“However, in the face of such a proposal, Saber shook his head, “Yukono, as I said, hero cards are just weapons, and it takes a lot of training to bring out the power that a weapon should have! “”
“”Even if the child holds a pistol, if he can’t even open the safety of the pistol, then what is this extremely powerful pistol to the child? For this kind of person who doesn’t know how to use a pistol, even a fruit knife has an advantage over a pistol! “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Saber, “Besides, I am a servant who signed a contract with you! So, I will protect you, I will swing my sword for you, this is my mission! “”
“Listening to SABER’s firm words, Yukinoshita Yukino sighed after being silent for a moment, “I understand, Yui and I will wait for you outside. Saber, be careful! “”
“Well, I know. You also have to be careful, if ASSASSIN is here, then his master must be here too! Be careful not to be attacked. “SABER finally laughed, and then walked into the villa without stopping.”
“Seeing the pace of SABER’s departure, Yukinoshita Yukino put her hand into her purse, and gently held the heroic card in the bag, her expression was extremely complicated, she had never been so longing for it like this moment strength!”
“If she had the power, she wouldn’t let Sawagoe Hachiman go missing. If she had the power, she wouldn’t watch Saber go there alone.”
“She’s starting to swell.” Xiaoniao Youliuhua folded her arms, nodded her head lightly, and the dull hair on her head moved.
“How did you see that she was swollen?” Fu Jinglu asked in surprise, and then looked at Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua’s rice bowl, and his blood pressure soared, “I told you, don’t be picky eaters! Why do these Tomatoes and green peppers can be picked out by you without any mistakes!”
“This kind of red fruit, as well as that kind of green ingredients, will do some damage to my magic power, and they are inedible things!”
Xiaoniao Youliuhua explained seriously, and then said, “The reason why I said she swelled up is because she was chased away by various servants before, but now after taking a heroic spirit card, she started to fantasize To be able to fight the heroic spirit head-on, this is simply a joke!”
“She doesn’t have my invincible evil king’s true eyes. How could she be able to fight a heroic spirit just by using a heroic spirit card? Impossible!”
Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua said sourly, damn it, she really wants to have a hero card! With the true eyes of the evil king, once she gets the hero card, she will become the new savior of this world!
“The moment Saber stepped into the villa, she suddenly felt that the breath of ASSASSIN disappeared!”
“It’s breath cover!”
“Could it be that ASSASSIN’s real target is Yukino and the others? Saber panicked for a moment, but only for a moment! At this moment, she realized that if she wanted to attack Yukino and the others, at the beginning, ASSASSIN You won’t take the initiative to reveal your breath!”
“Directly inIs it not good to attack Yukino and the others while hiding their breath? It is not so much that ASSASSIN is hiding his aura and intends to lurk out to attack Yukino and the others, it is better to say that ASSASSIN is planning to launch an attack while Saber is in a panic! ”
Chapter 307: Older Sister Takes Control
“Having figured this out, SABER immediately closed her eyes, and began to think carefully about where ASSASSIN should be at the moment. Suddenly, she opened her eyes suddenly, and brought up the sword of vowed victory hidden by the wind king’s barrier in her hand. With a terrifying whistling sound, it slashed behind me!”
“ASSASSIN, you are right here! “”
“Following a roar, Saber’s sword of vowed victory seemed to have slashed on something, making a crisp sound.”
“Assassin’s figure was also revealed. Although the face was hidden by the skull mask, the eyes exposed from the mask clearly showed a somewhat bewildered expression. He didn’t understand that he had already hidden his breath. , How did it get discovered by SABER!”
“And what surprised him even more was that the dagger that had just been chopped in his hand made a breaking sound at this moment, and then broke in two!”
“Of course, the dagger in his hand is not a treasure after all, it’s just an ordinary dagger! How can such a dagger compare with the star-made sacred weapon – the sword of vowed victory in terms of sharpness and toughness?” Comparable to it?”
“Although ASSASSIN doesn’t know what the weapon that is hidden by the wind in Saber’s hand is, at least he can tell that it is definitely Saber’s Noble Phantasm! Moreover, that Noble Phantasm is absolutely extraordinary!”
“SABER quietly felt the breath of ASSASSIN, holding the long sword tightly with both hands. She could feel that the overall strength of this ASSASSIN was weak! She estimated that as long as she used her magic power to hit the opponent once, it would be enough to knock him out. to death!”
“After all, ASSASSINs are assassins, and their advantage is that they can conceal their aura and assassinate the master. Once they give up this advantage and choose to fight other heroic spirits head-on, basically no matter which heroic spirit they face You can only live at a disadvantage!”
“”Since you have shown yourself, die, ASSASSIN! what! “After distinguishing the strengths and weaknesses of both sides, SABER immediately raised his sword and bullied him, but the small man erupted with a terrifying force! And the long sword swung by the terrifying force even caused a huge explosion in the air. !”
“Just hearing that loud noise, ASSASSIN’s whole body shivered. Saber’s strength far exceeded his expectations!”
“He dodged back immediately, and threw a few daggers at the same time, trying to inflict damage on Saber when she swung down the blade and couldn’t adjust her posture for a while.”
“However, in a way beyond his comprehension, SABER changed the direction of the sworn sword of victory, chopping off the incoming daggers one after another!”
“Feeling the strong storm that overflowed when the blade was swung, ASSASSIN immediately understood! If he is hit head-on with that terrifying attack power, he will definitely die!”
“Thinking of this, ASSASSIN immediately fled around in the villa. As an assassin, he shouldn’t fight Saber head-on!”
“However, Saber naturally doesn’t intend to let him go, and while following him closely, he releases the storm wrapped around the sword of vowed victory!”
“”Wind, roar! Wind King Hammer! “”
“The sword of vowed victory in SABER’s hand released an extremely terrifying compression storm. The storm seemed to completely destroy the entire villa, wantonly destroying all the furniture in the villa! The entire corridor became dilapidated in an instant !”
“In Saber’s expectation, this blow would kill Assassin as long as it hit him! But unexpectedly, Assassin, who was hit by this storm on the back, looked like a fish swimming in the water Generally speaking, I started to swim in the storm!”
“”How is this going? ! “”
“SABER was taken aback, but at this time, ASSASSIN had already flew in front of SABER at an extremely fast speed by relying on that storm!”
“Then, the dagger thrust out!”
“At this moment, switch offense and defense!”
“The attack unleashed by SABER became a tool for ASSASSIN to counterattack in an instant! This is by no means something that can be done by a person with only strength without actual combat! It can be done only after hundreds of years of experience. Warriors of war!”
“Why do you feel that this sentence is DISS me?” A little black line appeared on Yukinoshita Yukino’s head.
In the previous video, she was told by Saber that she just got power but didn’t know how to use it, just like a child who got a pistol but didn’t even know how to open the insurance. Then there was a wonderful operation that only a fighter who had gone through a hundred turns could play, and she felt offended.
“Hey hey, Xiao Yukino wanted to follow her just now, what is this called, overreaching her own strength…isn’t that right?” Yukinoshita Yoshino smiled.
Although it sounds like she is teasing her sister, only she knows that the deeper meaning of this sentence is to warn her sister that it is better not to take risks when she is not strong enough.
Well, my sister is in control.
“Yangnao!” Although Yukinoshita’s mother understood the meaning of this sentence,But she still frowned and stopped Yukinoshita Yono’s words.
Someone who can’t be the savior dares to talk so much!
On the other hand, Hikigu Hachiman fell into a little thought at this moment. To be honest, even if he was training in the space created by the Holy Master before, he was actually just sparring with other people casually.
At that time, he didn’t think there was any problem with that kind of sparring. In the eyes of ordinary people like them, being able to exercise until they were out of breath was already exhausted.
But now after seeing this wonderful scene, he understood why the Holy Master always said that their abilities were not enough… It was not that their strength was not strong enough, but that their fighting skills were too weak!
Now they are not much different from children holding pistols! At most, they know how to open the insurance… but they don’t know anything about aiming! Even if he shoots, it is estimated that he can only shoot human body strokes!
“That’s right, after all, Yukinoshita Hachiman is Yukinoshita Hachiman who has experienced many battles, and I have nothing to do with Bikigu Hachiman. Even if I fought those zergs before, I only relied on the performance advantage of surpassing the Insect Instrument and the Hundred Insect Sword. ” Hikigu Hachiman murmured with a complicated expression.
At this moment, he finally understood why the Holy Lord told them that in that space, the speed of recovery would be greatly accelerated. Because, without showing the determination to kill or be killed by the opponent, what is the difference between this kind of exercise and playing house? !
Thinking of this, Hikigu Hachiman’s dead fish eyes ignited his fighting spirit and confidence for the first time without being affected by the knight’s belt!
“Since this is the case, let’s cultivate with the determination to die! The reputation of the other one cannot be tarnished by me!”
Not only him, Hayama Hayato, Shirogane Miyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya, Doma Bui and others also understood this, and their eyes were lit with fighting spirit. Even if there will be danger in the future, they should be the people of this world to fight, instead of pinning everything on the long-gone heroic spirit!
Chapter 308: The Dark Shadow Devouring Saber
“Facing ASSASSIN’s attack, Saber was only surprised for a moment, and immediately dodged to the side, narrowly dodging the dagger.”
“Afterwards, Saber swayed slightly, and switched places with ASSASSIN. Both of them looked at each other vigilantly.”
“Seeing the puzzlement on Saber’s face, ASSASSIN said as if showing off, “The protection from the wind, this is an essential thing for frequent visitors in the desert. “”
“So, the wind is ineffective against you?” Only then did Saber come to his senses, but what followed was another kind of doubt, “Why did you tell me this?” During the Holy Grail War, it is common sense to hide one’s real name, Noble Phantasm, and skills! “”
“SABER is right. After all, in war, intelligence is also an extremely important part. Many powerful heroic spirits are defeated by the strange skills or treasures of weaker heroic spirits due to lack of intelligence. This kind of thing is not to mention. They are all, but they are real!”
“”Hehehe…” ASSASSIN grinned, and that laughter seemed extremely strange in this quiet villa, “Because, I just need to stop you, the one who is really fighting you is not me! “”
“”What did you say? “Saber was startled at first, and instinctively thought in her mind whether ASSASSIN has formed an alliance with other servants.”
“But then, countless black shadows pierced through the floor and walls, and attacked Saber!”
“”what is this? ! “SABER looked at these black shadows in surprise, and she sensed a terrifying and dark aura from these black shadows!”
“You must not be caught by such a thing!”
“After making up her mind, she kept waving the sword of vowed victory in her hand, knocking back the shadows one after another!”
“However, within a short time, more black shadows suddenly appeared!”
“Finally, without her noticing, a black shadow pierced through the floor and wrapped itself around her feet! Immediately afterwards, countless black shadows wrapped around her body, eroding her body bit by bit !”
“”Uh! ! “SABER let out a cry of pain. She could feel that her magic power was disappearing rapidly! Once the magic power disappeared completely, she might be swallowed by the black mud!”
“”ASSASSIN, you bastard, what the hell is this…””
“”As long as you are a follower, you will definitely not be able to resist this black shadow! Even if you have A-level anti-magic power, it is useless. After all, this is not magic, or magic. “Assassin didn’t answer, just said such horrible words indifferently.”
“”And before you were swallowed by that black shadow, I took your heart. “”
“Assassin unwrapped the black cloth covering his right arm, revealing the incomparably weird right arm hidden in it. Not only was the whole body blood red, but the whole arm was very long, much longer than his left arm. That’s very abnormal!”
“There is no doubt that this is his Noble Phantasm!”
“”Although I am just an assassin, before I take your heart, I will declare my name, my name Hassan Sabah! This arm is exactly the arm of the demon Satan, which I obtained through painstaking efforts and ancient spells! “”
“”Although it has gone through a lot of hardships and endured a lot of pain, it is finally obtained. But, needless to say, the strength of this arm is worthy of the pain I have endured, and it is also a means of victory! “”””As long as I can get a drop of your blood with this arm, I can create a fake heart that interacts with the real one in an instant, and the moment I crush the fake heart, your life will end here! Facing the attack of this arm, no matter what kind of armor it is, it is meaningless! “”
“EMMMM…” Shinomiya Kaguya fell into a little confusion, “Didn’t it mean that you must hide your real name, treasures and skills? But why do these followers always have to use the way their treasures take effect? , and the effects? Do they have cat cakes in their heads?”
“Maybe it’s because I’ve been in that little black room for a long time, so it’s rare to have someone to talk to, so I can’t help but want to say a few more words?” Hayasaka Ai tilted her head and thought for a while and said.
Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and said, “It seems reasonable. If a person is locked up for such a long time, it’s not bad to not be driven crazy. It’s only natural that he wants to talk to others.”
Cheng Yang said, if he didn’t tell all about the effect, how could he make a treasure?
Although he also felt that this seemed a bit abrupt, but after thinking about it, he felt that the audience should automatically make up their minds. Sure enough, there are already viewers who are automatically brainstorming and helping him fix the BUG.
“”ZABANIYA (Delusion Heart Sound)! “”
“As ASSASSIN shouted angrily, he rushed towards SABER, and at the same time stabbed out that incomparably weird right hand towards SABER’s heart. Once blood is taken by him, SABER will probably end there!”
“Facing the ASSASSIN attacking him, Saber gritted his teeth and resisted the erosion of the black shadow, the blade in his hand slammed down, “Wind King Hammer! “”
“It’s been said that Feng is sorry for me… Wait, what is your goal? ! “Assassin was proudly showing off his protection from the wind, but in a blink of an eye, he saw that the target of Saber’s attack was not himself, but the floor on which he was going to land!”
“If he chooses to just fall like this, then he will definitely sink into the floor due to the broken floor, lose his flexibility, and become a living target! In that case, Saber may take his life in an instant !”
“”As expected of Saber, who is known as the strongest job agency, even in this desperate situation, he can find opportunities to fight back. ASSASSIN sighed, resolutely gave up the attack, stepped on the wall, turned back and left here.”
“With the ravages of the Wind King’s hammer, the entire corridor in the villa was completely destroyed. When the dust cleared, there was no sign of Saber at the scene.”
“Assassin watched this scene quietly, even though his arm was injured by Saber’s sword before, and he was bleeding continuously, he didn’t care.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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