Different from her ignorant mood, Hikigu Hachiman seemed very envious, “You don’t even need to train, and you can directly steal the fighting skills from your opponent, which is great!”
Chapter 317 Maybe I’m an assassin too
“Who is this old man that ASSASSIN is talking about?” Kato Megumi tilted his head thinking, seeing how scared he was, he must be a very powerful person, right?
Afterwards, she chuckled lightly and said jokingly, “Speaking of which, I am often ignored by people. Is this also the so-called veil of breath by ASSASSIN? Am I also an assassin? Hehehe, open a joke~”
Fantasy is fantasy, reality is reality, and she can still tell the difference between the two!
“When Yukinoshita Yukino killed ASSASSIN, Black Saber also released his Noble Phantasm, and the jet-black light swallowed Berserker’s body in an instant.”
“Yukinoshita Yonoshita, who sensed Berserker’s current situation, was instantly stunned, “How is that possible! He actually killed several lives of BERSERKER in one breath! “”
“She can feel that the current BERSERKER has only one last life! After being killed once, he will be completely lifeless!”
“”I’ll help him! “Yukinoshita Yukino hurriedly slid the blade under her feet and rushed towards the battlefield.”
“After absorbing a lot of fighting skills from ASSASSIN, she thinks she won’t be able to hold back.”
“Just when she arrived at BERSERKER, a deep voice rang in her ear.”
“Yukinoshita Yukino…is that your name? “”
“”It’s me, are you? Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Berserker in surprise, “Is it possible that you are Berserker?” “”
“Yes, I am BERSERKER. Berserker said with a bit of bitterness in his voice, “The black mud has eroded me more and more, making me gradually break away from the contract with Yang Nao…Thanks to this, I regained a little bit of reason. “”
“Really, that’s great! In that case, it should be able to compete with the black Saber, right? “Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes lit up, Berserker who has no sense at all is so strong, how strong should he be after regaining part of his sanity?”
“However, Berserker’s next words were like a bucket of cold water poured on her head, “I’m sorry, I can’t do it!” When the black mud erodes me completely, I will be controlled by the black mud just like Saber over there. Therefore, not only can I not be a helper, but I will become your enemy in the near future. “”
“”How could this be…” Yukinoshita was dumbfounded for a moment. A black SABER alone is already difficult to fight against. If you add a black BERSERKER, you can basically lie down and die.”
“So, I want to ask you one thing… kill me, use your MELT virus to absorb my fighting skills and the remaining magic power! I have only one last life, before I am completely corroded by the black mud, I will not resist, kill me completely! “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino was silent for a moment, finally nodded and said, “I see! “”
“She also understood that now is not the time to hesitate. After making up her mind, she immediately activated the treasure, “Dissolve everything, Benzaiten five-stringed pipa!” “”
“Sliding the blade under her feet, along Berserker’s huge body, she danced a beautiful dance, but hidden under that gorgeous dance is a deadly murderous intent!”
“The newly resurrected BERSERKER really didn’t have any resistance. Yukinoshita Yukino’s treasure pierced through his neck, and the MELT virus also injected into BERSERKER’s body.”
“” Yukino! What are you doing, Yukino? ! “Yuhihama Yui is so stupid, she never thought that Berserker didn’t die in the hands of the enemy, but died in the hands of her own people!”
“But Yukinoshita Yono, who saw this scene, showed a sad smile, “BERSERKER…this is your expectation. “”
“The BERSERKER that lost its last life turned into a spot of light and gradually disappeared in place. In a trance, Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to see the giant stretching out his hand to her, “Yuno, I will leave it to you to protect.” . “”
“”Seeing that BERSERKER is about to be controlled by the black mud, should we kill him as soon as possible? It has to be said that this is a wise judgment. “The black SABER spoke only now.”
“Prior to this, she has not acted, probably because she thinks that no matter what means the enemy uses, she can’t compete with her? I have to say, such a judgmentThe judgment is both arrogant and extremely accurate. ”
“Watching Berserker disappear completely quietly, Yukinoshita Yukino could feel a large amount of magical power pouring into her body, and a lot of fighting skills appeared in her mind, all of which came from Berserker!”
“”Well! “When those skills flooded into her mind, she couldn’t help but groaned while clutching her head. Too many things poured into her mind in one breath, which almost completely collapsed her mind!”
“But… the desire to defeat Kuro Saber, to protect Yuigahama Yui and Yukinoshita Haruno’s heart, finally made her resist this pain!”
“”Huh? Have you recovered? “Hei SABER’s expression was a little surprised, “I thought, you would be completely crushed by that pain, and you would lose your will and become a living dead. “”
“Don’t underestimate me, Saber. “The corner of Yukinoshita Yukino’s mouth twitched slightly, as if she was still enduring great pain, the next moment, she rushed forward with the blade sliding under her feet.”
“Facing Yukinoshita Yukino’s fierce attack, Black Saber didn’t lose the slightest bit. Even, because Black Saber is stronger, she gained the upper hand as soon as they fought!”
“Ding! Ding! Ding!”
“The two of them, Yukinoshita Yukino, turned into a streamer, sometimes attacking with the blades on their knees, and sometimes attacking with the blades under their feet, like a drum washing machine, spinning wildly around the black SABER!”
“Drum washing machine… What kind of strange metaphor is this!” Yukinoshita Yukino narrowed her eyes slightly, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. She saw in the video that she could entangle with King Arthur for a period of time in such a short period of time, but it was very difficult. happy!
It turned out that the video actually said that her attack method was like a drum washing machine? It’s outrageous!
Chapter 318 For Archer, it doesn’t matter whether he can use a bow or not
“But, Yukino, this really looks like a front-loading washing machine.” Yukinoshita Yoshino said with a smile.
Hard, hard! The fist is hard!
Listening to what her sister said, Yukinoshita Yukino’s two fists were clenched hard!
At the same time, she warned herself in her heart… If there is another battle in the future, she will never circle around the enemy again! Whoever loves this drum washing machine should be the one!
“EMMMMM…” Kudo Shinichi, who hasn’t grown up yet, touched his chin and looked at the video thoughtfully, “I don’t know why, but I always feel that the word washing machine is quite suitable for me?”
“However, Black SABER is King Arthur after all. She has almost unlimited magic power at this moment, and she is in a very good state! Even if Yukinoshita Yukino’s speed is so fast that she can’t stop all attacks, but Yukinoshita Yukino’s weak The attack can’t even break her defense!”
“”…” Black Saber frowned slightly as she fought, she could feel that Yukinoshita Yukino’s strength became stronger with the battle!”
“In the beginning, the armor on her body didn’t feel any sensation after being attacked. But now, she can already feel some power coming into her body through the armor! Let Yukinoshita Yukino continue to grow stronger, and her armor will sooner or later It will be broken!”
“”Is it a skill to continuously improve one’s own strength as the battle continues? “”
“Listening to Black SABER’s guess, Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t say anything, but the attack speed was a little faster.”
“”Humph. “Hei SABER snorted coldly. Although she didn’t get an answer, she knew that she had guessed right! If this is the case, then release the magic power in one go, use a wide range of attacks, and end the battle!”
“Suddenly a terrifying magic power erupted from her body, trying to shake Yukinoshita Yukino away, but Yukinoshita Yukino sensed the moment the magic power erupted, and immediately moved away from the black SABER. Then, the black SABER held up The sword of the vowed victory in the hand, the black light gathers on the sword!”
“”Is it a treasure? “Yukinoshita Yukino, who just landed, felt this terrifying aura, and felt that all the nerves in her body were sending out alarms, and she absolutely must dodge this attack!”
“Although the black SABER guessed the reason for her power increase, she only guessed half of it! This skill called Evil Ballet has a huge side effect–as the power increases, the defense power will also continue to decline! ”
“The current her, I am afraid that any ordinary attack can kill her, let alone a Noble Phantasm! If it is not because her agility attribute is A+, far surpassing Black Saber, she may have been hit long ago, and then cold It’s cold!”
“”EXCALIBUR MORGAN! “Hei SABER shouted the true name of the treasure, and the pitch-black holy sword suddenly slashed down, and the light that seemed to swallow everything burst from the sword to the sky! From a distance, it was like a ray of light splitting the whole world become two halves!”
“After the light finally dissipated, there was only a scarred ground left, and there was nothing else.”
“”It’s over…wait! “Hei SABER suddenly moved her gaze to the left hand side, she could feel that Yukinoshita Yukino’s aura has not disappeared yet!”
“”Escaped in such a short time? “There was an unconcealable surprise in her tone, even Rider, who was riding a Pegasus, couldn’t escape from this treasure! Is her speed even faster than Pegasus?!”
“Archer who is faster than Pegasus… Hey, I thought this archer was not serious at all, but I never thought that he could be so serious!”
Shinomiya Kaguya complained heartbrokenly, “I thought that she just didn’t need a bow and arrow, but her speed is too fast! What is such a fast speed?ARCHER, be a RIDER for me! ”
“Miss Kaguya, we can’t think like this.” Ai Hayasaka shook her head and said, “Didn’t it be said in the previous video that the will of the planet and the will of human clusters don’t understand human thinking? Of course, we humans must not understand their thinking.” thinking.”
“What are you trying to say, Hayasaka?”
“I want to say that in their eyes, maybe the one who runs fast should be an ARCHER! As for whether you can use a bow or play close combat, it doesn’t matter!” Ai Hayasaka said in a deep voice.
“It seems to make sense…” Kaguya Shinomiya tapped her chin with her index finger and nodded slightly.
“Just when black SABER was surprised, Yukinoshita Yukino also activated the treasure, “Benzaiten five-stringed biwa! “”
“Black Saber’s face darkened, and the sword of the vowed victory in his hand once again gathered a dark light. It is impressive that he is going to activate the treasure again. She is the one to waste the infinite magic power!”
“The light that seemed to devour everything, as if to cut the world in half broke out again.”
“However, her Noble Phantasm this time also failed to hit the extremely fast Yukinoshita Yukino! Instead, the blade at Yukinoshita Yukino’s feet cut through the armor on Kuro SABER’s chest in an instant, and was even still on the new Yukinoshita Yukino Before the magic armor was formed, it pierced her heart!”
“Black Saber’s movements stopped for a moment, she could feel that her spirit base was constantly collapsing. This victory or defeat, she lost…”
“”An EX-rank Noble Phantasm? In addition, the long-term battle before has improved your own strength… No wonder you can penetrate my armor in an instant. “Hei SABER sighed expressionlessly, and finally fell to the ground, his body began to collapse, and gradually turned into spots of light.”
“This time, I also failed to save my motherland… There was a little sadness in her eyes, and those bright jewel-like eyes quietly looked at the sky, waiting for her disappearance… Until, a familiar figure came Come up to her, occupy her eyes.”
“” SABER. “Yukinoshita Yukino gently knelt on the ground and grabbed Black SABER’s hand, “Maybe, you will feel that you are not the right king, so you will try your best to get the Holy Grail, so that the king selection ceremony back then restart. But, among the kings I know, you must be the best king. “”
“”In all of you, you only know me, the king. “A smile appeared on the corner of Black SABER’s mouth, and I don’t know if it’s relief, or because this joking tone relieved the depression in my heart.”
“”Yeah, but it’s enough to know only you, the king. I think the knights under your command must also think the same way. “Yukinoshita Yukino said with a smile.”
“”…” Black SABER stared at Yukinoshita Yukino quietly, without speaking. Then, her body completely dissipated.”
“Looking at the dissipated black SABER, Yukinoshita Yukino feels lost. The Holy Grail War is finally coming to an end.”
“On the other hand, Yuki Sawakoshi’s sinister laughter sounded when he noticed Saber’s exit.”
“”Hehehe… All the heroic spirits have all left the field. With the foundation of the seven riding heroic spirits and the most primitive malice in human hearts, the eighth riding servant——AVENGER (Avenger) will finally be summoned by me Out! At this point, I will be above all human beings! “”
Chapter 319: The Clown Is Actually Myself
“During the last Holy Grail War, Ze Yuezhi chose to go through the back door, intending to summon the strongest servant, but accidentally summoned the eighth cavalry servant——AVENGER, but unfortunately, that AVENGER was very weak, and soon died. defeated.”
“He thought that the Holy Grail War would end like this, but to his surprise, after the AVENGER exited, his unique malice actually polluted the Holy Grail!”
“The holy grail that is polluted cannot normally fulfill the wish of the victor, but will fulfill the wish of others in a malicious way!”
“For example, the winner wishes to become the richest man in the world. Under normal circumstances, the Holy Grail should give the winner a lot of money and make him the richest man in the world. But the polluted Holy Grail will choose to kill everyone except the winner. In this way, the winner will naturally be the richest man in the world…because he is the only one in the whole world.”
“The man from the Yukinoshita family, after realizing this, immediately ordered his servant SABER to destroy the Holy Grail, cutting off the possibility of anyone making a wish during that Holy Grail War.”
“But…it was also that act that allowed Ze Yuezhi to see the opportunity to fulfill his wish!”
“He sneaked to the battlefield, picked up a fragment of the Holy Grail, and then found a child who was born with a large number of magic circuits—Hikigaya Hachiman, now named Sawagoe Hachiman!”
“After he abducted Sawagoe Hachiman, he buried the Holy Grail fragments in his body, and used his insect magic to transform Sawagoe Hachiman’s body every moment, transforming Sawagoe Hachiman into a false Holy Grail!”
“At the same time, his magic also enhanced Sawagoe Hachiman’s perception of pain. All this is to continuously arouse the resentment in Sawagoe Hachiman’s heart, so that his malice can resonate with the malice that pollutes the Holy Grail, so as to achieve control The effect of the Holy Grail!”
“But what Ze Yuezhi didn’t expect was that this guy, Ze Yue Hachiman, even though he was treated in such a desperate way, he still has kind thoughts in his heart!”
“However, although the process was a bit rough, he finally let the malice in Sawagoe Hachiman’s heart burst out! Look, this black mud full of malice, even the followers can’t resist!”
“”huh huh huh huh! Next, justUsing Sawagoe Hachiman’s body as the basis to summon an AVENGER, with the hands and feet I used on Sawagoe Hachiman before, I can control that AVENGER immediately! With the help of my followers, from now on, I will be the god of all mankind! The world must obey my rule! Hahahahaha! “”
“Ze Yuezhi seems to have thought of something happy, and his smile gradually became rampant. He worked so hard to make Ze Yue Hachiman into this appearance, and even made himself into this appearance of being neither human nor ghost. , isn’t it just for this moment?!”
“Rule the world?!” Ze Yuezhi’s eyes lit up instantly. If he could rule the world, wouldn’t he be able to enjoy the beautiful girls from all over the place? From now on, those with an appearance of less than ninety-five are not even worthy of using the weapon system!
But after being excited for a moment, he began to feel depressed, “It’s all turned into this picture of people, ghosts and ghosts, who knows if the weapon system can still be used! If the weapon system can’t be used, world domination is still a problem.” What’s the point?”
And more importantly, he is very clear that this is a video used to expose those unknown saviors, not a video of a villain like him! Therefore, there is no need to think about it at all, he must be completely cold… He is probably about to be kicked to death by that Yukinoshita Yukino.
“Hey, I still have brain problems in the video, what’s the point of ruling the world! My sister, my daughter, my granddaughter, and my daughters-in-law, can you let me use the weapon system freely? ?”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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