“Kohei, where did you go just now?” Kitahara Iori ran over with the wine, and was shocked when he saw Kohei Imamura suddenly disappear, but in the blink of an eye, Kohei Imamura came back again, and he was suspicious Is there something wrong with my eyes?
“I just went to discuss the matter of saving the world!” Kohei Imamura took the wine, drank it in one gulp, and went out with his head held high, “Iori, I’ll go back first, the world still needs my divine talent! Ah ha ha ha ha!”
Although he had to work, Kohei Imamura was also quite happy. In the video, although he became a comedian for a while, no matter what, he is also a villain, and he is also the final boss!
So much so that there are always people in the school who look at him with colored glasses, and even fear him a little bit. Moreover, even the people who were also training in the training space were a little wary of him.
He is not surprised, but sometimes he still feels uncomfortable…
But now that the Holy Master has assigned him such a task, at least those people in the training space will be much less wary of him, right?
And maybe, this matter will be exposed in the video! At that time, he will be the protagonist! Thinking about it this way, it’s a bit flattering!
As a result, Kohei Imamura walked a little faster, and he became more motivated!
the other side.
After Yao Chixiang fled back to the base with both hands and feet, he was ridiculed as expected.
“Isn’t this Yao Chixiang? How come you are in such a mess? When you taught me before, didn’t you still look like an old senior? This is how old seniors are?”
The person who spoke was called Leiku Fanchuan, who was also one of the miscellaneous soldiers of the vanguard army, and also the one with the youngest qualifications.
As a person who has just joined the company, he is different from the other four old fritters whose enthusiasm has long been exhausted. There is still enthusiasm in his heart, and he wants to rely on his own hands to make great contributions, become a general, win the eldest lady, and reach the pinnacle of life!
Therefore, what he usually dislikes the most are these old fritters who only drink milk tea and eat dim sum! It’s a pity that there are four old fried dough sticks, and others are less talkative, so they can only go with the flow…
If he acted privately, and when something happened in the future, these four old fried dough sticks jointly sued, saying that it was because of his private action that the plan failed, then he would be completely numb! He’s passionate and eager to make a difference, but he’s not an idiot either!
But fortunately, since the news came from the empire, it took a few days to spend a lot of energy to send a small team leader over. These four old fritters have changed their old style of fishing, and they will take the initiative to go out to test the enemy’s water!
It’s a pity that he didn’t grab the opportunity to test the waters. If it was him, he would definitely try his best to kill that Kamen Rider Kato! As a vigorous young man, he should fight for his own future with his own hands!
How can it be like this old thing, who has run away before he has played much!
Thinking of this, Lei Ku Fanchuan’s eyes became even more disdainful.
“…” Looking at the aggrieved Leiku Fanchuan, Yao Chixiang couldn’t help being a little stunned, as if he saw himself in the past.
At that time, he was also full of enthusiasm, thinking that he could break through the world with his own strength, become the general, win the eldest lady, and reach the pinnacle of his life from then on!
However, decades have passed…he is still just an ordinary vanguard soldier.
He used to be angry and also unwilling. After all, although he admits that there are people above him who are stronger than him, even much stronger! However, isn’t there a lot of rubbish that is weaker than him in every way on his head? Why are those people able to stay on top of him!
But what is the use of this anger and unwillingness? After a long time, he realized that those people were not weaker than him in every aspect, they had an advantage that he couldn’t match anyway – family background!
Since then, he has completely looked away, and he has completely laid down, work? What job? Fishing is the most important thing!
If someone asks him, are you not afraid of deducting your wages for fishing like this, and will you be punished? Just answer “ah yes yes yes”.
If someone asks him, don’t you want to make great contributions, get promoted and get rich? Just answer “ah yes yes yes”.
If someone tells him, I hope you won’t regret your life attitude in the future. Just answer “ah yes yes yes”.
Yes, it’s over! Swing, swing directly!
But now, he saw a passionate self again, maybe he didn’t want this self to walk on the road he once walked, he couldn’t help but warn, “Lei Cry Fanchuan, there is no need to take these things too seriously, as long as Just act like you’ve worked hard.”
But Lei Ku Fanchuan obviously did not accept his advice, not only did not obey, but gave him a disdainful look, “You are willing to be salted fish, to be a vanguard soldier for a lifetime, that is your business! I will not do this!”
“Tomorrow, I’ll try the skill called Baiyin Dior. In this way, when the captain arrives, our information will be more comprehensive. Do you have any opinions?”
Chapter 331 You fucking split my bread, right?
“No problem.” The other three veterans replied directly. For them, Yao Chixiang had already completed the task anyway. If someone wants to make an extra trip, let him go, it has nothing to do with them anyway.
And Yao Chixiang tried to persuade him again, “I’ve already tested Kamen Rider Kato’s level, and it’s enough to have a job, you don’t need to do anything extra.”
Many people would actually wonder why the colleagues around them would not be scolded for doing nothing, but they themselves would be scolded bloody for exhausting themselves.
That’s because, there is a wonderful law in this world, which says that if you don’t do something, it’s good, but if you do more, you will make more mistakes!
It’s okay to meet a wise leader, but if you meet a shitty leader, then the more you do, the worse you will be scolded!
It’s a pity that the captain of their team is exactly this kind of shit leader.
Maybe Lei cried for Fanchuan because he wanted to make meritorious deeds, but in the end whether he made meritorious deeds or was scolded is really a matter of two opinions.
However, Leiku Fanchuan, who is full of enthusiasm, naturally doesn’t understand Yao Chixiang’s painstaking efforts, and even thinks that if this old fritter thinks he is too serious, they will not be easy to fish for these old fritters. After all, if you compare them two by two, The contrast is too great!
So, he sneered and said, “I’m sorry, senior, I will not change my decision, and three seniors have already agreed, I must go tomorrow!”
After speaking, he strode out of the room.
Only four old fried dough sticks were left, and one of them took a sip of milk tea and exclaimed, “It’s nice to be young.”
Early the next morning, Silver Dior came to his bakery.
He is the owner of the bakery and the absolute head of the family. He always comes in early, cleans up, and then makes the last batch of bread.
In order to earn more money for his children, he always works tirelessly.
Just as he finally baked his first batch of bread, the first guest showed up.
“Guest, hello, is there any bread you want?” Baiyin Dior greeted him with a smile. Although the person in front of him looked a little strange, he was covered in pitch black, and he couldn’t even see his face clearly, but maybe he Born with weird superpowers or something?
For example, the super power that the face can’t be seen… Although this super power is a bit useless, but he runs a shop alone, so he won’t discriminate against others!
The person who came was Leiku Fanchuan, who was here to try Baiyin Dior’s strength!
He didn’t answer, walked around Baiyin Dior, wandered around the bakery, finally picked out a piece of bread, and shook it in his hand, “Boss, how much is this bread?”
“One for seven hundred cherry blossom coins.” Baiyin Dior said with a smile, and the first order of today seems to be completed.
“WHAT’SUP? Is your bread PI made of gold, or is the stuffing made of gold?” Lei Ku Fanchuan said with a cold snort.
Baiyin Dior smiled and said, “Look, how can there be such bread now? These are my secret small bread made by Baiyin Dior. You think it’s too expensive and I don’t think it’s too expensive.”
“That’s fine, just this, wrap it up for me.” Said, Leiku Fanchuan handed the bread over.
Baiyin Dior took the bread and was about to wrap it when he heard Lei crying to Fan Chuan and said, “Are you sure this bread is cooked?”
Baiyin Dior was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again, “I run a bakery, can I sell you raw bread embryos?”
“May I ask you if this bread will be cooked?”
Hearing this, Baiyin Dior stopped wrapping the bread immediately, “Are you deliberately finding fault? Do you want it?”
“If your bread is cooked, I will definitely want it.” Lei Kui Fanchuan took out another piece of bread and shook it in his hand, “Then what if it is not cooked?”
“If it’s not familiar, I’ll eat this bread raw, are you satisfied?” Baiyin Dior was already a little unhappy, and wanted to call out the world to this dark guy, but after thinking about it, to make money, It’s time to eat! Forbearance!
But then, he saw Leiku Fanchuan throw the bread in his hand into the air, and then split it in half with a hand knife, and what was exposed inside was naturally baked bread. He Baiyin Dior doesn’t know how to sell raw bread embryos!
Lei cried and Fan Chuan laughed, “It’s really not raw bread, but what about the bread that fell on the ground? Boss, why don’t you eat this bread? Like a dog, eat it lying on the ground. ”
“You fucking split my bread, right?!” Baiyin Dior put the wrapped bread aside, his chest heaving with anger, it’s all money! Well now, I can only throw it in the trash can!
“So what?!” Lei Ku Fanchuan’s tone became violent, “I will not only chop your bread, but also your people!”
“Hmph, you really came here to find fault. I could tell right away that you are not a good person!” Baiyin Dior put his hands on his hips and began to pose. Although he thought that this person was born with some strange superpowers, this is not the case at all. It doesn’t affect his boasting that he has seen through everything.
“Die, Dior!” Lei Ku Fan Chuan roared, and rushed up like a cheetah.
“Smash – Varudo!”
After the timeout, Baiyin Dior looked around and heaved a sigh of relief after finding nothing damaged, “Fortunately, nothing was broken. If it was broken, I don’t know how many days of income will be wasted.” Already!”
Thinking of this, Silver Dior felt a littleAngry, who are these people! Inexplicably hacking his bread, fighting in the shop, trying to smash his shop to pieces! This person has a bad conscience!
But at the same time, he also had some doubts in his heart, who is this person? Where did it come from again? Why are you chasing and biting him like a mad dog? Could it be that other nearby bakeries saw that his business was good here, so they came here to sabotage it?
Seeing that the time was about to end, Baiyin Dior didn’t think about it anymore, he quickly asked the substitute world to move this dark guy out, and wanted to fight him out!
After moving, he also walked out, and then made a coquettish pose, “Then time began to flow!”
“Hmm!” When time flowed again, Fanchuan almost fell to the ground because he was moved and not placed properly.
And Baiyin Dior said with a sneer, “It seems that you are going to attack me just now, but in fact, didn’t you run away from the store? Are you afraid of me?”
This was originally a psychological tactic that Baiyin Dior liked, but who would have thought that Lei Crying Fan Chuan would not be caught at all, he snorted coldly and said, “Don’t think I don’t know that your ability is time-out! This kind of trick, you have already done it. That guy called Sigong Huangguang used it!”
“…” Baiyin Dior was left speechless at once. It’s not a good thing for this person to become famous. Everyone knows that his stand-in ability is time-out.
Chapter 332: West Inner
“Wait, I want to know, why on earth are you attacking me? I don’t know you, right?” Baiyin Dior looked at him suspiciously. He is not a villain. Put people on the ground and hammer them.
If possible, he would want this person to pay him for the bread!
“It’s true that you don’t know me, but it doesn’t matter, you just need to know that you will die by my hands!” Lei cried and Fan Chuan didn’t have any intention of answering, and threw throwing knives out with both hands frantically, almost Afterimage!
In his opinion, the abilities of the stand-in are really strange, and some abilities are even too strong! But no matter how you say it, the substitute has an inevitable weakness – the substitute messenger itself is too weak!
Just like this Baiyin Dior, even if time can be suspended, he is still just a mortal body!
If it wasn’t for testing this guy’s level so that he could write a report to the squad leader, he would have assassinated him directly! Guarantee that Baiyin Dior can’t even be discovered by others, so he has to lie on the ground!
“It seems that you are here to kill me.” Baiyin Dio’s face darkened, although he didn’t know where the enemy came from, but since others were already coming to take his life, he would not keep it!
“Smash – Varudo!”
Time stopped suddenly, and the throwing knife also stopped in front of Baiyin Dior, and never moved forward.
“Throwing so many throwing knives out, is it because I don’t have time to use the world to knock out the flying knives within the time stop, so I will be stabbed to death?” Although Baiyin Dior didn’t think the other party would be so mentally retarded, he really only walked to the side After a few steps, he left the attack range of the throwing knife.
At the same time, his stand-in world also came in front of Leiku Fanchuan, a pair of iron fists fell on Leiku Fanchuan like a super high-speed punch!
“Woo big wood big wood big wood big wood big!”
However, this punch after punch attack stunned Baiyin Dior, “He was unscathed? How is this possible! My stand-in has a power attribute of A!”
Seeing that the five seconds that could be paused were about to end, Baiyin Dior gritted his teeth and immediately stopped attacking, allowing the world to return to his side.
After the five-second time-stop, Lei Ku Fanchuan didn’t even realize that the time had been suspended for the first time, and he still threw the throwing knives out of inertia, and after throwing a few throwing knives, he saw Bai Yin Dior has left his previous position.
“Hmph, do you think you can escape this way?” Leiku Fanchuan sneered, and then made a strange gesture with his right hand, “God Control Technique!”
With his loud shout, these throwing knives suddenly stopped in the air, and then the blades turned and changed direction in the air! Then they attacked Silver Dior from all directions!
“What kind of ability is this?!” Baiyin Dior’s pupils widened and he immediately paused the time.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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