“”Yeah…why me…why…” Sawagoe Hachiman’s eyes gradually lost their luster, and his heart was gradually filled with an emotion called jealousy.”
“”Why…not her? “”
“When Sawagoe Hachiman regained consciousness, he was standing in a sea of ​​flames, surrounded by three charred corpses, who could only vaguely recognize that it was a man and two women corpse.”
“The rising flames brought up a photo that was treasured in the cabinet. In that photo, there was a smiling couple. The wife held a child about one year old in her arms, and the husband held a baby in his arms. A child of about four years old looks so happy.”
“Subsequently, the photo was reduced to ashes in the flames.”
“”I did these? “Zawagoe Hachiman looked around, and the things he did unconsciously before flooded into his mind.”
“He slowly raised his hands and looked at them in horror. He couldn’t believe that he would kill someone! This time, he didn’t kill someone because of his magic power, but actually broke into someone else’s house. , killed their family and set fire to it!”
“Hehehe, that’s right, you made these with your own hands! Now you should believe that your subconscious mind killed Yishiroyu, right? Because, you were born to be a murderer! “Ze Yue Zhi’s bewitching voice sounded again, and every word was like a sharp knife, piercing Ze Yue Hachiman’s reason.”
“I am, a murderer? “”
Chapter 301: Heroic Spirit Card
“Goo!” Hikigaya Komachi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, holding her brother’s trembling body to show her current panic.
She never expected that in a certain past that was reset, this brother of hers would kill their whole family! terrible! So evil!
Um? No, isn’t she hugging the murderer who killed their family now?
smaller than QiguDing suddenly discovered the blind spot, and then shook his head again, it doesn’t matter so much! Anyway, her brother is not a murderer!
Everything is Ze Yuezhi’s fault!
Hikigaya Hachiman also opened his mouth, and was so shocked that he couldn’t speak for a long time. He thought that after being bewitched, he should be going to participate in the Holy Grail War and lay down his hands.
But he never expected that he even killed his own parents, as well as the world’s cutest sister! Simply too much!
“”Saber, do you know what this is? “After returning home, Yukinoshita Yukino took out a card and handed it to Saber.”
“”On the way just now, I found this card in my bag, and I didn’t have it before. “”
“SABER looked at this card carefully. The card exudes a metallic luster, a bow is printed on the back, and the appearance of Melt Lilith is on the front!”
“”You can’t be wrong, this is the Heroic Spirit Card belonging to ARCHER! “Saber handed the card back to Yukinoshita Yukino with a complicated expression.”
“Yukinoshita Yukino took the card and asked curiously, “Heroic Spirit Card, what is this? “”
“” Yukino, what do you think our heroic spirits are? “Saber didn’t answer the question, but asked her a question instead.”
“”Heroic spirit…” Yukinoshita Yukino said after thinking for a while, “I remember that Yui told me before that it is the existence of important words and ink left on this planet, whether it is an innocence , or a saint who saved the world. At the same time, characters in myths and legends or novels that do not actually exist will also gather human beliefs and be born. “”
“”So, I think, heroic spirits should be born by relying on human’s praise and human emotions, right? Heroic spirits may or may not have existed, but human thoughts allow you to be born or resurrected, independent of time. “”
“”You’re only partly right. Saber shook his head, “The human thoughts are not that strong. If the human thoughts are so powerful, then why don’t human beings live forever?” After all, most people in this world have imagined immortality, right? “”
“So, human beliefs and thoughts only play a part in the existence of Heroic Spirits? Yukinoshita Yukino frowned and said, since this is the case, why do heroic spirits exist? Is it a god? She couldn’t help but think of the hall where Odin received the spirits of the dead in the myth—the Hall of Heroes!”
“”Xue Nai, I know what you are thinking, but what I want to say is that neither the Heroic Spirit nor the Hall of Valor has anything to do with the gods! Rather, even the gods are part of the Hall of Valor! It is the will of this planet and the collective will of human beings that really contribute to the existence of heroic spirits. “”
“SABER exhaled, and then said, “As for the K, maybe you will feel a little familiar if they are called Gaia and Alaya. “”
“”Humanity’s collective will…” Yukinoshita frowned slightly. She had heard this name from Melt Lilith, and she signed a contract with the human collective will and became the guardian.”
“It seems that there is not much difference between a guardian and a heroic spirit? They both work under Gaia and Alaya!”
“”But, why do you want to build the Hall of Valor and let the spirits exist? And Guardians… sounds like an army. “”
“Yes, we are the army! Facing Yukinoshita Yukino’s doubts, SABER nodded without hesitation, “In this universe, this planet is not the only existence with life!” “”
“”Perhaps, life on some planets failed to develop civilization until they perished. Perhaps, life on some planets is still in the Stone Age. However, in the vast and boundless universe, in the time of more than 20 billion years, there will always be some races that have developed super-high-level civilizations, able to cross the endless sea of ​​stars! “”
“”For the will of the planet, all life on this planet is like the children of K. Although the children usually fight each other, this is the natural operation of the ecological circle, and K will not intervene. But if it’s an outsider, then of course, K will not stand idly by! “”
“”For the collective will of human beings, maintaining the continuation of human beings is a crucial matter! Therefore, in order to avoid being enslaved or even massacred by higher civilizations, it can be said that they hit it off, so the heroic spirits appeared. “”
“The planet actually has its own thinking? And among the human beings, there is actually a unified collective will… How does it sound like a swarm?” Makise Kurisu felt that everyone was stupid, and the planet would have the will? !
Although some people once mentioned the hypothesis that the planet might have a mind, this is basically regarded as nonsense by the world!
I never expected it to be so thoughtful!
There is also the collective will of human beings… How on earth does this produce collective will? There is no connection between everyone!
“The collective will of human beings?” Mayuri Shiina tilted her head slightly, and pointed her finger on her chin, “Then if there are fights between human beings or countries, is it because the will of the cluster is split, or…k Have a schizophrenia?”
“Oh! If you say that, doesn’t it mean that I am always connected with the beautiful girl?” Hashida Zhi’s eyes lit up, as if thinking of some unsuitable picture, his breathing became short of breath.
The three girls on the side were speechless. They didn’t know that this was her father’s migrant worker Awanyin Suzuha couldn’t help complaining in her heart.Anyone who has such a boyfriend or father will definitely be unlucky for eight lifetimes!
“Tongzi, you…” The Phoenix Academy looked fiercely and speechlessly at the childhood sweetheart beside him. It must be because of your wide-minded thinking that even his secondary illness was completely rendered speechless!
“Well, what’s the matter? Why are you all looking at me like this? Am I wrong? If a collective will can be generated, then everyone must be connected, right?” Hashida Zhi returned his face. Suspiciously facing the disgust of everyone.
Chapter 302 Long live the intern!
“”In order to fight against the army of foreign enemies…” Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression is very complicated, so, the guardian she will become in the future is actually a member of the army?”
“”However, if everything depends on heroic spirits, then what value is there for us humans in this world? “”
“She feels that although this will ensure the survival of human beings, when will the cubs who have been protected by the eagle spread their wings and soar into the sky?”
“It seems that you and that Alaya have the same idea. “Saber smiled lightly.”
“Afterwards, she said under Yukinoshita Yukino’s suspicious eyes, “Alaya believes that even in the face of an invincible enemy, human beings in this world must fight hard for their own survival! “”
“”The Heroic Spirit Card was born under this concept! Humans who hold this kind of card can let the power of heroic spirits come to themselves through dream summoning! “”
“”Although the power of the heroic spirit is borrowed, the heroic spirit at this time is like a weapon such as a gun, and how effective this weapon can be depends on the user of the weapon! This method can effectively stimulate the bloodiness of human beings in the world, so that they will not degenerate into children who stay in the crib forever and cannot stand up. “”
“”Even in the Holy Grail War, only clones containing part of the power of the heroic spirits descend. Only when facing an enemy that human beings cannot defeat anyway, the heroic spirit itself will descend! “”
“Heroic spirits, guardians… an army for fighting against foreign enemies?” Buried Doma couldn’t help but fell into deep thought, why did he always feel like he had heard such similar words somewhere.
Not only her, Shirogane Miyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya, Hikigaya Hachiman, and Hayama Hayato could not help but fall into deep thought. Good guy, isn’t that what the Holy Master told them before? Foreign enemies will arrive soon, so they need to improve their combat effectiveness as soon as possible.
But they didn’t sign a contract with the will of the planet or the will of the human group! The only thing I saw was the Holy Master. Could it be that the Holy Lord is also working for Gaia or Alaya?
Seeing the pensive expression on Hikigaya Hachiman’s face, Yukino Yukino couldn’t help asking, “Hachiman, what are you thinking about?”
“Ah… yes.” Hikigu Hachiman nodded, thinking that there are no outsiders here, and when he asked the Holy Lord before if he could give the lucky draw props to others, the Holy Lord did say that there is no need to keep it secret, so , he told everyone about the Holy Lord.
“It’s the Holy Lord. He appeared in the last video. Not only has he been suppressing the enemy, but he has also helped Tu Jianbu twice. No matter how you look at it, he should be a good person. So, you have joined The camp of the Holy Lord, and this camp also aims to protect human beings?”
While talking, Yukinoshita Yukino frowned slightly, “However, both of them aim to protect human beings, this Holy Master always feels that he can’t compare with Planet Will and Alaya in style… Maybe the Holy Lord is also One of their men?”
“In that case, this card is a Heroic Spirit card that can use the power of Melt Lilith? “Yukinoshita Yukino caressed the card with yearning in her eyes. If she could use this power, she might be able to stop the Holy Grail War as soon as possible.”
“” Melt Lilith? Is this ARCHER’s real name? “Saber thought about it in his head, “I have never heard of a heroic spirit with this name before I was alive, so it must be a heroic spirit that appeared after my death. “”
“”Well, it’s a Heroic Spirit from the future. “Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, and then she noticed the key point in SABER’s words, she hadn’t heard it before she was alive? Could it be that these heroic spirits didn’t visit each other to chat with each other when they were in the Hall of Valor?”
“After asking this doubt, Saber said with a wry smile, “Whether it is the will of the planet or the will of human groups, they all think in a state that humans cannot understand, and they naturally cannot understand the needs of human beings.” characteristics of communication. “”
“”After becoming heroic spirits, all heroic spirits can only stay in their own small rooms waiting for missions or responding to the Holy Grail War. Normally, they cannot even go out the door. “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino was dumb for an instant, she seemed to know why her other self became like that, she was killing people constantly, and the pressure was constantly accumulating in her heart as she killed people, but she couldn’t even find anyone to talk to Now, there is no way to release the distress in my heart, and it is only natural that I ended up like that!”
“In this state, any individual will have some mental illness! The will of the planet and the will of the human group, if they are human bosses, they should definitely be hanged on the street lamp!”
“”So, you can only stay in the room in a daze until the will of the planet or the will of the human group contacts you, or the Holy Grail War occurs? “”
“”Do not. “SABER shook his head, “Whether it is the will of the planet or the will of the human group, you will not contact us, but you will contact us.The first Heroic Spirit created…or it is more appropriate to call it a phantom, his name is Holy Master! “”
“The Holy Master is really a subordinate of the sages!” Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t expect her guess to be so accurate, “Besides, the Holy Master is also a Heroic Spirit…but his Heroic Spirit looks different from other Heroic Spirits. It seems that the power is higher, not only did he not stay in the Hall of Valor all the time, but he is also responsible for the connection with other spirits.”
“So, we were pulled into that space by the Holy Master, and we actually became part of the army fighting against foreign enemies?” Bi Qigu Hachiman frowned.
It’s not because he doesn’t want to fight for humans, but because he feels that the treatment of these people is different from that of ordinary heroes and guardians. For example, when Yukinoshita Yukino became a guardian, Alaya personally recruited him, and the heroic spirit must be similar.
But what about them? From the beginning to the end, I have never even heard of the names of the will of the planet and the will of the human group! There is only one Holy Master who is responsible for their recruitment and employment… Could it be that they haven’t become regulars yet? Just a little intern now?
But when he thought that the heroic spirit or the guardian could only stay in the small room in a daze, he shuddered, and felt that this was good enough now!
Long live the interns!
Chapter 303 You are still good at being a dog
In the different space where the will of the planet is located, A Xing of the will of the planet jumped up and down in front of Cheng Yang, “Why do you want to expose us on purpose? Is there any benefit in exposing us?”
“Of course it’s to better control these SSR-level saviors. Now that there are few people, you can’t tell. If there are more people in the future, it will be difficult to lead the team if people lose their hearts.” Cheng Yang said without raising his head. .
Although Ah Xing can forcibly control the existence of everyone on this planet, naturally including these SSR-level saviors! But if Ah Xing is distracted to control so many characters, it is obviously not as flexible as these SSRs fighting on their own. What’s more, this Xing doesn’t play games very much at first glance, and the operation level is probably very good!
How about letting Ah Xing play black soul, wolf, or the old man’s ring someday to practice skills? Cheng Yang frowned, and then he shook his head. It seems that there are no such games in this world, so forget it!
Therefore, it is best to find a way to make these SSR characters obedient, and don’t make any strikes.
“Huh?” Ah Xing tilted his head curiously, “But, didn’t you throw out a Holy Master before to contact them and issue orders to them?”
Cheng Yang sighed, “Hey, I see you don’t understand at all!”
“So, you understand well?”
“Just kidding, I understand very well, okay?” Cheng Yang patted his chest with a very understanding expression.
“Then you should explain it to me.” Ah Xing blinked. Don’t care about how the light ball blinks, understand the spirit!
“Have you noticed that these SSR characters have a sense of resentment when doing daily tasks and drawing cards recently?” Cheng Yang asked back first.
In fact, he understands very well where these grievances come from. After all, there is no one who plays a card game without scolding the dog for planning! Wouldn’t someone really be a dog to plan a filial son? No way? No way? !
Even if it is a praise plan, there is only a time-limited BUFF that lasts for ten minutes at most!
Ah Xing thought about it for a while, and then said, “It seems so, but why? Don’t they want those rewards?”
“It’s because they want it, but they can only get Mapo Tofu, that’s why they feel resentment!” Cheng Yang shook his head. It’s not that he doesn’t want to get more rewards, but these fantasies need more after all. It should be used in the manufacture of SSR cards, not in these places, otherwise the cart before the horse!
The scarcity of rewards is doomed to a low winning rate!
Even, even the mapo tofu in the prize pool is made by himself! It is rare in the world for Alaya to be as miserable as him…
But fortunately, he first created a talent at the level of a chef… Many people who work in society will imagine that it would be great if they were talented in work, so this type of talent is still very good made.
It is also because of this that Hikigu Hachiman and the others did not complain about the mapo tofu becoming unpalatable! If even the mapo tofu that they get most often becomes unpalatable, then their motivation to do daily tasks and train combat literacy will probably start to decline!
“As their resentment grows, they may not obey the Holy Lord’s orders in the end! Well, although the Holy Lord has not issued any orders to them now… In short, this possibility must be killed. Just do it!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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