Of course, Hikigaya Hachiman didn’t want to be bald either, so the two siblings agreed to forget about it.
“”…” In the entire store, a group of people froze for a moment, and then ran away!”
“Just kidding, don’t run away quickly, are you still waiting to die?!”
“But SABER stopped them immediately, with a cold tone, “Wait, you have food left!” It is shameful to waste food, do not waste food! “”
“A group of people who should have been terrified immediately became fanatical, and they all knelt on one knee, “Yes! “”
“There is no doubt that this is Saber’s skill—the leadership has begun to take effect.”
“The store manager who watched this scene with his own eyes wiped the sweat from his forehead and murmured, “I’ve heard rumors that men like darkness…could it be true? “”
Chapter 322 Good friends should act together
“”Well, Ms. Saber, are you a little tired from work today, should you go back and take a rest first? “The store manager walked up to SABER and said cautiously.”
“Although the store was destroyed by SABER, for some reason, the store manager didn’t dare to get angry at all. He almost instinctively put himself in the position of a subordinate… Sure enough, as a man, he is also destined to be unable to escape the name. For the dark XP system?”
“Hmph, will you be tired at this level? “The blackened SABER snorted coldly, seeming very disdainful.”
“The next second, she fell to her knees on the ground, “I’m so hungry that I can’t stand up, I will never say it!” “”
“”Hasn’t this already been said? “The store manager was speechless, and then he immediately said flatteringly, “Miss Saber, the store has prepared a staff meal for you, would you like to enjoy it now?” “”
“Have you prepared the staff meal yet? “Saber’s eyes lit up, and she immediately waved her hand, “Get the staff meals immediately!” “”
“The rest of the maids who had already been conquered by SABER immediately went to the back kitchen to take out several bowls of staff meals. SABER took the rice bowls unceremoniously, and ate them up in a few mouthfuls, “Delicious! Give me some more bowls! No, even bring out the pot for me! “”
“The starving SABER stayed in the maid cafe like this, eating happily until late at night before returning.”
“”Yue Nao~ I’m back~” Black SABER, who was drunk and drunk, walked into the house like a middle-aged uncle, holding a wine bottle in his hand.”
“Welcome back, SABER. Yukinoshita Yukino quickly walked out of the kitchen with a smile, “Why do you drink like this?” I just made dinner, do you want some first? Or should I make you some hangover soup first? “”
“”Uh…” Black SABER’s face turned red, and he returned to his original shape in an instant, and even the dull hair grew back.”
“What kind of weird picture is this… Why does it look more and more like a drunk husband returning home and seeing a gentle and considerate little wife?” Miura Yuiko’s mouth kept twitching, only feeling the one man and one woman she had formed for a long time Women’s views on love are collapsing.
CP can be evil, but not evil! CP can be down-to-earth, but not down-to-earth!
But then, she became happy for Yuigahama Yui, “That’s great, Yui, if this Yukinoshita and Saber get together, Hikigaya Hachiman will be yours!”
“Huh?” Yuigahama Yui tilted her head, with a question mark on her face, what’s the matter? Why can’t she understand?
Is there anything weird about the picture in this video?
As a woman who will have a slight lily tendency with Yukinoshita Yukino in the future, she doesn’t think it’s a problem at all!
“Yuki, I have something for you. “Saber walked over slowly, and took out a small thing from the bag, “I gave you a gift, I went to work for several days, and I saved enough money to buy it. “”
“Ah, so beautiful, thank you, Saber. “Yukinoshita Yukino took the gift and found that it was a beautiful hairpin, and her eyes lit up immediately.”
“”It’s fine if you like it. “Saber also seemed very happy.”
“”Yukino…don’t be obsessed with all of this…” A familiar voice suddenly sounded in her ear, Yukinoshita Yukino looked around for the speaker in surprise, but she didn’t see the third person besides herself and SABER. ”
“”What’s wrong, Yukino? “Saber looked puzzled, obviously, she didn’t hear that voice.”
“”No…it’s nothing. “Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated for a moment, wondering if she was too tired and had auditory hallucinations.”
“Afterwards, she smiled and pulled SABER into the living room, “SABER, let’s have dinner. “”
“”Oh! “Saber’s eyes lit up and she cheered. Even though she had eaten a lot before, she still wanted to eat now! A woman with a king’s stomach will never be full!”
“The next night, Yukinoshita Yoshino ran in happily, and then hugged Yukinoshita Yukino, “Yukino! I’m here to play! “”
“Yang Nai, why are you here? Yukinoshita Yukino was a little surprised, but also felt a little difficult, “But I didn’t prepare so many ingredients, dinner should only be enough for me and Saber.” “”
“”Eh? It’s rare for me to come over for a meal. “Xue Shixia Yang is the old Gao with pouting corners of his mouth.”
“Yukinoshita Yukino was about to comfort herSuddenly, she clapped her hands together and said, “By the way, you can let BERSERKER go shopping!””
“”BERSERKER? “Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned for a moment, can that kind of irrational muscular monster go out to buy things?”
“After hearing such doubts, Yukinoshita Haruno crossed his waist like a marvel, “Hmph, don’t underestimate Berserker! Although he is an irrational berserker, his intelligence is still comparable to that of a six-year-old child! “”
“”That’s why you don’t feel at ease…” Yukinoshita Yukino’s mouth twitched a few times, no matter how you think about it, it would be a little uneasy for a six-year-old to go shopping, right?”
“But Yukinoshita Yoshino didn’t care about Yukinoshita Yukino’s worries at all. She summoned Berserker with confidence, and then pointed at the supermarket in the distance with her little hand, “Come on, Berserker, bring me delicious ingredients Buy them all back! “”
“”Roar! ’ BERSERKER roared, then crashed into the wall and jumped straight out.”
“”…” Yukinoshita Yukino looked numb, and has to spend money to renovate the house again.”
“Berserker, who jumped out of the room, was walking happily on the way to the supermarket. Suddenly, he saw a man in a blue tights.”
“He vaguely remembered that this was his good friend who fell in love and killed him! He used his not-so-high brain capacity to think about it. Since they are good friends, they should act together!”
“At this time, Lancer has not noticed that a good friend is coming to him, he is just squatting by the river fishing, grinning from time to time, “That guy SABER, didn’t I just pluck her stupid hair? As for doing this to me? It hurts me! Wait for me to catch a fish and make up for myself. “”
“Just as he was talking, he suddenly found himself flying out of thin air.”
“”Um? what’s the situation? Can I still fly out of thin air? “”
“Afterwards, Lancer felt that someone was lifting his head and lifted him up!”
Chapter 323: The Blue Spearmen of Spinning Assault
“”BERSERKER? ! Hey, what are you doing, put me down quickly! “”
“Lancer realized who was lifting him up, and immediately frightened and kept shaking like a fish, for fear that Berserker would crush his skull if he didn’t pay attention.”
“”Roar! “BERSERKER tried to communicate with LANCER using his original language.”
“However, it is obvious that Lancer completely misunderstood Berserker’s intentions. He took out his magic gun and smiled evilly, “So that’s it, you want to fight me, so come on!” “”
“Then, he was beaten into a dog…”
“BERSERKER dragged his good friend who was knocked unconscious by him contentedly, and headed towards the supermarket in the distance. Congratulations, congratulations!”
“Congratulations, congratulations! Isn’t this already beaten into a dog?” Yi Caiyu couldn’t help complaining, why did she feel that the heroic spirit she summoned looked a little unlucky?
It’s outrageous that he was beaten severely even though he just wanted to catch a fish!
“However, BERSERKER’s grocery shopping trip was soon hindered. The supermarket he went to… was closed, and it said that it would be renovated in the near future.”
“”Roar? “BERSERKER first tilted his head in a daze to think for a moment, and then angrily mentioned his good friend in his hands the next moment, and began to slash wildly at the closed door!”
“”Oh! Oooo! ! Let go, let go, big man! “LANCER screamed in pain, he felt like his whole body was about to fall apart!”
“However, it’s obvious that Berserker didn’t intend to stop at all. After hacking for a long time, he finally stopped with a gloomy face.”
“Then he took LANCER and headed towards another supermarket. He is still very smart. When he saw this supermarket closed, he would think of going to another supermarket! But he was so smart!”
“So, since you are going to another supermarket, why do you take it out on him? Lancer, who was held by Berserker, wanted to cry without tears. He just wanted to catch a fish. What’s wrong with him?”
“After walking to another supermarket, BERSERKER was pleasantly surprised to find that this supermarket was not closed!”
“This made his pace a little faster, and Lancer, whose head was dragging on the ground, was almost set on fire by friction!”
“As soon as he entered the supermarket, BERSERKER went to the meat section excitedly. He likes meat the most!”
“However, before he took a few steps, he saw a woman holding his beloved meat in the distance! Can he bear it?”
“”Roar! “The furious BERSERKER mentioned his best friend on the spot—LANCER!”
“And the woman holding the meat also sensed this killing intent. She raised her head, and it was ARCHER! At this moment, she was staring at Berserker with wide eyes, “Berserker? Wait, what are you trying to do? ! Don’t come here! “”
“”Roar! “BERSERKER spun the LANCER in the air several times, and then threw it out!”
“This is the proof of the bond between BERSERKER and LANCER! The combined Noble Phantasm – the blue spearman who spins and assaults!”
“Ah, this…” Doma buried her face in a subtle way, it was the first time she had heard of such a thing as a combined treasure!
And what the hell is that bondage?what! This is a fetter of wool!
“Xiao Bu, can we also try to develop fusion skills?” Palad touched his chin and fell into deep thought. Many games used to have fusion skills, such as Squirrel Wars, Double Dragon and so on.
She now feels that if the two of them don’t have the fusion skills, will they lose points?
“Fusion skills?” Buried Doma thought for a while, then nodded excitedly, “Yes! I’m a little excited when I think about fusion skills! But, how should we develop fusion skills?”
“Don’t worry, I already have an idea!” Palad patted his chest, full of confidence, “Let me eat the avatar prop first, and create two avatars, then the three of us plus you, a total of four people, at the same time Activate the ninjutsu of enchantment——Four Scarlet Sun Formation! Once this move is performed, the enemy must lie on the spot and die equally!”
“…Have you read my JUMP manga recently?” Doma buried her face speechless, thinking she didn’t know what it was? !
“The Lancer who was thrown hit ARCHER directly, and the two crashed through the supermarket building together and flew out.”
“ARCHER: “Damn it, BERSERKER! “”
“LANCER: “I will definitely come back! “”
“ARCHER, defeated. LANCER, exit!”
“Hey, Lancer is dead again, it’s really inhumane!” Sanjiu Nakano shook his head and sighed, as if lamenting for Lancer.
“Where did this LANCER get so many lives to die?” Nakano Kazuka was also speechless, dying at every turn, how could it be so miserable!
If it wasn’t for this weird resurrection, Lancer would have died twice already!
“Will he continue to die in the future?” Nakano Nino asked his soul.
Afterwards, the five sisters fell into silence one after another.
“”very scary! BERSERKER is scary! CASTER, who was buying biscuits at the side, witnessed the murder and trembled with fright, “Go home quickly, I have to cook dinner for Xiao Jing.” “”
“Speaking, she quickly slipped back home.”
“When she returned home, she found that Hiratsuka Shizuka had already returned, and on the table, she seemed to see something familiar… figure! It’s a figure! It’s a figure of SABER that she made herself! ”
“Why is she here? She’s been well placed in the room! CASTER is sweating profusely at this moment, feeling panicked.”
“”CASTER, what are these? Shizuka Hiratsuka picked up one of the figures, “It looks like SABER, do you like SABER?” “”
“”Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow CASTER slumped on the ground with a slap, tears streaming down his face, “That’s right, I’m such a perverted woman who covets Saber’s beauty and makes a bunch of figurines of Saber, as well as Saber’s pillow!” “”
Chapter 234: Being Cracked Miserably
“”CASTER, you are my wife after all, to be honest, I am still a little sad to see you so addicted to other girls. “Hiratsuka Shizuka put down the SABER model in her hand with a sad face.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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