“”Hohohoho~ I remember that this planet is the planet Vegeta and the others have been to before, right? Then Raditz and Napa died there. “Frieza looked at the signal displayed on the Dragon Ball radar, and he was in a very good mood.”
“He’s really afraid that the Namekian will send the Dragon Balls to stars or black holes. If it’s in those places, it goes without saying that the Dragon Balls must be completely rotten!”
“”Looking at it now, that Namekian is a race with a backward civilization after all. He probably didn’t expect that we can search for the signal of Dragon Ball in the whole universe, right? Ha ha ha ha! Frieza laughed wildly and said, “All troops, go to Blue Star immediately!” “”
“In about three months.”
“Beautiful country, Niu Yue.”
“As one of the top big cities in Blue Star, there are not only tourists from all over the world, but also a variety of commodities from all over the world. No matter what kind of situation they face, all the residents living here can take pictures He said on his chest, “I haven’t seen anything in all these years? “”
“However, today, they will say, “I have never seen this scene…””
“Because, just above Niuyo, there is an extremely huge spaceship hovering!”
“”what is this? Is it made by our country, or is it an alien spaceship? “”
“”Oh, my god! I remember that alien spaceships also appeared on Thief Country before, and then the entire city of Fushan was completely destroyed! “”
“”My God, are we going to end up in the same way? Do not! “”
“The crowd is still chirping and discussing, but the beautiful state government FU has already made their choice-mushroom bomb!”
“They have known for a long time that they will end up stealing the country, and it can be said that they are extremely frightened by creatures like aliens.”
“So the first time I discovered this spaceship, I always liked to talk about it. The high-level executives of the beautiful country who made decisions very slowly made a decision in just a few minutes. It is better to act first!”
“More than a dozen mushroom bombs roared out and hit the spaceship almost at the same time.”
“The sound of mushroom bombs exploding can be heard endlessly, and a large amount of smoke seems to cover the entire sky of Niuyo.”
“After a long time, the smoke and dust dissipated quietly, revealing the intact spaceship.”
“It was Frieza’s super power barrier that blocked the attack. For him, an attack of this level is not even a tickle.”
“It seems that the people on this planet are very enthusiastic, and they actually welcome us with such beautiful fireworks. Frieza floated to the edge of the spaceship and chuckled, “Then, Mr. Chambo, in order to repay their enthusiasm, please go and say hello to them too. “”
“Yes, King Frieza! ” Chambo let out a grin, and flew out of the spaceship.”
“Under the terrified eyes of the Niuyo people, Chambo slowly raised his hands, and then began to carry rice.”
“As a terrifying beam of energy fell from his hand to the ground, it spread to the entire continent in just ten seconds!”
“When the beam of light is gone, there is no life on the continent where this beautiful country is located.”
“Damn it.” The high-level people from all over the world who were watching the video were numb, and the mushroom bomb couldn’t even be counted as tickling Frieza! And a subordinate who was so scared by Frieza that he didn’t even have the dignity of a strong man, just casually did it, and the whole continent would be cold, damn it!
Could it be that, as the sage said, we can only use aliens to defeat aliens?
Chapter 377 You are just a crocodile
“So, we are so cold?” The president of the beautiful country is in a very bad mood now, he wonders if he has cat cakes on his head in the video!
How can you throw mushroom bombs as soon as you meet? It doesn’t reflect the hospitality of their beautiful Chinese people at all. Of course, at this time, they should kneel down and call Dad immediately!
The secretary comforted, “Your Excellency, don’t be too sad. There are other people who are with us. In heaven, we won’t feel lonely.”
President of the Beautiful Country: “…”
If you can’t speak, you don’t have to!
“After carrying the rice once, Chambo immediately returned to the spaceship. He bowed his head respectfully to Frieza, “King Frieza, the mission has been completed. “”
“”Very good…” Frieza smiled, and was about to speak, when suddenly there was a loud noise inside the spaceship, and even the spaceship vibrated violently.”
“”What happened? “”
“Suddenly something unexpected happened, Frieza also looked annoyed, and soon a seriously injured miscellaneous soldier rushed over and reported with a terrified face, “King Frieza! Vegeta… Vegeta broke the prison cell and escaped from it. He killed more than half of the guards! “”
“” Vegeta! “Frieza gritted his teeth tightly, his teeth itching with anger, and he didn’t even have time to order Chambo, and drove over in the stroller.”
“Shambo also hurriedly followed. When they passed by, Vegeta was naturally gone.”
“Suddenly there was another violent vibration inside the spaceship, and Frieza’s expression changed, “Oh no, the direction of this vibration is the warehouse where the Dragon Balls are stored!” “”
“Chambeau’s face changed, and before Frieza gave an order, he quickly flew towards the warehouse.”
“When he arrived at the warehouse, neither Dragon Ball nor Vegeta had disappeared.”
“Frieza, who came quickly, was also annoyed, “Damn Vegeta! “”
“Chambeau stayed aside and didn’t dare to speak. If Frieza didn’t want Vegeta to watch him gain immortality, he would have killed Vegeta early on, and this wouldn’t have happened.”
“But, can he say such a thing? He dare not!”
“After being angry for a while, Frieza was suddenly startled, “By the way, I remember that Dragon Ball Radar is also in this room, where is Dragon Ball Radar? “”
“Shang Bo was also taken aback, and then hurried to the storage location of the Dragon Ball Radar, only to see that there was only a piece of wreckage left in the Dragon Ball Radar, “King Frieza, the Dragon Ball Radar was destroyed by Vegeta. “”
“How can it be repaired! “The energy in Frieza’s body exploded in an instant, and most of Frieza’s troops around him were blown into blood in an instant, and even Chambo was crushed to the floor, unable to move!”
“After waiting for a while, Frieza calmed down the anger in his heart, “Shambo, you immediately lead someone to chase Vegeta, and you must bring me back the Dragon Ball!” “”
“Yes, King Frieza! “”
“Chambeau quickly got up from the ground, and before he dared to say anything, he flew out immediately.”
“Only Frieza was left in the spot annoyed, “If I had known earlier, I would have brought Kikono with me this time!” Now that there is no Dragon Ball Radar, how can I find Dragon Balls? “”
Frieza, with a cloudy expression, floated out in a stroller, randomly found a soldier outside and said, “You, go to the messenger room immediately and let the Ginuit team escort Kikono over here!” Use the fastest spaceship! In seven days, I want to see them all! “”
“”Yes! “Xiao Bing quickly responded, and then ran towards the order room. He didn’t dare to say “three months’ journey, how to get there in seven days”. He is only in charge of ordering, and how others complete the order has nothing to do with him!”
“Team Ginuit? Wait, this means that the strongest people under Frieza are not Chambo and Dodoria?” Xia Yun stared, after all, this is also a trait. The three words of the team, no matter how you think about it, are stronger characters!
“It does look like this! I wonder how strong these special forces can be?” Sun Tianhua thought that another strong man appeared on the stage, and his expression was a little excited.
But on the other hand, he was also thinking, why hasn’t he appeared yet? He has been practicing for so long, how much combat power can he have? Should I have 30,000?
This Vegeta has already defeated a bunch of enemies with a combat power of more than 20,000, and even played with Frieza.
“Champeau, who was chasing after him, quickly caught up with Vegeta by relying on the combat power meter, but at this time, Vegeta didn’t have a dragon ball around him.”
“Has it been hidden again? Chambo thought of the things he encountered when recycling the Dragon Balls before, and his expression sank, “Vegeta, King Frieza is willing to save your life, it is already a great kindness up! But I didn’t expect you to want to die so much! “”
“It’s not certain who will die? “Vegeta folded his arms around his chest. He could have hidden his energy reaction, but in order to avenge Chambo, he burst out his breath on purpose.”
“He knows very well that Frieza will never do it himself until the last moment or when he is extremely angry! And now the only master Frieza can use is Chambo!”
“”Humph! “Seeing that there was nothing to say, Chambo didn’t intend to say any more. He transformed into that crocodile with lumps all over his body, and then his figure disappeared instantly, and his fist went straight to Vegeta’s face.”
“The corner of Vegeta’s mouth twitched into a smile, and he easily grabbed Chambo’s wrist, and then, with a little force on his palm, he folded Chambo’s hand in half!”
“”Ahhhhh! ! ! “The piercing pain flooded into his mind, making Chambo howl uncontrollably, his eyes full of fear were full of unbelievable emotions, “How is it possible? How could you be so strong! “”
“”Strange? “Vegeta asked back, the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to be mocking, “You once said that we Saiyans are just monkeys, right? But in my eyes, you are just an ugly crocodile! “”
“”I’ll say it again, every time we Saiyans recover from a near-death state, their combat power will increase significantly! Now, use your combat power meter to take a good look, what is my combat power? “”
“”Woo! “Shang Bo, with a face full of pain, turned his attention to the combat power measuring instrument, which showed thirty-seven thousand!”
“”What, what? ! “”
“”It seems that you have seen it, then in this case, you can die without complaint! “Vegeta sneered, and the energy bomb in his hand exploded instantly, blowing Chambo into ashes!”
Chapter 378: Reading Can’t Save the World
“”Even after transforming, you can only increase your combat power by less than 10,000, Shang Bo, I really don’t know what qualifications you have to be arrogant in front of us Saiyans! “”
“Looking at the flesh and blood scattered on the ground, Vegeta showed a cheerful smile on his face. He was always proud of the Isaiyan, but he was called a monkey by this guy, how could he bear it? ! ”
“This shame can only be washed away with Chambo’s blood! This is one of the reasons why he must expose his position and attract Chambo!”
“The other reason is that he wants to tell Frieza his combat power through Chambo’s combat power meter!”
“A combat power of 370,000, once he transforms into a giant ape, he will have a combat power of 370,000! Even the people in the Ginuit team he hasIt can be crushed! With such fighting power, he thought he was enough to compete with Frieza! ”
“However, this can only show Vegeta’s ignorance. It’s like a farmer fantasizing about the golden hoe that the emperor should use to hoe the ground. In their eyes, this is already very serious!”
“No, ignorance?!” Vegeta’s expression twisted, the fighting power of 370,000! A full three hundred and seventy thousand! Could it be said that such a strong combat power is no match for Frieza?
Even if you can’t beat him, it’s okay to save your life, right? !
Vegeta was a little frustrated, Frieza’s strength seemed far beyond his imagination.
“So, how terrible is this Frieza?” Taihei Doma sighed. Although he saw Frieza destroying a planet early in the morning, after seeing the specific combat power figures, he always felt that Frieza It seems to be even scarier than they imagined!
A Napa with 4,000 fighting power easily destroyed a big city, and a Chambord who had not yet transformed and only had a fighting power of more than 20,000 easily destroyed an entire continent!
Calculated in this way, what a terrifying force 370,000 is! I’m afraid it would be easy to destroy a planet, but with such a terrifying combat power, it is far inferior to Frieza!
In the end, he sighed and said, “Little Bui, you have to hone your game skills, and try to get Imamura Kohei to develop a stronger card for you in the future, the kind that can hang Frieza up and play. .”
“That kind of thing, how can it be so simple…” Tujian twitched the corners of her mouth, and was about to refute, but before she finished speaking, she rolled her eyes and patted her chest and said, “Don’t worry, brother, everything is fine.” Leave it to us! Palad and I will definitely hone our game skills!”
“That’s right!” Prallard said, patting his chest, “Reading books can’t save the world! Only playing games can! As long as I’m with Xiaobu, the talent of the genius player UMR is invincible!”
“…” Taiping Tujian was speechless. Although he knew that these two little ones just wanted to play games, he couldn’t say anything. Who said that her sister’s power came from playing games?
Besides, although he doesn’t agree with the saying that reading can’t save the world, he does feel that some people can’t compare to others no matter how much they study!
Just like Imamura Kohei’s divine talent, can it be read? Born to be okay!
Everyone has talent, the king has the talent of the king, and the chef has the talent of a cook, so it’s better to let his sister play the game well, and it’s always right to give full play to her strengths.
“After defeating the enemy, Vegeta then flew towards the position he saw on the Dragon Ball Radar before, and he threw out the other six Dragon Balls, and he also remembered the position, now he needs to quickly get the last Get a Dragon Ball!”
“At this time, Lianhua, the Piccolo Demon King, was staring into the distance in a daze, and Piccolo in her mind was saying in panic, “Come on, come on! That demon named Frieza actually caught up! But how is this possible? ! The Great Elder obviously teleported me to another planet, how could they find me? ! “”
“”Calm down, Piccolo, the righteous heroes on TV have said that the more critical the situation is, the less impatient it is. “Compared to Piccolo, Miyauchi Lianhua is calmer. Of course, the bigger possibility is that she doesn’t know what this terrible enemy means.”
“How does this calm me down! If this continues, your planet will also face the same result as our Namek planet! “”
“Pick was still howling there, but Vegeta had already flown over, “Is it in this small village? “”
“Speaking, Vegeta began to gather energy in his hands, he actually wanted to destroy the entire village directly!”
“”Is that guy also one of Frieza’s subordinates? Not good, he probably wants to destroy this village! “Bick was anxious. This village is where he has been staying since he came to this planet. Not only is the scenery pleasant, but everyone is very kind. It always reminds him of Namek!”
“How can someone destroy such a beautiful village!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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