“Tianhua, are you an alien?” Xia Yun was also stunned, what should she do if her boyfriend suddenly turned into an alien, she was waiting online, very anxious.
“Yeah, shouldn’t it be?” Sun Tianhua’s face was blank, and then his eyes suddenly lit up, “By the way, Vegeta! Isn’t there a Vegeta planet here? Right, Xiaoyun?”
“Oh, that’s right! That might be him.” Xia Yun also thought of the man with the monkey tail they saw before, “I thought he was a monster, but I didn’t expect it to be an alien! Moreover, he actually It’s also called Sun Tianhua, hehehe, Tianhua, he is very destined for you.”
“Sister, what are you talking about?” Xia Lian couldn’t hear what was being said at all.
Seeing the confused expressions of his father and sister, Xia Yun explained the man with a monkey tail they met this afternoon.
“Oh, so that’s how it is.” Xia Binbao heaved a sigh of relief, he really thought it was this idiot… But if he is really an idiot, then it seems that there is no problem with his daughter getting married?
Director Hu on the other side also reacted. He looked at the alien next to him excitedly, “So your name is Kakarot, I thought your name was Vegeta.”
Just when Director Hu was about to get off work, Vegeta finally woke up. Because Cheng Yang had already given him medicine, he was actually not injured, but his memory could not be recovered.
He has nowhere to go, so he can only temporarily stay at Director Hu’s house. Watching the video now, he just shook his head blankly, “I don’t know.”
“Don’t be too sad, we will find a way to restore your memory.” Director Hu is in a very good mood at this time. Judging from this sentence, this alien grew up in their Huaguo, and he must have a deep love for Huaguo. Feelings!
They Huaguo finally have capable people who can provoke the leader! Don’t worry about “recover my rivers and mountains” from Sakura Country anymore!
“Yeah.” Vegeta responded with a complicated mood. He lost all his memories and just wanted to know who he was and why he became like this.
“King Vegeta. “In an incubator room where many babies are placed, a man with a tail behind him is saluting another man with extraordinary bearing. Listen to his address, this man is the king of planet Vegeta!”
“”Um. King Vegeta responded, and then found his child. His eyes lit up, and he picked up his sleeping child, “My child has grown so big. “”
“”Yes, King Vegeta, although His Royal Highness is only three years old, his combat power has already reached a thousand, and he is undoubtedly a high-level fighter! “”
“”Ha ha ha ha. “King Vegeta laughed wildly, and raised the child in his hands high, “My child, when you were born, the entire Vegeta planet was whispering this name-Vegeta!” “”
“”Yes, I will name you after this planet! You deserve such an honor! One day my life will come to an end, and you will be crowned king. “”
“”Wahwah…” After King Vegeta finished speaking, another child started crying instead.”
“King Vegeta frowned, and asked the person next to him, “Whose child is this?” “”
“The person next to him immediately answered, “This is Bardock’s newborn child, Kakarot. Because his natural combat power is too low, with only five points, he is often scared to cry by other children’s unintentional aura. “”
“”It’s Bardock’s child. “King Vegeta couldn’t hear any joy or anger in his voice. After he put his child down, he said, “I remember that Bardock is also a high-level fighter. I didn’t expect his child’s combat effectiveness to be so low!” However, even for Bardock’s face, you have to take good care of this child, understand? “”
“Yes, King Vegeta. “”
“I’m a little confused…” Xia Lian looked confused, “It looks like there are both Vegeta and Kakarot, so sister, is the person you picked up before Vegeta?” Tower or Kakarot?”
“It should be Kakarot?” When Xia Yun said this, she didn’t quite believe it. After all, the person they saw before looked so much like King Vegeta! But what if you don’t believe me? It’s impossible for her boyfriend to be an alien, right? ! That’s impossible!
“Why do aliens look similar to us?” Makise Kurisu frowned, feeling that this shouldn’t be the case!
“Even on the same planet, people from different continents have obvious differences in appearance, but these are all across planets, and they look so similar to us, with only one tail difference, which is too unreasonable!”
“Maybe it just looks like, the internal organs and bones are very different?” She nodded, “This is the only way I can understand it now, hey…”
While talking, she sighed. The more she watched this video, the more she felt that a lot of things she had learned before would be thrown into the trash can!
Chapter 344: Really Beautiful Fireworks
“The time has come to three years later.”
“”Bardock, is this really the case? “In the endless wilderness, there is a spaceship, and under the spaceship, there are a man and a woman.”
“It was the woman who spoke at this time, and she was looking at the children in the spaceship with a worried face, “Kakarot is only three years old, and I really can’t let him go so far away. “”
“Gine, I don’t want this either. “The man named Bardock patted Gine on the side lightly, his resolute expression revealed a little perseverance, “However, since Frieza ordered all Saiyans to return to Planet Vegeta, no know why,I have a premonition that Planet Vegeta will perish! “”
“”The planet I found for Kakarot is a planet with very low combat effectiveness, and he will be fine there. If it turns out later that the demise of Planet Vegeta was just my illusion, then we will bring Kakarot back immediately! “”
“”Planet Vegeta will perish? It was obviously the first time for Ji Nei to hear such words, and she seemed very flustered, “Then why didn’t we leave together?” “”
“”no! Bardock flatly refused, “Kakarot’s combat power is low, so he can run away, but if we catch up, we will be detected!” “”
“”You mean, Planet Vegeta was destroyed by someone else? Could it be, Frieza? “”
“”That’s right! ” Bardock nodded, and then started the spaceship.”
“The spaceship carrying Kakarot, in the expectation of the parents, flew towards the extremely distant blue star.”
“As time passed, Bardock became more and more uneasy. Finally, on this day, the endless spaceships surrounded Planet Vegeta.”
“”That’s the spaceship of Frieza’s Legion, right? “”
“”What is the purpose of suddenly surrounding our planet Vegeta? “”
“”Are you going to give us new equipment? “”
“Bardock, who walked outside the door, heard the voices around him who didn’t care about this situation. At this moment, his heart calmed down instead. He knew that the end of Planet Vegeta has arrived!”
“” Frieza! “Bardock shouted, a terrifying aura erupted from his body, and he flew towards the sky.”
“He can fly! He doesn’t have wings on his body, and any devices are useless, so he just flies like this?!” Makise Kurisu was stunned, she just felt that the worldview she had cultivated before was being suppressed Rub on the ground!
“Not bad, if you can find such a person as a companion, then you can easily fight against the organization! Huhahahaha!” Jizheng of the Phoenix Institute laughed wildly while making a phone call, “Hey, it’s me, I have found A suitable companion, I named him the Great Ape Soaring in the Sky! ELPSYCONGROO!”
“Mr. Vegeta, can you fly now?” Director Hu asked cautiously. After seeing King Vegeta before, he knew that this alien was not Kakarot, but Vegeta. , looks too much alike!
“…No way.” Vegeta tried it, then shook his head in disappointment, “I can’t fly.”
“Oh, it might be caused by amnesia.” Director Hu didn’t care too much, but he became more determined in his heart to cure Vegeta.
This is someone who can fly! And it looks like it can’t just fly, right?
“Stopped at a spaceship in space, an alien with purple skin, silver-white crystal armor and red muscles floated out in a stroller, with a gentle look on his face. Smile, looks like a gentleman.”
“Mr. Dodoria, have all the Saiyans returned to this planet yet? “”
“Frieza’s voice is soft and gentle. Even when facing his subordinates, they always call him Mr. Frieza is a complete gentleman no matter how outsiders look at him!”
“But Dodoria trembled when her name was read, and the word fear was written all over her face. Only those who were close to Frieza knew what a cold demon Frieza was!”
“He replied tremblingly, “No, no, as far as I know, there are three other Saiyans who are performing missions outside, one adult Saiyan Napa, and two young Saiyans, namely Saiyan The human prince Vegeta, and one called Raditz. “”
“Hey, hey, even daring to ignore the orders of my King Frieza, the courage of the Saiyans is really getting bigger and bigger. ” Frieza smiled lightly, but that laughter was extremely cold.”
“Yes, mere Saiyans, how dare they ignore King Frieza’s orders! “Dodolia only dared to keep responding.”
“At this time, a short alien with pink hair and blue skin floated over. Unlike the fear of others, she dared to question Frieza’s order, “But, King Frieza, if the Saiyan If they are all destroyed, the strength of our Frieza army will be reduced by at least 40%. Is this really good? “”
“Don’t worry, Belleblower. The army can be recruited later, the point is, my patience with the Saiyans is now at an end! “This woman is in charge of taking care of Frieza, so even if Frieza heard doubts, he didn’t do anything to her.”
“”is that so? It seems that the Saiyans really made King Frieza very angry. “Bailebrook smiled and floated back.”
“Yes, very angry! “Frieza’s stroller gradually left the spaceship and came into the universe. Then, he raised his right hand, and a ball of energy began to gather in his hand, getting bigger and bigger…”
“”Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ” In this way, there will be no more legendary warriors—Super Saiyans! “Frieza’s laughter is no longer gentle at this moment, with a light wave of his right hand, a huge energy ball falls towards Planet Vegeta.”
“” Frieza! At this time, Bardock had already reached the atmosphere, facing Frieza’s energy ball that was almost the size of a city, he roared and exhausted all the power in his body, and threw himself towards the huge energy ball energy bomb!”
“However, compared to that huge energy ball, Bardock’s energy bullet is like a small speck of dust. After that, both the small energy ball and Bardock were completely destroyed. devour!”
“In the end, the huge energy ball fellOn Planet Vegeta, completely destroy the entire planet! ”
“The giant planet Vegeta exploded in the universe and turned into a cloud of dust.”
“Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo “”
Three hundred and fortieth chapters why everyone brings wicked people
“Gulu!” Chief Hu’s eyes widened, what kind of monster is this damn! Just throwing it away like this, it actually blew up the entire planet!
The most powerful mushroom bombs on their side can only blow Lan Xing’s hair! It’s still partial hair!
If this is the calculation, ten mushroom bombs, twenty mushroom bombs, thirty mushroom bombs… In the end, he gave up, no matter how many mushroom bombs it is equivalent to, anyway, Frieza and the others can’t afford to provoke him…
At this point, Director Hu felt a little sad. The former seniors roared to the whole Blue Star – “From now on, we will never allow anyone to speak loudly to us!”
Now, no one on Blue Star dared to speak loudly to them. However, aliens dare!
Vegeta on the side clenched his fists tightly, his heart was already filled with anger, and he, who had no memory, knew his life experience only after seeing this video at this moment. He hadn’t had time to look at his father more. They all died in the hands of that demon!
When Director Hu heard the words full of hatred, his heart trembled, and he really wanted to persuade Vegeta to calm down, but thinking about it, he was not the one who killed the whole family, so he has no right to persuade him! So Director Hu could only comfort him, “Don’t worry, maybe Frieza is dead already.”
Sun Tianhua on the other side was also full of anger. The Bardock who appeared just now looked so much like him, no matter how stupid he was, he should know that he was that Kakarot!
“Tianhua, don’t be too angry, what should you do if you lose your temper?” Xia Yun patted his hand, with a look of worry on her face, she was afraid that Sun Tianhua would be overwhelmed.
However, there was something she couldn’t think about, so she took advantage of the situation and asked Sun Tianhua to divert Sun Tianhua’s attention, “Tianhua, I remember you have a father, right?”
Sun Tianhua shook his head, “I was picked up by my grandfather and then adopted by my father, not my biological child. My father’s biological child has only one son, which is my younger brother.”
This terrifying energy bomb has stunned most people on this planet. Apart from movies, TV, and animations, where have they seen such a scene before? ! But now, you tell them that there are such terrifying monsters in the real world? ! This also makes them how to live happily!
“Now I finally know what it means to be ignorant.” Hikigaya Komachi shook his head dully, “When I didn’t know anything, I just thought about going to class, doing homework, cooking, and eating snacks every day. Yes. But now, my mind is full of whether I can survive today… By the way, brother, can you beat this Frieza?”
“…” Hikigu Hachiman was silent for a while before he said, “I don’t know how fast Frieza is. If he’s not as fast as me, I can hold him back.”
Even if he transforms into a transcendent form, his punching strength is only 10 tons, and his kicking strength is 15 tons. A bigger excavator is stronger than him! But can the excavator blow up Blue Star at once? nonsense!
Even if he uses a speed beyond the speed of light to increase the impact force, and then hits Frieza, even with armor protection, he probably will be smashed into meat paste. As for Frieza… it depends on that guy’s defense how strong.
If he wants to fight Frieza, no matter how he counts, he can only rely on the legendary power of idealism, that is, plot killing!
“Xiao Bu, can your invincible player cassette be able to withstand this kind of attack power?” Doma Taihei asked worriedly. He thought that the enemies that appeared in the video he watched before were strong enough.
Zergs almost killed all humans, and Katz still treats humans as bread! If the Bengyuan body continues to wreak havoc, human beings will be doomed! The black mud in the last video killed the people of a city in an instant. If we continue to let it go, human beings will still be finished!
But now, he feels that he has been careless, what is the end of human beings? This guy can even screw up planets for you!
“No, I don’t know…” Buried Doma’s voice was trembling. Although the invincible player is in an invincible state, what if the enemy has invincible penetration or the enhancement is removed?
“Should I be able to fight?” Kohei Imamura thought about his god billion, but he can freely set the data! As long as the imagination can keep up, the data has no limit!
The only problem is that he is afraid that the data he imagined is not high enough, and then he will be seconded…
“Saber puts on the treasure probably hundreds of times, but I can’t knock this out… Hey, it’s a miracle that human beings can survive to this day.” Yukinoshita Yukino looked grateful. Sa’s guy is definitely a miracle!
“Hahahaha! It’s okay, don’t worry at all!” Unlike the pessimistic expressions of others, Baiyin Yuxing smiled happily, “Even if Frieza wants to destroy Blue Star, under my golden experience Requiem, he It will never reach the reality of destroying the blue star!”
“Brother is amazing!”
“Worthy of being the son of my Silver Dior!”
“Beyond the distant starry sky, a bald head took out a communicator, and then his face changed. He trotted all the way to the camp not far away, and bowed to a six-year-old Saiyan, “His Royal Highness, Frieza Legion legend Here comes the news that planet Vegeta was crushed by a meteorite and turned into dust! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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