“A red light flashed in Piccolo’s eyes, and he said in a strong tone, “Lianhua, give me your body! “”
“After he finished speaking, he didn’t wait for Miyauchi Renka’s answer, and directly occupied Miyauchi Renka’s body. An aura erupted from his body, and then he flew into the air and slammed straight into Vegeta!”
“”Pffw! “Unprepared, Vegeta was directly knocked out, and the energy bomb condensed in his hand dissipated.”
“Lianhua is so strong?” A Ying blinked, obviously everyone is a primary school student, but why is she so weak?
If she can be this strong, she can force Senior Xiaoju to do such and such things!
Thinking about it, her face turned rosy, and she hugged a little Ju doll beside her and rolled around on the bed.
“But Piccolo just stopped at the spot and kept panting heavily. With no combat experience, he didn’t even know that he should go up to make up the knife at this time.”
“” Who is it? “After being knocked away, Vegeta flew over with an angry expression, but after seeing the person who knocked him into the air, he fell into a daze.”
“A Blue Star person? And a child?! It’s a lie! In his perception, the energy response of this Blue Star child is more than half of his! Even ifIt is impossible for a Saiyan to be so strong at this age! ”
“What he doesn’t know is that the Namekians are born with healing, special, and fighting branches, and Piccolo is the very rare fighting-type Namek among the Nameks!”
“At only a few years old, his combat power has already reached 10,000!”
“And the Namekian’s unique fusion physique will not only fuse the strengths of both parties, but also greatly strengthen the strengths! Now the body of Miyauchi Lianhua has a combat power of more than 21,000!”
Chapter 379 Where did you get the courage
“Lianhua is a cheap pick, isn’t it too easy? Why isn’t there an alien fused with me!” Koshitani Natsumi looked envious and jealous, so easy to have a combat power of more than 20,000, it’s great to make a lot of money Bar!
When that mighty Vegeta first came to Blue Star, he was only 18,000!
Napa and Raditz in front have only 4,000 and 1,000 fighting power!
“Maybe the one looking for you to fuse is a spider-like alien.” Xiaoju Koshitani said casually, and then trembled all over… The word “spider” scared her.
“If you are afraid, don’t say it.” Koshitani Natsumi was speechless, “But then again, the Namekians are indeed a peace-loving race. They have only been with us for a few months, but they are willing to fight for us. ”
“Yeah.” Talking about Piccolo, a Namekian, Koshitani Xiaoju’s complexion improved a lot, “I just don’t know if this Piccolo is still fused with Xiao Lianhua, if so, it can be with Xiao Lianhua He makes friends.”
“”Little devil! Get out if you don’t want to die! “Probably because he didn’t want to kill the child, Vegeta didn’t do it directly, but tried to drive Piccolo away.”
“But Piccolo stood here extremely firmly, motionless, his eyes fixed on Vegeta, “I won’t leave! You don’t want to hurt people in this village, and don’t even want to get Dragon Balls! “”
“”Um? “Vegeta was taken aback for a moment, then stared at Piccolo with piercing eyes, “Dragon Ball? You mean Dragon Ball? ! Do you know where the dragon balls are? ! Little devil, tell me where the dragon ball is! “”
“”what! ” Piccolo exclaimed a little, and then he realized that he had said something wrong.”
“I, I won’t tell you! “”
“”yes? Vegeta sneered, “Then I’ll be blamed, brat!” “”
“Vegeta’s figure flashed, and he appeared next to Piccolo in an instant, grabbed Piccolo’s arm, turned his right hand into a hand knife, and slashed down fiercely!”
“”Ahhh! ! ! “”
“Bick screamed, covered his arms and kept backing away, a lot of blood gushed out like he didn’t want money, and his hand was cut off alive!”
“Vegeta threw the arm he had just cut off casually, and said with a sneer, “Little devil, I won’t be as careless as I was just now! If you don’t want to die, tell me the whereabouts of the dragon balls! “”
“Bick’s nose was sore, and tears almost flowed out. He has never experienced battle, when did he experience such pain?”
“However, after hearing Vegeta’s words, he immediately calmed down and stopped crying. Pain still hurts, but facing the enemy, so what if you just cry? Can crying make the enemy give up Dragon Balls? ? Can crying make an enemy a good person?”
“If you can’t, then why cry! What he needs is not crying, but a stronger power! The power to defeat the enemy!”
“Pick let go of his hand covering the wound, and some granulation sprouted from the wound, wriggling non-stop.”
“”Uh ah ah ah! “Following Piccolo’s pain, an arm grew out of the severed arm!”
“This is exactly one of the abilities that the Namekians have. With just a little effort, they can regenerate the severed limbs on their bodies!”
“”Huh? It can actually make the body recover, not bad! I was wondering if I would accidentally kill you, but now it seems that I don’t have to worry so much. “Vegeta’s mouth twitched into a sneer.”
“The moment he saw that sneer, Piccolo took precautions and kept cheering himself up: I can do it! I can do it! I can see clearly!”
“Suddenly, Vegeta moved!”
“Bick’s eyes were delighted, I saw it! It was rushing to my left!”
“After seeing Vegeta’s actions, Piccolo immediately jumped to the right. However, the attack from the left he imagined did not come, but a huge force suddenly came from the right!”
“Pick was blasted into the ground in an instant!”
“”Cough, cough…” Piccolo felt pain all over his body. He put his hands on the ground and tried to stand up, but was stepped on by Vegeta!”
“”Little ghost, did you just see my move to the left? Only you will be fooled by this obvious fake action. “Vegeta crushed Piccolo’s chest a few times, “In this way, you will know the gap between us, right? Hurry up and tell me the whereabouts of Dragon Ball, I might spare your life! “”
“”Don’t think about it! “Pick gritted his teeth and stared at Vegeta, even if he was beaten like this, he would not let go.”
“He clearly remembered that the Great Elder said that if Frieza got the Dragon Ball, it would be a terrible thing! Therefore, he will never hand over the Dragon Ball!”
“”Huh? “Vegeta raised his eyebrows slightly, and gradually gathered an energy bomb in his hand, “If this is the case, then I will destroy this village, is it okay? You just stood up to save this village, right? “”
“The expression on Piccolo’s face froze, and then he cursed angrily.Say, “You vile bastard!””
“”Do you now realize that I’m mean? I will do anything to defeat that guy Frieza! “Vegeta chuckled, and the energy bomb in his hand became more solidified, “Little devil, have you decided yet?” Do you want to tell me the location of Dragon Ball, or do you want to watch the people here die! “”
“”I…I…” Piccolo clenched his fist tightly, and after a long silence, he finally said, “Okay, I’ll tell…””
“”Little guy, stay there and don’t move! Qi round cut! “”
“Before Piccolo spoke, a familiar voice sounded in Vegeta’s ear, his face changed, and he flew up from the ground quickly.”
“The sharp air blade flew past where he was originally, and then it easily cut off the top of a mountain like cutting tofu!”
“”Is it Kakarot? “Vegeta was furious. If he hadn’t noticed the opponent’s energy reaction before the opponent made a move, he might really die!”
“Then, he turned his eyes to the direction that Qiyuan Zhan came from, but saw that the person who shot at him was not Kakarot, but Sun Lin.”
“Oh, so it’s you? “Vegeta raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn’t understand how the man who was hanged and beaten by Napa had the courage to attack him!”
“That’s right, it’s me! Be careful, I’m not the same as before! “Sun Lin smiled confidently. Although he felt that he might not be able to beat Vegeta, this did not prevent him from talking loudly. It would be even better if he could scare Vegeta away.”
Chapter 380: In the future, it will be considered male or female
“But what Sun Lin doesn’t know is that Vegeta has already learned the skill of using Qi. His behavior is no different from holding a lot of money in his hand and telling the robbers that I am poor.”
“Ah, this…” Sun Lin looked confused. Would it be so miserable that he couldn’t even pretend to be an elephant with a pig’s nose inserted into an onion?
Obviously his brother and Vegeta are pretending to be B, why is he responsible for being beaten?
“Hey.” Sun Yongzhi took a deep breath, “Son, don’t pretend you don’t have any skills. Although I know you want to scare Vegeta away, but last time you left Vegeta with a super weak Impression, how can this method scare him away? He will only be beaten severely!”
“”Ah. Vegeta snorted coldly, “Then I’d like to see how you want me to be careful!” “”
“After all, Vegeta rushed up and beat Sun Lin violently. In just a few minutes, he beat Sun Lin until he couldn’t even recognize his mother!”
“Finally happy, Vegeta threw Sun Lin to the ground, and then looked at Piccolo, “Little devil, how are you thinking?” Do you want to tell me the location of the Dragon Ball, or just watch the people in the village die! “”
“But Piccolo didn’t speak, but looked at Sun Lin with burning eyes. Although this man’s aura is weak, he has also practiced martial arts. If he can fuse with himself, he might be able to defeat Vegeta!”
“So, he immediately asked aloud, “Sir, do you want to merge with me?” “”
“Afraid that Sun Lin would not understand, he quickly explained, “Fusion is a special ability of our Namekians, it will not cause the disappearance of consciousness, and it will increase our strength!” “”
“”Namek? ! You kid is actually a Namekian! “Vegeta’s eyes widened. Although he didn’t know if the fusion was real, he really wanted to kill him at this time! In order to get the Dragon Balls, he must eliminate all possible factors that may cause accidents!”
“Vegeta threw a ray of light at random and shot at Sun Lian’s heart. If there is no accident, he will definitely die!”
“Pick’s pupils shrank sharply, and before he could wait for Sun Lin’s answer, he rushed to his side, grabbed his hand, and the two merged together in an instant!”
“In that case… Is Lianhua male or female?” Miyauchi Kazuho was a little confused. She is a good younger sister who first fused with an alien. It is easy to say that this alien reproduces asexually. My younger sister Barely kept the sex.
But running to merge with a man now is outrageous!
She wants to know now, is Miyauchi Lianhua a man or a woman?
“Am I a man or a woman?” Miyauchi Lianhua tilted her head and thought for a while, then held up her flute and cheered, “I’m the Piccolo Demon King! Meow~Pas~~”
Miyauchi Kazuho: “…”
Sun Lin on the other side is also very tangled, is he a man or a woman after all this is done? It can’t be a shemale, can it?
Sun Tianhua frowned even more, “Should I call him brother or sister from now on?”
“The purple light was slapped away by the fused Piccolo, smashing a small hill beside it.”
“After the fusion, the body still looks like Miyauchi Lianhua, but it is much taller and has more muscles.”
“At this time, Sun Lin was yelling in his mind, “Fusion? really integrated? No, the point is not this, I became a girl? No, although this is also the key point, the key point is that I have become so strong! “”
“That’s right, at this time Sun Lin can feel a steady stream of power from within his body! The terrifying pressure he felt from Vegeta’s body has completely disappeared at this time!”
“Miyachi Lianhua: “Meow~Pass~~””
“Pick: “Well, although I don’t know your name, but judging from your battle with Vegeta, you must be a good person who is proficient in fighting, right? I will transfer control of my body to you, and I hope you will definitely defeat Vegeta! “”
“Don’t worry, it’s fine! “Sun Lin confidently took control of his body, “Vegeta, let’s fight again!” “”
“”asshole! “Vegeta’s face darkened, obviouslyIt’s two defeated opponents who are weaker than him, but after this inexplicable fusion, the energy response will become stronger than him? ! ”
“Such an easy way to become stronger…he can’t accept it! You know, his current strength is the result of hard work, being beaten half to death time and time again, and then recovering!”
“Vegeta, who was upset, stretched out his right hand and was about to start making an artificial moon.”
“Of course Sun Lin wouldn’t just sit and watch him perform his ultimate move, appear beside him with a dodge, and then punch him in the cheek!”
“That face became distorted visibly with the naked eye, and then the whole person flew out like a cannonball!”
“Vegeta directly smashed into a boulder, he just felt like his whole body was going to fall apart!”
“”Gui-pai-qi…” Sun Lin put his hands on his waist and began to gather Qi.”
“”Damn it! “A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Vegeta’s mouth, he got up and flew into the sky, wait for his injury to heal, and his combat power has improved again before taking this dragon ball!”
“But Sun Lin naturally wouldn’t let him go. With a loud roar, he pushed out his hands violently, and a blue wave of light shot out!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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