“Obviously she is my wife, but she is infatuated with other women. Shizuka Hiratsuka feels a little green on her head.”
“Pfft!” Hiratsuka Shizuka spurted out the sip of water she just drank. Previously, she only seemed to have a lily tendency, but now it’s good, she just got married!
It’s so nonsense! How did two women get married! Can I get a marriage certificate? ! Also, CASTER is a Servant, so he probably doesn’t even have an ID, right? So, how did you get married?
Hiratsuka Shizuka now feels like she has question marks all over her head, and her face is bewildered!
However, after being stupefied, she suddenly trembled all over, and looked at the phone with some fear. She had a premonition that a certain call was about to come.
Jingling, jingle, jingle…
Sure enough, the next moment, her mother called. She didn’t want to answer it, but after thinking about the consequences of not answering the phone, she could only answer it with an aggrieved face.
“Ms. Hiratsuka, you actually have such a hobby…” Miura Yuiko and Ebina Himena were stunned, not to mention them, even Yuigahama Yui, who was a bit lily inclined, was stunned!
Two women get married directly, this is so exciting! They had a faint premonition in their hearts, that there would be no shortage of things like talking points in the next few months!
The only thing to pay attention to is to hide and talk about these things behind your back, so as not to be assigned a bunch of homework…
“No, no, Xiaojing, I’m wholeheartedly for you! “CASTER explained in a panic, she managed to use hint magic, and Hiratsuka Shizuka got a marriage certificate. If she divorced because of this kind of thing, she will definitely regret it for the rest of her life!”
“”Since you are devoted to me, why do you collect these? “Hiratsuka Shizuka pointed at the pile of figurines and pillows around her, and her tone was very melancholy. It was like going out on a business trip, returning home early and wanting to surprise his wife, but his wife gave him a frightened middle-aged sad reminder.”
“”But…but, this can only be regarded as chasing stars. “CASTER hesitated and came up with a reason, although it was a little unreliable, but it was a reasonup. ”
“”Chasing stars? But she is not a star either. “Hiratsuka Shizuka frowned and said, this kind of reason is too foolish.”
“Unexpectedly, CASTER suddenly became serious, “SABER is the biggest star in our neighborhood! Where my king’s sword points, what our hearts want! This is the king of maids who are serious and edible in our hearts! “”
“”Handmaid King, new debut? Shizuka Hiratsuka tilted her head, and then asked solemnly, “CASTER, tell me, is there any advantage for her as a star?” “”
“Since SABER is really a star, she shouldn’t feel sad anymore, and she has heard that discussing the star that the wife likes with his wife can help improve the relationship between husband and wife.”
“” There are many advantages! “As Shizuka Hiratsuka expected, when the advantages of SABER are mentioned, CASTER’s eyes light up like all star chasers!”
“”SABER is small, cute, and especially edible…””
“Didn’t you still fight with SABER before? Why did you suddenly become a diehard fan of SABER?” Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression was very strange at this time. She felt that the scenes in the video now revealed weirdness everywhere, so Like a serious war movie suddenly turned into a comedy.
If there is a screenwriter in this world, then she just wants to say that this screenwriter definitely forgot to take his medicine!
In particular, this CASTER and Hiratsuka-sensei are actually husband and wife…
As long as she thought of this, she felt very awkward.
“”Uh-huh. “Hearing CASTER’s chirping voice, Hiratsuka Shizuka just nodded non-stop. Although she didn’t know what advantages it is to be small and eatable…but it doesn’t matter, just nod!”
“The sentence I saw before is really true. Discussing celebrities with my wife will help to promote the relationship between husband and wife.”
“Sighing these things in my heart, Shizuka Hiratsuka suddenly realized that it was getting late, and it was time to cook, “CASTER, let me cook, by the way, where are the vegetables you bought? “”
“Shizuka Hiratsuka just realized that Caster said to go grocery shopping earlier. Where’s the food? Why is there only one box of biscuits?”
“”Eh? “CASTER was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that because she saw Berserker, she was scared and ran away from the supermarket with a box of biscuits, without buying food.”
“Seeing CASTER’s appearance, Shizuka Hiratsuka knew that he had to run again.”
“Looking at Shizuka Hiratsuka who was about to put on his shoes and go out without saying a word, CASTER clasped his hands into fists, stars were about to pop out of both eyes!”
“As expected of her husband, not only can he understand the excellence of SABER, even after knowing that she didn’t buy groceries, he didn’t blame her at all, and he took the initiative to go out to buy groceries again.”
“With a husband like this, what more can a wife ask for! Thinking of this, the corners of Caster’s eyes got wet. She took out an amulet and hung it on Shizuka Hiratsuka’s body, “This is an amulet I made, it can be transported to keep you safe. “”
“”Oh. “Hiratsuka Shizu just thought it was an ordinary amulet, but she didn’t care too much, so she let CASTER wear it for her.”
“Then I’m going out, you wait for me at home. “”
“Yes, go slowly, Xiaojing. “CASTER waved his hand with a smile on his face.”
“Shizuka Hiratsuka walked all the way to the supermarket, and met Yukinoshita Yukino on the way, because Berserker only bought a bunch of meat and couldn’t cook it, so she had to come out and buy some more food.”
“”Is Hiratsuka-sensei also here to buy groceries? “”
“”Um. “”
“Faced with such a concise answer, Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t know how to respond, so she stopped talking and walked to the supermarket.”
“However, before they had walked for a long time, they suddenly encountered Lancer with a bruised nose and swollen face. Although he looked bruised and swollen, Lancer still looked amazing.”
“He carried the magic gun on his shoulder, and said with a smile, “You two beauties, where are you going? Do you need me to accompany you? “”
“Properly have the attitude of a street sneaker.”
“Then…he was struck by lightning, and it was very miserable.”
“LANCER, exit.”
Chapter 235 Lancer is dead again
“Looking at Lancer who was smashed into charcoal by lightning, Yukinoshita Yukino gasped, “Lancer is dead, so inhumane! “”
“But just after she finished speaking, she was taken aback for a moment. How did she know that guy is called Lancer?”
“”I don’t know what he did to hurt the world, but he can be struck by lightning even if he says a word. “Hiratsuka Shizuka was also shocked, and couldn’t help sighing.”
“After shopping, Yukinoshita Yukino bid farewell to Shizuka Hiratsuka, and then went back to her home.”
“On the way, she met Lancer again!”
“”Um? Wasn’t he killed by lightning? Why come back to life? “Yuki Yukino frowned slightly. For some reason, she always felt that something was wrong with the world she was in now, and she couldn’t help but recall the words she heard before.”
“”Tell me not to be addicted to it… What do you mean to be addicted? “”
“While she was thinking hard, a shrill scream came from a distance, “RIDER, slow down, slow down! Slow down for me! “”
“A quieter-sounding voice followed, “Don’t worry, my riding skills are A+! With a mere bicycle, I can naturally control it perfectly! “”
“ThenYukinoshita Yukino watched with her own eyes that RIDER, who claims to have A+ level riding skills and can perfectly control a bicycle, slammed into Lancer! ”
“”I’ll definitely be back! “Lancer, who was knocked into the sky and turned into a star, let out a desperate cry.”
“LANCER, exit again!”
“LANCER is dead again, it’s really inhuman.”
At this moment, I don’t know how many people shook their heads in pity. They had never seen such a unfortunate person!
“Then, the bicycle that hit Lancer flew into a street light without slowing down.”
“”puff! “Makoto Ito, who was sitting on the back of the bicycle, almost threw up his guts!”
“”RIDER, did you do it on purpose, at such a fast speed, I was almost killed here! “”
“”It didn’t crash to death, cut! “Rider spat a little after helping the bicycle.”
“Hey, what you meant just now is actually trying to kill me, right? ! Makoto Ito was frightened half to death, and then roared furiously.”
“But RIDER just looked at Makoto Ito with a blindfolded eyepatch indifferently, “How could it be? I just accidentally missed the road and bumped into a street light. “”
“”Stop lying! How could a dignified follower not even see the way clearly! “”
“Facing Makoto Ito’s accusation, RIDER clenched his right hand into a fist and lightly touched his head, as if trying to be cute, “Sorry, my retention skills are natural. “”
“When Makoto Ito scolded RIDER angrily, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at him and fell into deep thought: I always feel that I have seen this person before… and, it is a very annoying feeling, I always feel that this is a very annoying person guy.”
“But the strange thing is that she obviously finds this person very annoying, but she still can’t think of a reason to hate this person.”
Makoto Ito wanted to cry, but now in the video he obviously didn’t do anything, why was he whipped to death?
He felt that he might not be able to stay in the school anymore, and he didn’t know how many people would come to bully him in the future.
At first, they might be afraid of his magic skills, but when those people find out that he can’t do magic tricks, they will definitely drag him out and beat him up!
“”Why? “Yukinoshita Yukino continued to walk towards home while thinking.”
“”Master, as long as my treasure is very powerful, as long as there is a drop of blood, it can create a fake heart, and then crush the fake heart to make the opponent die! “”
“Oh, what an awesome look! Can the mosquitoes be killed too? “”
“Yes, as long as the mosquito has a heart! “ASSASSIN said firmly.”
“”Great! The man clapped his hands happily, and then urged, “I checked, and mosquitoes not only have a heart, but also three hearts!” So, ASSASSIN, hurry up and kill a mosquito for me! “”
“Yes, Master! After ASSASSIN responded, he immediately activated the Noble Phantasm, “ZABANIYA (Delusion Heart Sound)!” “”
“The cloth wrapped around his arm burst instantly, and that devilish wrist flew out with a swish, and was about to touch a mosquito!”
“Then… the newly revived Lancer was refreshed here, and happened to be hit by ASSASSIN’s treasure.”
“Assassin thought about it, killing mosquitoes is killing, and killing big dogs is also killing!” So he squeezed hard, “Your heart, I accept it!” “”
“”puff! “Lancer didn’t even have time to shout that I will definitely be back, so he fell to the street and lay on the ground.”
“Seeing LANCER rushing to the street again with my own eyes, Yukinoshita Yukino is numb. What crime did this guy do to die so many times?”
“But what followed was even greater doubts. So, why can Lancer keep being resurrected?”
“”People who are constantly being resurrected… always feel that this world is not real enough. “A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Yukinoshita Yukino’s mind, yes, it’s unreal!”
“An unbelievable idea suddenly popped up in her mind, but no matter how unbelievable, she seemed to have to believe it, “Could it be that I am in a virtual world? “”
“”Yes, that’s right! It must be so! Moreover, there is something I forgot, it is a very important person, a very important thing! “”
“Thinking of this, she couldn’t care less about SABER and Yukinoshita Haruno who were waiting for food at home, she dropped the food in her hand, turned around and ran away, she didn’t know who to go to, but somehow, she seemed to know where to go place!”
“She ran all the way to the school, and then pushed open the door of the service department, and there was a man looking out the window.”
“Looking at that man, Yukinoshita Yukino always seemed to feel that she had seen him somewhere before, in confusion, she called out a name softly, “Hachiman? “”
“Zawagoe Hachiman turned his head slowly, showing a smile, “You are here, but it is too late, everyone in this world will be swallowed by the black mud, and then have a beautiful dream here, in the wonderful dream, fall into death. “”
“The moment she heard this voice, Yukinoshita Yukino was startled. This voice is exactly the same as the one she heard before!”
Chapter 236 Even if the body is broken, the hearts that are connected together will not be separated
“You said that everyone in the world will die? did you do it Why do you want to do this? “Although I was talking to a murderer who sounded like a mass murder, for some reason, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t bring up a trace of anger in her heart, and her tone seemed very gentle.”
“”forWhat? Ze Yue Hachiman was stunned for a moment, and then said expressionlessly, “There is no reason, I just want to kill, so I will kill.” After all, I’m a born killer. “”
“”is that so? Then why is this false world so beautiful? Without any disputes and battles, even if you die, you will be resurrected. This is the world you long for, isn’t it? “”
“”no! Ze Yue Hachiman roared loudly, “This is not what I long for!” All I long for is killing! This is my nature, the meaning of my existence, to keep killing people! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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