followed behind, all the way to the outside of a house, he read the house number gently, his eyes became brighter and brighter, “Hikigu, the surname is Hikigu, that’s great ! If my surname is Hikigaya, it should be Hikigaya Hachiman, right? “”
“While thinking about this, he rang the doorbell.”
“It’s still Biqigu’s family, that’s great, the two of us are really not dead yet!” Biqigu’s father hugged his wife beside him, tears welling up in his eyes.
He wasn’t the cannon fodder who was killed in the background. Just because of this, it was much better than last time!
Chapter 300 Why…not her?
“Shortly after Sawagoe Hachiman pressed the doorbell, a middle-aged man came out. He looked very tired, like a super social animal who had worked overtime for more than ten days in a row.”
“He looked at Sawagoe Hachiman in front of him, and asked suspiciously, “Who are you? “”
“”…” The moment he saw the man in front of him, Sawagoe Hachiman, who had imagined countless long speeches in his mind before, suddenly got stuck. After dawdling for a while, he finally said, “I would like to ask, has your family ever Ever lost a child? “”
“”Lost a child? Why… No, nothing at all, you have found the wrong person. “The man was taken aback for a moment, and was about to say something, when suddenly he became in a trance, then waved his hand impatiently, and closed the door with a bang.”
“Seeing the door being closed mercilessly, Sawagoe Hachiman sighed softly, he patted his cheek in fear, and smiled wryly, “Sure enough, I was thinking too much. “”
“No, you didn’t think too much! “Ze Yuezhi spoke in his body again, his voice was full of anger and bewitchment.”
“”Did you see that expression on his face before? The first thing he wanted to say was clearly ‘how do you know’, right? “”
“Under the influence of that voice, Sawagoe Hachiman felt that his will gradually began to gradually become trance.”
“In a daze, he whispered, ‘Yes, I saw it. “”
“”Hehehe…” Ze Yuezhi laughed softly. He just hinted at that guy, making that man mistakenly think that he only has one daughter!”
“Besides, looking at the little girl before, her parents didn’t seem to have told her that she once had an older brother. Ze Yuezhi was secretly delighted, great! In this way, he canThe temptation to Sawagoe Hachiman has deepened! ”
“”Right? You see it! You heard it! That man is cheating on you! “Speaking of this, Ze Yuezhi’s voice became even more angry. People who don’t know may think that he is gone.”
“”Deceive me? but why? “Zawagoe Hachiman still has a dazed expression, but his thoughts are being drawn back to the past little by little in a trance.”
“”Don’t you understand? He has recognized you! He knows you are his son! But he chose not to recognize you! Why? Is it because he doesn’t want you as a child? Or was it that you were sold to the Zeyue family by him? That’s why he didn’t dare to recognize you! He is guilty! He is guilty! “”
“This is slander! This is slander!” Bi Qigu’s father was half-dead from anger. He admitted that he was somewhat patriarchal, but isn’t this all normal?
After all, the daughter is the old father’s caring little padded jacket, and the son is just an accident…
But that doesn’t mean he will throw away or sell his son! No matter how unexpected, this is also his son! Just like the current Hikigu Hachiman, isn’t he raised well by him?
Seeing his father’s eyes were red like a cow, and his emotions were a little agitated, Hikigu Hachiman couldn’t help but relieved, “Dad, don’t worry, no one said you don’t want me anymore. Didn’t that Sawakoshi say that too?” , he put a hint on you, so you think you only have one daughter.”
“And looking at Ze Yuezhi’s appearance, I guess he was abducted by him when he was very young?” Hikigu Hachiman sighed as he spoke, why did he abduct him properly? Is there anything good about him?
“I’m curious, what did that Sawakoshi put so much effort into instilling these ideas in Hachiman? Before, he could lure Hachiman’s magic power to go berserk and let Hachiman kill Ichishiroba.” Yukinoshita frowned, I can’t figure out the meaning of Ze Yuezhi’s action at all.
“It looks like it’s for blackening my brother? Could it be because Ito Makoto is dead, so I want my brother to win the Holy Grail War? After all, blackening is three times stronger!” Bikiya Komachi also tilted his head thinking up.
Although the reason she came up with was a bit weird, but after everyone thought about it, at least Ze Yuezhi wanted to win the Holy Grail War. It shouldn’t be a problem. The old man just saw that he wanted to use the Holy Grail to do something bad!
“”Don’t want me…sell me…” Sawagoe Hachiman kept repeating these two words, and the sadness in his eyes became heavier.”
“At this moment, cheerful birthday songs came from the house, as well as the happy laughter of the family of three.”
“God help me too! Ze Yuezhi laughed wildly in his heart, and then that devil-like voice rang softly in Ze Yue Hachiman’s ear.”
“Listen, they’re celebrating their daughter’s birthday! For them, you are an unwanted existence! is redundant! “”
“”Think about it again, when you were beaten and scolded by Ze Yuezhi, what were they doing? When you are being bullied by Makoto Ito, what are they doing? When you are being bitten by those bugs, what are they doing? ! “”
“”They are enjoying life recklessly! The seats of happiness are limited, and not everyone can get happiness, so in order to ensure their own happiness, they threw away you, the guy who might snatch the seat of happiness! “”
“”Is that reasonable? Why is it you? ! Why is it you! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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