“Sun Tianhua and Martha’s fists collided together, like two pieces of steel colliding, making a dull sound, and even the air was constantly vibrating because of the fight between the two!”
“The two of them were fighting happily, while the Tarasque on the side was shaking more and more fiercely, for fear that someone would discover its existence and be beaten violently!”
“It’s been a week since I started practicing with Martha. During this time, the two fought whenever they had time, and there was hardly any free time.”
“Phew, it’s really exciting! “After stopping the fight, Martha shook her hair refreshingly. The fight for a while made her feel much more comfortable.”
“”Yes, the feeling of fighting is great! Let’s take a break and continue, shall we? “Sun Tianhua moved his body, and crackling sounds came from his whole body.”
“But Martha shook her head, “Although this period of fighting is very comfortable, unfortunately, I can no longer continue to fight with you. You have mastered all of ‘Jacob’s siblings’, right? “”
“”Well, that’s right. “Sun Tianhua nodded, “Although it’s just a simple fighting skill, not a martial art that uses qi, it is undoubtedly a very delicate skill!” “”
“Hey, it’s a matter of course. Martha took off the gloves, picked up the huge cross again, and the saintly temperament on her body returned immediately, “After all, this is a skill that Jacob learned and passed down after wrestling with the angel. “”
“Then, who is responsible for teaching me? “Sun Tianhua fiddled with his fists, as long as he thought of being able to fight against a master, he would be very excited.”
“The next ones should be those three, right? They are already here. Martha smiled, “Then I’ll leave first, Tarasque, come back with me.” “”
“The evil dragon Tarasque, whose name was called, trotted over like a puppy, and then disappeared with Martha.”
“”Goodbye, Martha, come and fight with me next time. “Sun Tianhua waved at Martha who disappeared, and I don’t know if she heard it.”
“Afterwards, he looked around excitedly, “Three? Are there three masters this time? I don’t know what kind of fighting skills they are all good at. “”
“”Are you looking for me? Da Vinci, the almighty genius, is here! “”
“While Sun Tianhua was looking around, a woman drove a strange aircraft, shouting happily, and landed in front of Sun Tianhua, “Oh, it’s rare to come out of that small black room, I seem a little over excited Yes. “”
“Looking at the woman in front of him, Sun Tianhua felt a little dazed, “Da Vinci? “”
“If he remembers correctly, the Da Vinci who appeared in the textbook should be a man?”
“”Um? You seem to have some doubts about my appearance? Hahaha, I understand, I understand, you want to say that Da Vinci should be a man, right? I am an all-round genius, but I can see your thoughts at a glance. “”
“Da Vinci said with a smile, “Yes, I used to be a man! But, I, who created the perfect artwork of the Mona Lisa, even if I want to become this perfect face, there is nothing strange about it, is there? “”
“…” Sun Tianhua was stunned, “You mean, you used to be a man, but now, you are a woman? “”
“”Well, that’s right! You really understand quickly! For the omnipotent genius, it’s no big deal just to become a woman! “”
“It’s a big problem!” Xia Yun was dumbfounded. First, Martha, the iron fist saint, and then Da Vinci, the former man… She felt that it would be difficult for her to deal with it again in the future.These celebrities have a heart of admiration.
Then she thought of Li Shuwen from before, and couldn’t help feeling rejoicing that nothing strange happened to that Uncle Li.
“”oh, I see. After Sun Tianhua listened to the explanation, he actually felt that it didn’t seem to be a big deal, “By the way, didn’t you say that there are three?” What about two more? “”
“Don’t worry, it’ll be here soon. “”
“As soon as Da Vinci finished speaking, a wild laughter sounded, “Hahahahahahaha! It’s done, it’s finally done, sure enough, there’s nothing I can’t do without my divine talent! “”
“This familiar wild laughter, and the talent of God…” Kohei Imamura’s mouth began to twitch. Isn’t this reminding those classmates of his second-year illness?
But he is still a little happy in his heart, which means that he has also become a heroic spirit, right?
Heroes are good! Not only can it dissociate from time, but it also has an organization! Apart from staying in the small dark room for a long time, there is no other problem.
“Kohei Imamura, who transformed into a god billion, fell to the ground, and then canceled the transformation. He reached out and wiped his hair with an extremely arrogant expression, “Da Vinci, I can do everything you want me to do. , what do you do? “”
“”Don’t worry, I’m an all-round genius, a gravity training room, it’s easy to grasp! “As Da Vinci’s voice fell, a strange room appeared here, and Alaya helped to transfer it here.”
“”Gravity training room, what’s that? “Sun Tianhua blinked. Didn’t he say he wanted to teach him how to fight? Why did he get involved in the gravity training room?”
“Da Vinci smiled, “Because your learning speed is too fast, Alaya judged that your combat skills have reached the point where it is close to the peak, so the rest of the teachers have been cancelled!” Now you just need to improve your basic physical fitness! “”
“Oh, it’s just a simple exercise, right? “”
“”Hmm…that’s very straightforward, but it’s true! It’s like you would normally wear weight-bearing clothes and shoes and then get stronger. If you enter this gravity training room for training, it is equivalent to wearing weight training all the time. Moreover, you can continuously increase the gravity level. “”
“Da Vinci laughed like a little devil, “Ordinary people can’t bear this kind of thing! “”
“Not only that, but in the gravity training room there are also a large number of combat machines that I, Kohei Imamura, personally made! Kohei Imamura put his hands on his hips, looking amazing, “In the gravity training room, it is very difficult not only to bear the strong gravity, but also to avoid all attacks!” “”
“”If you accidentally get hit, believe me, it will definitely be miserable! Maybe it’s possible to die just like that! “”
“Kohei Imamura chuckled, “Don’t blame us for being too strict, if you don’t let you go through life and death crisis, how can you have the motivation to practice? “”
Chapter 356 General Doctor Roman
“Oh, that sounds good! I’m on fire! “But Sun Tianhua was not frightened, but rather excited. In his eyes, this kind of devil training will definitely make him stronger! As a Saiyan, what he likes most is becoming stronger! ”
“However, then he asked suspiciously, “Then there is another one?” Didn’t Martha say before that there are three? “”
“”I am here. “A man with orange hair, wearing a white coat, and eating a cake smiled and raised his hand, “I was here just now, but my sense of presence is a bit low, so you may not have noticed me. “”
“”My name is Roman, but I’m just an ordinary doctor, it’s best not to expect too much from me. If you think that since you have a doctor, you will practice to death, this kind of thing is absolutely forbidden! Because I’m just half-baked, I can’t cure you perfectly, so you must be careful not to get hurt. “”
“”The meaning of this sentence actually means that you must take good care of your body. Da Vinci said with a smile, “You don’t have to worry about this man’s medical technology at all!” However, even if you don’t have to worry, you have to take care of yourself, because he is the type who doesn’t want to see others get hurt. “”
“”Well, I see! Da Vinci, Kohei Imamura, and Roman, then I will entrust you with my future training! “Sun Tianhua nodded and was about to enter the gravity training room.”
“”and many more! “Roman suddenly stopped Sun Tianhua with a serious expression, “Do you need me to remove your tail for you?” “”
“”Um? can you see my tail “Sun Tianhua quickly looked behind him, but the tail was not exposed.”
“”I know a little bit of magic. “Roman held the cake in his left hand, and made a small gap between his right thumb and index finger to show that he really only knows a little bit of magic, “That’s why I saw it. “”
“”Do you occasionally have the idea of ​​wanting to kill someone? Is it that kind of particularly violent idea? “”
“”Well, you are amazing, you know this kind of thing! “Sun Tianhua nodded repeatedly, his eyes were like those of a fortune teller looking at Erliqiao.”
“Roman took a closer look at Sun Tianhua’s body, “Well, I did see it right. Your race is a little strange, that tail contains tyrannical power, which affects your brain all the time, making your emotions more prone to rage. “”
“”However, there is another kind of power in your body, and this kind of power can only be activated slowly after maintaining a peaceful state of mind for a long time! These two different forces probably mean two different evolutionary directions, right? “”
“”No, not right. “But then, Roman immediately deniedI guessed, “It shouldn’t be two different evolutionary directions. How could the power contained in the same creature go in completely different directions?””
“”Perhaps, it would be better to understand it this way. Only when you control the tyrannical power, can you use the peaceful power to reach a higher level! After all, a guy who can’t restrain his instinct can only be regarded as a beast! Only by overcoming one’s own instinct can one be truly strong! “”
“”Hmmm… when you think about it this way, the two contradictory powers of you Saiyans seem to be brilliant. “”
“”This tail, does it still affect my thinking? “Sun Tianhua pulled out the tail in surprise, and fiddled with it a few times, “Then Doctor Roman, according to what you said, shouldn’t the tail be kept?” “”
“No, there’s no need. Roman shook his head, “If you think about your life for more than twenty years, even if you occasionally have that kind of tyrannical emotion, you have never hurt others, have you?” You have already controlled the power in that tail! Now, this tail is nothing more than a burden to you. “”
“”After all, if I’m not mistaken, this tail will make you weak if you get caught, right? “”
“”You have seen it all. “Sun Tianhua scratched his head with a silly smile, “That’s why I hid my tail so as not to be caught in the battle. In that case, please help me remove it, Doctor Roman. “”
“Well, then I’ll do it. Don’t worry though, I’m fast and it won’t hurt. “After Roman finished speaking, he used a magic trick.”
“Before Sun Tianhua even reacted, his tail fell to the ground.”
“”Your tail has a very strong ability to regenerate. If you don’t deal with it, it will grow back in a short time, so I used magic to prohibit its growth. Is it okay? “”
“”Well, no problem! Thank you, Dr. Roman! “Sun Tianhua smiled happily. For the first time in his life, he lost his tail, which made him a little excited, but he couldn’t keep his balance when he walked. He almost fell to the ground. It took several minutes of practice before he recovered.”
“So Tianhua, you don’t have such a tail, what a pity.” Xia Yun sighed, what a fun tail! She likes the cat’s tail the most. Watching the video, Sun Tianhua’s fluffy tail seems to be very comfortable to touch, but unfortunately, she can’t touch it anymore.
“Is it a pity?” Sun Tianhua looked a little embarrassed, so he couldn’t find Dr. Roman, so that Dr. Roman could undo the magic.
“Well, sorry!”
“Ahem!” Xia Binbao coughed, and said nothing in front of so many people! Those who didn’t know thought it was another tail!
At this time, the commanders of the military regions of the major military regions were all a little depressed. Looking at it like this, they would be all about physical exercise after that, and they wouldn’t teach any more about qi skills? I haven’t learned much yet!
Most importantly, it seems… no one has learned it at all!
“Have you recorded what Master Li Shuwen taught you just now?” The commander of a certain military region asked the clerk beside him.
“Return to Commander, it’s all recorded, we can practice slowly in the future!”
“Well, that’s good. After the video is over for a while, you can work hard, adjust the daily training content, and add the content of this cultivation qi.”
“Yes, Commander!”
“After re-adapting to life without a tail, Sun Tianhua entered the gravity training room.”
“The gravity training room at this time has already been activated by Leonardo da Vinci and adjusted to five times the gravity, so Sun Tianhua was almost crushed to the ground as soon as he entered the gravity training room!”
“”Good weight! “Sun Tianhua felt like he couldn’t move his whole body. It was five times the gravity, which was much more terrifying than the weight he usually wears!”
“Suddenly, the sound of machines starting up sounded in the room. Sun Tianhua’s expression changed. He remembered that there are attack robots made by Kohei Imamura here!”
“While Sun Tianhua was undergoing difficult physical training, the two aircraft that were the same as Raditz’s were getting closer and closer to Blue Star!”
Chapter 357 He is sure… Kneel down and call Dad
“When Sun Tianhua was practicing penance, Sun Lin was also practicing penance in this world.”
“As early as the beginning, he learned from Alaya, the will of the human group, that his brother was practicing hard to resist the two Saiyans who were coming to Earth. In order not to fall behind Sun Tianhua, Sun Lin also prepared for himself Extremely difficult training content.”
“So far, he has been practicing for half a year! Although I don’t know how strong he is now, but as far as he feels, he can beat the four previous selves!”
“This feeling, without a doubt, made him swell a lot. He thought that he could beat Raditz one-on-one even against the previous Raditz!”
“As for the other two Saiyans, since they are Raditz’s companions, there must not be much difference in strength, right? At that time, he and his brother Sun Tianhua will fight each other, and the matter will be easily resolved!”
“Son, you’re bloated.” Sun Yongzhi glanced sideways at his youngest son, Sun Lin, and solved it easily? How dare you say such a thing!
“Ahahaha…” Sun Lin laughed dryly. The so-called frog in a well probably meant that.
“The territory of Stealing Country, Ax Mountain.”
“As one of the largest cities in the country, Ax Mountain is very lively during the daytime. The dazzling array of goods is dazzling, and all kinds of vehicles are constantly flowing on the streets, blocking the roads.”
“There are crowds of people on the street, everyone is smiling, young people threeA group of five and a group of five walked on the street, and some wore headphones, listening to music, and couldn’t help singing along to the music. ”
“There are also young couples hugging and chatting and laughing, their laughter echoing all the time on the street. There are also some elderly people sitting quietly on long chairs with crutches, bathing in the warm sunshine, it is really comfortable Extremely”
“Suddenly, the sky seemed to darken.”
“”what is that? “”
“”I don’t know, is it going to rain? “”
“Everyone looked at the sky, only to see two spheres with fire falling from the sky.”
“The crowd was silent for a second or two, and then there was a loud commotion.”
“”Meteorite, it’s a meteorite!” “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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