“The next moment, with the swiping of the pitch-black holy sword, a jet-black light burst out that seemed to swallow everything up!”
“This light swallowed Berserker, passed over Berserker’s body, and completely destroyed everything it touched!”
“This…couldn’t be the Wind King’s Hammer?” Yukinoshita blinked her eyes and looked at this scene stupidly, “Why is the Wind King’s Hammer that SABER summoned earlier than the treasure I summoned from SABER?” Still scary? Isn’t the gap too big?!”
She felt offended! Is her magic really that bad? Although she is not a magician, this is too miserable!
“It should be because the magic power is too strong? Didn’t I say it before, the current SABER’s magic power level is A++ level.” Even though he said so, Yukinoshita Yoshino also couldn’t understand why the current SABER has such Exaggerated magic?
“From the previous video, it can be seen that the black mud gushed out of Hachiman’s body, and when the black mud swallowed ASSASSIN and SABER, the two of them appeared again. So, now the two of them are signing with Hachiman Is it the contract? If that’s the case, isn’t Hachiman’s magical power too strong?”
Yukinoshita Yoshino was slightly stunned, it was very difficult for others to drag one follower, but it was better than Kigu Hachiman, with two followers, they could still squander their magic power at will.
“”BERSERKER! “Even though she knew that Berserker still had many lives to live, Yukinoshita Yoshino still panicked at this moment. She has never seen Berserker being suppressed to such an extent!”
“When the dark light dissipated, BERSERKER’s bruised body was revealed in front of everyone, even his body tougher than steel was injured like this, one can imagine how terrifying the power of that attack just now was! ”
“Ah, ah… ho! “BERSERKER let out a roar like a wounded animal, and was about to raise the stone ax to attack again.”
“However, Black Saber’s speed is even faster! The black holy sword in her hand erupted with jet-black light. From a distance, it looks like a black lightsaber!”
“As the black lightsaber swung down, Berserker’s tough muscles were easily cut open like a piece of paper!”
“”Roar…” BERSERKER knelt heavily on the ground, and his roar became smaller and smaller. In the end, he fell to the ground, and even his eyes lost their luster!”
“The invincible BERSERKER has fallen again!”
“”You didn’t even use the Noble Phantasm, just increased the release of magic power, and killed Berserker once? ! Just how strong is this SABER’s magical power! Could her magical power be infinite? ! “Yubihama Yui said in panic, facing this black SABER who killed so much, she can be said to have no sense of security at all!”
“Just as Berserker fell, Black Saber seemed to have done something, and the stagnant black mud not far away surged towards us!”
“”Roar! “When BERSERKER was revived because of the twelve trials, the black mud had flowed to his side and entangled his body!”
“”BERSERKER! Yukinoshita Haruno exclaimed. When the black mud entangled Berserker’s body, she finally understood what the black mud was! She also finally understood why she felt that the followers could not resist the black mud! ”
“This is the power that emerges from the Holy Grail! Not only that, but this power is also polluted by a deep malice. As long as it is a heroic spirit, I am afraid that it will not be able to resist this pollution!”
“Because this pollution comes from the human heart! For heroic spirits born on the basis of human beliefs and emotions, this kind of pollution can be described as the most poisonous of all poisons!”
“”Roar…roar…” BERSERKER tore the black mud on his body with difficulty, but his body fell down slowly, and the tentacles made of black mud bound his body, making him unable to move anymore !”
“”BERSERKER…stand up, stand up! BERSERKER! Yukinoshita Yoshino yelled worriedly, “You are the strongest hero!” “”
“”When those magicians ignored my wishes, ignored my physical state, and wantonly transformed my body, it was you who appeared and saved me! For me, you are the best hero! So stand up, BERSERKER! “”
“The black SABER who has been silent all this time said a rare sentence, “Give up, as long as you are entangled in this black mud, you will never be able to escape!” At this moment, Berserker no longer has the glory of a hero, but is like an undead. “”
“…” Yukinoshita Yangno’s expression froze, she knew, she knew about this kind of thing! But because she knew, it was even more difficult to accept!”
“Tears from the corners of her eyes fell gently, and a deafening cry came from her small body, “BERSERKER! “”
“”Roar! “As if in response to Yukinoshita Yono’s shout, Berserker’s arms broke free from the tentacles of the black mud. Even though his body was covered in bruises from the erosion, he still did not hesitate at all!”
“Is it because, as a BERSERKER, he has no reason and no fear of life and death? Or is it because his concern for Yokinoshita Yono made him break through the boundary of life and death!”
Chapter 315 It’s Natural for My Sister to Protect My Sister
“BERSERKER…you can do this for me…” Yukinoshita Haruno’s expression was very complicated, although she thought that BERSERKER was a big muscular man, and his appearance was very hideous! But I have to say that this behavior of breaking through the restrictions of the black mud in order to save her moved her very much.
“I don’t know where BERSERKER is now… probably in the small black room in the Hall of Valor.” Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yono sighed, “Hey, the Hall of Valor is good, it’s Black The house is too scary, who can stand being locked in there all the time.”
“”It actually broke through the erosion of black mud? ! “Black Saber’s voice contained deep horror. She didn’t understand why she was able to defeat the black mud when she was clearly just a frantic warrior, a warrior without self-awareness!”
“However, the reality didn’t give her much time to think. Berserker, who broke free from the bondage of the black mud, has already rushed in front of her!”
“Even before she could react, I reached out and grabbed her head!”
“The power on the feet exploded, BERSERKER lifted the black SABER’s head and jumped several feet high, and then smashed heavily into the ground!”
“Like a shell falling to the ground, the black SABER fell to the ground, making a huge hole!”
“…” The black SABER came out of the pothole silently, and resisted Berserker’s attack, but her body was unscathed!”
“”Just kidding! How on earth did she do it? ! “Yuhihama Yui just felt dumbfounded, it was BERSERKER! He resisted head-onHow could it be unscathed after an attack! ”
“”It’s the magic armor on her body! Yukinoshita Yoshino saw Black Saber’s tricks in an instant, “Relying on her abundant magic power, she is reshaping the magic armor on her body all the time!” “”
“”If you want to hurt her body, you have to break through the armor in an instant, and still have enough power to hurt her after breaking through the armor! Otherwise, the magic armor that was just broken will recover in the next moment! “”
“”Reshaping armor all the time? Could her magical power be infinite? What the hell is going on with this SABER! “Yubihama Yui said in disbelief, and then wailed, “Who is acting as her master now! How could ordinary people have so much magical power for her to act on! “”
“”It’s the Holy Grail! It is precisely because of relying on the Holy Grail that she can have this almost infinite magical power! “Yuno Yukinoshita returned to that indifferent look at this time, her eyes seemed to have made some kind of determination, “Yukino, Yui, run away and stay here, but there will be no good results. . “”
“Yang Nai, what did you say? ! “Yukinoshita Yukino looked at her in surprise, never would have thought that Yukinoshita Yono who has always been extremely confident would say such a thing!”
“She said such a thing, she has already shown that she admits that Berserker will lose in this battle!”
“”BERSERKER is indeed the strongest hero! But… it is meaningless to face SABER with almost infinite magic power! No matter how you fight, BERSERKER will eventually lose, so, until then, run away. “Yinoshita Yono looked at Berserker who was fighting Black Saber in the distance, and said softly.”
“What about you, Yang Nai? “Yukino Yukinoshita actually understood what she meant, but how could she just leave Yukinoshita Yono and run away alone!”
“”Don’t worry about me, since BERSERKER can break through the black mud for me, then I will stand here for BERSERKER and see to the end! Even if I’m facing the black SABER, I can’t do anything… But, I must at least let Berserker know that I’m always by his side! “”
“”Yuno…” Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to be trying to persuade her, but suddenly, her eyes froze! She could feel a murderous intent approaching Yukinoshita Yangno!”
“Yang Nai, be careful! “She yelled, and pushed Yukinoshita Haruno away.”
“And at this moment, a figure holding a dagger appeared out of thin air, and cut Yukinoshita Yukino’s arm! If she hadn’t pushed Yukinoshita Yono out of the way, Yukinoshita Yoshino at this time would probably have died It has turned into a corpse!”
“” Yukino! Yukinoshita Yoshita, who was just pushed away, staggered and adjusted his figure, then looked at Yukinoshita Yukino’s wound in panic, “Are you okay, Yukino?” “”
“”I’m fine. “Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head, quickly tore off a piece of cloth from her clothes, and tied it to the wound.”
“” Yin Nuo! “Yuhihama Yui, who has been hanging up the phone, can’t care about the loss of magic power, and has released several shots in a row. The basic attribute of ASSASSIN is low, even if it is a magician like her, once it hits ASSASSIN, it is enough. hurt him!”
“It seems that he was also afraid of Yuigahama Yui’s attack, and ASSASSIN’s figure quickly faded away again, probably retreating temporarily.”
“After forcing ASSASSIN back, Yuigahama Yui quickly said, “This place is not safe, we must leave quickly! Otherwise, the attack of ASSASSIN will come again! “”
“”No, you can’t go! But Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head, “I just felt that ASSASSIN’s goal is Yang Nao!” Since the goal has not been achieved, even if he temporarily retreats now, he will definitely come back soon! “”
“”I’m going to beat ASSASSIN here! “Yukinoshita Yukino took out the heroic spirit card, her eyes gradually became firm!”
“”Stupid you! Now that you know that the target is me, then run away quickly and don’t come back again! “But Yukinoshita Yoshino grabbed Yukinoshita Yukino’s hand and snapped angrily, “Have you forgotten the ending of your previous battle with ASSASSIN? If it weren’t for me, you would have died in ASSASSIN’s hands long ago! “”
“Ah, you’re right, if you hadn’t come to save me, I would have died long ago. ” Yukinoshita Yukino broke away from her hand, with a gentle smile on her face, “So, this time it’s my turn to save you. As an older sister, it is natural to protect my younger sister, right? “”
Chapter 316 This is “My knife is covered with poison?”
“”Say, sister…” Yukinoshita Yono seemed not expecting to hear such words from Yukinoshita Yukino’s mouth, she couldn’t help being a little stunned, and her eyes were a little moist.”
“She has long been abandoned by her father, and besides Berserker, this is the first person who cares about her like this!”
“” INSTALL (dream call)! “Yukinoshita Yukino used Dream Summoning again, and changed into the appearance of Melt Lilith.”
“”Huh? He even used the power of the Heroic Spirit Card again… Don’t you think that after only ten minutes, you can compete with me? “ASSASSIN’s cold voice sounded around them.”
“The next moment, Yukinoshita Yukino’s heart rang an alarm.”
“”Here it is! “”
“Although she didn’t see ASSASSIN, Yukinoshita Yukino keenly sensed the direction of ASSASSIN’s attack. She turned slightly sideways, and the spikes on her feet easily blocked ASSASSIN’s dagger! ”
“”what? ! “Assassin’s voice was a bit surprised, he suddenly felt that his breath masking was like a joke! It was fine if he was seen through by Saber first, but now a random little girl can see through him who has turned on the breath masking! This is very Unscientific!”
“What he doesn’t know is that SABER has an inherent skill that can detect the future for a few seconds, which is close to future vision-intuition! As for Yukinoshita Yukino, she thought of the direction of ASSASSIN’s attack last time, and she thought that a person should be able to There is a habit, obviously, she bet right!”
“However, even if the attack is blocked, ASSASSIN is not the kind of person who is going to die after receiving a little blow. He was only surprised for a moment, and then the dagger in his hand turned around and cut towards Yukinoshita Yukino’s neck. go!”
“In his plan, Yukinoshita Yukino will definitely try to dodge. He has discovered before that after using this hero card, his hands will become very inflexible and basically unusable!”
“And if you can only use your feet, with her current unskilled appearance, if she forcibly blocks his dagger, there is only one possibility of falling down! Because she is standing on only one foot now!”
“But what ASSASSIN didn’t expect was that Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t choose to dodge, but slashed her foot off! It seems that she would rather choose to resist ASSASSIN’s knife, and let the blade on her foot cut his body!”
“Assassin frowned slightly. After a little weighing in his mind, he chose to change his target. His strength is higher than that of Yukinoshita Yukino. There is no need to choose to die with her!”
“With the sound of a blade cutting his body, ASSASSIN distanced himself from Yukinoshita Yukino, and a wound was cut on his arm by the blade.”
“”It’s actually possible to do this kind of thing, not bad! “Assassin’s indifferent tone could not hear any joy or anger, but he did have a hint of wonder in his heart. He was able to adapt to this power in such a short period of time. Even if he was not proficient, it really hurt him!”
“” Yin Nuo! “Yuhihama Yui saw that ASSASSIN seemed to be lost in thought, and immediately released a magic bullet in his hand!”
“Assassin glanced at her, his body twisted in a very strange way, dodging several magic bullets one after another. After that, he immediately threw three daggers at Yukinoshita Yukino, and he also With a dagger in hand, he bullied him.”
“At the scene, among several people, only Yukinoshita Yukino is the biggest threat to him! He decided to get rid of her first!”
“Although Yukinoshita Yukino had the upper hand in the fight just now, ASSASSIN doesn’t think he is weaker. In his opinion, the injury just now was more caused by his underestimation of the enemy! And This time, he won’t underestimate the enemy!”
“Ding! Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!”
“What ASSASSIN didn’t expect was that Yukinoshita Yukino easily knocked off the three daggers, and then swung the blades on her feet, hitting him back and forth!”
“At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino is no longer as jerky as before. She sometimes soars into the air, and sometimes spins on the spot, just like dancing ballet on the stage, she looks so gorgeous.”
“However, ASSASSIN didn’t appreciate this beautiful dance at all. The more he hit him, the more panicked he became! No matter how he swung the dagger, Yukinoshita Yukino could accurately block the dagger! It’s unbelievable, this woman Just ten minutes ago, I was a rookie who almost fell down while walking!”
“It’s not right, it’s not right! Something must be wrong!”
“Assassin, who was thinking like this, finally realized that his movements have long since become sluggish, and his originally superb fighting skills have also become stiff… Not only has the opponent become stronger, but he has also become weaker!”
“When he finally understood this, Yukinoshita Yukino’s blade pierced his heart!”
“”…” ASSASSIN stared blankly at the blade piercing his heart, and couldn’t figure out how he would lose in such a place, “What on earth did you do to me? “”
“”…MELT virus. After a moment of silence, Yukinoshita Yukino explained softly, “This is my inherent skill. As long as you inject the MELT virus into the opponent’s body, you can transform the dissolved part of the opponent into your own!” Skills, mana, and combat skills are all parts that can be dissolved and taken away. “”
“”However, intangible things such as spirit or skills are really difficult to transform into ‘my own things’, so they can be transformed into ‘my own things’, that is, magic power and combat skills! Thank you, ASSASSIN, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have mastered the art of fighting so quickly! “”
“”So, it was that time…” A flash of lightning flashed through ASSASSIN’s mind. At the last moment of his life, he thought of the time when Yukinoshita Yukino’s blade cut his arm.”
“Since then, my defeat has been doomed… ASSASSIN smiled wryly, “It’s really embarrassing to fall into this situation by accident. I hope that the old man will not take the head away because of this. “”
“After sighing, ASSASSIN’s body turned intoThe light spot completely disappeared. ”
“…” Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the video in a daze, MELT virus? What kind of ghost skill is this! Why does it feel like a terrorist BU playing with biological and chemical weapons!
Moreover, why is there a virus on the blade? Could this be the legend – my knife is covered with poison?
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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