But in fact, what he is particularly confident about himself is… Escape!
Only in terms of escaping, he is confident that he will not lose to others! That’s why he dared to try the depth of Jiadou’s water. After all, among the super fighters that have been exposed in the video, only Jiadou has the fastest speed! Without any means of escape, how dare you come to take on this porcelain job?
Hikigu Hachiman, who didn’t know Yao Chixiang’s details, gasped, his eyes gradually became serious, this person also knows the meaning of pretending to be B, it seems that he met an opponent who pretended to be B today!
Seeing that Hikigu Hachiman seemed to be overwhelmed by himself, Yao Chixiang was overjoyed, what a great opportunity!
Immediately afterwards, he kicked his feet violently, flying out like a shell, and the fist the size of a sandbag was about to hit Hikigu Hachiman in the face!
However, facing such a sudden attack, Hikigu Hachiman remained extremely calm! In the field of pretending to be B, he will not admit defeat!
“My mother once said that a man must learn to be calm. Boiling water will only evaporate completely in the end.”
laugh! ! !
The wine-red beetle broke through the space, knocked away Yao Chixiang, and then obediently landed on the knight’s belt around Hikigu Hachiman’s waist.
Yao Chixiang, who was knocked away, rolled around on the ground, stood up unharmed, and then saw Hikigaya Hachiman who had completed his transformation, staring at him firmly.
I have to say, the feeling just now was just like that. He suddenly had a kind of confidence that he could win!
So, he put his hands behind his back, raised his head, and said with his nostrils facing the sky, “You are very good. Among the people I have fought against, your speed is unmatched. In terms of speed, I would like to call you The strongest!”
“…” Hikigu Hachiman’s face was full of black lines, what’s wrong with this person? If you don’t pretend to be B, you will die, right? Even he, who has the template of King B, won’t fall into such a disease!
Among the people who have fought against you… How many people have you fought against? It’s just that crazy!
He didn’t speak anymore, sometimes speaking with actions is more convincing!
After starting the acceleration, all the surrounding objects seemed to be still, and he turned into a stream of light, bullying him.
But what surprised him was that Yao Chixiang was able to keep up with his speed!
Who the hell is this guy? Hikigu Hachiman’s hands kept moving,But he kept thinking, he didn’t remember provoking this kind of people wrapped in black breath, and he didn’t remember doing anything that would be hated by others!
Except for the Zerg… But, this guy doesn’t look like a Zerg either?
The more Hikigu Hachiman hit, the more frightened he became. This black guy can not only keep up with his speed, but his defense is also surprisingly strong! He had already taken out the KABUTO Gunai gun and switched it to ax mode, but when he slashed at the opponent’s body, only a few sparks were produced! Obviously, this attack did not break the defense!
He frowned slightly, it seemed that he couldn’t take down this guy without using a complete body! It’s time to take out the HYPER insect instrument!
He kicked Yao Chixiang’s chest, and with the help of this impact, he distanced himself from Yao Chixiang. Afterwards, he raised his right hand lightly, and the HYPER insect instrument cut through the space and landed in his hand.
“!!!” Yao Chixiang’s eyes widened, feeling a little uneasy, the confidence he had just now was gone! An ordinary form of Jiadou, he also fought evenly. If he faced a Jiadou who used the HYPER insect instrument, then he might be beaten into a small pancake!
Seeing that Hikigu Hachiman used the HYPER insect instrument without hesitation, Yao Chixiang immediately put on a cold snort, “Hmph, are you finally going to show your full strength? I have been waiting for a long time.”
As he said that, he moved his body, and crackling joints could be heard all over his body. It seemed that he had lifted his own restrictions.
“Huh? It seems that you are waiting for me to use all my strength.” Hikigu Hachiman also became a little more vigilant. Such a confident person must not be a weak chicken!
Then he saw Yao Chixiang’s whole body shone with golden light, it looked like he was about to magnify his moves.
The surging power made Hikigu Hachiman even more vigilant, and the Perfect Insect Instrument, that is, the Hundred Insect Sword, was already in his hands.
Afterwards, Yao Chixiang’s aura rose wildly again, Hikigu Hachiman focused slightly, he knew that the enemy’s attack was coming!
Afterwards, he heard Yao Chixiang shout, “Give it to Luda!”
“???” Hikigu Hachiman, who was about to accept the move, was stunned for a moment. He just watched Yao Chixiang open a portal at a terrifying speed, and then used his hands and feet to get in. I’m afraid that if the speed is slow, I won’t be able to run away!
Run away… just ran away… and said that he ran away with such arrogance! Everyone else is going to be stupid, okay? !
Hikigu Hachiman sighed in his heart, just such a battle, it can be seen that his combat experience is weak.
If it was the person named Yukinoshita Hachiman, he would be able to easily see through that guy’s tricks, right?
“Has the enemy been defeated? Who the hell is he?” Yukinoshita Yukino walked over after the acceleration was released.
In the accelerated state before, she couldn’t see anything clearly, she only thought that the enemy had been defeated.
“No, that guy ran away. As for who he is, I don’t know too much.” Speaking of this, Hikigu Hachiman felt a bit of a toothache, good guy, he runs faster than a dog!
“Is it some weird organization that wants to rule the world or destroy the world?”
No wonder Yukinoshita Yukino thinks this way, according to the rhythm in that video, there are already countless villains who have destroyed the world, and human beings have died countless times!
It doesn’t seem so strange to have another organization that wants to rule the world or destroy the world!
“Maybe it’s really possible.” Hikigu Hachiman touched his chin and fell into deep thought. If he is really that kind of person, then he can’t let it go!
Chapter 329 It seems that you need my godly talent
After the video was finished, Cheng Yang put down the game console in his hand and began to create various treasures and heroic cards.
This Heroic Spirit card is a good thing. When the fight starts, handing out the Heroic Spirit card, plus the Heroic Spirit itself, isn’t this equivalent to doubling the combat power?
While he was working hard, Planet Will Axing jumped in in a panic, shouting while jumping, “It’s not good, it’s not good!”
“Why are you so flustered?”
Seeing Ah Xing’s performance, this made Cheng Yang a little puzzled, the dignified will of the planet, just this performance?
After Ah Xing jumped over, he quickly said, “Didn’t I tell you at first that our planet is about to face the invasion of powerful alien enemies? They are here now!”
“Already here?” Cheng Yang was also puzzled. He hasn’t produced many SSR cards yet. Isn’t it a bit unsteady to start playing at this time?
However, the more critical the situation, the more important it is to keep calm!
Maybe it was the mental quality he had developed from playing games before (after all, in some games, you will die if you fluster a little), he quickly calmed down and asked, “Ah Xing, where did you perceive them? They are now How many people have come? How is the combat effectiveness?”
“Uh, I don’t know.” Ah Xing was stunned for a moment, facing Cheng Yang’s three questions, he could be said to ask three times and not know.
“I don’t know?” Cheng Yang raised his eyebrows, “Tell me first, before and after the incident, make it clear, and don’t miss a single detail.”
“Oh, the thing is like this…” Ah Xing hastily said a lot.
“You mean, you noticed through the camera that someone was fighting Hiki Valley Hachiman, and after taking a closer look, you found that that person was not a life from this planet?”
Cheng Yang has roughly understood, but he still has a doubt, “So, why do you see each other through the camera? You don’tIs it possible to control all objects on this planet? Could it be that he still can’t feel that there is a sudden extra person on his body? ”
“You have an extra bacterium on your body, and you can’t feel it.” Ah Xing casually said something that Cheng Yang couldn’t refute.
“…” Cheng Yang was speechless for a while, and then complained, “You are not as useful as a camera. However, after hearing what you said, I feel more at ease. There should not be too many enemies now, maybe only a few or ten Come on. If there were too many of them, they would definitely not be so careful.”
“It makes sense!” Ah Xing’s eyes lit up, and he was immediately happy. This way, they would have more time to make more SSR cards.
“However, although the number of enemies is small, we still have to find a way to get rid of them all! We can’t let them prepare under our noses!”
After all, they are enemies who don’t know the details, who knows if those people will secretly install some weird devices, and directly brainwash everyone on the entire planet into slaves or something.
“So, Ah Xing, hurry up and find all these people, so that the SSR card we created can kill all these enemies!”
“Uh… I can’t find it.” A Xing said with a dry smile, “I have tried to find all of them since I noticed the appearance of the enemy, but they all seem to have something that can block my perception , I couldn’t find it no matter how hard I looked.”
“…” Cheng Yang gave Ah Xing a sideways glance, but said nothing. What did you say before that there is an extra bacterium on your body that you can’t detect, so if you are blocked, just say it! Still lying here, trying to save my face?
But he didn’t care about teasing Ah Xing anymore, he just felt that it was getting tricky, even the perception of the will of the planet can be blocked, it seems that the strength of this race is a bit strong!
I don’t know whether these people who appear now are considered strong or weak in their world…
However, Cheng Yang actually had a premonition that even if these people were strong, they would definitely not be much stronger in their world! After all, according to nationality conventions, when fighting against landlords, Wang Bo will not come first!
“It seems that it’s time for Kohei Imamura to appear on the stage!” Cheng Yang was a little lucky at this time, fortunately he got a god to come out, otherwise he could only wait for these people to hide in secret and make trouble in secret. There is no way to tender them to death.
“Why let him appear on the stage? Even if it is a god billion cassette, it can’t kill enemies that can’t be found?” Ah Xing still seemed a little confused, and even wanted to scratch his head, but unfortunately, he didn’t have hands, so he Can’t scratch my head anymore.
“Idiot, of course I asked him to build a device that can find the enemy! It’s best to be a device that can search for enemies around the world, lest those guys hide in the deep mountains, old forests, or simply hide in the sea.”
“Oh, it turns out to be like this! As expected of the savior I hired with a lot of money!” Ah Xing clapped excitedly again, no wonder everyone said that the savior on earth is amazing, this is really reliable!
He decided to go to the planet exchange network to help the earth to promote it, so that more planets can go there to buy the savior, so that the business of the earth will be better! This is also a little bit of his care.
But looking at Ah Xing’s adoring eyes, Cheng Yang felt uncomfortable. Such a simple thing should be easy to think of, right? Is it weird? Could it be because Ah Xing has no brains?
Thinking of this, Cheng Yang immersed his consciousness into the Holy Lord, and then pulled Kohei Imamura into it.
When he was pulled in, this guy had only one fat line all over his body, and he was obviously drinking!
Sure enough, he looked around in a daze, “Huh? Where have I been? Where’s my wine? Why isn’t my wine here?”
After looking for it, he saw the Holy Master, and he was taken aback, “Wow, it’s the Holy Master, it scared me to death, I thought I had crossed over.”
He patted his chest, and the whole person was obviously relieved, “However, Holy Master, next time you come to me, can you tell me in advance, so that I can be mentally prepared.”
“Oh, then next time I come to you, I’ll just say hello in your head first, is that okay?” After all, Cheng Yang wanted to find him to work, so he naturally followed the example of kindness. When oppressing employees, he should always be amiable. Well, otherwise the employees would easily run away!
“Uh…” Imamura Kohei was stunned for a moment, feeling that if someone suddenly spoke in his head, it would seem to be even more frightening?
“Forget it, that’s all. By the way, what’s the matter with me? If it wasn’t for something, you wouldn’t be looking for me alone.” As he spoke, the smile on his face gradually became rampant. Get up, “It seems that it’s time for you to use my godly talent!”
Chapter 330: Yes, It’s Over
Seeing that happy smile, Cheng Yang, who was controlling the Holy Master, felt that his whole body was not well, and he was another person who was influenced by the template that came with the star-made holy vessel.
After all, the Star-made Holy Artifact is created by the imagination of a large number of people. Naturally, these people’s imagination will have a certain impression on the owner of this artifact video, and this impression will inevitably have a certain impact on the star-made holy artifact. The master in it has a little bit of influence.
Isn’t that how Hikigu Hachiman’s King B template came from?
However, to say the same thing, after all, Cheng Yang wanted to find Kohei Imamura to work, so he naturally wanted to be amiable, and he even took the initiative to enter Kohei Imamura’s secondary school.
“That’s right, now is the time to use your divine talent!”
“Ahem, so what’s the matter?” Kohei Imamura straightened his waist, looking amazing.
“That’s the way it is…” Cheng Yang immediately said blah blah blah.a lot.
After listening, Kohei Imamura looked a little dignified, “Enemies from another world…I always think of enemies like Zerg who came here with meteorites.”
“Leave it to me! Tomorrow afternoon at the latest, I will definitely make this thing!” Imamura Kohei patted his chest and promised, “You can always trust my divine talent!”
“Of course, I’ve always been optimistic about you, come on!” Cheng Yang wanted to control the Lord to raise his little claws, but unfortunately, this is a stone sculpture, and he couldn’t lift his claws.
“Okay, I’m going back to work overtime.” Kohei Imamura waved his hand and left the training space.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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