“”Kakarot, you should have heard what I just said. My purpose is to avenge Frieza. When the planet Vegeta, the home planet of our Saiyans, was destroyed, both your parents and mine were on that planet. Frieza is undoubtedly our enemies! “”
“”Hearing this, are you still unwilling to come back and take revenge on Frieza with me? “Vegeta once again threw out an olive branch to Sun Tianhua.”
“”I reject! “And Sun Tianhua refused again without hesitation, “Whatever you want to do, it has nothing to do with me!” Just because you just killed your companion without hesitation, I will never agree with you! “”
“”yes? Then there’s no way. “Although he knew Sun Tianhua’s powerful strength, Vegeta still seemed to be able to handle it with ease, “Maybe you think you are already very strong, but I want to tell you, my combat power is 18,000!” “”
Chapter 362 Encirclement is a good thing
“”yes? Then you are really amazing. A smile appeared on Sun Tianhua’s face, as soon as he thought of having the opportunity to fight against such a strong man, the blood flowing in his body, belonging to the Saiyan, would boil!”
“”Let’s fight in the open! “”
“When the voice fell, Sun Tianhua and Vegeta soared into the air, and finally flew into a wilderness.”
“”Is it okay here? “Vegeta landed first.”
“Ah, what a nice place. “Sun Tianhua also fell down, “If we are here, no one will bother us.” “”
“The two looked at each other, and a gust of wind blew by, raising their hair.”
“The next moment, the two disappeared in the same place at the same time. It seems that the two people can no longer be found in the endless wilderness. Only the sound of fighting comes from time to time, indicating that the two are fighting fiercely!”
“Boom! Boom! Boom!”
“In the open wilderness, the sound of bodies colliding is heard from time to time, and every time there is a sound of collision, boulders will shatter and the earth will shatter!”
“Just the aftermath of the battle between these two people has already made this desertThe appearance of the wild has changed a lot! ”
“Vegeta punched Sun Tianhua in the chest, sent him hundreds of meters away, and finally smashed a boulder.”
“”See, this is the gap between us! You can’t even keep up with my speed! “Vegeta crossed his arms and floated in the sky with an arrogant face. After a battle, not only did he have no injuries, even the battle uniform he was wearing was not dirty!”
“On the other hand, Sun Tianhua on the other side, his clothes are torn and his whole body is covered with injuries.”
“Obviously, in the battle just now, he was at a disadvantage, Sun Tianhua smiled wryly, “You are indeed very powerful. “”
“Then, he took a deep breath and began to sense the surrounding Qi. His own Qi gradually merged with the heaven and the earth, and his whole body gradually disappeared into this wilderness. This is the circle environment!”
“”Um? Is it stealth? “Vegeta frowned, this type of ability, he finds it annoying just to see it!”
“But then, Vegeta showed a smile, “Using something like invisibility at this time is nothing more than a sneak attack, right? drink! “”
“Vegeta burst out with a violent aura, that sharp and sharp aura, just bursting out, centering on himself, shaking the ground out of a huge pothole!”
“Since you want to sneak attack him, then just launch an indiscriminate attack like this! Vegeta smiled with a plan.”
“But then, he felt someone punch him in the cheek!”
“”puff! Vegeta spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with disbelief, “How is this possible?” ! “”
“His combat power is much higher than Sun Tianhua’s. According to his estimates, the burst of momentum just now was enough to knock Kakarot into the air! But why, Kakarot was able to punch him in the face in the blink of an eye ? Could it be that Kakarot was able to resist his momentum?”
“Isn’t the circle environment too perverted?” Kosaka Kirino said with a dull expression on his face. Can martial arts be trained to this level? Not only is it possible to hide the figure, but even people can become blurred, directly ignoring the opponent’s attack! This is not practicing martial arts, this is cultivating immortals, right? !
When she heard Master Li Shuwen explaining this skill before, she thought that Master Li used a little exaggeration, but now it seems… This is a realistic technique!
“I didn’t expect martial arts to be so strong! I don’t know if there are any well-known masters in Huaguo… Oh, yes, isn’t this Sun Tianhua a master? When I have money to go abroad, I must go to Huaguo to learn from a teacher.” !” Kosaka Kyosuke blushed, and was about to jump up with excitement.
Of course, although he said he wanted to learn martial arts, Kyosuke Kosaka actually only wanted to learn the circle! It can only be said that every man has a heart that wants to be invisible… As for what is it used for?
He just wants not to be noticed by the teacher when he is late for class!
But his younger sister Kosaka Kirino obviously misunderstood his sincere emotion, and saw Kosaka Kirino showing a disgusted expression, “Do you want to learn martial arts? I’m afraid you want to steal after learning the circle. Sneak into my room? Disgusting!”
“Hey, in your eyes, am I this kind of person? I learn martial arts just to keep fit!”
“Heh.” Kosaka Kirino sneered and remained silent.
This conversation made the eyes of their parents more subtle, especially their father Daisuke Kosaka, who looked at his son with a dangerous look, as if he was thinking of ways to make his son harmless.
On the other side, Sawamura Eriri opened the notepad skillfully, and recorded the material this time, “The protagonist of the next book is a master of martial arts. Breaking into a girl’s room is like entering no one’s land.” Peerless master!”
“While Vegeta was deep in thought, Sun Tianhua punched him in the jaw again.”
“”asshole! A mere low-level fighter insults me, a Saiyan prince, like this! “Vegeta’s eyes were red, like an angry bull, “If this is the case, then I will destroy you together with this land!” “”
“Vegeta roared, and threw energy bombs to the ground with both hands, and a large number of energy bombs fell on the ground like a torrential rain! This is the legendary prince’s battle method!”
“These countless energy bombs plowed the entire surface, but Sun Tianhua’s figure never appeared. Vegeta knew that he missed anyone at all!”
“”Damn it! Where did it go! “Vegeta gritted his teeth tightly, with a hideous face.”
“”Here it is! “”
“Sun Tianhua’s voice suddenly sounded in Vegeta’s ear, and before he had time to react, he heard the voice continue, “The tiger climbs the mountain hard! “”
“The next moment, he felt a terrifying force hitting his chest!”
“”Wow! “Vegeta spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and his whole body shot into the ground like a shell!”
“It’s as if the ground was hit by a meteorite, and a big crater was knocked out, bringing up smoke and dust in the sky.”
“”call. “At this time, Sun Tianhua with a tired face also let out a long breath, and his figure emerged.”
“It is still difficult for him to maintain a long-term circle state in the fierce battle. These ten seconds are already the limit.”
“If you want to enter the circle state again, you must calm your breath, but now is not the time to calm your breath!”
“A gleam flashed in Sun Tianhua’s eyes, and then he put his hands on his waist, “Gui-pai-qi-gong! “”
Chapter 363: Giant Ape Form
“After a short period of energy gathering, Sun Tianhua pushed his hands forward violently, and an extremely terrifying light cannon burst out from his hands!”
“And the side he attackedVegeta’s voice came from Xiangya, “Galik Cannon!””
“Immediately, a huge purple light cannon shot out from below, and collided with Sun Tianhua’s Kamepai Qigong!”
“Afterwards, the two light cannons were in a stalemate for a while, but only for a while! Vegeta’s Garrick cannon is slowly pushing forward against Kamehae’s power!”
“”drink! “Seeing that the situation is not good, Sun Tianhua’s momentum soared again, and he even withstood the attack of the Garrick cannon!”
“Maybe it was because he was hit by a fierce tiger climbing the mountain before, and his condition was not good, or it might be because Sun Tianhua is on the right at the moment. The Garrick Cannon, which was still aggressive just now, gradually became weak, and even the originally extremely strong light The cannon has also become smaller.”
“In the end, after a stalemate for about half a minute, Kamehae Qigong completely devoured the Garrick Cannon, and used that terrifying energy fluctuation to wash the face of Vegeta who was lying on the ground!”
“”Ahhh! ! ! Oh no tired! Oh no tired! “While being washed, Vegeta let out a furious roar, “Kakarot! “”
“Ha…ha…” After continuously baptizing Vegeta with Kamehae Qigong for more than ten seconds, Sun Tianhua finally stopped Kamehaeqigong. The muscular Lao Gao is already quite exhausted.”
“But Sun Tianhua did not relax his vigilance. According to his perception, although Vegeta’s Qi has decreased, he is still in a very strong state… At least, he is still stronger than him now!”
“Soon, Vegeta flew up from the pothole on the ground. At this time, he no longer had the easy-going look he had before. The battle uniform on his body was tattered, and he had several wounds on his body. It is bleeding continuously, no matter how you look at it, it is miserable!”
“” Kakarot! You, a mere low-level fighter, dare to beat me like this! I want to tear you into pieces bit by bit! “”
“Vegeta roared angrily, then looked behind Sun Tianhua, showing a sneer, “It looks like your tail has been removed, right? Kakarot, do you know why we Saiyans are called a fighting nation? “”
“Before Sun Tianhua could reply, Vegeta continued, “There is a powerful force in the tail of our Saiyans! As long as we are illuminated by the moon, we will become a giant ape. The Saiyans in this form will increase their combat effectiveness by ten times! “”
“”Although as a side effect of this huge improvement, ordinary Saiyans will lose their minds after transformation, regardless of whether they are enemies or friends, and will not even dodge in the face of enemy attacks. But unfortunately, as a senior fighter, I can perfectly avoid this side effect! “”
“”And, you don’t have a tail anymore! In other words, only I can transform! At that time, I will have a full combat power of 180,000! Kakarot, like I just said, I’m going to tear you to pieces! “”
“Transformed from a human to a giant ape? Then the combat power has increased tenfold? This is a cheat!” Makise Kurisu shook her head and sighed.
Leaving aside why humans can become giant apes, it is really outrageous to say that the combat power has been increased tenfold out of thin air! Think about it carefully, isn’t this energy increased out of thin air? Thinking about it carefully, the solution to infinite energy is not hidden in the body of the Saiyan, right?
“Sure enough, this alien called a Saiyan is not scientific at all.”
“Let’s not talk about science or not, I just want to know that if the Saiyans transform into giant apes, the clothes on their bodies will also be blown up? Then when they return to their original state, will they have no clothes on them? Often Test.”
Hashida Zhi rubbed his chin, and a gleam flashed in his eyes. As a super hacker, he has extremely sharp thinking, and easily noticed things that others could not!
“…” Makise Kurisu slightly squinted her eyes and gave him a sideways glance, before uttering two words, “Pervert!”
“Yeah, Mayuki agrees with Kurisu’s words.” Mayuri Shiina stabbed Hashida Zhi again with a smile.
“Obviously I just thought about it with common sense, I often take the test.” Hashida Zhi spread his hands quite aggrieved.
“”Although you have said so much, there is one prerequisite, that is, it must be illuminated by the moon, right? “Sun Tianhua was not frightened, but was keenly aware of this.”
“A tenfold increase in combat power sounds scary, but as long as it is not illuminated by the moon, isn’t it useless?”
“So, just beat you before the moon comes out! “Sun Tianhua once again put on a stance, even though the fighting power is very different, the fighting spirit in his heart has not dissipated, it would be better to say that this fighting spirit will become more bold!”
“As a fighting nation, even though he grew up on this planet, he did not receive traditional Saiyan education. However, fighting still makes his blood boil! This is the instinct engraved in the hearts of Saiyans!”
“”Ah! Hearing Sun Tianhua’s words, Vegeta sneered, “One more thing, I forgot to tell you!” As a senior fighter, I have another ability! “”
“Speaking, Vegeta stretched out his right hand, and a blue light ball emerged from his hand.”
“”Saiyans often go to other planets to fight, and they will always encounter planets without moons. In order to prevent the Saiyans from turning into giant apes, the killer weapon cannot be used, and finally developed a stunt that only advanced fighters can use. ——Man-made moon! “”
“”This artificial moon will emit Bultz rays to prompt Saiyans to transform! Although the duration is relatively short, only thirty minutes, but this is enough! “”
“As soon as the words fell, the blue light ball in Vegeta’s hand flew into the sky, and then the light ball emitted a blue light.Under the light of the sun, Vegeta’s body gradually turned into a beast, and became even bigger! ”
“But in just a second or two, Vegeta turned into an extremely huge giant ape!”
“Hey!” Seeing this, the cold sweat dripped from Director Hu’s head. If he remembers correctly, there is still a moon tonight…
He is not afraid that Vegeta will want to kill after transforming, after all, if Vegeta was about to kill him, he would have done it long ago, and he wouldn’t wait until now!
However, he was afraid that his house would be gone! It took him a long time to pay off the loan on this house. If it was destroyed because Vegeta turned into a giant ape, wouldn’t all his savings over the years be in vain? !
I don’t know if the country will reimburse me for this kind of thing…
Chapter 364 This battle uniform is pretty flexible
“Don’t worry, I don’t feel like turning into a giant ape… It may be that the light emitted by the moon on your planet is a bit different from the moon on our planet Vegeta.”
Without Director Hu speaking, Vegeta could understand what he was worried about.
Hey… As soon as he finished explaining to Director Hu, Vegeta sighed in his heart. He didn’t know how many times he explained this night.
Although he has no previous memories, he always feels that he should not be such a cruel person, right?
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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