“Even if you were completely eroded by the shadow, you tried to kill me at the last moment… Should I praise you for your dedication? “”
“Laugh, ASSASSIN has left here in spirit form, and he is going to find the next target!”
Chapter 309 He likes watching beautiful girl posts the most
“…Darkness…Darkness…Endless darkness surrounds Saber’s figure…”
“She closed her eyes tightly, and said to herself with a dejected expression, “It’s me, did I lose? If Yukino is alone, is it really okay? Although she has lost her servant, the other contestants will not attack her again… But with her character, she will definitely try her best to prevent the killing of the Holy Grail War, right? “”
“But just as she was talking to herself, another familiar voice suddenly sounded, “At that time, why did you give up your resistance against the shadow and attack ASSASSIN?” “”
“”Assassin’s Noble Phantasm, although it sounds powerful, is nothing more than a curse in the end, and curses are naturally a type of magic! Curses of that degree, relying on A-level ignoring magic power would be enough! So, why attack ASSASSIN? “”
“”who is it? ! “Hearing this familiar voice, SABER suddenly opened his eyes and looked behind him.”
“The moment she saw that person clearly, her pupils shrank sharply, and her face was full of disbelief. What appeared in front of her was another SABER wearing a black skirt and exuding a dangerous aura!”
“”Who am I, you ask? The black SABER showed an indifferent smile, “Isn’t this… obvious?” “”
“”Another me…” SABER muttered to himself.”
“Wait, why will another SABER come out?” Yukinoshita Yukino was a little dumbfounded, could it be that SABER is still schizophrenic?
This black space looks like a spiritual space, she guessed that there should be no problem with schizophrenia, right?
“I think, this is probably another SABER from the parallel world?” Hikigu Hachiman guessed a possibility.
After all, didn’t Yukinoshita Yukino who answered the call from the future appear before? Now that there is a King Arthur from a parallel world, it shouldn’t be a big problem! It is better to say that it is reasonable!
But Hikigaya Komachi obviously has a different opinion, “But, if this is a SABER from a parallel world, how did she come and be with this SABER?”communicative? All the servants have already shown up, and there are no more job placements. ”
“Maybe, this SABER has already returned to the Hall of Valor?”
“”You haven’t answered me yet, why did you give up resistance and choose to attack ASSASSIN? “The black SABER stepped forward, those cold eyes stared at the blue SABER, “You should know, to obtain the Holy Grail, to make a wish, so that the motherland of Britain can be saved, this is exactly the wish of ‘I’ , the obsession with ‘I’! “”
“”But now, you are thinking that if you keep resisting the black mud, ASSASSIN will try to use the treasure on you and find that it doesn’t work, and then kill Yukinoshita Yukino while you are in a stalemate with the black mud. That’s why you made up your mind to find a way to get rid of ASSASSIN! “”
“”The result…is what it is now, you who gave up resisting were completely swallowed by the black mud! You have lost the possibility of getting the Holy Grail! “”
“The black SABER asked full of doubts, “Is that woman more important than the Holy Grail, than ‘my’ wish, than ‘my’ obsession? ! “”
“”That’s right! Facing the aggressive black SABER, the blue SABER nodded calmly, “For me now, Yukino is more important than the Holy Grail!” If the price of getting the Holy Grail is to make Yukino lose her life, then I would rather discard the Holy Grail! “”
“SABER!” Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the video with tears in her eyes, never expecting that she would be confessed by a girl… This should be considered a confession, right?
Hikigu Hachiman watched this scene in silence, nothing, just felt that the picture was a little girly… Then, he got a little excited, he likes to see two beautiful girls posting posts the most!
“The black SABER was taken aback, then laughed angrily, “Is that so? For a woman who has only known him for a few days, it is too ridiculous to abandon his wish! What’s even more ridiculous is that you tried your best to kill ASSASSIN, but you couldn’t kill it in the end! Oh, so boring! Leave this body to me! “”
“Back in time to when SABER was entangled in black mud and used the Wind King/Iron Hammer at the last moment.”
“With the loud noise, the whole villa began to collapse!”
“” SABER! “Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but exclaimed, and then, she felt a tingling pain in her hand!”
“When she looked down at the back of her hand, she found that the Command Seal on the back of her hand was fading rapidly! In just two or three seconds, the Command Seal disappeared completely!”
“”Command spell, disappeared? “She widened her eyes and looked at this scene in disbelief. She knew very well what this meant, but it was precisely because she knew it that she couldn’t believe it!”
“The king of knights who is famous all over the world – SABER, was defeated by ASSASSIN!”
“”is that a lie? “Yugahama Yui also said in disbelief, SABER, who is the strongest job agent, would actually lose to ASSASSIN, the weakest job agent in a frontal battle?”
“It seems that you have already understood the fact that SABER has disappeared. “”
“Assassin, who disappeared as a spirit, appeared next to the two of them. Perhaps in his opinion, two ordinary magicians can stab them to death by throwing a dagger. There is really no need to sneak attack them with a concealed aura.”
“”who? ! “Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly raised her head, only to see a strange man wearing a skull mask and a black cloak behind her not far from them.”
“Feeling the terrifying sense of oppression, both she and Yuigahama Yui understand that this is ASSASSIN!”
“” Yukino, back off! “Yugahama Yui pulled Yukinoshita Yukino back, and threw all the gems in her hand!”
“Facing the servants, especially the servants who defeated Saber, she dare not hold back at all!”
“After seeing these gems, ASSASSIN’s face changed slightly, and he quickly dodged away. After all, he doesn’t have such a useful skill against magic power!”
“Although Yuigahama Yui is only a magician among humans, gem magic itself can store magic power in gems, and when it is used, it will explode with terrifying power! Throw all these gems together. If he doesn’t hide, It will definitely hurt!”
Chapter 310 Maybe a gas explosion?
“All the gemstones exploded in an instant, the strong flash and the huge roar, even in broad daylight, such an explosion is enough to cause a commotion in the whole city!”
“EMMMMM…” Looking at the terrifying explosion, Yuigahama Yui fell into deep thought.
Ebina Himina noticed her deep thinking, touched her arm with her elbow, and smiled softly, “What’s the matter, Yui, have you been shocked by your own powerful strength?”
“It’s not that I was shocked.” Yuigahama Yui shook his head slightly, and said doubtfully, “I just suddenly remembered, didn’t the video say at the beginning that this Holy Grail War must ensure enough secrecy? It’s best It’s the kind that everyone doesn’t notice.”
“However, RIDER flew around on a pegasus at night, SABER’s terrifying light cannon treasure, CASTER caught people everywhere to replenish his magic power, Lancer burned down the entire villa, and now this huge explosion… I will I want to know, where is this hidden?”
“Uh…” Ebina Himina and Miura Yuiko froze immediately, and even looked at Yuihama Yui with suspicious eyes. This could be something that stupid and cute Yuihama Yui came up with? Shouldn’t it be dropped by aliens? !
“What’s the matter with you?” After Yuihama Yui finished speaking, he saw two little friends looking at him with strange eyes, and couldn’t help being a little strange, “Is there something wrong with what I said? It’s really not secret at all Well!”
“No, no, you’re right! It’s really not very secretive.” Miura Yuiko was also embarrassed to say that she was dissing Yuihama Yui in her head just now, so she quickly followed the topic, “But I think since everyone If you are a magus, there must be some way to make the people forget about that, right?”
“That’s right, that’s right, like the hint magic that Ze Yuezhi used before!” Ebina Hime said quickly, but she reacted quickly, and immediately remembered the magic that Ze Yuezhi used.
“However, even if there are hints of magic, such as explosions and coma, these things really exist, right? It’s unlikely that people will forget them all, right?” Yuihama Yui thinks that no magician can have such a big magic Magical power, giving a hint to a whole city.
“That’s right.” Yumiko Miura nodded and thought about it, “Then, maybe there are some media people doing public relations to get these things out of the way?”
“How to fool? Such a big thing!”
“Gas explosion?”
“Uh… It seems to make sense. The gas leak caused some people to faint, and then the leaked gas caused an explosion, even blowing up the villa!” Yubihama Yui said, her eyes became brighter and brighter, she I even feel that I am full of wisdom!
“As for Tianma, it can be explained by the fact that people inhaled a lot of gas and had hallucinations! Well, there’s nothing wrong with it!”
“Hehehe, good power, but no matter how powerful a weapon is, if it can’t attack the enemy, then it’s meaningless! “After all the gems exploded, ASSASSIN, who had just run away, ran back in an instant, and his agility attribute was quite high!”
“”Is it a lie, you actually ran away at the moment of the explosion? ! “Yuhihama Yui’s face changed, and then she smiled wryly, she has no extra gems!”
“However, even without gems, she can still fight ASSASSIN with ordinary magic! Want her to surrender and wait for death? Impossible! Thinking of this, her eyes become firm!”
“Just when she was determined to fight ASSASSIN to the death, Yukinoshita Yukino’s voice slowly sounded behind her, “INSTALL (dream call)! “”
“A bright light flashed, and Yukinoshita Yukino’s body changed into that of Melt Lilith!”
“”ARCHER? No, no, is it Yukino? “Yuhihama Yui turned around, her eyes widened, she almost thought that ARCHER had come again!”
“Heroic Spirit Card! “Assassin recognized the essence of this transformation in an instant, but what he couldn’t understand was that the Heroic Spirit Card will only come to the hands of the world when there is a major event that can cause mass death of human beings! How could someone hold a Heroic Spirit card in a Holy Grail War?!”
“ASSASSIN, let me be your opponent! “Yukinoshita Yukino slid lightly under her feet, but… because she was not proficient in moving in this way, she almost fell into the ground.”
“”Humph! So what if you have a Heroic Spirit card? Guys without combat experience will only make people laugh! “Although I feel that the basic stats of Yukinoshita Yukino who has used the Heroic Spirit Card far exceed my own, ASSASSIN has no fear at all!”
“Heroic spirit cards only provide power but not combat skills. Otherwise, what is the difference between that and the arrival of the heroic spirit itself? And the guy who only has power but doesn’t know how to use it, just like holding the account of the strongest king, broke into It’s the same as entering the king’s ranking game, except for being tortured and killed, it has no meaning at all!”
“Thinking about this, ASSASSIN casually threw three daggers at Yukinoshita Yukino. According to his judgment, these three daggers were enough to kill her!”
“”This body is so difficult to control! “Meert Lilith’s body is far more difficult than Yukinoshita Yukino imagined. Her hands are blurred and she can’t make precise movements at all. The only thing she can rely on is her legs!”
“Even when it was difficult for her to adapt to this body, ASSASSIN’s dagger came along with her! Could it be that she is going to die here?”
“Not only is there no way to avenge Saber, but is it even necessary to die here so ridiculously?”
“”How could it be… How could it be possible to die so simply! “Yukinoshita Yukino let out an angry roar, and lightly exerted force on her right foot, causing her whole body to jump into the air, as if she was waltzing! She even escaped the dagger attack at the moment when it was about to hit her!”
“”Huh? It seems that there is still some ability. “Assassin’s tone was slightly surprised. This girl who looks so weak actually has some sense of fighting. Could it be that she has had some basic training?”
“That’s right, although it can’t be called too powerful training, but Yukinoshita Yukino has indeed learned aikido systematically! If it wasn’t for such a little foundation, Lancer might have killed him in the first place!”
Chapter 311 This is too much for her appetite
“”I wanted you to die without pain. ASSASSIN took out a dagger again, “But since you refused that safe way of death, then I will cut off your limbs first, and then cut your throat!” “”
“Suddenly burst into the voice of ASSASSINThere was a cold killing intent, and then his body flickered, and he disappeared in place! ”
“”! ! ! “Yukinoshita Yukino was startled. She vaguely felt a gust of wind coming. Before her brain could understand this, her body was already moving!”
“With a crisp sound, the sharp blade on Yukinoshita Yukino’s right foot blocked ASSASSIN’s dagger!”
“However, ASSASSIN is a Heroic Spirit after all, so how can he be blocked so easily?”
“After being blocked by the dagger, he immediately threw out a dagger with his other hand, stabbing straight at Yukinoshita Yukino’s neck!”
“But Yukinoshita Yukino dodged this attack by tilting her head slightly. Although it was difficult for her to use the two sharp blades on her feet to move, she could still just stand still and move other parts of her body. Arrived!”
“Assassin was about to turn a thorn into a thorn, trying to cut Yukinoshita Yukino’s neck, but suddenly there was a roar like a giant beast!”
“”Roar! “”
“As the violent roar sounded, ASSASSIN felt trembling all over his body, like a sheep being targeted by a lion!”
“”It’s BERSERKER? ! “”
“When ASSASSIN saw the servant who suddenly appeared out of the corner of his eye, the stone ax in BERSERKER’s hand had already smashed towards his head!”
“If he is hit by this axe, there is no doubt that he will immediately turn into a puddle of meat!”
“The huge and heavy stone ax is as light as a piece of white paper in Berserker’s hands. With the whistling sound of the stone ax swinging, the stone ax turned into a stream of light and smashed down fiercely!”
“The huge stone ax hit the ground, blasting a huge hole in the ground!”
“But ASSASSIN has already jumped far away. Obviously, he just dodged the blow at the very moment!”
“BERSERKER, and Ono? Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the two of them in surprise, “Why are you here?” “”
“”I just felt the breath of battle here, so I came to take a look… But it looks like, has Saber already lost? “Yukinoshita Haruno lightly pointed her chin with her index finger, that smile looked very cute.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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