“Following the more rapid spinning sound of Qi Yuan Zhan, Vegeta’s expression suddenly changed, and he shouted, “Idiot, get out of the way!” “”
“”Um? “Although Napa was puzzled, he jumped up obediently, narrowly dodging the Qi Yuan Slash.”
“He was about to ask Vegeta why he was dodging, when he saw that sharp Qi Circle Slash just slashed across, easily cutting off a mountain!”
“”Goo! This, how is this possible? ! “Seeing that scene, Napa’s eyes widened, and his face was full of horror. Why did this guy with such low combat power release such a terrifying attack!”
“Vegeta cursed angrily, “Idiot, can’t you even feel whether the enemy’s attack will cause damage to yourself? “”
“Nappa was blushing from being scolded, but he didn’t dare to speak loudly to Vegeta, so he had to vent all his anger on Sun Lin, “Damn brat! I want to smash all your limbs bit by bit! “”
“Lao Gao, who was furious with blue veins on his forehead, jumped up suddenly, and then landed heavily beside Sun Lin, his hands were like machine guns, beating Sun Lin non-stop!”
“Bang! Bang! Bang!”
“Sun Lin, who was pinned to the ground and beaten violently, showed someSmile bitterly, I have cultivated so hard for so long, but when facing the enemy, it is completely useless…Brother, it seems that today is my death day, I hope you don’t come here…”
“And Sun Tianhua, whom Sun Lin misses, is still practicing hard in the gravity training room. He doesn’t even know that the Saiyans have arrived at Blue Star.”
“Because there is still a heated discussion between Alaya, the Human Collective Will, and the Planetary Will, Gaia, about whether to tell this.”
“Gaia: “I don’t think he should go out now, his current strength is far from enough, that Saiyan named Vegeta is stronger than him! He still needs more practice! “”
“Alaya: “I disagree. After practicing for half a year, his strength has only increased a little! We all know that this level of improvement is almost slow progress for his potential! “”
“”I think what he needs is no longer penance, but fighting! As a fighting nation, he needs to improve his strength in battle! “”
“Gaia: “What if he loses? “”
“Alaya: “If you will fail in the face of such an enemy, then what if you let him continue to practice? Frieza is much scarier than these two Saiyans! “”
“”…” Gaia was silent for a long time before making a sigh-like sound: “It would be great if Frieza came later, I can feel that the Saiyan is very compatible with the child in me. “”
“”Although Sun Tianhua and Xia Yun’s child has not yet been born, I can already feel a very powerful force from that embryo! That child’s potential is far stronger than his father’s! “”
“Huh?” Director Hu’s eyes lit up in a flash, which means that mixed blood is better than pure blood cowhide?
His eyes slowly moved to Vegeta, and Vegeta was hairy all over.
Vegeta touched his arm, frowning Lao Gao, “Director Hu, if you have something to say, don’t look at me like you look at special pork.”
“Cough cough.” Director Hu may also be a little anxious in his eyes, so he said rather tactfully, “I have a daughter, do you want to have a baby with her?”
Vegeta: “???”
Chapter 360 I refuse
“Director Hu, please respect yourself!” Vegeta’s eyes suddenly became vigilant, Nima, who was wary of him just now, is now thinking about the genetic factors in his body!
Is this something that humans can do? terrible! Sure enough, boys must protect themselves when they go out!
“Hehehe, don’t look at me like this. In fact, the little girl is still very cute.” Director Hu still tried to sell his daughter to Vegeta, and even turned on the phone to find her daughter’s photo.
Once his daughter and Vegeta are allowed to marry and have children, at a young age, his future children will be powerful and will definitely be able to sit in the position he currently holds. In a big way, Huaguo can leave an extra Saiyan blood, and maybe there will be many more humanoid self-propelled nuclear bombs in the future!
Whether in public or private, he has a reason to sell his daughter!
But Vegeta obviously couldn’t stand this kind of sales promotion, he didn’t even look at the photos, and quickly moved away, which made Director Hu feel very sorry.
The news of this kind of mixed race not only made Director Hu feel alive, but also made a bunch of scientists scratch their heads.
“Is there no reproductive isolation here?” Makise Kurisu was one of them who scratched his head, “This is not scientific at all! It is obvious that two human beings from different planets can not only have children together, but also give birth The child’s potential is even stronger?”
“Maybe, the children they gave birth to are infertile? Is this considered reproductive isolation?” Mayuri Shiina said with her head tilted.
“Although there is such a possibility…but I still can’t accept it! Why can humans from two different planets have children!” Makise Kurisu sighed, she really felt that this video was designed to break her worldview.
“Alaya: “However, Frieza’s coming is not something we can control! We can’t wait for that child to grow up, now we can only rely on that Saiyan named Sun Tianhua! “”
“”…” Gaia was silent again, “Then, let him fight. “”
“the other side……”
“”what! what! “Sun Tianhua is in the gravity training room, sweating recklessly. Now he has already adapted to the gravity of twenty times. In this strong gravity environment, he can still move as fast as the wind! And easily avoid all the robots s attack!”
“”Well, Tianhua’s movements are much more fluent now than before. “Roman took a bite of the cake and said with a smile, “At the beginning, it was only five times the gravity, which made him almost unable to move on the ground. At that time, he was scarred and scarred every day. “”
“”This is all thanks to your help. If it weren’t for your half-assed doctor, he would have been unable to continue exercising because of serious injuries. Da Vinci said, “However, this is also Gengping’s fault. Who told him to make the attack robot too strong?” “”
“”Hmph, how can you break through the limit if you don’t face the threat of death? “Kohei Imamura folded his arms around his chest. He didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with him. He even wanted to make the robot stronger! For Sun Tianhua now, the robot’s attack power is no longer enough!”
“”Um? “Suddenly, Roman paused as he ate the cake, and his expression, which was originally full of smiles, turned dark in an instant.”
“He quickly turned off the gravity trainingIn the training room, before Sun Tianhua asked what happened, he hurriedly said, “Tianhua, the Saiyans have come to this planet! Your brother Sun Lin is about to be killed!”
“”what? ! “Sun Tianhua turned pale with shock, “Then take me there quickly!” “”
“”Come here, grab my hand, and I will take you out of this space! “Roman didn’t waste time, and immediately put down the cake. The moment Sun Tianhua grabbed his hand, Roman immediately activated the magic, sending Sun Tianhua back to the present world.”
“”Um? “Vegeta, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes in surprise. Just now, the combat power measuring instrument detected a very strong combat power value! But this value disappeared in the blink of an eye.”
“He frowned slightly, and said to himself full of doubts, “Is there something wrong with the combat power measuring instrument? “”
“While he was talking to himself, Sun Tianhua suddenly appeared here. Vegeta’s pupils shrank suddenly. Although there was a reason why he didn’t pay much attention to the surrounding environment, just now, he really didn’t see how Sun Tianhua appeared. of!”
“”This face, I remember, is exactly the same as Raditz’s father! Are you Kakarot? “”
“Facing Vegeta’s inquiry, Sun Tianhua didn’t speak, but appeared next to Sun Lin in an instant, and knocked Napa away with one punch!”
“Nappa didn’t even realize what happened, he fell into a boulder like an onion!”
“Little Lin, are you alright? “Sun Tianhua picked up Sun Lin and asked anxiously.”
“At this moment, Sun Linqing is swollen one by one, his whole body is covered in blood, he is almost invisible, his chest rises and falls very faintly, if you don’t look carefully, you will definitely think that he is already a corpse!”
“”Cough, cough, cough. “Sun Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, and opened his eyes with difficulty, “It’s brother, you’re here…””
“He seemed to want to continue to say something, but his head tilted and he passed out.”
“Sun Tianhua quickly checked his breath and realized that Sun Lin was still alive, so he breathed a sigh of relief. He gently put Sun Lin down, turned and faced Vegeta and Napa who pulled himself out of the boulder, “That’s right Did you hurt Kobayashi like this? To be honest, I’m so angry now that I can’t control it! “”
“” How dare you knock me into the air! It’s me who should be angry! “Nappa roared and was about to rush up, but was stopped by Vegeta. As if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, Napa calmed down a lot in an instant. He asked inexplicably, “Vegeta Tower, why stop me? “”
“Vegeta didn’t answer, but looked at Sun Tianhua admiringly, “Kakarot, your strength is stronger than I imagined!” It seems that you are more useful than your good-for-nothing big brother Raditz. Now there are only three of us left in Saiyan. If it is not necessary, I don’t want to kill you. Come back with us. “”
“”I reject! “Sun Tianhua chose to refuse without hesitation, “I won’t stay with you murderous fellows!” I was born to be different from you! “”
“”That’s it. “The solicitation was rejected, and Vegeta’s face darkened a lot, “Nappa, kill him!” “”
Chapter 361 My combat power is 18 thousand
“Same as Napa, Vegeta also thinks that Sun Tianhua just made a sneak attack to knock Napa into the air so easily. If there is a head-on fight, Sun Tianhua cannot be Napa’s opponent!”
“Hehehe, Kakarot, let me see how your fighting power is. By the way, my combat power is 4000! “Napa said flamboyantly, and then activated the combat power measuring device to Sun Tianhua.”
“But after he saw the number clearly, Napa was stunned, “Huh? Combat power is only 1? how is this possible! He just sent me flying! Could it be that the machine is broken? “”
“Hearing Napa’s voice, Vegeta also frowned and activated the combat power measuring device, the number on it is also 1!”
“”How is this going? “Vegeta doesn’t believe that the combat power gauges of the two people will be broken at the same time. He prefers to believe that this is Kakarot’s tricks!”
“After thinking about it, Vegeta didn’t care anymore, he snorted coldly and said, “Nappa, don’t worry too much, only the weak can hide their strength, so that people can’t see the reality, and then feel jealous! “”
“Oh, that’s right. Napa suddenly realized, and then grinned at Sun Tianhua, “I was almost deceived by you.” “”
“”Go to hell! “Nappa yelled, and his tall body shot out instantly! That steel-like right fist was about to hit Sun Tianhua in the face in just a moment!”
“And Sun Tianhua didn’t seem to see the enemy’s movements at all, he just froze in place… Then, the moment Napa hit him in the face, he moved!”
“”Wow! “”
“Just for a moment! Napa, who was flaunting his strength just now, uttered a scream and fell in front of Sun Tianhua.”
“”Just now, was it an illusion? “Vegeta touched his combat power meter with his hand as if in disbelief. At that moment, Sun Tianhua’s combat power soared to 13,000! Then it immediately returned to 1.”
“Could it be that he got it wrong? No, no! Vegeta glanced at Napa, who was curled up on the ground like a prawn, and dismissed the idea.”
“Afterwards, his eyes lit up, and he had already figured out Sun Tianhua’s trick, “So, you usually suppress your own energy, and only burst out at the moment when you attack your opponent!” Then, immediately suppress the energygo down! “”
“”If you use this method, there will be no unnecessary consumption of energy! It is really eye-opening to be able to do this! “”
“Vegeta puffed up his palms approvingly, and then took off the combat power measuring device, “It seems that this kind of thing is useless when fighting with you. “”
“Speaking, Vegeta crushed the combat power meter into powder.”
“”Vegeta…” Napa, who was severely injured by Sun Tianhua’s punch, crawled to Vegeta’s side with difficulty, and looked at him expectantly, “Vegeta, help me. “”
“Vegeta was silent for a while, then reached out and grabbed Napa’s hand with a smile on his face, Napa seemed to finally relax, and smiled brilliantly.”
“But then, under Napa’s surprised gaze, Vegeta crushed his combat power meter, “Napa, you probably don’t know yet, do you? Our planet Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza, I, but I have been preparing for revenge against Frieza! I originally had high expectations for you, but…””
“”Vegeta…” Napa called Vegeta’s name with blank eyes, not because he was shocked by the sudden news, but because he had vaguely noticed Vegeta’s idea!”
“But now you are disappointing me! With you like this, how could it come in handy when I seek revenge on Frieza! “”
“As soon as the words fell, Vegeta threw Napa into the sky.”
“” Vegeta! No, don’t kill me! “”
“Facing Napa’s begging, Vegeta just indifferently threw an energy bomb into the sky, blowing Napa into a cloud of dust!”
“EMMMMM…” Director Hu, who was still promoting Vegeta’s daughter just now, froze immediately. Nima, even his companions, and even one of the few members of the same family were able to strike mercilessly. This Vegeta Ta is even more ruthless than he imagined!
In this way, even if his daughter married Vegeta and had children, her life would not be safe at all!
So Director Hu silently closed his mouth again, and moved the bench a little to the side, trying to reduce his sense of existence and make Vegeta forget his existence.
Vegeta was speechless right away. Although Director Hu was annoyed by the way he kept promoting his daughter just now, the way this guy treats him like a murderer makes him even more annoyed!
Then, Vegeta sighed, and whispered with a melancholy expression, “Could it be, am I really such a cruel and heartless person?”
Xia Yun on the other side was also stunned, “I didn’t expect that the person we rescued this afternoon would be so insane! If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t have saved him.”
“Ah? Have you ever been in contact with this kind of person?” Xia Binbao was dumbfounded, “My good daughter, what have you done!”
“Oh, it’s okay. At that time, Vegeta was in a coma all the time, it was impossible to hurt me! Besides, isn’t Tianhua still by my side?”
Baiyin Yuyuki also watched and sighed, “Although he has a bad temper, likes to kill people, and is a bit bullying, but he is undoubtedly Vegeta’s companion! And he is also one of his only family members, but Vegeta can be ruthless. It’s really inhumane to kill him with all your heart.”
Thinking about his journey, he could only reach the end with the help of his companions along the way!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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