“call out!”
“Shampo, who was flying at high speed, suddenly stopped in front of Vegeta, “It really is you, Vegeta! I don’t know why you decided to betray King Frieza, and I don’t want to know, I just say once, hand over the Dragon Ball, so I can leave you a whole body! “”
“If you can do it, try it! “Vegeta’s figure suddenly disappeared, and then he fought with Shangbo.”
“As soon as we fought, Shang Bo could feel the powerful power of Vegeta, far surpassing before!”
“”Sure enough, Qiu Yi is not lying when he said that your combat power is 24,000. “Chambeau took the initiative to distance himself, and there was no emotion on his face.”
“And Vegeta said ostentatiously, “Every time we Saiyans are on the verge of death, our combat power will increase significantly after recovery. This is why we Saiyans are called the fighting nation! Chambo, your life is over! “”
“”Ah! Champoll sneered, “A mere monkey dares to call himself a fighting nation?” Don’t make me laugh out loud! Although I really hate my transformed appearance, let me show you my transformation! “”
“As soon as the words fell, Shang Bo’s whole body began to swell crazily. He, who was originally a handsome man, had bumps all over his body, and turned into a toad-like appearance!”
“But what Vegeta cares about is not this, but Shang Bo’s anger at this time, far surpassing him!”
Chapter 372 This is the first thing you thought of?
“Eh? Is this transformation? How ugly!” Hikigaya Komachi looked disgusted. How could a handsome green-skinned alien guy turn into such an ugly look? The bumps on the body look like toads, and the overall feeling is like a crocodile. In a word, it is so ugly that it explodes!
“Why are these aliens so keen on turning themselves into ugly monsters! Anyway, if they are all transformed, can’t they make themselves more handsome? Just like Kamen Rider!”
Hearing his sister’s complaints, Hikigu Hachiman couldn’t help but began to complain, “The aliens are so fierce. If we can transform into Kamen Rider, then we Blue Stars don’t have to play.”
“”This is transformation? ! You can also transform? ! “Vegeta was so shocked that he couldn’t even speak clearly. In his impression, the ability to transform is something that only a very small number of ethnic groups can possess! The reason why the Saiyans can transform into giant apes is to raise ten Doubling the fighting power, that’s why they are called the fighting nation!”
“”Vegeta, you seem surprised by my transformation? There are too many races in this universe that can improve their power through transformation! Champoll sneered, “But, only you Saiyan monkeys can call themselves a fighting nation because of a mere transformation!” I’m going to let you know today that a monkey will always be a monkey! “”
“Oh Noel! Chambord! “Being bitten by a monkey, even the best-tempered one should lose his temper, let alone Vegeta, who has a very violent temper!”
“Vegeta immediately stretched out his right hand, using the artificial moon to transform into a giant ape.”
“butJust as the artificial moon in his hand emerged, Chambord suddenly appeared beside him, and then punched him in the abdomen! ”
“”Wow! “Vegeta screamed, his eyes were so wide that they almost popped out.”
“It’s too slow, Vegeta! The reason why I look down on you Saiyans is because your transformation restrictions are too great! Once there is no moon, you are like meat on a sticky board! “Shambo grinned grimly, then grabbed Vegeta’s head and threw it on the ground!”
“With a loud noise, Vegeta fell heavily to the ground, smashing a big hole in the ground, and a large cloud of dust was raised.”
“And Shang Bo gradually returned to his previous appearance. When he thought of the previous transformation, he looked disgusted, “Damn Vegeta, you made me look so ugly! When I find Dragon Ball, I will definitely want you to look good! “”
“After the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, Shang Bo, who longed for beauty and suffered from cleanliness, dared to land on the ground. He looked at the unconscious Vegeta coldly, a little annoyed, “I knew I didn’t need to use so much force.” Oh, this guy passed out, where else can I find out the whereabouts of Dragon Ball? “”
“While speaking, Shang Bo looked at the pool not far away, although he had a feeling in his heart that Vegeta put the dragon ball into the pool, but as long as he saw the dirty pool, he subconsciously didn’t want to go in !”
“After being silent for a while, he said to himself, “Since Vegeta dared to stand here waiting for me, it means that he shouldn’t be hiding the Dragon Ball here, right? Yes, that’s right, Vegeta is not that stupid! “”
“After talking to myself, it seemed that I had convinced myself. Chambo mentioned Vegeta and flew in the direction of Frieza’s spaceship.”
“This guy named Shangbo is so strong. Is there only so many strong aliens?” Baiyin Yuxing thought that the Holy Master mentioned the alien race that was eyeing their blue star. Approved, but he didn’t think the matter would be solved so easily!
Besides, even if it is solved so easily, what about other alien races, or other aliens?
Looking at the various aliens in this video now, he feels panicked in his heart! I always feel that at some point, a group of aliens will surround the earth!
“Yeah, there are too many strong people in aliens… So, brother, can your golden experience requiem surpass heaven? Just modify it so that aliens and outsiders will never invade Blue Star True!” Bai Yingui looked at him expectantly.
But what can Baiyin Yuxing do? Of course he can only shake his head!
“I wish it was so easy to surpass heaven! I’ll directly modify Shinomiya Kaguya to confess to me… Ahem, anyway, surpassing heaven is not so easy! I guess it’s just like the novel cassette buried in Doma. It must be a one-time miracle.” Baiyin Yuxing was a little ashamed when he accidentally said what he was thinking.
And Bai Yingui looked at him with a rather subtle look. With Beyond Heaven, this is the first thing you thought of? !
“On the other hand, Piccolo finally brought a dragon ball back to the elder, because Vegeta killed Qiu Yi and Dodoria, he was able to take the dragon ball away safely. From this point of view, He also needs to thank Vegeta well.”
“”Elder Elder, I’m back. “As soon as Piccolo entered the room, he dropped the giant dragon ball on the ground.”
“The Great Elder seems to have aged a bit, after hearing Piccolo’s voice, he waited for a while before opening his eyes, “It’s Piccolo…has the dragon ball been brought back? “”
“Yes, Grand Elder, the Dragon Ball is here. ” Piccolo patted the big dragon ball on the ground.”
“Okay, I’m going to teleport you to another planet! Piccolo, I will take a long time to prepare, so you just wait here for me a little longer. “”
“Yes, Great Elder. ” Piccolo nodded, and he didn’t know whether he was thinking of the tragic death of the clansmen he saw on the road, or thinking that he would never see a clansman again, two lines of clear tears gradually flowed from his eyes.”
“So, the Great Elder closed his eyes like this, and began to prepare to release the teleportation spell. As he said, he is already old, and even if he only releases a teleportation spell, it will take a long time to prepare.”
“While the Great Elder was making preparations, Chambo brought the half-dead Vegeta to Frieza.”
“”King Frieza, I have brought back the murderer who killed Qiu Yi and Dodoria, it is Vegeta! As soon as Chambo put Vegeta on the ground, he half-kneeled on the ground respectfully, “He is also the one who stole the Dragon Ball. Obviously, he has decided to betray you, King Frieza.” “”
“”After I defeated Vegeta, I didn’t find the dragon balls around there, so I brought him back, and I may need to use the treatment cabin to heal first, and then I can get the whereabouts of the dragon balls from Vegeta’s mouth. “”
Chapter 373: The advantage lies in him
“”It turned out to be Vegeta. I was surprised that he was able to kill Qiu Yi and Dodoria unexpectedly. ” Frieza raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised, but that’s all.”
“As for feeling sad and angry because of the death of his subordinates, he doesn’t have any emotions at all! This is him, the frozen demon, the emperor of the universe – Frieza!”
“”Think about it carefully, could it be that the fact that I destroyed Planet Vegeta was exposed, which caused him to betray me? Oh, forget it, I don’t care much anyway. ” Frieza sneered, not taking Vegeta’s betrayal at all.”
“Bastard, how dare you look down on me!” Vegeta’s eyes were red with anger, “Frieza,I must make you look good! ”
Although in the video he is now half dead like a dead dog, he doesn’t feel that he is no match for Frieza at all!
In his mind, he now has a fighting power of 240,000, as long as he successfully transforms into the giant ape form, he can have a fighting power of 240,000! What a strong force this must be!
That Qiu Yi and Dodolia are weaker than him, and Shang Bo is stronger than him, but he can only win before he becomes a giant ape, and it is estimated that his combat power is only more than 30,000 points! And as the boss of these people, he felt that Frieza had a combat power of around 200,000, which was already amazing!
Therefore, as long as you find the right time and become a gorilla first, he has the advantage!
“”Yes, a mere Saiyan monkey is not worth your attention at all. “Chambeau hastily echoed.”
“”Well, that’s right, for me now, only Dragon Ball is the most important thing. ” Frieza narrowed his eyes slightly, not talking, the surrounding air seemed to become cold in an instant.”
“As time passed, Chambord’s heart beat faster and faster, and this silent atmosphere made his breathing seem to be stagnant!”
“”Monsieur Chambord…””
“After waiting for a long time, Chambo finally waited for Frieza to speak, which made him heave a sigh of relief, but just as he let go of the breath, he raised it again in a blink of an eye. Because, he heard Frieza say so …”
“”Mr. Chambo, I think, you shouldn’t think that Vegeta might hide the Dragon Ball in a dirty place, and then don’t want to check it out, just come back right? “”
“Shambo, who was kneeling on one knee just now, immediately put his head on the floor of the spaceship. The temperature inside the spaceship is obviously quite moderate, but the sweat on his forehead kept flowing down, and he couldn’t stop it. !”
“Lord Frieza, I am truly sorry! There was only one plain nearby, and the subordinates thought that there was no place to hide their belongings, so they brought Vegeta back directly. But now that I heard what you said, King Frieza, I just realized that there is a pool nearby, where the Dragon Balls might be hidden, so I will go and search there! “”
“”Humph! ” Frieza snorted coldly.”
“Just this cold snort made Shang Bo feel like being struck by lightning, and his whole body was convulsed. Every cell in his body was sending him the message of fear and pain! So much so that his beautiful face looks like a woman’s.” My face twisted in pain!”
“But even if the pain is so bad, he doesn’t dare to speak, let alone move. He knows that since Frieza is punishing him now, it proves that he won’t take his life! But if he dares to speak, Or if you move a little bit, you will really lose your life!”
“After a while, Frieza stopped attacking, and Chambo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes filled with the joy of escaping death.”
“Frieza said: “That’s it for this time, if you dare to have a next time…you know what will happen! “”
“”Subordinates dare not! Shang Bo quickly replied, then got up quickly and said, “The subordinate immediately went there to look for the Dragon Ball.” “”
“”No, even if you look for it, you may not be sure that the Dragon Ball is there. Frieza stopped his actions, and then softly called a person’s name, “Mr. Chikono. “”
“Following Frieza’s shout, soon a very thin man who looked like an ant walked in, “King Frieza. “”
“Chambo knows Kikono, he is an existence that can be called a genius inventor. The weapons, spaceships, combat power measuring instruments, battle suits, etc. used by the Frieza Legion are all designed by Kikono himself. developed it!”
“But he doesn’t know, what is the purpose of calling Kikono here at this time?”
“Seeing the doubts on Shang Bo’s face, Kikono took the initiative to explain, “King Frieza is very foresighted. He felt that even if he found the enemy, the enemy might not necessarily tell the whereabouts of the Dragon Ball. So as early as when you set off, King Frieza asked me to develop props that can find the whereabouts of the Dragon Balls. “”
“Well, yes, that’s it. “Hearing the genius inventor Kikono praise himself for his foresight, Frieza smiled and was in a good mood.”
“After all, this is a compliment from a genius! A fool who praises others for being smart will only make people think he is stupid, but a compliment from a genius will definitely make people think he is super smart!”
“So, Mr. Kikono, have you made an item that can find the Dragon Balls? “”
“”Back to King Frieza, I’ve already made it! Kikono nodded slightly, and said quite proudly, “From the three dragon balls brought back by Shang Bo, I found that each dragon ball emits a ray of a unique frequency, which resonates with the rest of the dragon balls. Through this ray, you can find the whereabouts of all the dragon balls! “”
“Afterwards, Kikono took out a very small disc-like machine, “This is it, I named it Dragon Ball Radar. “”
“A few minutes?!” Makise Kurisu stared wide-eyed, looking deeply shocked, “Is this an alien? Not only is it stronger than us, but even its technology is so much better than ours.”
In just a few minutes, you can make a utensil from scratch, which is too scary! If they let the Blue Stars do it, I’m afraid they can only create a new folder in a few minutes!
“Huhahahaha! Don’t underestimate yourself, Christina! Our Future Props Research Institute will not lose to this alien! Especially, with me, a mad scientist who is full of madness! The Phoenix Institute~ fierce!” The Phoenix Institute is fierce Open your hands, laughing wildly, people who don’t know may be reallyThought he could be that strong.
“It’s not Tina!” Makise Kurisu turned her head, glared at him, and then ignored his sickly laughter.
Chapter 374 Don’t You Know Preferential Treatment for Prisoners?
If the scientists are amazed at the terrifying power of this alien, then the high-level officials of the country are envious of this alien’s mind!
It is often said that the strong sharpen their minions and the weak sharpen their wisdom.
They are not born strong, so naturally they need wisdom! Wisdom capable of killing Frieza with one shot of super explosives!
“It’s a pity, this alien is also Frieza’s subordinate. It would be great if we had such talents in our country.” A high-level executive in Huaguo couldn’t help but sighed. If there were such talents, they would face him in the future. When facing foreign enemies, it is not necessary to place hope on a certain group of people.
“Even if there is, it may not be able to deal with a monster of Frieza’s level, right?” Another high-level executive pointed out rationally, although he was also envious, “If this person can create a weapon that can compete with Frieza, He won’t be under Frieza either.”
“Although you are right, it is good for us to have such a talent! At least, he can help us build spaceships, right?”
“It’s reasonable, and I don’t know if we in the video can seize the opportunity and intercept this talent!”
“Are you stupid? You still cut it! This video shows what happened. If you see that there is no alien sitting around us, you should understand that we didn’t catch it!”
“Ah… that’s true.”
“Hey, you are indeed Mr. Kikono, you can build such a machine in just a few minutes. Frieza laughed out loud, not in a good mood, “With this Dragon Ball Radar, you don’t have to worry about not being able to find Dragon Balls. Mr. Kikono, please activate Dragon Ball Radar. “”
“I have to say that when Frieza is not angry and doesn’t want to kill someone, he always acts very well-mannered, and he understands the four words “clothes and beast!”
“Yes, King Frieza. “Kikono responded, and then activated the Dragon Ball radar. He looked at the screen on the radar and said, “It shows that three of the Dragon Balls are here with us, and the three Dragon Balls are not far from here. Where the tower snatches and hides. There is another one that is quite far away from us. “”
“Well, since we found the Dragon Balls, it’s easy to handle. “At this time, Frieza didn’t know that the Great Elder of the Namekians was going to send one of the dragon balls away, so he seemed very leisurely.”
“In his eyes, these dragon balls can be collected within an hour at the latest, and then he will have eternal life! So, why should he be in a hurry?”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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