“Oh~” Ah Xing suddenly realized, “I didn’t quite understand! Does this have anything to do with the two of us being exposed?”
“…” Cheng Yang glanced at Ah Xing helplessly, as if he didn’t understand you, oh what! Waste my expression!
“Ah Xing, you have to know that class antagonism is destined to prevent the two parties from understanding each other! But if they are all companions of the same class, they will resonate with each other!”
“That’s why I deliberately exposed the two of us, and set it as the behind-the-scenes BOSS that occasionally shows up. Then I set the Lord as a wage earner who worked for us. In this way, the resentment of these SSR characters will be reduced.” will focus on us.”
“Because the Holy Lord is no longer their boss,They are wage earners at the same level as them! At that time, as long as the Holy Master sells miserably and complains about the difficulty of work, he will soon gain their sympathy, mix into their front, and become the boss of their front! ”
“The previous situation was, Holy Master, and them, but now the situation is, Holy Master and them, and the two of us! Under the subtle influence, Holy Master is already on their side!”
“Oh~” Ah Xing suddenly realized again, “I really understand this time!”
He said excitedly, “This is equivalent to the fact that the dog plan has created a cheating game mechanism. No matter whether the dog plan will choose to modify the mechanism, the players will not be less scolded by the dog plan! They will even choose to abandon the pit! This is what you said when the hearts of the people are scattered, the team will not be easy to lead!”
“However, if at this time, we choose a person to go undercover to the player’s interior, and scold the dog planner with the player, but at the same time scolding, inadvertently mention some advantages of the game, so that everyone’s emotions can be vented and at the same time miss It’s fun to play the game, so I won’t abandon the pit!”
“In this way, although the players scolded again and again, under the control of the undercover agents, the players basically would not abandon the game! After all, the hearts they lost for the game were reunited under the operation of the undercover agents! And now, the Holy Master is the undercover agent you launched!”
“Hmm! Not bad! Children can be taught!” Cheng Yang smiled kindly, wanting to touch his beard, but finally found that he had just shaved in the morning, so he could only touch his chin.
Then he said triumphantly, “So I also added a setting in the video that a heroic spirit can only stay in a small black room and has no freedom in life. After a while, I will cancel this setting and claim to be a saint. The Lord fought hard and won this benefit for everyone! In this way, the prestige of the Holy Lord among the people will definitely be greatly improved!”
“PIAPIAPIA…” Ah Xing clapped his hands again, and sent out the most sincere praise with the most sincere emotion, “You are still good at being a dog.”
“Hahaha, then…” Cheng Yang smiled, and suddenly realized what A Xing said just now, and the laughter stopped abruptly, “What did you say?”
“Ah bah!” Ah Xing quickly changed his words, and once again uttered the most sincere praise with the most sincere emotion, “I mean, it is worthy of being the savior I hired with a lot of money!”
Cheng Yang rolled his eyes, didn’t care about what A Xing said just now, and laughed again.
“Of course, ahahahahaha!”
Chapter 304 Isn’t he an ordinary rich man?
“”Holy Lord? Yukinoshita tilted her head, thought carefully, and finally shook her head, “There is no name I have heard of, whether it is in history or in myths and legends.” “”
“”Well, there are relatively few legends about him. After all, since he was created, he has been suppressing an enemy. Even if he contacts us, there is only a conscious connection. There are very few legends about him left, I guess few people know about the Holy Master now. “Saber nodded and said.”
“”That’s it… However, if you can only stay in the room, such a day is a bit too uncomfortable. “There was a little sympathy in Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes. In her opinion, such a life is even more painful than going to jail!”
“”No need to show mercy to us, although the number of times is very small, we will always have the opportunity to carry out the task. Moreover, being able to exist in such a way as a heroic spirit always gives us the possibility to make up for the regrets in front of us. “”
“Saber smiled and shook his head while talking, “You and your father are really different, if you are like your father, you will never have mercy on us!” To him, a Servant is just a weapon with self-awareness! “”
“Huh???” Yukinoshita’s father was dumbfounded, why is he still involved? It shouldn’t be! Isn’t his character set an ordinary rich man and an ordinary county councilor?
“Honey, you seem to be hiding something from us?” Yukinoshita’s mother twitched her lips, and her eyes towards her husband gradually became dangerous.
“Hehehe~ Dad, be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist~ If you have anything to explain to us, tell us quickly!” Yukinoshita Haruno said with a smile.
“I don’t know! What kind of magic, heroic spirit, I really don’t know anything!” Yukinoshita’s father wanted to cry without tears. He felt that now he felt as if he had been slandered, and he was speechless. That kind of person!
“It’s possible that father didn’t know about it. After all, didn’t we the parties know about these things before this?” Yukinoshita Yukino said something fair.
Sure enough, Yukino is my good daughter! Yukinoshita’s father was a little relieved, but for some reason, he always felt that everyone’s attitude towards him was clearly disbelief!
“”my father? Yukinoshita stood up in surprise, “Saber, do you know my father?” “”
“”Well, I also participated in the Holy Grail War last time, and my master was your father at that time! “SABER seemed to remember what happened back then, and his expression was a little gloomy.”
“”I said before, my scabbard is inside your body, right? That scabbard is a holy relic used to summon me, but it was buried in your body by your father! It is precisely because of this that you can summon me. “”
“After SABER finished speaking, she looked at her in surprise, “Speaking of it, Yukino, you don’t seem to know magic at all. Could it be that your father never told you these things? “”
“”No. Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head, “MyMy father barely talked to me about these things, and besides, he died when I was about ten years old… If he hadn’t left me a large sum of money, I might not be alive at all. “”
“Pfft!” Yukinoshita’s father couldn’t hold back at all, he couldn’t care less about the so-called elegance, and spewed out a mouthful of salt soda, “Am I dead? Or did I die when Yukino was ten years old?” ?! This is too miserable! How did I die?!”
Yukinoshita’s mother didn’t pay attention to the issue of her husband’s death, but noticed another important point. In the video, Yukinoshita Yukino said that if her father hadn’t left her a large sum of money, she wouldn’t be able to survive at all… The question is, where did her mother go?
She gently stroked her chin, and an unbelievable fact came to her mind, “So, I’m dead too?”
“”is that so? I thought that a person like him would definitely impose his own wishes on his children, and let the children continue to carry that wish forward. “Saber said with a sigh.”
“”Someone like him? desire? Yukinoshita Yukino frowned slightly, “SABER, I always feel that you have some opinions on my father, is it my illusion?” In my memory, my father was a very nice and gentle person. Can you tell me, what happened between you and your father? “”
“”Gentleness… It’s hard to imagine that this type of words would appear on that man. “SABER pursed her lips, her eyes were very complicated, “If you want to hear about your father, then I will tell you everything. “”
“”Your father is not a traditional magician, but a man known as a magician killer. He does not have the sense of honor like a traditional magician, but is a despicable person who will use any means to kill people! “”
“”Yes, despicable ones! In the eyes of the world, he is such a man! Cold and ruthless, as long as the goal can be achieved, no matter who he can give up, no matter who he can use! All magicians are ashamed of him… But correspondingly, almost no magician can survive his assassination safely! “”
“”Despicable person… is this a mistake? Although I was still young at that time, my father shouldn’t be that kind of person! “Yukinoshita Yukino said hurriedly.”
“”Well, in terms of means, he is indeed a despicable person, but in terms of purpose… there is no doubt that he is noble, even if he is a murderer! “”
“Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino’s anxious appearance, SABER didn’t let it go, “His purpose is to make everyone in this world happy! “”
“”In order to fulfill this dream, he can use all despicable means to eradicate the enemy, just to let himself get the Holy Grail… and as a result, he did get the Holy Grail for a short time. “”
“Speaking of this, a little anger appeared in Saber’s eyes, “That’s right, the last Holy Grail War, the combination that finally won was us! But just when we were about to make a wish, his consciousness sank into the Holy Grail, and when he came out, he immediately ordered me to destroy the Holy Grail with the Command Seal! “”
“”That was the closest I was to saving my country! But he destroyed my dream so lightly, without even an explanation! “Saber clenched his fists tightly, “Perhaps in his opinion, there is no need to communicate with weapons at all, right?” “”
Chapter 305 She Feels Too High
“”The Holy Grail was destroyed? Then why is the Holy Grail War still going on now? “Yukinoshita Yukino asked curiously, since the Holy Grail is broken, why are they fighting this war now? To grab the pieces of the Holy Grail war?”
“No, it was only the Lesser Grail that was destroyed. The Lesser Holy Grail is just a container, which is responsible for accommodating the coming of the power of the Great Holy Grail. As long as the Great Holy Grail is still there and enough power is accumulated, the Holy Grail War will not stop. “”
“”That’s right. Yukinoshita Yukino nodded knowingly, “But why did father order you to destroy the Holy Grail?” According to what you said before, the Holy Grail is the way to realize your father’s ideal, right? Why did he give up his ideal? “”
“At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino is in a very uncomfortable mood. When she first heard that her father had the same ideals as hers, she seemed very happy. But in the end, his father also showed that by ordering SABER to destroy the Holy Grail. His determination, he…has given up on that ideal!”
“That’s right, Dad, why did you destroy and order Saber to destroy the Holy Grail? It’s rare to get such a so-called universal wishing machine, so it’s a pity to give up like this.” Yukinoshita Haruno sighed In tone, it seemed quite a pity.
This is the universal wishing machine! Who wouldn’t want such a good thing! Even if she doesn’t need it, just watching other people use it is a kind of enjoyment!
“How do I know about this kind of thing…” Yukinoshita’s father had a dark face, only feeling that the person in the video must be an idiot! Otherwise, how could he not even want the kind of treasure that was so hard to get!
“So, what about that Yukinoshita Haruno? Saber, do you know what she has to do with my father? “Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly thought of the Master of Berserker.”
“That kind of name pattern makes her have to think about it! Before, she had always trusted her father and never thought about illegitimate children. But now, since she knows that her father has lied to her so much, she has to think about it. her fatherDid you hide something more from her? ”
“”Ok, I know! “Saber nodded lightly, “She is also your father’s daughter!” But unlike you, that child has probably been living a life of despair. “”
“”She is also my father’s daughter…that is to say, is she also my family? SABER, what does it mean to live a desperate life? Is she having a hard time? ! Yukinoshita Yukino asked anxiously.”
“”I don’t know how to tell you… After all, I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, but what I can tell you is that it must be a despair far beyond your imagination! “”
“Looking at SABER’s confident eyes, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but be speechless for a long time.”
“That night, Sawagoe Hachiman was standing in a villa, and a man’s body was lying motionless on the ground, with a lot of blood pouring out continuously. Obviously, this man couldn’t be colder anymore.”
“Beside Sawagoe Hachiman, there is a servant wearing a black robe and a skull mask on his face. At this time, this servant is surrounded by a lot of black mud!”
“These black mud seems to have life, constantly churning, devouring this follower.”
“The servant didn’t say a word, just stared at Sawagoe Hachiman. After a few seconds, he was finally completely swallowed by the black mud!”
“But just after this servant was swallowed by the black mud, he emerged from the black mud again in just a moment! And he who reappeared, not only did not become hostile to Sawagoe Hachiman anymore, but the The aura is also completely different from before! It is an aura that makes people feel frightened just by looking at it!”
“Heh heh heh…that’s it, Hachiman, let’s go! Devour all the followers! “Zegoshi Yuki’s cold voice sounded in Zegoshi Hachiman’s ears again.”
“”All… devour…” Sawakoshi Hachiman’s eyes were blank, he just repeated these words softly and walked up to the second floor of the villa. He has no house to live in, and he already regards this place as his new home. ”
“Early the next morning, when Yukinoshita Yukino was still making breakfast for Saber, Yuigahama Yui hurried in, “Xiaoyuki, I found the trace of Hachiman! “”
“”what? Yukinoshita Yukino paused the spatula in her hand, and in Saber’s disappointed eyes, she quickly put down the spatula in her hand and untied her apron, “Yui, have you really found Hachiman?” ! how did you find it When did you see him again? “”
“Hey, Xiaoxue, don’t forget that I am a magician! Yuigahama Yui chuckled, “Because I had to supply ARCHER’s magic power before, I couldn’t use a large number of familiars, but now it’s different. After losing ARCHER, I provided more than a hundred familiars in one go!” Let them look for the trail of Hachiman. “”
“Well, that’s it. Yuigahama Yui took out a hamster from his bag, “These familiars kept wandering around the city, and then sent the pictures they saw to me. Just last night, the hamster saw Hachiman go to a villa in the suburbs! “”
“So, is Hachiman all right? that is really good! While heaving a sigh of relief, Yukinoshita Yukino was also a little puzzled, “But, since Hachiman is fine, why didn’t he come to me?” “”
“”This… I don’t know either, could it be that he is still controlled by someone? Yuigahama Yui also played with her hair in confusion, but then she laughed, “But no matter what, since we know where Hachiman is, we have to go see him!” “”
“”Ah, right! She clapped her hands suddenly and asked, “That BERSERKER really won’t attack us, right?” “”
“No, she’s not that kind of person, definitely not…” Yukinoshita Yukino pursed her lips, ever since she knew that Yukinoshita Yang was her sister, she had a crush on that poor girl a special emotion.”
“Xiao Yukino, who do you think is your younger sister?!” Yukinoshita Yoshino looked at her sister dangerously, she was clearly an older sister, how could she become a younger sister!
I didn’t expect you, Yukino Yukinoshita, who looks thick and big-eyed, would actually take advantage of her in this kind of place!
“After all, the you in the video look very small, there is no way to do it.” Yukinoshita Yukino was also a little embarrassed, but at the same time, she was also a little excited.
how to say? Calling her elder sister a younger sister made her feel a sense of excitement involuntarily! This feeling as if she wanted to push her sister down, even made her feel that she was too high!
Chapter 306 Damn, Why Does She Not Have a Heroic Spirit Card?
“Because they were afraid of what might happen if they were late, neither of them hesitated, so they took a day off and went to that villa.”
“”Xue Nao, wait! “When we first arrived at the villa, SABER’s heart was full of alarms, and he quickly stopped Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui.”
“”What’s wrong, SABER? Yukinoshita was a little puzzled when she was grabbed by SABER, but she also knew that if she hadn’t noticed something, SABER would not have stopped them from moving forward.”
“Sure enough, Saber then said with a solemn expression, “There is the breath of a follower! The only remaining servants besides me are LANCER, ASSASSIN, and BERSERKER. However, BERSERKER or LANCER, I have fought against both of them, their aura is not like this! “”
“”As for the ASSAssin, the servant of this job agency, has the job skill of breath concealment, so I shouldn’t be aware of it! But from the reasoning point of view, only ASSASSIN is possible! You must be careful, dare to take the initiative to expose your aura, this ASSASSIN is definitely not trivial! “”
“At this time, SABER doesn’t know that Lancer has also left the stage.”
“”Assassin… is that the assassin? SABER, can you feel where he is? “Yukinoshita Yukino looked around, but didn’t see any trace of the enemy.”
“”I can feel that ASSASSIN is hiding in the villa! “Yuhihama Yui has a worried expression.”
“ASSASSIN and Sawagoe Hachiman are staying in the same villa, which can only explain two things, either, ASSASSIN is a follower of Sawagoe Hachiman! Or, Sawagoe Hachiman is controlled by the master of ASSASSIN!”
“No matter what the situation is, it’s not a good thing for them!”
“”Well, that’s right, ASSASSIN is in that villa, and now he is exuding his own aura, probably trying to lure us in? “”
“Saber held up the sword of vowed victory in his hand, and said very vigilantly, “If there is no one else inside, I can release the treasure directly and destroy the entire villa together with ASSASSIN!” But the person Xue Nai wanted to find was there, so I could only break in and fight him alone! “”
“”Wait, SABER, do you want to go in alone? Yukinoshita Yukino said in a panic, “Let me go in together!” I, who has a heroic spirit card, can also help me a little bit! “”
“Indeed, once the fantasy summoning is used, Yukinoshita Yukino can obtain the power of another self, the heroic spirit Meltlilith! They are equivalent to having two servants on their side. In the coming battle, you will undoubtedly have the upper hand!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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