“It really turned into a gorilla?!” On the other side, Xia Yun stared at the huge gorilla in the video with wide eyes, and then looked at Sun Tianhua curiously, wondering what it would be if he turned into a gorilla look?
Sun Tianhua was a little creepy, he smiled helplessly and said, “Xiaoyun, don’t look, my tail is gone, I can’t change into a gorilla.”
“That’s right…” Xia Yun sighed in disappointment at first, and then exclaimed, “Ah, that’s not the end! This Vegeta’s fighting power has increased tenfold! If you can’t transform, Tianhua , How should I fight him! If I had known, I would have prevented Roman from removing the tail for you.”
“How could such a thing be thought of beforehand?” Sun Tianhua also smiled wryly, he didn’t know that this tail could actually transform people!
However, he only smiled wryly for a while, and then he calmed down and thought about it seriously, “Since this tail is the source of power for transformation, it should be fine as long as you find a way to cut off the tail, right?”
Different from the normal focus of these people, Hashida Zhi immediately saw that the combat uniform on Vegeta’s body also expanded accordingly!
He actually sighed a little disappointed, “This combat uniform is really flexible.”
“”This is transformation? ! “Feeling the terrifying aura in Vegeta’s body, even Sun Tianhua, who was eager to fight, trembled all over, “So strong! Really strong! “”
“”Kakarot, did you feel it? This is my strength! “Vegeta roared, and ran towards Sun Tianhua with his thick thighs, every step could make the ground tremble violently!”
“Becoming this gigantic giant ape, Vegeta’s speed has obviously dropped, but even so, with his huge size, his speed is even faster than before!”
“In just a second, Vegeta had already rushed to Sun Tianhua’s side, and a huge palm fell towards his head!”
“That palm is even bigger than Sun Tianhua’s entire body! If he gets hit by a slap, he’ll probably turn into a pulp on the spot!”
“A sense of urgency flashed in my heart, a burst of power erupted from Sun Tianhua’s body, and he instantly increased to the fastest speed, leaving Vegeta’s attack range.”
“”Don’t try to escape! “Vegeta roared, opened his mouth and spit out a huge energy ball!”
“The energy ball came first, and caught up with Sun Tianhua, who flew out first, in an instant, and hit him in the back! Afterwards, the energy ball exploded!”
“”what! ! ! “Sun Tianhua let out a scream, and the whole person fell to the ground as if he had lost consciousness.”
“”Humph! “Vegeta jumped to Sun Tianhua with just one jump, and then reached out to grab Sun Tianhua like he was catching a chicken.”
“”That blow just now, I could have killed you straight away! But in the end I kept my hand, because of the humiliation you caused me just now, I have to give you back a little bit! “As he spoke, Vegeta’s face became more ferocious, and at the same time, he grabbed Sun Tianhua’s hand even harder!”
“Wow! ! “Sun Tianhua, who had just lost consciousness, was pinched and woke up immediately. The strength in Vegeta’s hand seemed to pinch him in half!”
“But hearing Sun Tianhua’s screams, Vegeta became even more excited, “That’s right! You’re so good at howling! ! Call me louder again! Ha ha ha ha! “”
“Laughing wildly, Vegeta continued to increase the strength in his hands.”
“”Ahhh! ! “Sun Tianhua screamed again, thinking in his heart, no, you can’t go on like this! You will be crushed to death by him! You must enter the circle! Only by entering the circle can you escape Vegeta’s restraint!”
“Thinking of this, Sun Tianhua immediately calmed down and began to feel the energy around him. Even if Vegeta continued to exert force, he forcibly held back the pain and did not let the pain disturb his state of mind.”
“But looking at Sun Tianhua who didn’t respond, Vegeta felt bored. Isn’t the most important thing to torture the enemy is to hear the enemy’s screams?With a cry, isn’t his torture a failure? ”
“”It’s really boring, if this is the case, I will send you to heaven directly! Go to hell, Kakarot! “Vegeta snorted coldly, and wanted to crush Sun Tianhua to death!”
“Following Vegeta’s sudden force, Sun Tianhua in his hand suddenly disappeared, and he was stunned for a moment, “Strange, could it be that he was crushed into powder by me? I shouldn’t have used that much strength. “”
“Suddenly, Vegeta’s mind flashed, and he suddenly remembered the invisible trick that Sun Tianhua used before!”
“”He used that trick again! Did he escape? No, not right! His goal is there! “There was a flash of panic in Vegeta’s eyes, if the tail is cut off, he will withdraw from the transformation state!”
“But what should we do? Sun Tianhua in this state can’t hit at all!”
“Just when he was flustered, Sun Tianhua’s voice sounded behind him, “Qi Yuan Zhan! “”
“It’s that person’s trick! Vegeta’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately wanted to fly into the sky and dodge this trick.”
“However, Sun Tianhua’s Qi Circle Slash is one step faster! The extremely compressed spinning air blade instantly slashed across Vegeta’s tail, cutting off his huge tail!”
“”what! ! ! “Vegeta screamed, and the whole person immediately changed from the appearance of the giant ape to the appearance of the human before, and then fell heavily on the ground, raising a cloud of dust.”
“”Xiaolin’s trick is really easy to use. I thought I couldn’t use it just now, but fortunately, the difficulty of this trick is not too high. “Sun Tianhua landed on the ground after using Qi Yuan Slash, leaning against a boulder with his back, laughing hehe.”
“At this time, Sun Tianhua looked quite weak, not only because of the injury from Vegeta, but also because his physical strength was almost exhausted.”
“” Kakarot! “Vegeta stood up from the ground with difficulty. He had his tail cut off, and he didn’t look much better.”
Chapter 365: The capitalists will cry when they see it
“It’s easy?” Sun Lin’s face was dark, feeling offended!
To be honest, he couldn’t even use this trick himself! It’s better to say that before today, he didn’t even know what Qi Yuan Zhan was!
“”Now, both of us have no strength, how about you just leave this planet? “Sun Tianhua made a suggestion.”
“”Do not make jokes! I am the Saiyan Prince Vegeta! Want me to throw in the towel and leave this planet like a lost dog? How is this possible! I want to kill you, I must kill you, only your blood can wash away my shame! “”
“Vegeta rushed over with a roar, “Kakarot! “”
“” Vegeta! “Sun Tianhua also roared and rushed forward.”
“Even if the two of them are not in a good state, one move is still fatal!”
“Bang! Bang! Bang!”
“The fists of the two hit each other with a dull sound, like hitting steel!”
“However, once there is no way to suppress it with strong combat power, Vegeta’s weakness begins to be revealed. Compared with Sun Tianhua’s various exquisite martial arts and fighting techniques, his close combat ability is simply like scum!”
“As a high-ranking fighter in a fighting nation, this may sound a bit unbelievable… But if you think about Vegeta’s previous fighting style, you can understand that I am afraid that every Saiyan is similar to him. Qigong wave, if you can crush it, crush it, if you can’t crush it, immediately find a way to transform into a giant ape, and continue crushing!”
“Because of this rough fighting style, Saiyans have never thought of making their own fighting style more subtle!”
“Before, Vegeta never thought there was any problem with this fighting style, but now, he thinks there is a problem! And it’s a big problem!”
“Damn! How did this guy fight?! Vegeta gritted his teeth, his face full of aggrieved.”
“The more he fights with Sun Tianhua, the more aggrieved Vegeta feels, but at the same time… he is also constantly absorbing Sun Tianhua’s fighting skills! Compared to Sun Tianhua, he is the real genius!”
“Finally, Vegeta couldn’t hold on any longer, and Sun Tianhua punched him in the head while he was in a trance. His eyes were dark for a moment, but when he recovered, he found that the perspective in front of him was a bit different. …It turned out that he had already fallen to the ground.”
“Cough, cough cough…” Vegeta spat out a mouthful of blood, full of sadness and unbelievable, he lost? He actually lost? As a Saiyan prince, he lost to a man with a natural combat power of only five junior fighters!”
“”How is it possible…how is this possible…how can I lose to this kind of thing…” Vegeta crawled on the ground with a hideous face, and a ball flew over from the sky in the distance, and it was he who was riding aircraft.”
“Sun Tianhua stood there panting heavily, just quietly watching Vegeta get on the spacecraft and leave this planet.”
“The reason why Vegeta was let go is because he has no extra strength to kill Vegeta on the one hand, and on the other hand…he doesn’t want to kill Vegeta from the bottom of his heart!”
“Probably because of the blood belonging to the fighting nation in his body. Seeing such a rare opponent, he doesn’t want to lose this opponent no matter what!”
“Hmph, what an idiot, haven’t you heard the truth that if you cut the weeds and don’t get rid of the roots, you will be born again when the spring breeze blows?” Xia Binbao finally found a chance to ridicule this idiot, and there was even a little bit of excitement on his face.
“Possibly, a living opponent is more important than a dead opponentimportant, right? “Sun Tianhua smiled dryly, but he was very touched by it in his heart. Ever since he couldn’t find an opponent, he always felt a sense of emptiness in his heart. Most of himself in the video thought the same way, right?
Moreover, think about the self in the video who has won the world boxing championship and has no opponents, and his fighting power has remained at more than 200. But after getting to know the powerful Saiyans and Frieza, he raised his fighting power to 13,000 in just half a year!
In many cases, being stressed and not being stressed are really two different things!
“When Vegeta’s aircraft completely flew away from this planet, Sun Tianhua’s eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground after losing his strength.”
“Afterwards, his body just disappeared in place.”
“So, is this the fighting nation? “The voice of Gaia, the planet’s will, sounded in the open wilderness. There seemed to be a little exclamation in that flat voice, “Obviously I was seriously injured, exhausted, and was already on the verge of death, but I I can feel the strength in his body is constantly rising! “”
“It seems that every time a Saiyan is on the verge of death, his strength will be greatly improved! Immediately afterwards, the voice of Alaya, the will of the human group, sounded, and there was also exclamation in that voice.”
“Neither he nor Gaia has ever seen this type of creature!”
“Gaia: “Maybe, what he needs is not penance, but constant fighting!” “”
“”He does need to fight…but he also needs to practice. “Alaya said, “I can feel that the power released by him on the verge of death at this moment is the power accumulated in his usual practice!” If there is no usual accumulation, it is not very meaningful to be on the verge of death. “”
“Gaia fell silent immediately, as if he was also sensing the situation in Sun Tianhua’s body, and he said after a long time, “It is indeed as you said, then, let’s continue to arrange cultivation for him. “”
“Two black-hearted big balls who don’t know how to sympathize with employees at all, just decided Sun Tianhua’s future arrangements without authorization.”
“It’s really a big ball of light with a black heart…” Yukinoshita Yukino had a black line on his face, and the capitalists would cry when they saw these two guys! The Jews would be ashamed to see these two guys! When the street lamp saw these two guys, he would regret why he didn’t hang up these two guys earlier!
Thinking about it now, her personality of Melt Lilith was definitely shut out by these two big light balls in the small black room! Moreover, it is definitely not just her, other heroic spirits may also be imprisoned to some extent with mental illness!
“I don’t know what happened to the Holy Master’s proposal to these two unscrupulous bosses to allow the heroic spirits to move freely? Even if they can only move freely in that training space!”
As long as they are not imprisoned in a small dark room, as long as they can communicate with other people, the problems of mental illness of the heroic spirits will be much better!
Chapter 366: Realm King Fist and Vitality Bullet
“I don’t know how long it took before Sun Tianhua gradually regained consciousness, it’s so dark…”
“He opened his eyes with difficulty, but found that he was not lying in the wilderness, but in a ward inside the gravity training room. Not far away, a familiar figure was happily eating a cake. It was Doctor Roman. .”
“”Why am I here? “Sun Tianhua shook his head and got up from the hospital bed.”
“Oh, you finally woke up. Hearing his voice, Roman immediately put down the cake and turned the chair around with a smile on his face, “You have been in a coma for several days, and I am still a little worried. Ah, by the way, Alaya and the others brought you here. It seems that you still need to continue to practice. “”
“Hey, do you still want to practice? “Although Sun Tianhua likes to practice, he doesn’t want to keep practicing forever! He hasn’t been home for a long time, and he doesn’t even know what is going on with his pregnant wife and his injured brother!”
“After listening to Sun Tianhua talk about his distress, Roman nodded, “That’s right, how about it, I’ll go to Alaya and Gaia to talk about your situation. “”
“With Roman’s help, Sun Tianhua finally got a three-day family leave.”
“”Um? “Sun Tianhua blinked his eyes in confusion. Why does it feel like he’s on vacation while working? But he obviously doesn’t work here! These two didn’t give him a salary no matter what kind of will!”
“After thinking about it carefully, Sun Tianhua couldn’t figure out what was going on. In the end, he decided to give up thinking.”
“After returning home to visit his pregnant wife and his seriously injured brother, he came back here again.”
“Just as he was about to continue his physical training, a familiar figure appeared in the gravity training room, and he couldn’t help shouting joyfully, “Master Li Shuwen! “”
“”Hehehe, your qi is already much stronger than the old man. “Li Shuwen sensed Sun Tianhua’s current situation, and at the same time he was a little happy, but also a little lonely.”
“”Hehehe~” Sun Tianhua scratched his head with a silly smile, “By the way, Master Li Shuwen, what are you doing here? Do you want to do physical training with me? “”
“Li Shuwen quickly shook his head, “No, no, this old man can’t stand your way of cultivation, after all, I’m already old. This time I came here mainly to teach you two unique skills! “”
“”stunt? ! “As soon as Sun Tianhua heard this word, his eyes began to light up, “Is it a stunt like swallowing one’s breath, encircling the environment? “”
“No, not quite the same. “Li Shuwen shook his head, “Although these two special skills are not necessarily higher than Qi Tun and Circle in terms of realm, but in terms of power, they are much stronger! “”
“”These two stunts are the secret techniques created by the old man who occasionally communicated with other martial arts masters to perform tasks after he became a heroic spirit! It is an extremely dangerous secret method that ordinary people can never use! Therefore, these two stunts have been put on the shelf since they were created, and no one has ever practiced them or used them! “”
“”Sounds amazing! “Sun Tianhua looked excited, he didn’t notice the word “extremely dangerous” at all, he just felt how powerful these two stunts are.”
“”It is indeed a very powerful stunt! At the beginning, I was still hesitant to teach you, after all, the burden on the body of these two stunts is not ordinary! However, Alaya said that your body can definitely bear it, so here I am. “”
“Li Shuwen’s expression suddenly became very serious, “But, Tianhua, if you feel that you can’t take it anymore, you must stop practicing immediately! Even as a heroic spirit, when I was practicing those two special skills, I felt that the spirit base was about to collapse. I can’t guarantee that you will be safe and sound like Alaya said! “”
“”Well, I see! Seeing Li Shuwen’s seriousness, Sun Tianhua’s expression also became serious, “Then Master Li Shuwen, what are these two unique skills?” “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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