“” Run away! “”
“”I don’t want to die! Mom, save me! “”
“When they were on the verge of death, these pedestrians wished God would give them a few more legs.”
“However, no matter how fast their legs run, how can they compare to the “meteorite” that fell from the sky?”
“Two “meteorites” fell on the ground, smashing the asphalt road into a big hole, and several cars were also smashed into pieces of iron. Before the people in the cars even had time to scream, they had already ascended to heaven.”
“But that’s all. The terrifying shock wave that people imagined has not arrived, and only a few people died.”
“After being surprised for the rest of their lives, people came to that big pit with curiosity, and what appeared in their eyes was not a meteorite, but two aircraft in the shape of a ball!”
“”Aircraft? Which country’s space shuttle fell out of control? “”
“Idiot, how could the space shuttle look like this, it must be an alien aircraft! “”
“People are chattering and discussing, with indescribable excitement in their voices. Could it be that they are about to complete the first contact with aliens? They are worthy of being the most powerful country in the universe. Even aliens People are eager to come and establish diplomatic relations with them!”
“With the sound of the hatch opening, two Saiyans with tails came out of the aircraft respectively. One of them looked a little petite, but the expression on his face was very arrogant. The other was bald, looking They look very tall and strong. These two are Vegeta and Napa!”
“”These people seem to treat us like monkeys in a zoo. “Nappa grinned, with a ferocious smile, “Vegeta, it doesn’t matter if you kill all these people, right? “”
“Vegeta put his arms around his chest, he didn’t care about the lives of these people at all, “It’s up to you. “”
“”hey-hey. “Napa smiled when he heard the promise, and then, he put his right index finger and middle finger together, and pointed to the sky!”
“Terrifying energy burst out from his body, covering the entire Ax Mountain in just an instant!”
“”drink! “”
“As Napa shouted loudly, the terrifying energy seemed to swallow up the light, and the whole city turned into black and white!”
“When the energy dissipated, the originally bustling Ax Mountain had been turned into ruins, and the corpses of countless people had already been turned into coke. This city turned into a purgatory on earth in an instant!”
“The only ones standing in the ruins are Vegeta and Napa. Looking at Napa’s appearance at this time, it seems that the entire city has been destroyed, but it seems that there is no loss at all.”
“Damn alien Smecta!” The president of the country was about to vomit blood, that’s Fushan! They stole one of the best big cities in the country! It was destroyed like this!
And those people in Fushan are all dead, what a loss! You know, they only stole about 50 million people from all over the country! And the permanent population of Ax Mountain is more than three million! This breath killed one seventeenth of the population of the country they stole!
Of course, Fushan is completely fine now, and the President of Thieves probably saved them all by the savior, so he is actually not too angry about this kind of thing in his heart.
What really made him angry was that in the previous video, there were people who stole the country saying that they stole the country, which is the largest country in the universe, and these aliens came to establish diplomatic relations with them. Kill it clean!
Isn’t this a slap in the face? Not only slap him in the face of stealing the country, but also slap him in the face of the president of stealing the country!
That is to say, these aliens must have been killed! If these aliens are still alive, he must… kneel down and call Dad.
However, although the president who stole the country felt that he had been slapped in the face and would definitely be ridiculed by all countries in the world, what he didn’t know was that no one laughed at him at all!
After all, in everyone’s eyes, does stealing people have any face? That’s not it! You have no face, how can you say that you slapped your face? None of these prerequisites are met!
The high-level leaders of the major countries are more concerned about the destructive power that Napa erupted! Nima, destroying this kind of big city in an instant, isn’t this a humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb? ! Or an environmentally friendly version without nuclear radiation!
Although their eyes are hot… But there is more fear in their hearts. They have not forgotten that this video exposes aliens who grew up in China, and these powers seem to be able to be trained through martial arts!
Even if the alien named Kakarot won’t do anything to them, what if he teaches Hua Guo’s soldiers to practice martial arts?
Although they also secretly learned from this video for a while, it is still not as good as having a teacher to teach them!
Chapter 358 As expected of Your Excellency, you easily thought of something we couldn’t think of”Your Excellency, you don’t seem to be very worried?” The Secretary of the President of the Beautiful Country glanced at the President suspiciously. Although the President of the Beautiful Country was still hot-eyed at this time, he was no longer as panicked as before. What to rely on.
“Oh, my friend, of course we don’t need to worry.” The president of the beautiful country spread his hands and said with a smile, “I was frightened by these terrifying forces before, but now I have figured it out. No matter how powerful it is, it’s just a creature.”
“Since it is a living thing, it is impossible to withstand the power of bullets and artillery! As long as we find the right time to sneak attack, so that they have no time to dodge, bullets can kill them! Isn’t it like this in movies? No matter how powerful aliens are , as long as a small pistol can kill.”
“As expected of the President, he thought of something we couldn’t think of easily.” The secretary applauded lightly, and there seemed to be a bit of respect and admiration in those eyes.
“Soon, the beautiful country army stationed in Thief came to check the situation with fighter jets. Obviously, they detected something.”
“Vegeta frowned slightly, “Nappa, go and get rid of those guys, I’m going to search for Kakarot’s location, don’t let those guys disturb me. “”
“Yes, Prince Vegeta. “A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of Napa’s mouth, and then a powerful energy burst out, flying directly into the sky.”
“”Oh my god! Something is approaching us… It’s people, it’s humans! How can a person fly? ! “”
“”Scientists in China may be interested in him, so kill him. “”
“The pilots flying the fighter jets were shocked at first, and then decided to kill Napa with ease and joy. In their view, a dozen fighter jets have an advantage over a person who can fly!”
“However, when the bullets they fired hit Napa, it was like hitting steel, making a bang bang bang!”
“Oh, God! Is he Iron Man? Wait, what is he going to do…””
“One of the pilots completely lost consciousness before he could speak in surprise! What he saw at the last moment of his life was that the bald man flying in the sky, with a wave of his hand, was a beam of light more than ten meters long Pierced all fighters!”
“Boom boom boom!”
“The sound of explosions was endless, and a dozen fighter jets were reduced to ashes in an instant. Napa moved his neck, but he felt that it was not very enjoyable. He lowered his head and saw that Vegeta seemed to be still looking for someone, so he Immediately, it flew off into the distance.”
“In the display of his combat power meter, there is a large amount of energy reaction there. According to his years of combat experience, it is definitely a military base!”
“After he flew over, he found that it was indeed a military base.”
“”I can have a little fun now, right? “”
“Nappa rushed into the base with a grinning grin. Bullets, artillery shells, bombs…no matter what kind of weapon he was, he could smash tanks and armored vehicles with one punch, and then an energy bomb could kill countless people. Hundreds of people.”
“About seven or eight minutes later, there was no living person in the entire base. He sighed, “I’ve tried my best to keep my hand, and I can only hold on for so long. It’s really a weak race. “”
Polite and beautiful President of the country: “Are you?”
He was sloppy! This can be beaten to death! If you really want to hit the opponent with a weapon, I’m afraid it will only make them angry!
“Your Excellency, do we still need to use weapons when encountering such aliens in the future?” the secretary asked cautiously.
“Stop fighting, it’s too dangerous, the movies are all lies.” The president of the beautiful country shook his head with a sad face. In the future, when encountering this kind of alien, it would be better to kneel down and call Dad, it would be safer .
“When Napa came back, Vegeta had stopped operating the combat power measuring device. Vegeta seemed to have been waiting for a long time, but Napa, who was so irritable before, was now like a frightened little daughter-in-law. He said cautiously, “Vegeta, I kept you waiting. “”
“Vegeta glanced at Napa, and saw that Napa was covered in hairs, and his body began to tremble.”
“But Vegeta didn’t do anything to Napa after all. He said lightly, “I found a strong energy response. The combat power is 1357, which is already higher than Raditz. It must be Kakarot. let me go. “”
“After speaking, Vegeta flew into the sky first.”
“Nappa also quickly followed.”
“”! ! “Sun Lin, who was cultivating hard, stopped his movements. Although he didn’t know how to sense qi, the instinct of a warrior made him feel a touch of fear! This fear is like facing Raditz back then!”
“Could it be that Raditz’s companions are here? But, how could they be so strong?! Sun Lin gritted his teeth, the fear of facing death made him tremble all over!”
“”What, it’s not Kakarot. “Vegeta’s impatient voice sounded behind him, “I remember, Kakarot teamed up with another guy to kill Raditz, right? This should be another person. But I’m not interested in you at all, Napa, kill him. “”
“”and many more! How do you know that Raditz was killed by our cooperation? “Sun Lin yelled profusely in sweat. At this time, he no longer had the pride and complacency he had before, and only wanted to procrastinate for a little time.”
“Ah, yes, Raditz didn’t say that. “Vegeta probably held the mentality that no one on this planet could defeat him anyway, and pointed to the combat power measuring instrument in his right eye as if showing off.. ”
“”This instrument has a communication function, and everything you said in front of Raditz has been transmitted to us through this instrument. Whether it’s you and Kakarot teaming up to kill Raditz, or Kakarot being taken to special training, I know. “”
“Seeing that Vegeta finished speaking, Napa was about to go forward to kill Sun Lin with a smirk, “Boy, if you want to blame it, blame yourself for being weak!” “”
“After finishing speaking, Napa appeared next to Sun Lin almost in an instant, and that fist slashed at Sun Lin with unparalleled strength!”
“Sun Lin received it with a punch, and immediately screamed, “Wow! “”
“That terrifying force almost broke his hand! With just one punch, he can understand that the man in front of him is by no means someone he can fight against!”
Chapter 359 Do you want to have a baby with her?
“But Vegeta frowned slightly, “Nappa, what are you doing? Didn’t I ask you to kill him? “”
“Nappa smiled stupidly, “Vegeta, I think Kakarot might be able to see this kid’s situation, as long as he beats this kid a little bit, Kakarot should come out by himself. “”
“”Oh? “Vegeta raised his eyebrows slightly, “I didn’t expect you to use your brain sometimes, it’s okay, let you play slowly. “”
“After finishing speaking, Vegeta found a stone, sat on it casually, and began to close his eyes and meditate.”
“And Sun Lin, who listened to their conversation, was horrified in his heart. Such terrifying power is not the limit of this Napa?! He didn’t take it seriously at all, he was just playing with himself!”
“Hey, boy, you heard what we said, if you want to avoid suffering, just yell louder! “Nappa grinned grimly, and punched Sun Lin in the face casually!”
“That punch twisted the muscles on Sun Lin’s face, and then he flew upside down like a cannonball! Finally, he hit a boulder and smashed it into pieces.”
“”No! “Sun Lin opened his mouth and let out a cry of pain, spit out a mouthful of blood, mixed with a few teeth.”
“Although it looks miserable, there is no doubt that Napa has withdrawn his strength. If he had used all his strength, Sun Lin would have turned into meat sauce by now.”
“Boy, your cry is not miserable enough, didn’t I say, let you scream more miserable? “Nappa grabbed Sun Lin’s hair with an unhappy expression on his face. As a bald man, what he hates most is this kind of thick hair!”
“Feeling the pain from the root of the hair, Sun Lin laughed, “Don’t think about it! “”
“Although he doesn’t know how strong Sun Tianhua is now, he estimates that even if he is stronger than him, he should not be much stronger. Therefore, he only hopes that Sun Tianhua will never show up!”
“Speaking, Sun Lin spit on Napa’s face, “Bah! “”
“”…” Napa’s expression darkened in an instant, and a strong killing intent lingered around him.”
“Since you don’t want to, don’t blame me for being rude! “”
“Nappa roared, grabbed Sun Lin by the hair, threw him into the sky, and then threw out an energy ray with his right hand, “Big bang! “”
“The moment the energy ray hit Sun Lin, a huge explosion occurred, completely submerging Sun Lin!”
“Vegeta, who felt the movement was a bit loud, opened his eyes, and said with some dissatisfaction, “You are the one who said that he was going to torture this guy, and you are the one who is going to kill him now, Napa, what are you going to do?” ! “”
“Nappa paused and laughed, “It’s a little too much force, but don’t worry, this guy won’t die. “”
“Sure enough, just as Napa expected, Sun Lin fell to the ground from the explosion. Although it was miserable, he was still alive.”
“I’m going to catch him right now. “Nappa is about to walk over with his thick thighs.”
“But as soon as he took a step, he heard Sun Lin’s deep voice, “Qi Yuan Zhan! “”
“”Oh? Still have the strength to fight back. “Nappa raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t care at all. He just stood there and puffed up his chest, “The combat power has soared to 2100, but it’s useless!” I don’t even need to dodge such a weak attack! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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