“Afterwards, Frieza’s stroller fluttered gently, and the three dragon balls on the ground also floated beside him, “Mr. Chambo, take the Dragon Ball Radar and lead the way. “”
“Looking at Frieza as if he couldn’t wait to use the Dragon Balls, Chambo didn’t dare to say anything. He just said “yes” and immediately flew out of the hatch with the Dragon Ball Radar.”
“Looking at Chambo and Frieza who left one after another, Chikono looked at Vegeta lying on the floor and gradually fell into deep thought, “What should Vegeta do? Why didn’t King Frieza say a word? “”
“He wanted to throw Vegeta into the treatment cabin for treatment, but he was afraid that King Frieza wouldn’t want to treat Vegeta, but if he didn’t heal, who knows if this guy would be cold on the spot?”
“In the end, he decided, let’s just leave it at that. If you do more and more mistakes, it’s good if you don’t do it! Just leave it alone, at least King Frieza can’t find a reason to punish him!”
“As for Vegeta…he thinks that such a powerful person might also have a strong recovery ability?”
“So, he turned around and walked out with short legs. Only Vegeta was left lying on the ground in utter desolation.”
Vegeta: Are you polite?
Vegeta’s face is full of grief and anger, hateful guy! How dare you just ignore him and let him lie on the ground like a dead dog!
Although he is an enemy, he is still a prisoner now! Have you never heard of preferential treatment for prisoners?
“Soon, in Frieza’s sight, Chambo jumped into that dirty pool full of grief and anger. The anger in his heart was burning. Damn Vegeta, where is the dragon ball hidden? Hide it in Here! Don’t you know I’m a clean freak?!”
“He doesn’t dare to scold Frieza, not even in his heart, so he can only scold Vegeta!”
“Suppressing the psychological discomfort, Shang Bo stayed in the water for a long time, and finally found all three dragon balls, and each dragon ball was covered with fish flying! Chop off your hands!”
“But he couldn’t, so he could only carefully smile at Frieza, “King Frieza, I’m going to wash the dragon balls. “”
“Perhaps because he thought Chambo’s expression was very funny at this time, or maybe he felt that the previous punishment was not enough, Frieza stopped Chambo with a smile on his face, “No need, hurry up and find the last one, these three dragon balls , just hold it on your body. “”
“As soon as he heard this, Chambo’s expression instantly became as if he had eaten Xiang, “Yes, King Frieza. “”
“So, Chambo just followed Frieza with an expression like he was eating fish, holding three dragon balls covered with fish flying.”
“Before he went into the water, he put the Dragon Ball RadarGive it to Frieza so it doesn’t touch the water and cause the Dragon Ball Radar to malfunction. ”
“Soon the two of them followed Dragon Ball Radar to the tower of the Great Elder.”
“”Um? When Frieza saw the tower, he felt something was wrong, “It’s strange, why is there a strange power fluctuation here?” “”
“Frieza is not only powerful, but also possesses superpowers. At this time, he sensed the energy fluctuations that the Great Elder was about to transmit the spell.”
“”It’s not right! ” Frieza let out a strange cry, stared, and then controlled the baby carriage and flew in.”
“When Frieza broke into the tower, what appeared in his eyes was the elder who cast the teleportation spell, as well as Piccolo and Dragon Ball who were being enveloped by a beam of light.”
“My Dragon Balls! “In a panic, Frieza raised his hand and pointed, and a purple light shot towards Dragon Ball!”
“After being shot by this light, the beam of light shattered instantly, and a strong light burst out! The light was so strong that even Frieza couldn’t help covering his eyes with his hands.”
“When the strong light dissipated, there was no sign of Piccolo and Dragon Ball on the ground.”
“”Ahem…” The Great Elder coughed a few more times. In desperation just now, he sped up the teleportation spell and sent Piccolo and Dragon Ball away. But this made him even older. It looks like he has come to the end of his life.”
Chapter 375 Piccolo Demon King
“”Bastard, where did you send my Dragon Balls? ! “Frieza stared at this extremely old elder, trembling with anger, he never thought that someone would dare to defy his will!”
“”Demon, don’t you want to know. “The Great Elder smiled softly.”
“The angry Frieza gritted his teeth, and pierced the heart of the elder with a single finger.”
“”Well! “The great elder snorted, and the scenery in front of him gradually became blurred.”
“Pick… you must live well.”
“Subsequently, the Great Elder completely lost consciousness.”
“Even though he killed the Great Elder, Frieza didn’t let go of his anger at all. The Dragon Ball that was right in front of him disappeared like this. How could he bear it!”
“How can it be repaired! I want to completely destroy this planet! “”
“Chambeau’s heart tightened when he heard this. He knew that if Frieza said this, it meant that Frieza was extremely angry! So, he quickly shrank his neck, desperately reducing his existing sense of existence.”
“Just when the angry Frieza decided to destroy Planet Namek, Piccolo who was teleported away slowly opened his eyes.”
“”where is this place? “”
“Bick looked around curiously. This is a small-looking room. The room is mainly decorated in pink, and there are many small dolls. It should be a girl’s room.”
“However, as a Namek who has no gender division, Piccolo naturally doesn’t know that this is a girl’s room. He just thinks the decorations are pretty.”
“”Did I be sent to someone else’s home by the Great Elder? Piccolo tilted his head in thought for a moment, and finally picked up the dragon ball, “I’d better get out of here now, it’s always bad to break into someone else’s room.” “”
“However, when he passed a mirror with the dragon ball in his arms, he discovered something was wrong. What appeared in the mirror was not his appearance!”
“”This is…” Piccolo tilted his head again, what appeared in the mirror was a little girl from Blue Star, not Piccolo’s alien appearance at all!”
“Wait, Lianhua, this is Lianhua!” Others couldn’t tell, but Koshitani Natsumi could tell it at a glance!
Anyway, the little girl who appeared in the video is also the favorite of their village, Miyauchi Lianhua!
“But, why is it Lianhua?! Could it be that Lianhua was transformed by aliens?!”
“No!” Koshitani Xiaoju directly denied this possibility, “We all remember Lianhua’s childhood very clearly, but the Lianhua that appeared in the video is already seven years old now! So, I Think that Lianhua was not an alien from the beginning!”
“It’s this alien named Piccolo who took Lianhua’s body!” As he spoke, Koshitani Xiaoju trembled all over, “It’s so scary, the aliens are so scary!”
“Eh? Is Lian an alien?” Miyauchi Lianhua’s sister Miyauchi Kazuho’s eyes, which had been half-closed, opened slightly for the first time!
For the first time, she, who has been in a sleepless state, has a gleam of light in her eyes!
“Oh! Xiaolian is an alien! Xiaolian is on TV!” Miyauchi Lianhua, who was sitting in her arms, seemed not to be able to figure out what was going on. Happy.
In a child’s world view, being able to be on TV is equivalent to being very powerful!
“Sure enough, isn’t it?” Miyauchi Kazuho narrowed his eyes again, and returned to the sleepy look.
“”this is me? ! “After a long silence, Piccolo finally realized that the person in the mirror turned out to be himself!”
“But, how is it possible? My body is not like this! Could it be…” Piccolo fell silent while talking, and he suddenly remembered a characteristic of their Namekians, that is, they can fuse with each other!”
“But what he didn’t expect was that the Namekians could also fuse with people from other planets!”
“So, I should have accidentally merged with this child when I was sent over by the Great Elder, right? “Although Piccolo is not very old, he still calls others children. This is probably a common problem of all children. He always feels that he is an adult…”
“So, what about the kid? “”
“Bick suddenly panicked.Zhang, if this child’s self-awareness completely disappears because of his fusion, then he will definitely regret it for the rest of his life! ”
“Well, who are you? “”
“Just when Piccolo wanted to check the situation inside his body, a small voice sounded in his mind, and he breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the child has not disappeared.”
“I’m Piccolo, Piccolo! ” Piccolo put down the Dragon Ball and introduced himself very seriously.”
“…” Another consciousness in this body was silent for a while, and then said in an unwavering tone, “How dare you call yourself the devil king, you can really make me laugh. “”
“”What, what, I’m really Piccolo the Great Demon King! Piccolo blushed, and then explained in a low voice, “Because I play the flute very hard, so I slowly got this nickname.” “”
“Then you really can’t do it, I can play the flute very well! “”
“”Really? “”
“”real! If you don’t believe me, I’ll blow it to you. “”
“”it is good! “The young Piccolo was stimulated by the girl, and immediately handed over the control of his body to the girl, and then the girl played the flute under Piccolo’s adoring eyes.”
“After playing a flute, Piccolo clapped his hands frantically in his mind, “It’s amazing! I have never heard such a beautiful flute sound! “”
“”Do you realize how powerful I am? “The little girl opened her mouth lightly, and raised the flute in her hand high, “From now on, I will be the Piccolo Demon King, Lianhua in the palace!” “”
“” Piccolo the Great Demon King! Piccolo the Great Demon King! ” Piccolo handed over his title to this girl named Miyauchi Lianhua without hesitation, and cheered for her.”
“It turns out that Lianhua wasn’t transformed by aliens.” Koshigu Xiaoju was obviously relieved. Although it’s outrageous to merge with aliens, it’s good that Lianhua is fine.
Besides, Piccolo, an alien, how should I put it… a not-so-intelligent Yazi, and Piccolo the Great Demon King…
“The Great Piccolo Demon King! Meow~Pass~~” Miyauchi Lianhua looked at herself on the TV with her eyes shining brightly, she seemed very excited, she quickly jumped out of her sister’s arms, and then ran into her room to take out the flute , and ran out again.
“Sister, I’m going to blow!”
“Yeah, let’s blow it, let’s blow it.” Knowing that her sister is fine, Miyauchi Kazuho is in a much better mood, but what makes her more concerned…is that Piccolo still in Lianhua’s body?
Chapter 376: Shangbo Carrying Rice
“Then, Piccolo, the former Piccolo King, why did you appear in my body, please answer me well. “Miyauchi Lianhua slapped on the floor, and the expression on her face still looks a little bit different.”
“As soon as I asked about this kind of thing, Piccolo felt sad. He explained to Miyauchi Lianhua about the Namek planet and Dragon Ball with tears in his voice.”
“”That’s right. “Hearing Piccolo’s tragedy, even though Miyauchi Lianhua is still young and doesn’t quite understand many things, her mood is still depressed.”
“But then, she encouraged Piccolo with great enthusiasm, “If this is the case, then you have to live a good life. Only in this way can you live up to the painstaking efforts of the Great Elder!” And that dragon ball, we must hide it well! “”
“Well, that’s right, we must hide the Dragon Balls! “”
“After finishing speaking, Gongai Lianhua staggered to the backyard of the house with the huge dragon ball in her arms, then dug a hole with her small shovel, buried the dragon ball in it, and kept holding it with her small hands. slapping the ground and compacting the soil.”
“Finally, Miyauchi Lianhua wiped the sweat from her forehead, “In this way, the bad guys won’t be able to find the Dragon Balls!” Meow~Pass~~””
“”Um! “Bick looked at the dragon ball buried in the ground, and thought with a little relief in his heart that, in this way, one of the tasks assigned to him by the elder would be completed.”
“And another task… let him live well, he is about to complete it.”
“If nothing else happens, Piccolo and Miyauchi Renka will live a peaceful life on this fairly peaceful planet.”
“What does it mean to be peaceful?” President TONG of the beautiful country suddenly became unhappy, “With our beautiful country maintaining world peace, and me, the president who has won the World Peace Prize, TONG is here, so where will our Blue Star appear? War? It’s impossible!”
“Oh, I see, it must be that Huaguo is playing tricks! I’ll find a way to beat them up!” As he spoke, TONG, President of the Beautiful Country, became excited.
When the secretary at the side saw this, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly said, “Your Excellency, Mr. Tong, calm down, please be sure to calm down! That’s the country of Hua! Don’t forget, which country is the protagonist of this video now?”
Nima, let’s not say that the protagonist in this video is at the level of destroying the world at first glance, even if they are not, their beautiful country can’t get much good in Huaguo’s hands! Also sanction Huaguo, your brain was kicked by a donkey, right? !
The secretary rolled his eyes in his heart, and he didn’t know how such a brain-dead president TONG was selected.
“It’s true.” President of Beautiful Country TONG smacked his lips, a little disappointed. It would be great if the protagonist of this video was from their Beautiful Country.
Then President Tong of the Beautiful Country blushed and said, “Then let’s sanction the Camel Country? They have… yes, that’s right, they must have weapons of mass destruction there! Well, today is also for Blue Star Peace And a good day to fight.”
The secretary rolled his eyes again, what a lethal weapon, if you want to grab oil, just say it!
“However, the evil Frieza did not intend to let them go. He yearned for the Dragon Balls and eternal life, so he let his genius inventor, KikonoSend the detection signal of Dragon Ball Radar to the whole universe! ”
“In the end, they locked their destination on Blue Star!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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