“But my Hermit’s Purple can search for the enemy, why bother to make a machine?”
“???” Kohei Imamura was dumbfounded, right, isn’t there a substitute for this? Damn it, it’s unreasonable to be a substitute!
Cheng Yang was also dumbfounded, yes, isn’t there still the invincible Hermit’s Purple? He actually forgot!
Then, they watched Bai Yingui tap a camera, but the photo came out was blank, she tilted her head, “Huh? The enemy seems to have the ability to hide, so I can’t find it.”
“Huh.” Kohei Imamura straightened his waist instantly, and he just said, this is something that only his divine power can do!
Cheng Yang also straightened up in an instant, with an expression that he had expected for a long time, he had known it for a long time! The most useless hermit’s purple will definitely not find the enemy!
Chapter 337 This planet is very evil
“Ahem, in short, the traces of the enemy are found outside the planet, right?” Cheng Yang said in a deep voice.
To be honest, outer space is a bit troublesome. At first, he wanted to find the whereabouts of the enemy and let everyone go there to beat up the enemy!
But the enemy is hiding in outer space. Currently, the only ones who can go to outer space are HYPER Jiadou and Shen Yiyi.
But there are four enemies… As he suffers from insufficient firepower phobia, he just wants to explode troops crazily, and then suppress the opponent with numbers!
But if you want to fight now, you can only play two against four, and there are three guys on the opposite side who haven’t shown up!
To be honest, he was a little guilty…
“That’s right, it’s in outer space. After I use the God Billion cassette, I can survive in space. In addition, there is also HYPER armor. I remember fighting in space in the video.” Imamura Kohei touched his chin and said , “Why don’t you let Hikigu Hachiman and I go for a run in outer space?”
“That’s true. After all, there are enemies from another world staring at us, and I’m also worried about the safety of Komachi and the others.” Hikigaya Hachiman didn’t refuse, even if it was for the safety of his sister, he had to make a trip.
“… Then I’ll leave it to you two.” Cheng Yang thought for a moment, and finally agreed. After all, they can’t let the enemy prepare in secret!
“I will prepare the Holy Quartz for you, and each person will be given 30 Holy Quartz for this mission.”
Hiki Valley Hachiman & Imamura Kohei: “…”
Leave them both speechless! There are at most eleven servings of stinky tofu for ten consecutive draws!
Seeing the indifferent eyes of the two, Cheng Yang thought to himself, the next time he draws a card, he needs to send out a good thing. Even if he draws big cakes, he needs to let the employees taste a little bit of sweetness!
The enemies from other worlds that Cheng Yang and the others were discussing to kill were drinking milk tea and eating snacks as usual.
The only difference is that there is a corpse lying on the ground, it is Leiku Fanchuan.
One of the old fritters smiled, “A newcomer is a newcomer, even the way of dying is so funny.”
They also saw the video circulating on the Internet, without exception, all four of them noticed Lei crying Fanchuan’s small movement to look at his wrist armor, and the next second, he was lying on the ground.
Therefore, these four people all understood how Leiku Fanchuan died. During the timeout, someone turned off the protective cover, and then was beaten to death. He died like a clown!
Yao Chixiang looked at the corpse on the ground, and sighed slightly, idiot, all meritorious deeds are fake, only being alive is real.
Whether it is living physically or living spiritually, everyone is pursuing to live, once they die, there is nothing left.
He didn’t even have the idea of ​​revenge for Leiku Fanchuan. As an old fritter who had nothing to do with Leiku Fanchuan, his previous dissuasion had exhausted all his kindness towards this person.
At this moment, seeing this corpse, apart from sighing a little, he didn’t feel any fluctuations in his heart… He even strengthened his determination to continue fishing!
“Let’s go, we can’t take this base anymore.” Yao Chixiang got up and walked out as soon as he put the milk tea in his hand, “I can feel that our location has been found out by them, I guess it won’t be long before they It’s coming soon.”
“Did you find the location of this base, or did you find our location?” One of the old fritters tightened their expression, the difference between the two was enormous.
If they just found the location of the base, then they can continue to fish in another place! But if they find their location, even if they change places, they will be found out again!
“I found our location, but don’t worry, it’s not that difficult.” Yao Chixiang looked indifferent, when he perceives the other party’s detection, he already understands the other party’s detection method.
Objects in each universe have a unique label in that universe, just like the product will have XX manufacturing written on it, and these creatures from different universes, their labels are naturally different from the objects in this universe!
And the shielding level of their built-in shielding device is not adjusted too high, and the label information is not blocked.
Yao Chixiang shook his head, thinking in his heart, obviously it looks like a planet with a very low civilization, let alone fly out of the star system, he can’t even immigrate from nearby planets!
Unexpectedly, this planet is very evil! Inexplicable Kamen Riders, Stands, Heroic Spirits… Moreover, he feels that there may be more weird things!
This planet, their empire may not be able to take it down!
Since he can’t beat it down, then he has to be more firm in his idea of ​​fishing! There is no need to risk your life for an impossible task.
Thinking of this, his eyes became firm.
And after Yao Chixiang finished talking about the way the other party probed them, the three old fritters relaxed, “It turned out that they found us in this way, so it’s not a big problem, as long as the shielding level of the shielding device is raised a bit Enough!”
Because the higher the shielding level is, the more energy is consumed. Therefore, when they first came to this planet, although they adjusted the shielding level to the highest level, they lowered the shielding level after detecting that the planet was completely useless.
But now, they realize that the enemy doesn’t seem to be a rookie, and has even found their position, and they are going to influence them to fish, so they must increase the shielding level!
Saying that, the three of them followed behind Yao Chixiang with a relaxed expression, preparing to increase the shielding level, and then drive the base to another place to continue fishing!
At least until the arrival of the squad leader, they should work a little harder!
As for now… Anyway, they have obtained the enemy’s information, and even killed a colleague in order to obtain the information. The team leader can’t say that they are not serious about their work!
But following along, the three of them realized something was wrong, the direction Yao Chixiang was going was not the control room, but the storage room!
“What are you doing in the storage room?” one of the old fried dough sticks asked puzzled.
Yao Chixiang smiled slightly, “Of course they are looking for our clones! If we simply run away, the enemy will definitely try their best to find out our whereabouts, and maybe they can really break through our shield.”
“But if we let a few clones die here, they will feel that the enemy has been dealt with and will not trouble us again. We can fish and drink milk tea with peace of mind.”
The eyes of several old fried dough sticks lit up one after another, and they clapped their hands, “Miao ah~ Miao ah!”
As expected of an old-timer in the fishing world, this level is really unbelievable!
Chapter 338 Beast, what happened to you
After the four clones were placed, Yao Chixiang and the four of them increased the shielding level of themselves, and sneaked away from the base.
Just after they left, about ten seconds later, the transformed Hikigaya Hachiman and Imamura Kohei had arrived at the base.
The two of them just kicked down the gate of the base and broke in, and the clone roared responsibly. The unbelievable tone and panic expression fully proved their acting skills…Of course, it may not be acting , after all, for these clones, they are really going to die.
“Who are you asking me? This question is really strange. Would you actually ask who the sun is in front of the sun?” Hikigu Hachiman pointed his index finger to the sky, and the utterance was to pretend to be evasive.
“Stop pretending to be B, knock them down quickly!” Imamura Kohei directly interrupted Hikigaya Hachiman’s pretending to escape, and the expression on his face gradually became more beautiful. This was the first time he used the God Billion cassette, and he felt a little bit Excited!
He wasn’t afraid to admit the wrong person… because, like the enemies in the previous video, these four people were covered in a cloud of black mist.
“Drink!” The two yelled and rushed up. They thought it would be a fierce battle!
But…the four clones have neither special abilities nor advanced equipment, just like ordinary people.
Facing two extremely powerful Kamen Riders, the four clones quickly rushed to the street.
Looking at the four corpses lying on the ground, he was a little unbelievable than Kigu Hachiman, “This is winning? It shouldn’t be, I don’t know about the other three, but the person who fought with me that day shouldn’t have this level That’s right!”
“Look there.” Kohei Imamura pointed aside, with armor, wrist armor and other things on it, “According to what Uncle Dior said before, the abilities of these guys come more from the equipment on their bodies, and the four of them probably I didn’t expect to be found in the base by us, and I didn’t wear any equipment at all!”
“That’s right.” Hikigu Hachiman nodded, “No wonder they panicked when they saw us.”
“Since the matter has been resolved, we can go back.” Kohei Imamura took the lead to fly out after finishing speaking.
Hikigu Hachiman looked at the several corpses on the ground, feeling a little unreal in his heart, he was already ready for a big fight when he came, but who knew… it was just a mess!
“That’s fine.” He sighed, turned around and flew back.
When the two returned to the training space, even though the time flow in the training space was different from that of the outside world, it didn’t take long. This made Cheng Yang feel a little flustered, “Why did they come back so soon? Could it be that the enemy is too strong, so that you all Is the battle defeated?”
“No…” Kohei Imamura released his transformation, with a very weird expressionShaking his head, in fact, he didn’t really feel anything.
So, he immediately ran to the machine he built and operated it, and there was no red dot on it, so he was relieved, the enemy was indeed eliminated!
“Okay, it’s confirmed now, the enemy has indeed been solved by us.”
“That’s it? It’s too soon?!” It was not Cheng Yang who expressed surprise first, but Baiyin Dior!
He remembered that when he defeated that enemy, it still took some time, but it only took so long for these two people to fight four? Converting the time from the outside world, it only took about a minute, and part of the time was spent on the road! Doesn’t it make him look like a dish!
“Although I also think it’s too fast, but that’s how it is.” After returning to this space, Hikigaya Hachiman also canceled his transformation. He shrugged and said, “It’s probably luck. When we went, the enemy didn’t wear it.” The equipment is no different from that of ordinary people, and you can be killed with one punch.”
“When they lay down, I thought they were touching porcelain.”
“Pengci…” Cheng Yang was also stunned, was it so easy? How can he persuade these SSR cards to be vigilant! Don’t talk about them, even he himself is about to let his guard down!
“Ah… um… this… are you sure they are all dead?”
“Of course I’m sure, I checked the machine as soon as I came back, and it showed clearly that the enemy has been completely eliminated!” Kohei Imamura laughed wildly, “Sure enough, there is nothing I can’t do with my divine ability! ”
“Aren’t you sure your machine is broken?”
“How is it possible? You can insult me, but you can’t insult my divine talent!” Imamura Kohei patted his chest and said confidently.
“Okay.” Although he felt that the matter ended too quickly, Cheng Yang could only accept it, “That’s fine, since the enemy’s vanguard has been defeated, this planet will be much more peaceful.”
Although I don’t know if this is the vanguard, but it doesn’t prevent him from saying that… I still have to keep everyone vigilant.
“Then, Hiki Valley Hachiman, Imamura Kohei, you two have defeated the enemy, and I will reward you with Saint Quartz. In addition, Imamura Kohei has also created a set of machines that can search for enemies, and I will give you additional Saint Quartz award.”
As he said that, a red light flashed in the eyes of the Holy Master controlled by Cheng Yang, and then the two of them saw that the number of Saint Quartz on their personal information had increased.
“Exactly, I haven’t eaten mapo tofu for a long time, let’s have some mapo tofu.” Kohei Imamura saw that he had added 60 holy crystals, so he immediately smoked ten consecutive rounds.
At the same time, Cheng Yang was secretly contacting Ah Xing, “Hey, Ah Xing, someone has drawn a lottery! Hurry up and throw a good thing in his reward!”
“Okay!” Ah Xing didn’t feel any guilt about operating in the dark, and threw a bottle of potion that could cure all diseases into it.
As soon as this thing was lost, Imamura Kohei’s eyes changed. He widened his eyes and breathed rapidly, “Gold, golden light! It’s golden light! I’ve shipped it! I’ve shipped it!”
“What? Someone shipped it?!”
“Impossible? In addition to mapo tofu, there are other things in this pond!”
“Let me be healthy, let me be healthy!”
“Yaoshou, ten companies don’t have eleven mapo tofu!”
“Bastard, what happened to you?!”
“Hahahahaha!” Imamura Kohei ignored the envious voices of the others, and accepted the reward with a maniacal smile. The smile was so distorted that it was not human.
And when he saw the reward clearly, he laughed even crazier, “It’s a potion used to cure any disease, even a broken limb can be cured! Hahahaha!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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