“What is this? Why does the corpse disappear?!” Baiyin Yuxing stood up abruptly, anxiously walking outside the classroom and calling his father.
“Hey, Dad, how are you doing?” After the call was connected, Baiyin Yuxing asked quickly.
“How did you know that something happened to me?” Baiyin Dior was a little surprised at first, but then he thought, after all, it was a fight on the street, and it was only natural for someone to make a video of it and post it online, “Of course nothing happened here, That guy is no match for me at all. So, don’t worry about me.”
“Phew, that’s good. If the bakery goes down, you can only rely on the live broadcast to eat.” Baiyin Yuxing let out a sigh of relief, and also made a joke along the way.
“You boy, come on, I have a guest here, so I won’t tell you, you can go to class too.” Baiyin Dior cursed with a smile, and hung up the phone.
After hanging up the phone, Baiyin Yuxing fell into deep thought, what exactly is this thing? Substitute messenger? Zerg? Collapse body? Or a heroic spirit corroded by black mud?
“Looking at the pitch-black mass, it looks a bit like a heroic spirit corroded by black mud… When you go to training in the afternoon, ask the Holy Master, he should know about the heroic spirit.”
The time soon came to the afternoon, and a group of people entered the training space one by one.
“I didn’t expect that even my sister and I would be pulled in.” Yukinoshita Yukino who was pulled into the training space looked around in surprise.
“Have I told you all before?” Hikigu Hachiman didn’t understand why Yukinoshita Yukino said that. Characters like them should all come in, and they should be the reserve of Heroic Spirits.
Yukinoshita Yukino gave him a white look, “Hachiman, it’s not surprising that you will come in. After all, according to the previous video, the people who enter this training space, like the heroic spirits, are used to fight against foreign enemies. Like you It is not surprising that powerful people will come in.”
“But we don’t have much strength. Even I rely on heroic cards to gain combat power. That’s why I wonder why we can come in?”
“That’s right…” Hikigu Hachiman tilted his head, but he didn’t think too much. Anyway, it’s good to be able to come in, and he can smoke more Mapo Tofu… He no longer expects to be able to smoke Mapo Tofu something other than that.
Yukinoshita Yoshino didn’t speak at this time, she became very melancholy, she knew that this space was used to train troops like heroic spirits, so how could an ordinary person like her fight? Of course, he used heroic cards like Yukino!
Then she thought of her servant, that huge and muscular man – BERSERKER!
If she used the heroic spirit card, wouldn’t she become a muscular girl? !
Under the snow, Yang Nai wants to cry but has no tears. Mom, I want to go home…
“Well, Hikigaya, and Yukinoshita-san, how are you all?” Yuihama Yui, who was on the side, hurried over to say hello after seeing them finished speaking.
Suddenly appearing in an unknown place, she felt a little flustered, but looking at Hikigu Hachiman and the others, she seemed to know where it was, so she bit the bullet and came here.
“Ah… hello.” Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned when she saw the person coming, isn’t this the good friend who robbed her of the man in the video?
But she doesn’t even know this good friend now! What should I say in this situation!
For a while, several people fell silent, and the scene was filled with embarrassment.
Hiki Valley Hachiman: “…”
What’s the matter with the atmosphere of this Shura field? He obviously didn’t do anything!
Chapter 335: Among the Four Heavenly Kings, I am the Weakest
“What is this place, do you know?” Seeing the atmosphere getting more and more awkward, Yuigahama Yui said quickly.
“You ask this.” Hikigaya Hachiman looked around and saw Hiratsuka Shizuka and Isshiroha, “Wait a minute, I’ll bring them over and explain together.”
Swish, and soon, Hikigu Hachiman brought the two of them over, and then explained the matters related to this training space.
“Wow, the potion for eternal youth!” Yuigahama Yui’s eyes lit up! no girl canReject this kind of thing, no!
The slightly older Shizuka Hiratsuka could barely keep calm, but the longing in her eyes could not be erased. It could be seen that she was actually very interested…well, very interested.
“Senior, do you have any extra holy crystals here, so that I can draw a card?” Yishiyu quickly played her schoolgirl attributes, trying to seduce Qigu Hachiman, with a pair of big watery eyes Blink and blink.
“…No, no.” Bi Qigu Hachiman, who had never been charmed before, was stunned for a moment, but it was the Saint Quartz, if there is no, there is no, there is no way! I can only wait for the maintenance to get the stones, otherwise I have to train every day and slowly accumulate stones.
“Eh? Really not?”
Isshiroyu pouted, and even wanted to grab Hikigu Hachiman’s arm to act coquettishly. It could be seen that he was an old social bully.
But it’s a pity that Yukinoshita Yono stopped her hand just halfway, “Little guy, don’t get too close to my Hachiman, he is my sister’s boyfriend.”
“Ahem, sister, what are you talking about?” Yukinoshita Yukino blushed from being choked, causing her sister to chuckle.
“Speaking of which, there are still two people who were exposed in this video that haven’t appeared before. They are the master of ASSASSIN, and the master of RIDER Makoto Ito.” Shizuka Hiratsuka who was fed a mouthful of dog food Her hands were shaking. What did she do wrong to be forced to eat dog food?
So, she decisively changed the subject.
“Those two people probably won’t come in.” Hikigu Hachiman explained, “The people who have been exposed in the previous video are basically like this, and villains will not appear. After all, this place is used to train foreign battles In the army, those villains may come in, and they may do something.”
“It’s true… People like Shinomiya Yuntaka’s hand fetishism and Ito Makoto come in. I really don’t know what will happen.”
While we were talking here, Imamura Kohei suddenly broke in, and he laughed wildly with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, “Ahahahaha! Finally let me complete it. Sure enough, there is nothing in this world that I can’t do without my godly talent.” Things! Lord? Hello, Lord? Are you there? I’m done.”
“What’s wrong with him?” Doma asked Tachibana Hilfenford who was beside him.
“I don’t know, seeing him so happy, did he make a new game?” Tachibana Hilfenford’s eyes lit up, and he was even looking forward to it!
The holy master called by Imamura Kohei, that is, Cheng Yang, was discussing the enemy with Ah Xing. The enemy was killed by Baiyin Dior so easily in the morning, which surprised the two of them.
After discussing for a long time, the two basically reached a certain consensus, that is – the guy who was killed must not be too strong in their world!
After all, no matter what the specific strength is, a subconscious action exposed one’s fatal weakness. No matter how you look at it, this is a mistake only a novice would make!
“Oh, it’s been so long.” Cheng Yang was startled when he heard Kohei Imamura’s voice. He looked at the time and found that it was already afternoon, and it was time for everyone to start training one after another.
“Ah Xing, Imamura Kohei probably made something, I’ll go get it. And there are newcomers coming today, if necessary, I’ll go and fool them, you wait for me here.”
After finishing speaking, Cheng Yang shifted his consciousness to the statue of the Holy Master. On the huge statue of the Holy Master, two eyes flashed red, “Everyone, you are here.”
“Oh, Holy Master, you have finally appeared.” Kohei Imamura hurriedly said, “I have already prepared what you asked for.”
“Thanks for your hard work, Geng Ping, the peace of this world is due to you.” Cheng Yang looked at the eyes of everyone with a little surprise, and explained the matter of the enemy in the other world.
“So that’s an invader from another world!” Hikigu Hachiman clenched his fist, regretting it, if he had been careful before, he wouldn’t have been run away by that guy!
“In that case, don’t I have a share of the credit for the peace of the world? I killed an invader from another world!”
Baiyin Dior straightened his waist and stood up straight, saving the world easily once, as expected of him!
“It seems that the enemies of the other world are not very strong.” Shinomiya Kaguya was obviously relieved. When she first heard about the enemies of the other world, she was stupid. This can break through the barriers of the world. How strong the enemy must be!
It was only when she heard the words of the future father-in-law that she realized that it was not easy to kill one of them? It is estimated that the others are not so good!
Not only her, but the rest of the people also obviously relaxed their minds, and the whole training space was filled with a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere.
Cheng Yang frowned slightly. Although he hoped that the enemy would be as weak as possible, as the saying goes, it is not victory, but defeat first! Blindly thinking about how weak the enemy is, if you fight with this mentality, even if the enemy is really weak, you will lose!
So, he decided to pour cold water on them!
“Everyone, you seem to think that the enemies are all of this level, so they should be easy to deal with, right? But what I want to say is that this is just their vanguard, and they belong to the miscellaneous soldiers! Last night, Jiadou did not Did you also fight the enemy? What happened? The enemy left unharmed!”
“This is enough to show that the enemy who was killed is not too strong! You still need to continue to work hard to hone your fighting skills! The future of this planet depends on you!”
In fact, Cheng Yang didn’t know whether the dead enemy was a miscellaneous soldier or not.That’s what I meant…Of course, he might not have imagined it, but he really guessed it right!
This Leiku Fanchuan is really a vanguard soldier! And it’s a rookie soldier who has just joined the army! In their five-member team, he was undoubtedly the weakest one!
Fortunately, those old fritters didn’t bother to settle accounts with him, or else with his attitude, he would have been beaten long ago!
That is to say, Lei Crying Fanchuan died in Time Ting. If not, he would definitely say a last word: Don’t be too complacent. Among the four heavenly kings, I am only the weakest one, and there are four who are stronger than me. of!
Chapter 336: The Most Useless Hermit Purple
“Indeed, the enemy I met was very strong.” Hikigu Hachiman sensed the Holy Master’s thoughts, and even offered to help.
Of course, he also wanted to save his face… After all, there were two enemies. The one he met played tricks on him and ran away, while the other one was beaten to death immediately! Doesn’t this make him look good? !
Hearing Hikigu Hachiman’s words, the group obviously became more serious. Just watching the video on the Internet, they really don’t know whether the enemy escaped or was killed.
But now that Hikigu Hachiman has said that, it is obvious that the enemy really escaped from the hands of Hyper Kato. They know the speed of Hyper Kato very well. They can escape at this speed, and the enemy is by no means ordinary generation!
“That’s right, so, please be sure to cultivate seriously, and this planet will be protected by you in the future!” Cheng Yang said with great satisfaction.
Just when he was about to ask Kohei Imamura for the device, Yuyuki Baiyin suddenly interjected, “Mr. Shengzhu, I have a question, I want to ask.”
“Oh? It’s really rare that you would take the initiative to ask me questions. What’s the matter?”
“That’s right, I want to ask, can Heroic Spirits be summoned during non-Holy Grail Wars?” Baiyin Yuxing wanted to summon Jonathan Joestar, the man who burned his soul to save the world, no Should be locked in the small black room in the Hall of Valor!
“Yeah, if I can summon it, I also want to meet my brother Jonathan!” Silver Dior also said, “I don’t know if it’s because of resetting the world, or it’s been too long, I not only I don’t remember the past with my eldest brother, and I don’t even remember what he looks like.”
That’s because there is no such person in your life! Cheng Yang complained silently in his heart, but it was because of this matter that the invaders from another world suddenly appeared, almost made him forget the setting that the heroic spirits were locked in the small black room.
“I see. I understand your intentions. Not only you, but even Yukinoshita, you all want to see your followers, right?” Cheng Yang really wanted to control the Holy Master to show a sad expression…but it’s a pity , the statue couldn’t make an expression, so he had to make his tone sound a little more sad.
“The past, present, and future heroes, kings, and even the saviors who have saved the world can only stay in the Hall of Heroes after they become heroes… I used to be created by the will of the planet and the will of human groups. The first Heroic Spirit, doesn’t think there is any problem with this.”
“But after communicating with human beings for a long time, I gradually realized that human beings are collective creatures, and if they are separated from the collective, there will always be some psychological problems!”
“So, to your question, my answer is – during non-Holy Grail Wars and non-human disasters, it is not allowed to summon heroic spirits! However, I will give advice to the will of the planet and the will of human groups, and strive for Let them not be locked in the small black room in the Hall of Valor.”
“If it goes well, maybe in a few days, you will be able to see them in this training space.”
“Huh, that’s great.” Baiyin Yuxing breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the Holy Master with a little gratitude.
Not only him, Shirogane Dior, Shirogane Kei, but also the Yukinoshita sisters, Yuigahama Yui, Isshiroba, Hiratsuka Shizu and others are also in a similar mood.
From this point of view, Cheng Yang’s plan is still very effective!
Seeing that this matter was over, Cheng Yang finally said to Imamura Kohei, “Then, Kohei, please put the finished things in this space and use it once, I need to know where those enemies are!”
“After finding the enemy, I need to trouble everyone to hunt down the enemy. After all, I can’t act now. Of course, I will prepare the Saint Quartz as a reward!”
“Saint crystal…” Except for the eyes of a few newcomers who just came in, the corners of their mouths were twitching. If you want to use mapo tofu for free, just say so, needless to say so euphemistically!
“Ah, this…Actually, I also want to offer better rewards, but, as you all know, I am just a wage earner created by the will of the planet and the collective will of mankind. I can’t adjust these rewards. ”
Seeing the subtle expressions on everyone’s faces, Cheng Yang quickly explained, and even his tone of voice became aggrieved.
The reason why he chose to reveal the news of the will of the planet and the will of human clusters in the video before is to divert hatred at this time, and to arouse everyone’s empathy for the Holy Lord by the way?
Sure enough, as soon as these words were said, the subtle expressions of everyone became full of sympathy in an instant, and the eyes of each one seemed to say, “My good brother, it’s really hard for you to work for such two cheating bosses.” .”
Just when Cheng Yang was explaining, he saw Imamura Kohei leaving the training space, he was wondering, Imamura Kohei returned to the training space with a big machine.
“That’s what I doout of the machine. Kohei Imamura slapped the screen proudly, “I didn’t follow the standard you said, because I think it’s just based on the global scale, maybe there will be omissions!” ”
After finishing speaking, he started the machine, and four huge red dots were displayed on it, flashing over the planet!
“Facts have proved that my choice is correct! This is the enemy’s hiding place I found through the instrument, and it is in the space outside the atmosphere of our planet!”
Hearing Kohei Imamura’s almost boastful tone, Kei Baiyin said softly, “If I’m not mistaken, Mr. Kohei Imamura built a machine that can search for the enemy’s location?”
“That’s right!” Kohei Imamura straightened his chest, “This is something that only my god can do!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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