“Finally, he sighed, “Forget it, I, a dead person, can’t handle so much about the affairs of the world… Let the people of the world solve the affairs of the world, not to mention the fact that there are guns and the like now. , maybe martial arts should really be eliminated. “”
Come on, how can this be eliminated? !
Director Hu didn’t dare to speak loudly, but only dared to yell in his heart, if the soldiers in Huaguo could learn to dance or something, wouldn’t all of them be able to work part-time in the air force? Let alone whether it can be compared with fighter jets, at least it will definitely be much more convenient when moving things!
There is also that Qiyuanzhan, Kamepai Qigong and so on, the power is more than enough to blow up tanks, armored vehicles, battleships and so on!
He doesn’t ask everyone to be so powerful, more than 10,000 out of more than one billion people in the country, isn’t that too much?
Wait a minute! Director Hu was taken aback for a moment, there shouldn’t be a picture of Li Shuwen teaching Sun Tianhua in the video, right? Then can’t the soldiers of their Hua Kingdom also learn from it by the way? At the thought of this, his heart began to beat wildly like drinking fake wine!
Vegeta glanced at him, knowing in his heart that this person was afraid of him, so he moved away silently.
Seeing Vegeta’s actions, Director Hu understood that he was showing that he would not kill people, and he obviously felt better. He smiled apologetically at Vegeta, then quickly took out his phone, called his boss, and said out of his mind.
However, his movements are still slow… The leadership has been arranged, and now all the soldiers serving in Huaguo are ready to follow suit!
Every soldier is valiant and high-spirited, and it is bound to create a Kamepai Qigong company, Wukongshu company, and Qiyuanzhan company!
And the leaders of the beautiful country are also frantically ordering, “Hurry up, go and invite people who are proficient in Chinese language and culture! And those Chinese immigrants who have immigrated from China, go and invite them! Make sure that our soldiers can learn these martial arts !”
“Yes, yes.” The secretary nodded and scolded her mother in her heart. When he finds the person, the content in the video may be taught! Might as well record the video first! SB one!
Chapter 353: Encirclement
“”Tianhua, it seems that if you want to teach you, you need to start from a more basic place, which is the concept of qi! “After Li Shuwen adjusted his mood, he immediately devoted himself to teaching.”
“”The so-called qi is the power contained in every living being! It is a symbol of vitality! In other words, everything in the world, all life exists with Qi! Even microorganisms, even bacteria are no exception! “”
“”Oh! No wonder I had a feeling of dying before! “Sun Tianhua’s eyes lit up, “If you swallow your breath with that move, it will be like losing your vitality, and you will naturally die!” “”
“Yes, you understand quickly. “Li Shuwen showed appreciation, “When the old man was young, he only needed to use his fierce and matchless fists to kill the enemy with one punch!” That’s why it has the title of “Strong Fist Wuer Strike”! “”
“” But when old and old, naturally there will be no suchSuch strength. In order not to let the reputation of Gangquan Wuer Da be corrupted, the old man created this way of using Qi! As long as you touch the opponent, you can use Qi to swallow the opponent’s Qi, so as to achieve a one-hit kill! “”
“”Amazing! “Sun Tianhua clapped his hands excitedly, “But does this move have limitations? I think this move can only devour enemies whose Qi is weaker than myself. “”
“”That’s right. Li Shuwen nodded, “Qi is the quantification of vitality, and it is a more intuitive comparison of strength and weakness. Naturally, only the strong can swallow the weak, and there is no reason for the weak to swallow the strong!” “”
“”You have now understood Qi, so the next step is to perceive Qi! This is especially important for combat! “”
“” Feel the gas? “Sun Tianhua scratched his head, “Is it for using Qi Tun?” “”
“”Not just for using Qi swallow, but also for better fighting! Li Shuwen took off his sunglasses, took out two black cloths, covered one of his eyes with the black cloth, and handed the other black cloth to Sun Tianhua, “Come on, put on the black cloth and fight with me!” “”
“Sun Tianhua took the black cloth and was still wondering what is the use of the black cloth, when he heard Li Shuwen’s words, he was so startled that his teeth almost fell out, “Eh? But, but, if you can’t see the enemy, how do you fight? “”
“”Hehehe. “Li Shuwen chuckled, “Little guy, don’t you think that the battles in this world are all fair and square battles in the ring?” “”
“”Let me ask you, when you are fighting with someone, and a person who has already ambushed quietly walks up behind you and prepares to attack you, what should you do? What should you do when the speed of the enemy exceeds the limit that your eyes can catch? In the world of warriors, eyes cannot be trusted! Only anger does not lie! “”
“”Besides, Qi has another advantage, that is, it can distinguish whether others are kind to you or malicious! “”
“” Instead of relying on the eyes, rely on Qi to perceive the enemy’s direction? It sounds amazing. “Sun Tianhua’s eyes lit up, and then he immediately covered himself with a black cloth.”
“Hiss!” The commander of a certain military region has already heard his eyes light up, and can he sense Qi to distinguish between good intentions and malice? In the future, if a soldier who can sense qi is used as a scout, won’t he be able to know whether there is an enemy ahead from a long distance? This can be used for investigation while staying in the camp!
This thing is awesome! The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He hurriedly called out to his soldiers and told them to close their eyes and follow the practice. Don’t open them!
After all, it’s too late to prepare cloth strips or anything, so I can only follow along with my eyes closed, and then use the cloth strips later.
“Grandpa, I’m already covered. “After Sun Tianhua covered the cloth strips, he felt that the surroundings were completely dark, and he could no longer see anything.”
“Okay, then you have to be mentally prepared, the old man is coming! “”
“Hearing Li Shuwen’s words, Sun Tianhua immediately became nervous, and then he felt a pain in his cheek!”
“”Wow! “Sun Tianhua screamed, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all, and he immediately hit the direction that hit him, but missed.”
“Then, he was punched again on the other cheek!”
“At this time, Sun Tianhua is like a person who doesn’t know martial arts at all. He just keeps punching eight punches, but every punch hits the empty space. Li Shuwen, who is also blindfolded, is like I can see it, walking around him casually, punching him from time to time.”
“After being beaten like this for almost an hour, suddenly, Sun Tianhua could feel it! Qi! Countless Qi was surrounding him! Although it was vague, he could really feel it!”
“And among these large and vague qi, there is a particularly powerful qi!”
“Here we come! This Qi is approaching him and will soon reach his chest!”
“”Um? Li Shuwen “looked” at Sun Tianhua who blocked his fist in surprise, and couldn’t help sighing in his heart, when he first learned Qi, it took him almost a month! This alien is really amazing!”
“Sun Tianhua didn’t know the emotion in Li Shuwen’s heart, so he untied the black cloth covering his eyes excitedly, “I did it! Grandpa, I did it! Just now, I felt a lot of anger! Even though she was blindfolded, she seemed to be looking at everything around her with her eyes! No, no, this feeling is even sharper than the eyes! “”
“”Hehehe, it’s good to be able to feel it, your progress is faster than the old man imagined! Next, the old man will teach you everything that the old man knows, including the secret method created by the old man-swallowing. The first thing the old man wants to teach you is the skill called circle! “”
“”Encirclement? “Sun Tianhua scratched his head, “Grandpa, what kind of technique is this?” “”
“”This is also a technique of using Qi! “Li Shuwen explained, “Use Qi to perceive the surrounding situation, let yourself be one with the heaven and the earth, and blend in with nature!” Those who perfectly master this technique can even make their own existence disappear! “”
“”Isn’t this equivalent to stealth? “Sun Tianhua’s eyes widened, Qilian can do such a thing?”
“No, this is a skill stronger than stealth! In that state, outsiders not only can’t see you, can’t detect you, they can’t even touch you! This is a skill that only those who have reached the pinnacle of martial arts can do! Even in the thousands of years of Hua Kingdom’s history, there are very few people who can do it. “”
“Speaking of which, there is a touch of pride in Li Shuwen’s tone. There is no doubt that he is one of the very few!”
“Oh, is that so? “”
“Li Shuwen, who was feeling a little proud, suddenly heard Sun Tianhua’s voice,Immediately he was stunned, because, in his perception, Sun Tianhua’s sense of existence was declining rapidly! In other words, he is already beginning to become one with nature! ”
“”…” Looking at the excited Sun Tianhua, Li Shuwen suddenly thought in his heart that this child might be able to withstand those two secret techniques.”
Chapter 354 No one knows the Lord better than the saint
“In this way, Sun Tianhua has followed Li Shuwen for almost half a month. The circle, the swallowing, the tiger climbing the mountain, the eight-pole collapse… and many other skills that Li Shuwen has mastered have been perfectly mastered by Sun Tianhua!”
“Such a terrifying learning speed, even Li Shuwen was amazed, “It’s only about half a month, you have already learned all my skills, and I have nothing to teach you. “”
“Master, am I considered to be a teacher? “After half a month of study, Sun Tianhua, who was relatively slow, finally realized that he should be called Master Li Shuwen.”
“”It’s considered a teacher here. Li Shuwen nodded, but his expression was still serious, “But it’s not enough!” Your Excellency Alaya has prepared many teachers for you, and you still have some to learn. “”
“”There are other teachers, where are they? “Sun Tianhua looked around, but he didn’t see anyone.”
“”I’m here! “Suddenly, a giant dragon descended from the sky. This giant dragon had a head like a lion, a body like a bull, a back shell like a turtle, six short legs like a bear, a tail covered with scales, and a sting like a scorpion on the tip of the tail. It looks terrifying!”
“But at this time, this terrifying giant dragon is trembling, and the person who spoke before is standing on top of this giant dragon. She is wearing a nun’s costume and holding a huge cross. She looks like a priest.”
“”Ahem, I am your next teacher, Miranda. “Martha seemed to feel that the previous voice was too loud and a little too irritable, so that she was blushing a little now.”
“Marda?” Conan frowned, “If I remember correctly, the one with this name and the qualification to become a heroic spirit is that one, right? The saint, Martha, one of the twelve saints According to legend, she is a famous Christian saint, relying on her devout faith, she subdued the evil dragon Tarasque.”
“Well, that’s right, it’s her! The legendary dragon Tarasque looks like this!” Conan nodded, but at the same time, he was also very puzzled, “How can such a pious saint Why help Sun Tianhua? It can’t be teaching him to pray, right?”
“Maybe this lady saint is also very skilled?” Mao Lilan punched the air twice while talking.
“How is it possible?” Conan couldn’t help laughing, “This is a saint, how can a saint fight with her fists?”
Saintess fights with fists? Isn’t that the biggest joke in the world? This is impossible!
At this time, countless Christian believers were all excited, this is the saint! Holy Virgin Martha!
Presumably, this saint will teach the alien who grew up in the east to pray next, and let him know the name and glory of the Lord! When the so-called Frieza arrives in the future, this prayer can be used to make Frieza correct and become an angel under the command of the Lord!
“Then, Miss Martha, I will leave this kid to you first. “After Li Shuwen finished speaking, he disappeared in place.”
“Next, are you going to teach me?” “Sun Tianhua tilted his head, although he felt that this little girl didn’t seem to be able to fight, but after Li Shuwen’s incident, he was obviously much more cautious.”
“Maybe this little girl named Martha is especially good at fighting?”
“Yes, that’s me. “Martha said softly, looking like a saint, “What I want to teach you is the skill called ‘Jacob’s Brother’, which is a comprehensive skill that includes striking skills and ground skills. , is a kind of classical boxing. “”
“”Although it sounds ordinary, as long as you are proficient, you can defeat angels. “”
“Oh, that’s awesome! “Sun Tianhua doesn’t know what an angel is, but it sounds very powerful.”
“”Yes, you think it’s amazing too, don’t you? ! “Martha suddenly became excited. After seeing Sun Tianhua’s sluggish eyes, she realized that she immediately changed back to the posture of a saint, “Ahem, anyway, this is what I want to teach you. Skill. “”
“”Although, the saint should use words to touch the lost lamb, and using her fists is really too vulgar. But… the survival of this planet is at stake, so there are times when you have to be vulgar. Lord, please close your eyes a little, Martha… the seal is about to be broken. “”
“Afterwards, Martha threw the huge cross in her hand to the ground, then took out a pair of holy gloves and put them on. The whole person’s aura changed completely in an instant! For example, from a docile lamb to a an aggressive tiger!”
“Sun Tianhua stared blankly at Martha, who had turned from a saintly girl to a violent one, but at the same time, a fire was burning in his heart, that’s what makes it interesting!”
“”bring it on! Let’s fight! “”
“”Hahaha! Come on! Come on! The so-called combat skills should be learned in combat! Feel what is called “Jacob’s siblings” in battle! “”
“Aba, ba, ba…” Conan was dumbfounded, is this still a saint? Oh my god! Where did that gentle saint Martha go!
fraud! They are all liars! Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she can deceive people!
“Hey, I just said that the saint Martha should be very proficient in manual kung fu, right?”Guessing that he beat Conan in this kind of thing, he seemed very happy.
“Hehe…” Conan laughed dryly, who knew that the saint would look like this!
Wait a minute! Conan suddenly discovered a blind spot. He remembered that in the legend of Mirda, Mirda influenced the evil dragon Tarasque through her devout beliefs, but now it seems…
He slowly shifted his gaze to the video, facing the exciting battle between Mirtha and Sun Tianhua, the terrifying looking dragon Tarasque… was shrinking aside shivering, and covered it with two claws. My own eyes seem to feel that as long as I can’t see the other party, the other party can’t see me. Typical ostrich thinking.
“This is not influenced by pious belief…is it influenced by fists?!” The corner of Conan’s mouth kept twitching, and he suddenly felt that he would not trust things like legends in the future.
And compared to Conan’s depression, those Christian believers feel that their worldview has collapsed!
Why? Why is the saint like this? ! This is not scientific at all! The promised saint should use pious beliefs and words to influence the evil? This script is wrong!
In a church, a group of believers looked at each other face to face. Suddenly, a young man shouted, “Ah, I understand! We all misunderstood the teachings of the Lord before! Boxing is the truth closest to the Lord!”
“Ah, yes! Even saintesses are like this, how can we mortals say that we understand the teachings of the Lord better than saintesses?”
“That’s right! No one in this world understands the Lord better than the saint!”
“I know a boxing training class, anyone want to go with it?”
“Add me!”
“plus one!”
Chapter 355 Once a Man Da Vinci
“Bang, bang, bang!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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