“Sun Tianhua was very optimistic, “Xiao Lin, how many times can you do that kind of attack?” “”
“”several times? Only once! My physical strength is running out! “Sun Lin gave him a blank look, how could such a big move be left alone?”
“”Hahaha, then it seems that his actions must be restricted first! “”
“The two are still discussing the next tactics, but Raditz has already fallen into a rage, “Go to hell with me!” “”
“His remaining arm released energy, and the super high temperature stopped the bleeding in an instant. He flew into the air with a hideous face, and the remaining hand kept waving, and the energy bombs seemed to be chaotic without money smash!”
“Looking at the overwhelming energy bombs, like hailstorms falling from the sky, Sun Tianhua was not surprised but delighted, “It seems that he has lost his mind!” Just wait until his physical strength is almost exhausted! “”
“Don’t wait for him to lose his mind, let’s talk about it after surviving this kind of attack! “Different from Sun Tianhua’s joy, Sun Lin was completely dumbfounded. Their physical strength has declined after releasing their ultimate move. Now they have to face such an exaggerated attack. How can they withstand it!”
“Then don’t talk, concentrate on avoiding!” “”
“The two kept dodging in the dense energy bombs. Although they failed to dodge several times and were hit a few times, they were not seriously injured.”
“”It’s now! “”
“Suddenly, Sun Tianhua saw that Raditz seemed to be injured, and his body paused for a moment. His eyes flashed, and he rushed up and hugged Raditz from behind!”
“” Kakarot? ! “Being hugged suddenly, Raditz was relieved from the rage, followed by endless panic. If he was controlled, he would have no way to avoid that skill called Qi Yuan Slash!”
“Radiz, who was in fear, struggled hard while pleading, “Kakarot, I’m your big brother! Brother! Are you sure you want to kill me? Think about it again! Yes, yes, I will not kill people on this planet, just let me go, please let me go! “”
“”If I let you go, I’m afraid you will kill me backhanded immediately, right? “Sun Tianhua chuckled, “Although I am naive, I am not stupid. From your eyes, I can see your malice!” Kobayashi, hurry up now! “”
“At this moment, Sun Lin has already raised his hands high, and the Qi Yuan Zhan has been condensed in his hands, but he has not been able to throw it out for a long time. Tears are streaming from the corners of his eyes, and his body is trembling. “Brother, this time If you throw it out…you will definitely die too. “”
“”do not hesitate! I just told you the trickWhen you plan, you already have awareness! “Sun Tianhua, who was already covered in wounds, showed a hearty smile, “How could I let this guy kill everyone! Even for Xiaoyun, and the child in Xiaoyun’s belly… I’ve made up my mind! “”
“”and many more! Kakarot, are you serious? ! Don’t, don’t! Let me go! Seeing that Sun Tianhua didn’t hesitate at all, Raditz’s tone became even more panicked, “If this goes on, both of us will die!” “”
“Sun Tianhua roared, “Hurry up! “”
“” Tianhua! “Xia Yun, who had already left, ran back at this moment. She saw Raditz continuously releasing energy bombs in the sky from a distance, and felt that Sun Tianhua and the others were at a disadvantage! Worried in her heart, she ignored Stop it and run back.”
“”Xiaoyun…” Sun Tianhua glanced at Xia Yun affectionately, and then roared, “Xiao Lin! “”
“…” Sun Lin gritted his teeth, and swung his right hand fiercely, “Qi Yuan Slash! “”
“The sharp energy blade made a buzzing sound and slashed across Raditz’s body!”
“” Tianhua! “Xia Yun’s eyes darkened, and she just passed out. Fortunately, her father rushed over at this time and hugged her.”
“Radiz turned into two halves and fell to the ground. His upper body seemed to be a little conscious. He stretched out his hand with difficulty and pointed at Sun Lin, “Don’t be so proud… my two, companions, Definitely, yes, for me…””
“Before the words were spoken, Raditz had completely lost consciousness.”
“But Sun Lin didn’t pay attention to this sentence at all, but looked blankly in front of him. Here, there is only Raditz’s body, not Sun Tianhua’s body!”
“Brother, where did you go? “”
Chapter 351 Li Shuwen
“Yeah, where did he go? Why did he disappear out of nowhere?” Shinomiya Kaguya tilted his head, “Hayasaka, do you know where he went?”
Asked casually, Shinomiya Kaguya didn’t expect to get an answer.
But Ai Hayasaka said with a blank face, “Miss Kaguya, he is near the border of life and death, comprehended the supreme meaning of martial arts, the human fist united, shattered the void, and flew away, so there is no him here. Corpse.”
“Huh? Really?” Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned, at first she didn’t want to believe it, but seeing what Hayasaka Ai said was so convincing, she had no choice but to believe it.
“I lied to you.” Ai Hayasaka still looked paralyzed.
Shinomiya Kaguya was speechless, “Where did you learn this?”
“I just saw it in a novel. Since I found out that the protagonist of this video has the shadow of Huaguo martial arts, I went to read a novel by Huaguo Destination Search Book Bar. At least I can understand the basic setting. ”
“Where is this place…” Sun Tianhua slowly opened his eyes, only to find that he was in a strange space, surrounded by azure light, and there were two big balls of light in front of him, and the injuries on his body were Miraculously healed.”
“He thought carefully for a while, then clapped his hands together, and realized, “I understand, this is the world after death. “”
“No, you’re still alive. said one of the large spheres of light.”
“Hey, you can talk? “Sun Tianhua was stunned for a moment, then jumped up excitedly, “I’m still alive?” is this real? Where is this place? How far is it from my home? ! “”
“”Don’t worry, I will tell you one by one, I am Alaya, the will of the human group, and the one next to me is Gaia, the will of this planet. When you were about to be killed, we moved you here and saved you from death. “”
“Oh, so you guys saved me! Thank you so much! “Sun Tianhua also doesn’t understand what is the will of the human group and what is the will of the planet. He only knows that the two light spheres in front of him saved him.”
“”No need to be thankful, there is no love without reason in the world, and there is no hate without reason. We saved you, naturally we have our reasons. The Saiyan you killed, he had two companions, and…””
“Oh, so you want me to defeat these two Saiyans? “Sun Tianhua understood immediately.”
“But Alaya expressed his denial, “No, I haven’t finished my words… What you need to fight is another enemy, which is the boss of these three Saiyans, the demon known as the emperor of the universe—— Frieza! “”
“”The emperor of the universe? “Sun Tianhua murmured, how strong does a guy who is enough to become the emperor of the universe have to be? But imagining the strength of the other party, he didn’t have any pessimistic thoughts. Instead, he felt a raging flame ignited in his heart, “I really want to be with you.” He had a fight. “”
“”As expected of a fighting nation. “Alaya praised without emotion in his tone, “We can feel that the devil will come someday in the future. A sage once said that aliens should be used to defeat aliens! So, we’ve come to you. Of course, you can’t do it now…you are too weak. “”
“”Hehehe…” Sun Tianhua was not angry when he heard the big light ball say that he was weak, but just scratched his head with a dry smile, “So, do I need to practice here? “”
“”That’s right, we have already found many teachers for you. These teachers are famous heroes, sages, and saints in the history of mankind. Teaching you by them is enough to make your strength improve by leaps and bounds. “”
“Wait a minute, isn’t this about a heroic spirit?” Upon hearing this kind of rhetoric, Yukinoshita Yukino immediately understood, isn’t this a heroic spirit?
Use it as a teacher… Heroic Spirit can still be used like this?
Yukinoshita Yukino felt a little confused, what a high-end school it must be to invite a bunch of heroic spirits to be teachers!
I feel like I can publish a book, soIt’s called “People are in another world, one hundred thousand heroic spirits will be my teachers at the beginning”.
“”But at least let me report my wife’s safety. “Sun Tianhua thought of his wife at home, if he didn’t tell her, how worried she would be.”
“Relax, we have informed her of your whereabouts. “Alaya seems to do this kind of thing often, very thoughtful.”
“Subsequently, the environment around Sun Tianhua changed, and he appeared in a wild plain with beautiful mountains and clear waters.”
“”Changed places? where is this “Sun Tianhua scratched his head, looked around, and saw a figure in the distance. It was a white-haired old man, wearing clothes that were popular about 80 or 90 years ago, and wearing a pair of sunglasses. He looked very energetic. .”
“”Old man, are you the master that the human collective will found for me? “”
“Looking at this old man, Sun Tianhua thought of what the big ball of light said before, but he felt a little depressed in his heart. Doesn’t this old man look very powerful?”
“”That’s right, the old man is one of them. “The old man walked towards him slowly with his hands behind his back, as if he was taking a walk, “If you want to teach you, you must first know your current level, and fight the old man first!” After all, judging by your appearance, you are not very convinced by the old man. “”
“Hehehe~ old man, I’m very good. “Sun Tianhua has a look of complacency on his face. Not only has he won the global boxing championship, but he has also fought against successors of all martial arts schools in China. His title of number one in the world is achieved with his fists!”
“Hehehe, young people are so energetic. However, the old man is already dead, so don’t worry about hurting the old man, just come on. “The old man waved at Sun Tianhua, but he didn’t make any preparations at all. He seemed not worried about this battle at all.”
“This made Sun Tianhua frown slightly. To be honest, in his eyes, the old man in front of him is full of flaws. No matter how you look at it, this old man should not be proficient in fighting!”
“Although I was a little worried about beating the old man to death, but thinking about what the old man said before, he was the dead, so Sun Tianhua let go of his worries.”
“The old man be careful, I’m going to go. “Sun Tianhua reminded, and then kicked his right foot, his whole body shot out like a rocket, his fist brought a violent punch, and directly grabbed the old man’s chest!”
“Just when his fist was about to hit the old man, the old man moved his body slightly and easily dodged his attack, and then his right hand limply stuck to his arm.”
“Can such an attack kill someone? This question circled in Sun Tianhua’s mind. Suddenly, his heart twitched violently. He suddenly felt a huge threat of death, which made all the hairs on his body tremble. Stand up!”
“And this threat comes from the old man’s limp right hand!”
“He jumped suddenly and got away from the old man’s attack, his face was full of shock, he had never seen such a weird attack method before!”
“”How did you do it just now? Also, who are you? “”
“”A few trivial tricks. “The old man smiled lightly, not feeling that he had done anything extraordinary just now, “As for the old man’s name…it hasn’t been used for many years, I remember it was…Li Shuwen. “”
Chapter 352 Why Don’t You Know Qi
“”Li Shuwen? “Sun Tianhua stared wide-eyed, “Is that Li Shuwen who is known as ‘the hard fist and the sharp gun Li Shuwen’?” Grandpa, so you are Li Shuwen, no wonder you are so powerful. “”
“”Hahaha, I didn’t expect that the name of old man is still circulating. An old man is nothing more than a warrior, yet he can be remembered by future generations. “Li Shuwen grinned, looking in a good mood.”
“”It’s not a martial artist, grandpa, you are super powerful! I have heard my grandpa tell your story since I was a child! “Sun Tianhua’s eyes lit up, “Grandpa, what are you going to teach me? Is it that strange move just now?” “”
“”Hahaha, since I want to teach you, I will naturally not hide my secrets. “Looking at Sun Tianhua’s excited expression, Li Shuwen also explained with a smile, “When I was young, I was just like you, squandering my strength wantonly. When I was old, I had no strength, so I turned to use it. Skill. “”
“”The trick I just used against you is exactly what the old man calls the technique of ‘swallowing air’. Just by hearing the name, you should be able to understand that the essence of this trick is to use one’s own energy to swallow Devour the enemy’s breath. “”
“Grandpa, what is Qi?” “Sun Tianhua tilted his head, and there seemed to be a question mark on his forehead.”
“”? ? ? “Li Shuwen looked confused. He heard from Alaya that this young man named Sun Tianhua is the number one person in the world of martial arts today. Why doesn’t he even know what Qi is?”
“Li Shuwen frowned slightly, “Tell me, what have you learned. “”
“”Oh, I have learned the boxing techniques handed down from my family, as well as the secret skills handed down from my family – Kamehae Qigong and Wukongshu, these two moves are amazing! “”
“As we talked, Sun Tianhua showed Li Shuwen what he had learned.”
“After reading it, Li Shuwen fell into silence. After a long time, he asked with a puzzled face, “You can gather Qi together and release it, and you can use Qi to fly into the sky, but you don’t know what Qi is? “”
“”Ah, it turns out that these two tricks are all using Qi, and Grandpa never told me. “Sun Tianhua scratched his head.”
“”……Hey. “Li Shuwen was silent for a long time before he sighed, “Even the first person in the martial arts world is like this, and I am afraid that there will be no martial artists in the future. “”
“Well, almost. “Sun Tianhua was also a little depressed, “My brother and I ran away.I have traveled all over the country, and I have never seen anyone else who can use this trick. What’s more, nowadays people almost don’t learn traditional martial arts anymore, and they go to learn taekwondo, karate and so on. “”
“What is there to learn in that kind of thing? Not to mention copying the martial arts philosophy of our Hua country, the copying is not complete, I have never seen someone who can master Qi by practicing this kind of thing. Li Shuwen sighed, “What do people think now?” “”
“”Maybe it is also related to those people who have too many propaganda channels? When I was young, my dad said that the martial arts gym could not be opened. I didn’t quite understand it. Later, when I opened the martial arts gym myself, I understood. “”
“”Those people have hundreds of thousands and millions of fans on the Internet. It is a lie to promote traditional martial arts everywhere. It’s a lie. “”
“Hmph, I’m afraid it’s money from foreigners. “Li Shuwen sneered, this kind of trick had already existed in his time. Faced with this kind of practice, his usual choice is, whichever one of these people boast is powerful, he will go to that one, as long as he beats the person to the ground, No one will blow it!”
“So, you juniors didn’t call the door? “”
“”beated. “Speaking of this, Sun Tianhua had a depressed expression on his face, “Grandpa, you don’t know that there is a technology called P or something, even if I go to the door, I can defeat the opponent all by myself. They would also post a picture of me with a bruised nose and a swollen face after being beaten, and then they would start to get weird, saying that traditional martial arts are just not good for flamboyance. “”
“”Even if I showed Kamehae Qigong and Wukongjutsu to them, they would all say that it was a special effect, or that I had a wire hanging on my body…””
“His wife also mobilized connections to help him fight the public opinion war, but this concept has been deeply rooted in the hearts of ordinary people after years of publicity. In the eyes of ordinary people, things made by foreigners are good, and things made by Chinese people are not.”
“After all, people are often not willing to believe the truth, but only willing to believe what they want to believe.”
“So the number of people who are willing to learn martial arts is naturally decreasing, and there is no one who can use Kamehae Qigong, except for their two brothers.”
“…” Li Shuwen was choked up for a moment. How could he understand such things as public opinion warfare as a martial artist? He just substituted it, and felt that his blood pressure had started to rise crazily.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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