“Hearing this sentence, Yukinoshita Yukino felt like a string in her mind was broken, “Then why, did I hear your voice? You are calling me! You obviously don’t want to kill someone at all! “”
“Sawagoe Hachiman is silent, and he doesn’t know what he wants to do… The desire to make everyone happy seems to be still yesterday, but it is true that he killed others with his own hands!”
“So, what exactly does he want?”
“In the end, he smiled wryly, “Don’t I want to kill people? But, I’ve already killed someone, 100,000? two hundred thousand? I don’t know how many dead souls died in the hands of Gorgon. Even so, do you still want to say that I don’t want to kill people? “”
“If you wanted to kill someone, I wouldn’t hear that voice, would I? Yukinoshita Yukino stroked his face lightly with her right hand, “You obviously want to find someone to stop you, right, Hachiman?” “”
“”may be……””
“The figure of Sawagoe Hachiman melted like a dream, and the sound seemed to come from a distant place. Then, Yukinoshita Yukino saw that the surrounding space was instantly shattered!”
“”Hmm…” Yukinoshita shook her head and opened her eyes. She found that the black mud was still raging, and she was also staying in the black mud.”
“She was about to look at the surrounding situation, but a huge malice flooded into her mind!”
“”Ugh! “”
“Suddenly attacked by this malice, she almost couldn’t even stand firmly.” Is this what Yang Nai said before, the malice that comes from the depths of human hearts? It was like dragging my whole body into the darkness. “”
“Suppressing the pain in her mind, she held her head and stood up with difficulty. Not far from her was the AVENGER Gorgon who was still wreaking havoc!”
“Humans, all go to death! Ha ha ha ha! “”
“Gorgon was laughing wildly while moving his huge body, and the snake’s head at the end of his hair shot out terrifying rays of power!”
“”This AVENGER must be killed! “While making up her mind, Yukinoshita Yukino also felt a little pain in her heart. The scene of meeting Sawagoe Hachiman in the dream before is still vivid in my mind!”
“So, she knows very well that Sawagoe Hachiman must be inside that AVENGER! If AVENGER is defeated, what will happen to Sawagoe Hachiman?”
“She doesn’t know, she only knows that she has to go!”
“Taking a deep breath, Yukinoshita Yukino kicked her feet, and her whole body flew out like an arrow from the string!”
“This is the second Noble Phantasm of the heroic spirit ARCHER Meltlilith—the spear of victory that uses itself as the body of the spear and is projected like an arrow!”
“That’s why Melt Lilith can take the role of ARCHER! Because she is an arrow herself!”
“”Spear of Athena, destroy the closed barrier! VIRGIN LASERPALLADION! “”
“Hands and feet gradually collapsed, the broken body scattered with the wind, the body of “I” shot towards AVENGER, the instant and eternal moment—Yukinoshita Yukino looked back on the experience with that person, and recalled the promise she had made with her The one who made the promise.”
“”Yes, even if this body is about to be broken, our two hearts that have been bound together for a long time will never be separated! Farewell, Hachiman…””
“”what? ! “Gorgon noticed this terrifying attack right away. She didn’t have time to think about whose attack it was, nor did she have time to think about why someone could move freely in the black mud.”
“At this moment, the only thing she can think of is to fight back with all her strength!”
“More than a dozen snake heads shot light at Yukinoshita Yukino, and those dozens of rays converged into a gigantic beam!”
“”The consciousness of risking your life, how could you lose to you! “A stern look flashed in Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes, she must do her best in the final ballet! Regardless of her physical condition, she will pour everything she has done so far onto her toes!”
“The spear of the goddess, representing victory, pierced Gorgon’s beam, and then pierced her heart!”
“Just as Athena instructed Perseus to kill Gorgon, now, the spear of Athena, which symbolized victory, pierced Gorgon again!”
“”Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! Woo… woo! ! How could it be, how could I! ! “Gorgon vanished into nothingness amidst howling.”
“That way, it’s all over. “Because she couldn’t bear the light-like speed, Yukinoshita Yukino’s body has completely collapsed at this moment, leaving only some satisfied words echoing in the air.”
“”is this okay? Perhaps, the world will only regard this incident as a huge gas explosion. Perhaps, no one knows that there was ever aA girl named Yukinoshita Yukino saved their lives. “”
“”It is enough, I am not eager for their gratitude to save them, I just want to save, so I will go, what I long for is to let them live. “”
“”What an idiot. “”
“In the darkness, there seemed to be a familiar whisper, Yukinoshita Yukino gently opened her eyes, and the place where she entered her eyes was full of darkness, “Is this the world after death? “”
“”Hey, that’s right, you’re already dead, that’s why you came here… But, as the winner of the Holy Grail War, there seems to be one thing you haven’t done. “”
“”Holy Grail War? “”
“”Hey, that’s right! When you risked your life to defeat Gorgon, there was a man who risked his life to eliminate the malice that polluted the Holy Grail, so… come on, make your wish to the Holy Grail, shall we? “”
“”My wish is…””
“The girl made her most anticipated wish, a world without the Holy Grail War, a world of safety and peace, a world where she can spend the rest of her life with her lover.”
“This article, it’s over.”
Chapter 327 Forbearance!
“So this Holy Grail is really so powerful, just make a wish, and you can reset the world?!” Yukinoshita Yoshino’s eyes lit up, suddenly seemed to want the Holy Grail!
Unfortunately, there is no Holy Grail War anymore…
“Xiao Xue Nai is also true, why don’t you make a wish and say that you want three more wishes?”
“Yuno-sister, it’s not that easy to get stuck in this kind of thing, right?” Before Yukinoshita Yukino could speak, Hikigu Hachiman had already started complaining.
“Ah, is Hachiman protecting his girlfriend?” Yukinoshita Yono teasingly looked back and forth between the two, making their faces turn red.
“Say, what are you talking about… I’m just making a reasonable assumption. If this kind of bug can be stuck, the Holy Grail would have been squeezed dry.” Hikigu Hachiman sat up straight and explained with a serious expression.
“Hehehe, let’s just treat it like this~” Yukinoshita Haruno smiled happily.
“Okay, the meal is almost done, let’s go back first. Yukino lives alone, Hachiman, please send Yukino back.” Yukinoshita’s mother said with a smile, and at the same time she said to Biqi Gu Hachiman blinked, as if hinting at something.
“Hey, I can also send Yukino back.” Yukinoshita’s father, who tends to be a bit of a daughter-in-law, said immediately.
But in the blink of an eye, Yukinoshita’s mother glared at him, “You’re drunk.”
“No, no, I didn’t drink tonight…” Yukinoshita’s father felt a little weak in his legs, but he still said bravely.
Yukinoshita’s mother narrowed her eyes slightly, and there seemed to be some cold light in those eyes, “I said, you are drunk.”
“Hey!” Yukinoshita’s father sensed a murderous intent inexplicably, so he could only nod repeatedly, “Ah, yes, yes, although I didn’t drink, I was indeed drunk.”
“Yeah.” Yukinoshita’s mother was satisfied, “Hachiman, Yukino will leave it to you.”
“Brother, goodbye~” Hikigaya Komachi narrowed his pretty eyes and smiled like a little fox.
Bi Qigu’s parents also had the expression that the pigs raised at home would be overcabbed.
So, everyone left one after another, leaving Hikigaya Hachiman and Yukinoshita Yukino…
“Ahem, that, let’s go too.” After a moment of silence, Hikigu Hachiman spoke first.
“En.” Yukinoshita Yukino nodded slightly.
The two got up and walked back to Yukino Yukino’s apartment under Yukinoshita. They usually talked a lot. But today, both of them are a little speechless… After all, it is somewhat embarrassing to suddenly know that in a certain past, the two became lovers.
“That…” Hikigu Hachiman was about to speak, but suddenly, his face changed, and he pulled Yukinoshita Yukino behind him, “Come out!”
“What happened?” Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t resist, but let him hold her.
Accompanied by the sound of applause, a pitch-black figure stepped out of the darkness. His whole body was covered with a black aura, making it impossible to see his real appearance, and he could only be vaguely seen as a person.
“As expected of Kamen Rider Kato, your perception is really sharp.”
Even his voice was hoarse, and he couldn’t distinguish between men and women.
Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but think in his heart, could this guy be a guy who doesn’t distinguish between men and women, and looks extremely ugly? Otherwise, why don’t you dare to show your face, even the voice has to be processed.
“It seems that your target is me?”
“Not bad.” Sombra didn’t deny it at all.
In fact, he was one of the enemies from the alien world that the will of the planet had noticed at the time. After the empire opened the world barrier, he, as a vanguard, came to this planet first with four other people.
As soon as they landed, they began to conduct intelligence research very cautiously. After all, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle!
After careful investigation for a long time, they found that this planet is not good at all. Not to mention the backward technology, there is no super power or anything. Needless to say, waiting for the big troops behind, the five of them can easily handle it!
All the credits are accounted for, and there is no need to share military credits with others! Isn’t it beautiful?
But just when they were about to do it, suddenly, a video swept the world!
In the video, they saw the overwhelming Zerg that almost occupied the planet!
Regarding the Zerg’s ability, even they are a little surprised, not because of the Zerg’s combat power. Although that kind of combat power is considered strong, it is nothing more than that. However, the Zerg’s ability to perfectly mimic another person is terrifying!
if the zerg infiltrated himEven if our leadership kills the zerg later, it will definitely cause great panic, and even cause huge social turmoil!
At that time, the five of them were confused. Facing such a strong Zerg, how could people on this planet still live well?
There must be something wrong here!
They were quick-witted and saw through the truth in an instant, so they decided to make a decision after watching the video.
In the end, they saw the scene where HYPER Jiadou traveled through time and space with a huge meteorite, and they were all shocked! It’s not that he was petrified by the fighting power of HYPER Jiadou, but that he suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart!
Originally, they searched for a long time, but found nothing, just when they were full of confidence and planned to hack with five people and speed through the copy of this planet. As a result, when the action was about to start, the super soldier who had not been found was exposed in a weird video!
They wondered suspiciously, could it be that the strong men on this planet have been watching the five of them jumping around like clowns? And this video exposure is just a warning to them!
So, they hid again, looking for the weakness of HYPER Jiadou, and looking for other super fighters at the same time!
Although among the five people, one person expressed dissatisfaction with this cowardly attitude, thinking that most of the videos were forged, and the five of them would definitely kill each other!
Faced with such remarks, he opened his mouth like a cannonball! Do you understand? ! The five of them are just small soldiers. Do you want to work so hard? You also said that most of them are forged, isn’t there a small chance that it is true? You can earn more if your military achievements are gone, but if you lose your life, you will lose everything!
Besides, it’s three o’clock, let’s drink tea first~ That’s it, they drink milk tea, eat snacks, and occasionally check some information or something, life is hard! Although there is no boss by their side, they still try their best to put on a crazy work attitude of being exploited by their boss!
Originally, they planned to endure and work hard until the arrival of the large army, and resolutely implement the strategy of never showing up.
But…the empire is very dissatisfied with their ineffective action mode, so a small team leader will be sent over in a few days. There is no way. With the supervision of their superiors, they have to change from working crazily to working even more crazily attitude!
First of all, the milk tea at three o’clock is about to be quit… Ah, no, it should be, let’s try the level of these super fighters first!
Chapter 328: Encountered an opponent pretending to be B
“Oh?” Hikigu Hachiman raised his eyebrows lightly, a little surprised at this black shadow’s outspokenness, “Generally speaking, when facing an enemy stronger than yourself, you will choose to deceive the other party’s trust, and then attack secretly.”
“But you bluntly said that the target is me. It seems that you are very confident in yourself.”
As he spoke, the knight’s belt emerged from his waist.
“Hmph, I, Yao Chixiang, have been acting all my life, why should I be afraid of others?” With a wave of his right hand, coupled with that disdainful tone, Yao Chixiang instantly outlined the image of a peerless expert!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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