“It’s okay, it’s okay, nothing will happen! These two people are not bad people, haven’t you checked all of this?” Cheng Yang patted his chest and assured.
But Ah Xing is still a little worried, probably because the thought of another planet’s will being shattered like this made him feel a little empathetic, right? So much so that Axing seems to be too concerned about this Vegeta.
“But… well, these two children are good people and won’t hurt him, well, that’s it.”
Ah Xing comforted himself in his heart, not only worrying about other people’s children, but also maintaining trust in his own children!
“By the way, Ah Xing, does the power of the planet’s will that you received strengthen your current power?”
According to the usual practice, at this time, Ah Xing should yell, “Swallow a golden pill into my stomach, from now on, my life is up to me”, and then go through the thunder disaster and evolve from a planet to a star… Cough cough, far away up! In short, after swallowing the power of the will of another planet, Ah Xing should also become stronger, right?
Regarding this point, Cheng Yang said very much, I am very curious!
“Strength enhancement?” Ah Xing was taken aback for a moment, and then felt it carefully. After about ten seconds, he jumped up happily, “Oh, it really is!”
“What is it?” Cheng Yang was overjoyed and asked quickly.
“There will be another opportunity to create children soon!”
“Ah?” Cheng Yang was stunned, “That’s it? Didn’t you already make it? Besides, even ordinary men and women can make it! This new ability is too useless, right? !”
“No, no, no, you didn’t understand me!” Ah Xing still seemed very excited, “Let me tell you, every planet is actually a planet that can create life and is suitable for large-scale reproduction of life, just like me. , or the earth you lived on before, will create a large amount of life and form an ecological circle, which is also the most suitable way for the development of life.”
“However, planets that are not suitable for large-scale reproduction of life cannot create life in this way! They can only give all the power to create life to one individual, and the strength of this individual must far exceed that of a habitable planet. Individuals of life, but also able to adapt to more difficult living conditions.”
“Oh, so I understand.” Cheng Yang suddenly realized, “Assuming that the energy used to create life is 100, the planet used to create the ecological circle will distribute this 100 points of energy to hundreds of billions, or even tens of thousands. Hundreds of millions of lives, so each individual will not be too strong.”
“However, for a planet that is not suitable for life, in order for this life to survive, we can only give this individual a hundred points of energy to make this individual a god-like existence!”
“That’s right, that’s right!” Ah Xing jumped up excitedly, “I created the ecological circle back then, and exhausted all this energy. After so many years, it has only recovered 30% to 40%, but I have received the remaining power of the planet’s will. After that, my energy recovered to a little more than 90%!”
“It won’t be long before I can create a super powerful child to protect this planet, as well as his brothers and sisters!”
“It’s wonderful, it’s wonderful!” Cheng Yang’s eyes are shining, this kind of super life is very powerful when he hears it! As a veteran phobic of under-fire, this kind of thing is simply amazing!
Leaving aside the extremely excited two of them, Sun Tianhua brought Xia Yun to the alley, and found that the person lying here was indeed a person!
“Ah, he has a tail!” Xia Yun thought it was some kind of decoration at first, but who would have thought that the tail would actually move!
“Could it be a monster? A monkey demon?” When she said this, Xia Yun’s expression was a little surprised and a little panicked.
She didn’t believe in this before, but recently she released several videos in a row, which made her previous worldview almost collapse! She felt that if another monster appeared, it seemed… no big deal?
“I don’t know.” Sun Tianhua protected Xia Yun behind him, then squatted down, and patted the man with the tail lightly, “Wake up, wake up quickly.”
“Hmm…” The person called the monkey monster by Xia Yun snorted, as if he had dreamed of something terrible, and the cold sweat dripped down his forehead.
“He doesn’t seem to wake up? Although I didn’t see him, is he injured? Shall we take him to the hospital?” Sun Tianhua asked.
Xia Yun thought for a while, then shook her head, “It’s not good, after all, he has a tail, so sending him to the hospital like this will definitely cause trouble.If you are in a panic, it is better to hand it over to the country directly. ”
Since the release of several videos in a row, most countries in the world have been frantically looking for this kind of people with special abilities. In the eyes of the country, this kind of people who are similar to superpowers are also part of the country’s armed forces!
Especially the country of Hua to which the two of them belonged, the pressure was even greater! Because the few heroes that have been exposed so far are all from the Hua Kingdom’s vassal country-Sakura Kingdom.
The country of Cherry Blossoms was conquered by an emperor of Hua Kingdom as early as a thousand years ago. When that emperor conquered the country of Cherry Blossoms, he even swears, “His grandma, if it wasn’t because this is a parallel world , I have already wiped out all of you!”
Leaving aside the controversy caused by this sentence, in short, the Sakura Kingdom has been a vassal state of Hua Kingdom since ancient times, and it is an inseparable part of Hua Kingdom!
But now, after several extremely powerful saviors were exposed in succession, the Sakura Kingdom seems to be drifting a little bit.
Some of their high-level officials even took out hand-copied versions of ancient books such as “Luanyu” and “Mengzi”, and declared that this was the genuine version, and they used this to show that their blood was authentic!
At the same time, they also publicized that they are actually the descendants of the brothers and sisters who conquered the Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom, and they are the authentic descendants of the former royal family!
If it weren’t for those saviors who didn’t listen to the government of the Sakura Country, the Sakura Country might have shouted, “Restore my country!”
In short, because of these things, the Huaguo government is currently under a lot of pressure, and they can’t wait to find dozens of super strong people immediately, no matter what Kamen Rider, stand-in messenger, magician, servant, all come!
Then, Hua Guo just slapped Sakura Country on the face, letting Sakura Country know who is the father!
That’s why Xia Yun felt that it would be better to hand over this man with a tail to the government! Regardless of whether he is an alien or a monkey monster, in short, he is different from ordinary people. Since he is different from ordinary people, he must be what the country needs!
“It’s true, the country needs this kind of person, and the medical conditions for him will definitely be better, so let’s take him there.” After speaking, Sun Tianhua hugged the man with the tail.
After picking them up, they saw a jade plaque on the man’s neck with the words Vegeta engraved on it.
“Vegeta? Is that his name? What a strange name.”
Chapter 342 What a lofty term this is
Soon, Sun Tianhua and Xia Yun brought Vegeta to the relevant department – the National Superpower Administration.
This part was established not long ago. Since the authenticity of the video was confirmed, Huaguo decided to set up this department on the same day to manage superpowers across the country.
But unfortunately, it has been a long time since this bureau was established, and no one with superpowers has been found… There are quite a few people who come to cheat for food and drink.
This made Hua Guo’s high-level executives feel very uncomfortable. Why did their little brother have several saviors in a row, and they don’t have a master here? Don’t ask to save the world, there must be someone with special abilities, right?
Among these high-level officials, especially Director Hu of the General Administration of Superpowers, he felt the most uncomfortable. He knew that there were already rumors that because of his poor management, domestic talents with special abilities were unwilling to register.
But today, Director Hu is happy!
He looked at Vegeta lying on the hospital bed, his eyes were red as if he was married and doing indescribable things with his wife. He stretched out his hand tremblingly and wanted to touch Vegeta, that gentle movement was like wanting to touch a peerless treasure.
Then, he was beaten.
“Director, please be cautious, the patient’s condition is not very good now!” The old doctor who treated Vegeta slapped Director Hu’s hand off, and then touched it excitedly, “The appearance is similar to that of a human, but the inside The structural difference is huge, is this the legendary monster?”
Although they don’t know what this Vegeta is, they just look at the monkey tail and think it should be a monster. It’s better to say that they really want this to be a monster!
Monster, what a lofty term! Moreover, with monsters, shouldn’t there be gods? God, what a lofty term this is!
Although gods have appeared in previous videos related to Heroic Spirits, they are foreign gods. Can it be the same? That’s different!
“Ahem.” His hand was knocked off, but Director Hu didn’t feel embarrassed, because he was also very excited now, and it was understandable to compare his heart with his heart.
He turned his head and looked at the two people who sent Vegeta over with a smile, “You two, is he your friend?”
“No, we don’t know him. We met him on the road and brought him here.” Sun Tianhua said truthfully.
Xia Yun said lively, “Yeah, although we don’t know him, we sent it to you as soon as possible. For a moral person like us, you can spread the word and let everyone learn from us.” Just do it.”
“Hahaha, it should be.” Director Hu smiled. Although he is not familiar with Xia Yun, the daughter of the richest man in China, Mr. Xia, he still knows her.
About Xia Yun finding an ordinary person as her boyfriend has long been gossip in the streets and alleys, and he has heard about it, so when he heard Xia Yun’s words at this time, he understood that he was asking him to promote Sun Tianhua as much as possible martial arts school.
However, even if Xia Yun didn’t say that, he still wanted to publicize it, not only Sun Tianhua’s martial arts gym, but also the high reward Sun Tianhua got after providing the monster! Only in this way can the public be attracted to continue to provide them with information about talented people and different people.
“Excuse me, regarding this Vegeta, if he wakes up, the country should notHow are you? “Although I heard Xia Yun’s explanation before, Sun Tianhua was still a little worried.
“Hehehe, I know that there are always such rumors among ordinary people. If you catch a rare animal, slice it! If you catch a superpower, slice it! If you catch an alien, slice it! After slicing, dip it in soy sauce , taste the saltiness.”
Hearing Sun Tianhua’s worry, Chief Hu was not angry, but explained with a bit of sadness, “But actually, it’s all nonsense! Those brainless editors are really fed up!”
“The country set up the General Administration to allow everyone to serve the country, and the country will naturally provide good treatment. This is a win-win situation. How can it be sliced?”
Of course, there is another sentence that Director Hu did not say. Another purpose of setting up this management bureau is to avoid superpower crimes as much as possible!
“Hahaha, then I can feel more at ease.” Sun Tianhua scratched his head and smiled honestly.
And when he was smiling, Director Hu reached out and grabbed his arm, and squeezed it vigorously, but he didn’t move it!
Director Hu smacked his lips and said regretfully, “Young man, with your muscles, why aren’t you a stand-in envoy? I see that many of the previous stand-in envoys are all muscular.”
In the evening, Xia Yun brought Sun Tianhua back to her home. She didn’t want to quarrel with her father anymore, so she tried to force her father to contact Sun Tianhua.
“Uncle, good evening, this is a little thought from me.” Sun Tianhua smiled and presented his own gift. Although it was not expensive, it was carefully selected by him under Xia Yun’s guidance.
“Hmph, come in.” Xia Jun’s father, Xia Binbao, folded his arms around his chest, pursing his lips in displeasure. Probably, all fathers in the world look at their sons-in-law with this attitude, right?
But he is not going to drive people out, after all, his daughter has already invited people here, if he drives people out, others should say that he is uneducated, and it is their family’s face that will be lost!
“Sister, you’re back.” Xia Yun’s younger sister, Xia Lian, heard the sound of the door opening, and hurriedly ran down the stairs, hugging Xia Yun like a koala, but her eyes were not even on Sun Tianhua. Hold on for a second.
“Yes, I’m back. Is Xiaolian serious about reading?” Xia Yun patted her on the head, then smiled apologetically at Sun Tianhua.
Sun Tianhua shook his head, and didn’t care, he wouldn’t be angry with a fifteen or sixteen year old girl, and even for his girlfriend’s sake, he didn’t need to be angry.
“Okay, don’t stick around at the door, come in and sit down.” Looking at the scene of friendship between the two daughters, Xia Binbao’s mood improved a lot. “If you don’t eat, the food will be cold.”
After everyone started eating, Xia Binbao asked, “Xiao Sun, I heard that you opened a martial arts gym. How is the business now?”
He intends to use the simplest and most direct comparison of financial resources to make Sun Tianhua quit!
“That’s right, I opened a martial arts gym, which was passed down from my family before.” Talking about his own business, Sun Tianhua looked a little embarrassed, “At present, there are not many people who come to practice martial arts.”
“That is to say…” Xia Binbao chuckled, and was about to start pretending not to care about how many small goals his company earned this quarter.
Suddenly, the TV at home turned on.
Chapter 343 You will eventually be crowned king
This is the video? Just as Xia Binbao wanted to say something, he was pressed back, and he felt a little upset. Why is this video always posted during dinner?
You must know that those who talk about business often talk about business at night when they are eating, and a video suddenly appears while talking, who can stand it!
Now, although he didn’t talk about business, he was thinking of a way to solve his daughter’s lifelong event, which was more important than talking about business!
“Is this a new hero story? Good! It’s time to watch it while eating!” Xia Yun shouted happily, and then smiled and made a face at her father, which made her father very angry.
Doesn’t she know what her dad meant by that topic just now? She was about to interrupt the topic just now, but this is so good, God can’t stand it anymore.
“Hmph.” Xia Bin took a mouthful of dry rice angrily, and then followed up to watch the video. The video is still to be watched.
These videos not only tell them stories about the savior, but also contain a lot of business opportunities for businessmen like them!
For example, Baiyin Dior, he paid a huge sum of money for Baiyin Dior to shoot an endorsement advertisement, and now a bakery company under him is in great business!
Another example is Kamen Rider Kato, Kamen Rider EX-AID, etc. He wants to buy the relevant portrait rights. At present, his factories are doing their best to produce figures, or toys such as belts and transformation devices, which can be sold well. Fire!
He also saw business opportunities for the Heroic Spirit in the last video, as well as the Holy Grail War. This can be made into a game! He has already thought of a name for the seven-on-seven MOBA game, it’s called League of Heroes!
But this time, what first appeared on the video was a conversation.
“”Your hair, that transformation, what the hell is going on? ! You bastard, who the hell are you! “”
“”I am Sun Tianhua, a Chinese who grew up on this planet and this country, and at the same time, Kakarot, a Saiyan from Planet Vegeta! Now, standing in front of you is the strongest warrior in the universe! “”
“Oh, it’s an alien this time.” Xia Binbao nodded while watching, then he was stunned, Sun Tianhua? Have you heard this name before?
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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