“Vegeta’s expression froze, and he said gloomyly, “I see. “”
“Although the bald Saiyan Napa didn’t think there was any problem, Vegeta was keenly aware of it. There are a lot of strong people on Planet Vegeta, how could it be destroyed by mere meteorites? The person who did it is probably Frieza!”
“When he thought of this, he clenched his fists tightly. This anger was hidden in his heart. Now he is not Frieza’s opponent.”
“Didn’t get the proper response from Vegeta, Napa was stunned for a moment, and asked Raditz beside him, “Radiz, I remember that your parents and your younger brother are also on Planet Vegeta, right?” ? “”
“”Um. Raditz took a bite of the fruit, “But they are unlucky and there is nothing they can do. Anyway, I’m still alive.” “”
“The Napa people are all stupid, why do they feel like they are all evildoers?”
“On the other side, the aircraft sent away by Bardock is going through a long journey.”
“After more than a year, finally, this spaceship landed in a remote mountain village in Blue Star.”
“”Um? what is that? “Sun Yuankai, who was about to go out to farm, saw the fireball falling from the sky, and with curiosity, he went to the place where the fireball fell.”
“It was a ball-shaped aircraft. Through the glass-like layer of the aircraft, he saw a child.”
Chapter 346: Trash with only five combat effectiveness
“So, brother is Kakarot? He is not only adopted, but also an alien!” Sun Tianhua’s younger brother, Sun Lin, was stunned. He used to feel that he and his brother didn’t look alike, but Didn’t expect his brother to be an alien!
His father, Sun Yongzhi, sighed and nodded, “That’s right, I didn’t tell you before because I was afraid that there would be a rift between you and your brother when you were young. Later, when you grow up, I think it doesn’t matter if I say it or not. So I didn’t tell you. But I really don’t know about Tianhua being an alien, and your grandfather didn’t tell me either.”
“Does that brother know?” Sun Lin didn’t feel that his brother was an outsider, but was worried that his brother would not be able to accept it when he suddenly found out about it.
“Don’t worry, he knows.” Sun Yongzhi nodded.
Unlike the conversation between the father and son, Director Hu stared at the aircraft very eagerly. This is an aircraft capable of interstellar navigation! What a tall thing this must be!
Speaking of which, isn’t Sun Tianhua the young man this afternoon? I have to find a way to contact him and buy this aircraft for a big price!
“After Sun Yuankai took the child out of the aircraft, he saw the tail on the child’s body at a glance. He pondered, “He came from outside the sky and is different from ordinary people. Could it be the one, that, alien that is popular recently? “”
“”If you keep this thing, the child’s future life may not be smooth. “After Sun Yuankai put the child down, the muscles on his body bulged, and even his shirt was shattered alive!”
“The old man who was originally very thin now looks like a muscular monster. He gathered his hands around his waist, took a deep breath, and shouted word by word, “Turtle-pai-qi-gong! “”
“Following his roar, the hands around his waist suddenly pushed out, and a terrifying energy beam burst out, hitting the aircraft! When the energy beam dissipated, there was no trace of the aircraft on the ground anymore.”
“Aircraft! This is a crime!” Director Hu burst into tears. If Hua Guo can get this aircraft, how much technological strength must be improved! How did it get broken?
However, Director Hu was heartbroken, and suddenly felt something was wrong, “Huh? Wait a minute! What did this old man just do?! There are still such masters in Huaguo? They are still hiding in the countryside! He is really a hermit.” chant!”
At this time, Sun Lin was also very confused, “What did my grandfather just release?”
“Hen.” Sun Yongzhi couldn’t speak clearly, it was the first time he knew that his long-dead father had such abilities!
Dad, if you want to be so fierce, at least you can teach me two tricks! If I also have this ability, how can I move bricks! Sun Yongzhi cried after thinking about it, his face was full of sadness.
“Tianhua, your grandfather is so amazing!” Xia Yun excitedly embraced Sun Tianhua’s arm, “Can you do the same BIUBIUBIU?”
“Well, I really don’t know it.” Sun Tianhua smiled wryly and shook his head, it was the first time he knew that his grandfather had such ability.
“Later, Kakarot, who was sent to Blue Star, was adopted by Sun Yuankai’s son——Sun Yongzhi, and named him Sun Tianhua.”
“So far, three years have passed, and Sun Tianhua is already seven years old.”
“It’s another Spring Festival. Sun Yongzhi took Sun Tianhua and his six-year-old son Sun Lin back to the village to visit Sun Yuankai.”
“Looking at the two children who were playing, Sun Yongzhi sighed, “Dad, it’s getting harder and harder to do martial arts recently. Many people in the country think martial arts is a deceptive thing, so they go to learn taekwondo or karate. up. If I continue to open the martial arts gym, I’m afraid I won’t be able to support them anymore. “”
“…” Sun Yuankai was silent for a while and said, “Then what are you going to do? “”
“”I’m going to move bricks, as long as I do this with a little dexterity, it’s easy to make money. “”
“”go Go! “Sun Yuankai said angrily, “Anyway, you are a fool, teaching apprentices will only teach people to fail!” “”
“Sun Yongzhi smiled wryly and didn’t say anything. Although he didn’t think martial arts are deceptive, he did think that martial arts are useless in this era.Yes, as the saying goes, if the kung fu is higher, it will be knocked down. ”
“Afterwards, Sun Yongzhi went to cook. Sun Tianhua looked at the sad grandfather, and walked over, “Grandpa, why are you unhappy? “”
“Hehehe, it’s nothing, it’s just… our family’s martial arts gym is going to be closed. “”
“”Grandpa doesn’t like that no one comes to learn martial arts? Then I will learn it! “”
“I want it too, I want it too! “Sun Wan thought there was something good, so she ran over quickly.”
“Hahaha, okay, okay, I’ll teach you. “Seeing the smiles of the two grandsons, Sun Yuankai also laughed.”
“Sun Yuankai planned to just teach casually. In his mind, the pampered grandson would not be able to last long. But what he didn’t expect was that Sun Tianhua practiced with him all morning, and he didn’t even feel uncomfortable at all! And Sun Lin saw My brother didn’t cry, but actually persisted.”
“”Tianhua, stop first and punch me hard. “”
“”Oh. “Sun Tianhua didn’t know what grandpa meant by this, so he punched him obediently. Just such a child who hadn’t practiced much and was only seven years old actually knocked Sun Yuankai back a step!”
“Looking at himself who took a step back, Sun Yuankai was terrified in his heart. The power of this punch is stronger than his half-baked son!”
“Looking at this picked-up grandson, Sun Yuankai suddenly felt that the family’s martial arts seems to have been passed down!”
“In this way, the two brothers have always remained the same, insisting on practicing without avoiding the cold and heat, even after their grandfather passed away.”
“The hard training did not disappoint them. The two brothers have won the championship and runner-up in world-class boxing competitions.”
“Sun Tianhua got his wish and married his lover Xia Yun. Everything seems to be moving towards a better life.”
“Hmm~” Hearing that she and Sun Tianhua were married, Xia Yun happily hummed a song, completely ignoring her father’s dark complexion like the bottom of a pot.
“But…an aircraft that fell from the sky brought the flames of war to this peaceful planet.”
“With the sound of the hatch opening, a tall and strong man with long hair reaching his waist stepped out of the aircraft. Although he has grown a lot taller, he can vaguely tell that he is Raditz,” Kakaro said. Is Te on this planet? “”
“”You, who are you? “The place where the aircraft fell was located in a farm in the beautiful country. At this time, the farmer was holding a shotgun, tremblingly looking at the man who came out of the aircraft.”
“It was only then that Raditz noticed that there was someone in front of him. He activated the strange device in his right eye, and then snorted coldly, “A trash with only five combat powers! “”
Chapter 347 Oh! My God
“Oh! My God! Is this your gift? Hurry up, let someone go to this area, and we must find this aircraft!” The eyes of the boss of the beautiful country lit up at this time, since the aircraft fell to them The territory of the beautiful country belongs to their beautiful country!
“Yes, I’ll arrange it right away.” The secretary beside him was also excited, and they finally got some benefits from Pretty Country! I saw a bunch of saviors coming out of Sakura Country before, and their eyes were all red!
The leaders of other countries also looked at this scene with great enthusiasm, thinking about how to engage in joint development with the beautiful country.
Among them, especially the leaders of Huaguo, not only were their eyes hot, but they also felt uncomfortable. Why did the aircraft that fell in their country disappear?
“”You, you, don’t come here! “Although the farmer is holding a gun, he has no sense of security in his heart. Facing Raditz is like facing a prehistoric beast!”
“Looking at the panicked expression of the farmer, the disdain on Raditz’s face intensified, “He only has a mere 5 points of combat power with a weapon, what a weak race! “”
“Speaking, he took a step forward.”
“”Ah, ah, ah! ! ! “Seeing Raditz’s actions, the panicked farmer directly pulled the trigger.”
“The bullet shot out suddenly! However, Raditz’s right hand caught him in front of him at a faster speed. Under the dull eyes of the farmer, he opened his hand lightly, revealing the bullet in his palm.”
“”Back to you. “Radiz fired with his fingers, and the bullet ejected at a faster speed than before! It directly pierced the farmer’s body, and the remaining force of the bullet even pierced through the tractor behind the farmer!”
“Is this guy really human?” Kosaka Kirinoren was dumbfounded, bullets are so easy to catch?
“Aliens shouldn’t be counted as human beings…” Kyosuke Kosaka said blankly, “Dad, if you see someone with a long tail behind you when you work, you should pay attention, this kind of person can’t be messed with!”
“Yes, yes! Dad, don’t say that you generally don’t have guns, even if you have guns, your combat power is only 5!” Kosaka Kirino also advised her father, although she didn’t know what combat power 5 is , but it can probably be guessed that it must be a very weak level!
“What nonsense are you talking about? I’m a police officer. How can I hide when I need to appear on the stage?!” Daisuke Kosaka said with a straight face, “Besides, that farmer didn’t have much training at first glance, even with a gun. To be able to have 5 points of combat power, I need at least… 7 points with a gun, right?”
“It’s not too high at 7 o’clock…” Kyosuke Kosaka muttered with a dark face, and then he blinked suddenly and realized, “Wait a minute, I remember I said in the previous video that the card Carlot was born with five points of combat power… In other words, he was born to be comparable to a farmer holding a gun?”
“Not only that, theWhen Vegeta was three years old, he already had a combat power of one thousand…” Kosaka Kirino’s teeth began to chatter, and holding a shotgun would give him at most 5 combat power, so how much is one thousand? Intercontinental missiles or nuclear bombs?! And, This is still a three-year-old child!
In other words, adult Saiyans must be stronger! Moreover, such a strong Saiyan was actually wiped out by Frieza! It’s outrageous!
As soon as she thought of this, her head began to dizzy… frightened.
“After killing the farmer, the device in Raditz’s right eye made a beeping sound, and then marked a bright spot. He said with some surprise, “There is a strong fighting power! Is it Kakarot? “”
“After he finished speaking, a terrifying aura erupted from him, and he flew into the sky.”
“Beside a certain waterfall in the country of Hua, Sun Lin, naked to the waist, is cultivating hard. He was very unwilling to lose to his elder brother Sun Tianhua last time.”
“Store energy like drawing a bow, release energy like releasing an arrow, his fists are strong and powerful, every punch can make the air vibrate!”
“”! ! ! “Suddenly, his movements stopped abruptly, and cold sweat kept oozing from his forehead, like a frog being stared at by a snake, with endless fear lingering in his heart! Even moving his fingers is extremely difficult!”
“Then, he heard a disappointed voice.”
“”What, it’s not Kakarot. “”
“Sun Lin turned around with difficulty, and saw an extremely arrogant man with his hands folded over his chest, floating not far from him. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and as the runner-up in the global boxing competition, he faced this man , I actually felt a wave of fear!”
“”You also know how to dance kongjutsu? I don’t know what kind of master you are? “When he asked this sentence, he was still beating drums in his heart. As far as he knew, most of the martial arts schools in the country had almost disappeared. Except for him and his brother, most of them were big cats and kittens. There are no masters!”
“Radiz didn’t seem interested in replying, but activated the device on the right eye again, and then the device marked a bright spot again, “It’s another powerful energy response, this time it should be Kakarot, right? ! “”
“Looking at Raditz flying into the sky, Sun Lin was shocked again, “What a speed! Faster than me and my brother! My feeling was right, this guy is so strong! and many more! The direction that guy flew to… Could it be the eldest brother’s house? ! “”
“Sun Lin, who sensed something was wrong, immediately exploded with momentum and chased after him.”
“Son, you can also fly?” Sun Yongzhi was dumbfounded. For a second, the two father and son were still envious of others who can fly without flying, and the speed is so fast!
In the blink of an eye, his son was able to fly too!
Now that I think about it, his father can release qigong waves, the elder son is an alien, and the younger son can fly, but he himself can’t do anything? The clown was myself!
“My hen…” Sun Lin was also dumbfounded, why didn’t he know he could fly?
On the other hand, Director Hu was already excited, because he was keenly aware of a few terms, Wushu and martial arts!
If he thinks right, this ability to fly is a kind of martial art called Wukongshu, and there should be many martial arts schools in their country, but they gradually disappeared later!
Martial arts, this is martial arts! Since it is a martial art, it means that it is different from the previous videos, it can be learned, and it can be promoted on a large scale! Even if other people can’t learn it to such a strong level, it is enough for the country to promote it on a large scale!
So, it’s time to look for those martial arts schools that have been passed down in the past, and see if there are any old seniors! A gleam flashed in Director Hu’s eyes, but the most important thing was to visit the Sun family first, and he happened to be giving rewards to that young man named Sun Tianhua!
Chapter 348 My combat power is one thousand
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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