“Damn seal!” A group of people cursed with red eyes.
Chapter 339: Dealing with demons and heretics, I have never kept my word
“Hachiman, didn’t you just get the Saint Quartz?” Yukinoshita Yukino lightly tugged Hikigu Hachiman’s sleeve, her eyes seemed to be shining.
Even though Bikigu Hachiman told her that the delivery rate was very low, seeing someone else win a lottery with her own eyes still made her extremely jealous! The potion of eternal youth, no girl can resist the temptation!
“That’s right, that’s right, little Hachiman, hurry up that Juren!” Yukinoshita Yono also grabbed his arm excitedly.
“Okay, then I’ll order.” Hikigu Hachiman didn’t refuse, he also wanted to win the big prize!
Then… eleven servings of mapo tofu.
“I’m so mad!” Hikigu Hachiman ate a portion of mapo tofu angrily!
“Hey… the days to come, I’m afraid it will become more and more sad.” Makoto Ito returned home with a sad face. He had a crush on Gui Yanye, and he always wanted to pursue Gui Yanye.
When the two met by chance before, Gui Yanye would still give him a polite smile, but when they met again today, Gui Yanye turned pale and ran away!
He naturally knew why, the fact that he was a hungry ghost was revealed in the video… Bah, bah, bah, what kind of hungry ghost, slander, all slander! He is obviously just an ordinary student!
Not only Gui Yanye, but also some female students in the class are deliberately staying away from him, such as Xiyuan Temple World, Qingpu Setsuna, Kuroda Hikaru and others, they usually have a good relationship, but today no one is willing talk to him!
And those boys, moreHe was staring at him with malicious eyes, as if he wanted to show himself well in front of girls.
Fortunately, when he went out this morning, he treated the cover of a book properly, making it look like a magic book.
Once he noticed that someone wanted to do something to him, he took out the magic book and pretended to start chanting a spell, which scared these people away and avoided the fate of being violently beaten.
“Thanks to this book.” He took out the “magic book” that saved his dog’s life today, and wiped off the dust on the cover. “From now on, I will rely on you.”
Afterwards, his eyes became a little melancholy, “I heard that classmate Gui is about to transfer schools. I’m afraid I won’t see her again in the future. I haven’t said anything to classmate Gui yet…”
“Before you think about that kind of thing, think about your safety first.”
“Who?!” The sudden voice in the room startled Makoto Ito, and he fell from the chair to the ground. He looked up, and it was Kamen Rider Koto!
“A, Jiadou…” Ito Makoto turned pale, “Then, that, we two have been brothers for a while, don’t you need to do this? Why don’t I pour you a cup of black tea?”
“…” Biqigu Hachiman’s face darkened, you dare to mention brother? ! He wished he could kick Ze Yuezhi into a meat paste now!
“No need to talk politely! I’m here to give you a choice, either tell me the whereabouts of Ze Yuezhi, in this case, you two will be beaten together! Or, in order to protect your father, you insist on refusing to tell me His whereabouts, if this is the case, I will beat all the beatings of two people on you alone!”
Hikigu Hachiman didn’t find the whereabouts of Sawakoshi Yuki, but Ito Makoto’s whereabouts are easy to find, just go to the school to check the roster! Fortunately, Ito Makoto in the school uniform appeared in the video, and it was quite easy to follow the school uniform to find the school!
Hearing Hikigu Hachiman’s words, Makoto Ito trembled all over. Sure enough, he couldn’t escape this beating no matter what? hateful!
Um? and many more! Suddenly, Makoto Ito seemed to think of something, and he said expectantly, “Well, Brother Koto, do you think there is such a possibility that I will take you to find my father Zegoshi, and then, you take the two All the beatings are on him alone?”
Hiki Valley Hachiman: (O_O)? ? ?
What is this operation? Rather, there is such an operation? ! He has lived for so many years, and he has never seen such an operation!
Great filial piety, family members!
Hikigu Hachiman took a deep breath and said, “Okay, as long as you can lead me to Ze Yuezhi!”
“Okay! Come with me!” Makoto Ito was overjoyed instantly, and his whole body became energetic. He quickly put the “magic book” into his clothes, and then led the way.
On the other side, Ze Yuezhi didn’t know what kind of fate he was going to face. At this time, he was sitting on the sofa with a sad face.
Today, he asked his sister to use the weapon system, but was rejected! Then, he asked his daughter, his granddaughter, and his daughter-in-law to use the weapon system, but they were all rejected!
Although he forced his daughter to use the weapon system in the end, he was still very upset. These people who had allowed him to use the weapon system before would not allow him to use the weapon system just because of a video!
It’s outrageous!
“Dad, we’re here to see you.”
“Huh?” Suddenly hearing a familiar voice behind him, Ze Yuezhi thought about it for a while, and finally thought that it seemed to be Ito Makoto’s voice, and he was a little happy, “Oh, it’s Makoto, why did you think of coming here today?” .”
But as soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned, and he didn’t even open the door. How did Makoto Ito come in? ! And, he said “we”? “who are we?
He looked back and jumped up in fright, “A, Jiadou?!”
The so-called Koto is Yukinoshita Hachiman, right? And Yukinoshita Hachiman is Sawagoe Hachiman who was adopted by him in a certain world line!
“Hachi, Hachiman, you should come to visit Dad, right? Dad is very pleased.” Ze Yuezhi suppressed a smile that was uglier than crying, trying to calm the anger in Hikigu Hachiman’s heart with a smile.
But even though there was a smile on his face, he was cursing in his heart, damn Makoto Ito, it was you who brought Kamen Rider Koto here, right? !
“Hehe, although I don’t want to call you those two words, I am indeed the one who visited you.”
Hearing Hikigaya Hachiman’s words, Ze Yuezhi’s eyes lit up first, and then he looked at Hikigaya Hachiman and began to clenched his fists, “Gulu! Let me ask first, how do you visit me?”
“Look at it with your fist! Don’t worry, it will definitely hurt!”
“Shouldn’t it be said that this situation will definitely not hurt?!” Ze Yuezhi just roared, and Hikigu Hachiman’s fist fell on him!
“Ow! Ow! Oooohoo!”
Seeing the screaming Sawagoshi, Ito Makoto felt no fluctuation in his heart, and even moved to tears: People often say that a father will give everything for his children. Presumably, his father also helped him get beaten with this mentality. ! His father is really great!
Then, he was pulled over and beaten together.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! Didn’t you say that as long as you are brought here, you will not bring me? You are not trustworthy!”
Hikigu Hachiman said calmly while beating, “I have never been trustworthy when dealing with demons and heretics.”
“Scumbags like you, living in this world, will only eat rice dearly!”
Chapter 340: Got it, it’s the Tower of Tragedy
“Xiaoyun, this is for you.” Sun Tianhua held an ice cream and handed it to his girlfriend Xia Yun, with a particularly bright smile.
“Thank you, Tianhua.” XiaYun took the ice cream with a smile, but there was always a hint of gloom in the smile.
“What’s the matter with you?” Sun Tianhua keenly noticed that her smile was a little stiff, so he asked.
“…” Xia Yun turned the ice cream in her hand and exhaled, “It’s my dad. I had a fight with him again yesterday. He doesn’t want me to be with you.”
“I, I will work hard!” Sun Tianhua said hastily, “I will work hard to become someone who can match you!”
Sun Tianhua’s family is very ordinary. There is only one father in the family. His ancestors practiced martial arts and opened a martial arts gym. But later, taekwondo and karate became popular in China. On the contrary, few people learn traditional martial arts in China.
Naturally, their family’s martial arts school closed down, and even his father was forced to embark on the road of moving bricks in order to earn his tuition fees.
Sun Tianhua, who practiced martial arts since he was a child, developed a body with strong muscles. Sun Tianhua, who has a great interest in traditional martial arts, still wants to restore the glory of traditional martial arts. After graduating from university, Sun Tianhua reopened his family’s martial arts gym. up.
Of course, no matter how he recruited people, no one came… Although his father didn’t say anything, some classmates he knew before secretly laughed at him.
If it weren’t for the fact that the martial arts gym is his own, he doesn’t need to pay rent, and at the same time he does some temporary work by himself, otherwise he would have starved to death long ago.
But Xia Yun is different. As the daughter of the richest man in the country, she is enough to be called Miss Qianjin!
This kind of her should have nothing to do with Sun Tianhua, but two years ago, she was targeted by the kidnappers, and several bodyguards were severely injured by the kidnappers with knives. At that time, she really thought she was dead!
And the person who saved her was none other than Sun Tianhua!
Sun Tianhua, who suddenly appeared, almost beat the dozen or so kidnappers to death! It was also thanks to her spending a lot of money to hire the strongest lawyer in the country – Zhang San, that Sun Tianhua was not convicted of excessive self-defense.
From then on, Xia Yun recognized Sun Tianhua! Although the process was a little clichéd, I have to admit that Sun Tianhua, who beat up a group of people neatly at that time, gave her a great sense of security!
Xia Yun, who has experienced various kidnapping incidents since she was a child, has never experienced a sense of security, but with Sun Tianhua, she finally understands what a sense of security feels like!
Therefore, even if Sun Tianhua’s family background is not good and his appearance doesn’t fit her aesthetics, she doesn’t care!
She doesn’t care about money, anyway, her family has enough money for thousands of years! As for appearance, although Sun Tianhua can’t be called handsome, she can’t be called ugly either. It’s just the appearance of an ordinary person. To her, some disadvantages of appearance are nothing compared to her sense of security!
That’s right, although it’s a hero who saves the beauty, it’s impossible for Xia Yun to fall in love at first sight (Sun Tianhua doesn’t have the hardware facilities to make people fall in love at first sight). She first asked Sun Tianhua to be her boyfriend because of the strong muscles. Come, the overwhelming sense of security!
Love or something is cultivated after almost half a year.
But regarding this sense of security, Xia Yun’s father had a different opinion. He felt that if he wanted a sense of security, it would be good to let Sun Tianhua be his bodyguard?
For this kind of thought, Xia Yun chuckled, she didn’t think there would be bodyguards willing to work hard for her! Besides, after getting along for a long time, she already fell in love with Sun Tianhua, a honest, simple, gentle and kind man, so how could she give up?
And in this relationship, Sun Tianhua, who has no money, naturally has some low self-esteem. He is unwilling to accept the job that Xia Yun finds for him, and stubbornly wants to make a living by himself!
But it is a pity that almost all modern Chinese people regard traditional domestic martial arts as a deceptive thing, so his martial arts has not improved much… Recently he has been thinking about whether to go to boxing to become famous. Is it easy to recruit people?
As for the possibility of not being able to win, he never thought about it! In his opinion, those boxers are no different from chickens and dogs… His father said that in ancient times, even without any training, he was enough to be a general! Innate divine power refers to a person like him!
Facing Sun Tianhua’s cheering words, Xia Yun patted his arm with a smile (wanted to pat his head, but he was not tall enough), “Okay, don’t worry about money, our family is very rich !”
“It’s just that stubborn guy, Dad, who always thinks that you are here to cheat our family of money. But as long as he gets along with you, he will know what kind of person you are.”
Sun Tianhua shook his head, “Even so, I still want to make a career… I don’t want you to lose your head in front of your friends.”
“…” Xia Yun was stunned for a moment, “Last time, you heard that.”
Last time, she took Sun Tianhua to the class reunion, some classmates hid aside and chatted while Sun Tianhua went to the bathroom, she thought Sun Tianhua didn’t hear.
Seeing Sun Tianhua’s resolute gaze, she also laughed, “Well, I believe in you! The man I have my eyes on is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely the best man in the world! One day, I once looked down on you, once Those who make fun of my blindness will regret that they are blind!”
Then, Sun Tianhua also laughed, this smile was very like a Shiba Inu. This is what Xia Yun likes very much!
Afterwards, the two held hands and began to press the road. Just as they passed by an alley, Sun Tianhua was taken aback suddenly. He saw a person lying in the alley?
“Xiaoyun, there seems to be someone there.”
“Is this really okay?” Ah Xing watched nervously as Sun Tianhua and Xia Yun ran into the alley, “Someone entrusted it to me, what should I do if something happens to me?”
The person lying in the alley is an alien, his planet has been destroyed, and there is only one life leftIt was sent out by the will of the planet, and then picked up by Ah Xing, all of this is still yesterday.
This alien still has a little bit of power left over from the will of that planet. Ah Xing understands what this power means. It is praying for the will of other planets suitable for life to take in this life. That’s the reward!
Ah Xing, who has already received the reward, thinks that he needs to take good care of this alien, but when Cheng Yang saw this alien, he fell into deep thought. This alien actually has a tail!
The shattered home planet, the alien with the tail… I get it, it’s the Tower of Tragedy!
And when Cheng Yang learned that the alien lost his previous memory, he became even more excited! This is not to let him make up random things!
So, Cheng Yang immediately asked Ah Xing to make a jade plaque engraved with the word Vegeta, let the alien wear it, and sent him out. This is Vegeta!
Chapter 341 Wonderful, wonderful!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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