“The difference between Kamehae Qigong and Qi Yuan Slash is that it can turn around!”
“The Kamehae qigong released was like a wolf that hadn’t eaten for several days, biting behind Vegeta and hitting his back!”
“”hateful! Bastard, I remember you! “Vegeta screamed in the air, and his flying body fell off, but he readjusted his figure after a while, and flew away in a stream of light.”
“Then Sun Lin also wanted to fly up, but was stopped by Piccolo, “Please wait! Please don’t leave here, there are very important things here, if they are taken away by bad guys, it will be over! “”
“” Something very important? what is that? “Sun Lin asked in surprise.”
“Bick thought for a while and said, “I can sense kindness from you, so you must not be a bad person, and I will tell you everything in detail. Barbara…””
“After listening, Sun Lin was furious, “These damn bastards! Just for that kind of thing, people who killed an entire planet! Don’t worry, Piccolo, I will help you protect this dragon ball! No matter what kind of enemy, I will not let him go! “”
“”Really? Great! “Pick looked very happy. Both he and Sun Lin are quite confident at this time. Even the strong Vegeta was defeated by them. They are already invincible!”
Chapter 381 My Sixth Sense Is Quite Accurate
“it hurts……”
“The seriously injured Vegeta accelerated for a while, but the speed still dropped, and even his eyes were dim, flickering from time to time.”
“”Can’t…stop…I still, can’t, die! I am the prince of the Saiyans, Vegeta! I can’t die until I defeat Frieza and avenge Planet Vegeta! “”
“While encouraging myself, I was flying tremblingly in the air. In the end, Vegeta’s eyes went dark and he fell to the ground.”
“Wow! “”
“Vegeta fell in the backyard of a villa, startling a girl who was in a daze in the backyard. This girl is Xia Yun’s younger sister, Xia Lian.”
“Wow, I also have a role to play!” Xia Lian’s face was full of excitement, did this count as showing her face in front of people all over the world? Rounding it up is equivalent to a world-class star, right?
And the old father Xia Binbao next to her has already begun to exude a dark aura. As an old fritter, he can tell at a glance that this is a sign of CP! That’s how it’s done in the movies…
Damn Saiyans! You’re going to catch my daughter alone, right? ! Xia Binbao clenched his fists, Lao Gao with bulging veins on his forehead, if he couldn’t beat him, otherwise he would go to these Saiyans now to fight desperately!
“How did this man fall from the sky? Wouldn’t it be a thief who jumped over the wall and then slipped? “Xia Lian walked in to have a look while talking to herself.”
“But when she saw Vegeta lying on the ground clearly, her expression changed instantly, she had a tail! She knew that this was the same Saiyan as her brother-in-law and Raditz!”
“She hasn’t forgotten how evil and terrifying Raditz was back then! She’s about to kill the entire Blue Star with her mouth!”
“What’s more, not long ago, when a spaceship descended from the sky above Niuyue, an alien killed all the lives on the entire continent where the beautiful country is located! This incident made everyone in the entire Blue Star panic, and the whole The sky is frightening, not to mention that she has seen Saiyan people with her own eyes!”
“”How to do? He seems to be injured, why don’t you hand him over to the police? “Xia Lian trembled and took out her mobile phone, and then she was about to make a call.”
“”Father…don’t die…don’t leave me…””
“Hearing Vegeta’s murmur, Xia Lian’s movements suddenly stopped, and her expression of fear became complicated. There was still a little pity in those eyes.”
“After being silent for a long time, she finally gritted her teeth, held Vegeta on her back with difficulty, and carried her all the way back to her room.”
“Fortunately, her father is not at home now. If he were, he would definitely scold her and send Vegeta away.”
“I want to scold you right now!” Xia Bin’s lungs were about to explode.”That’s an alien! And it’s an extremely cruel and evil Saiyan Vegeta! How dare you!”
Xia Lian shrank her neck and muttered, “But he is really pitiful… Looking at him like that, he probably dreamed of his father who died a long time ago. His father died when he was only a few years old. Not only is my father dead, but the whole family is almost dead, and the mother planet has also exploded, how pitiful it is!”
“Probably, at that time, I saved him only because I saw his pity. After all, I was always a kind-hearted little cutie.”
“Are you still talking back?!” Xia Binbao took a deep breath and almost gave up, now he can talk back to him for a man, but in the future? !
On the other side, Vegeta blinked his eyes and felt much better. After watching the video for so long, he still saw the first blue star who showed kindness to him… Although there is also the reason why he is too cruel in the video .
And Cheng Yang, who was staying here with A Xing, looked at Vegeta with satisfaction, “Look at his reaction, it’s not bad. In this way, he shouldn’t be so bitter and want to take revenge. An Xin is now living in Blue Star. It’s not in vain for me to mess around with mandarin ducks, so I got him a CP first.”
“This is the best. After all, the last message left by the planet’s will is to hope that this child can live a good life.” A Xing also nodded in satisfaction, “I hope that the CP Dafa you mentioned can make him live with peace of mind. Right… But, are you sure that girl named Xia Lian will like him?”
“No problem, no problem.” Cheng Yang waved his hand, “I’ve done some research, Vegeta’s appearance is perfect on that Xia Lian’s XP system, don’t worry.”
“Oh, that’s good.” Ah Xing nodded again, feeling much more at ease.
If this Vegeta didn’t have a tail, he would be able to integrate into Blue Star very well due to amnesia, and he would probably lead a peaceful life soon.
But he happens to have a tail different from that of the Blue Stars!
Under such circumstances, if you want to live a peaceful life in Blue Star, that’s the only way to go… By the way, when the video is finished, Ah Xing can also earn a super expert. This wave of win-win is a must.
“”…” Vegeta, who had been lying on the bed for a day and a night, seemed to be having some kind of nightmare, with cold sweat dripping down his forehead, and then he woke up suddenly from the bed, “Ah! ! “”
“Wow! “Vegeta suddenly yelled, and Xia Lian, who was reading a book, was so frightened that she even threw away the book. She blinked her eyes, and moved her head to Vegeta in shock, “Huh…you are scared to death me! Really, you wake up when you wake up, why are you yelling so loudly? “”
“Xia Lian walked over and asked while complaining, “By the way, you have been in a coma for a day and a night, are you hungry?” Is there anything you want to eat? “”
“Vegeta didn’t reply, just frowned and looked at the rather feminine quilt covering his body, “You saved me? “”
“”Well, it’s not a rescue…you fell in my backyard, and then I moved you from the backyard. Strictly speaking, that’s what I did. “Xia Lian pointed her chin with her index finger and said softly.”
“”Mere human beings, don’t make up your own mind for me! “Vegeta uttered a cold word, and was about to get off the bed, but as soon as he moved, the injury on his back was affected, causing his painful face to twist.”
“”The injury is not healed, so don’t be brave. “Xia Lian rolled her eyes speechlessly, “If you have anything you want to eat, tell me quickly, after I deliver the meal to you, you still need to read a book.” “”
“”…” Vegeta grabbed the quilt and remained silent, as if feeling humiliated, he never spoke.”
“Xia Lian waited for a minute or two, but she couldn’t wait any longer, so she turned around and walked out of the room, saying, “Then I’ll just get you some. “”
“Her hand was just on the doorknob when Vegeta spoke suddenly, “Aren’t you afraid of me? Can you see my tail? So many people on your planet were killed by Shang Bo just now, won’t you be afraid to see me, who is also an alien? “”
“Xia Lian recalled Vegeta’s whisper when he fainted before, and smiled, “No, because I don’t think you are a bad person… My sixth sense is quite accurate! “”
Chapter 382: Team Ginuit
“Vegeta, who was seriously injured, stayed at Sharon’s house like this.”
“Three days have passed, and the Ginuit team that Frieza thought would appear very late has already arrived.”
“Six ball-shaped aircraft landed in Frieza’s spaceship, and the ant-like Kikono stepped out first.”
“After that, the five people jumped out of the aircraft and posed in various strange poses.”
“”Likum! “”
“” Bart! “”
“” Keith! “”
“” Guldo! “”
“” Ginyu! “”
“”Assemble together—Ginuit Squad! ! ! “”
“Pfft! What kind of weird pose is this, hahahaha!” Tuma leaned forward and backward with a smile. This weird pose reminded her of hero movies many years ago, and she would also pose in various poses. A strange posture came out.
But the problem is, the heroes in those hero movies are handsome enough! If someone makes this kind of posture, it’s called being handsome!
And these aliens are completely unacceptable! They made this kind of posture, which can only be called pretending to be a clown!
“Seeing this ugly appearance, the corners of Frieza’s mouth twitched a few times, but facing his capable man, Frieza forced a smile, “That’s right, Captain Ginyu, you’re here Faster than the king expected. “”
“”Lord Frieza, all this is thanks to Kikono’sBrand new invention. “Ginyu lowered his head slightly, not taking any credit.”
“Kikeno stepped forward and said, “King Frieza, this is because the warp speed engine I have been developing has just been completed a while ago. After receiving your order from King Frieza, I will immediately send these six The aircraft was fitted with a warp drive, which worked quite well. “”
“Well, as expected of Mr. Kikono. Frieza seemed quite satisfied, “Then, Mr. Kikono, please make another Dragon Ball Radar.” “”
“Yes, King Frieza. “Kikono didn’t ask what happened to the previous Dragon Ball Radar, turned around and left the hall, and started to make Dragon Ball Radar.”
“After he went out, Frieza shifted his gaze to the Ginyut team who were still posing. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he said softly, “Captain Ginyu, this guy Vegeta betrayed me, not only Qiu Yi And Dodoria, even Mr. Chambord was killed by him! I am really angry! “”
“”Lord Frieza, we’re going to capture Vegeta for you! Ginyu pointed to the combat power measuring instrument on his right eye, “According to the message from Qiu Yi’s combat power measuring instrument before, Vegeta probably has the ability to freely control the energy response in his body. “”
“”If we still use the original combat power measuring instrument, as long as Vegeta lowers his energy response, we will not be able to find him! In order to avoid this situation, Kikono created a brand-new combat power measuring instrument. This brand-new version can record the characteristics of the energy in each person’s body and use it to track it! “”
“”very good! As expected of Mr. Chikono. “The corners of Frieza’s mouth twitched slightly, in a very good mood, “Then, Captain Ginyu, Vegeta will be handed over to you!” Don’t kill him, I want him to see me obtain eternal life with his own eyes, and then let him die in jealousy and regret! “”
“Yes, King Frieza! “”
“Afterwards, the five members of the Ginuit team flew out immediately!”
“A mere Vegeta, they don’t pay attention to it at all, maybe they have brought Vegeta back before Kikono created a new Dragon Ball Radar!”
“”What a strong energy response! “The injury has healed a lot. Vegeta, who was doing some basic training in the backyard of the villa, suddenly looked down. He could feel five powerful energy reactions approaching him!”
“”Five? Is it Team Ginuit? I heard that those are the strongest people under Frieza, even I have never seen them… But now it seems that these people are probably not in vain! “”
“Vegeta didn’t hesitate, and was about to leave here immediately, but Xia Lian came over with a lunch at this time, “Why didn’t you keep practicing today, it’s really rare. “”
“”I’m leaving, it’s dangerous here, you’d better go back to the house quickly. “Vegeta, who was going to leave immediately, didn’t know what to think, but stopped and said something more.”
“”what? “Before Xia Lian realized what was going on, she saw Vegeta immediately soaring into the air, and the terrifying speed brought a gust of wind!”
“Then, five gusts of wind blew past again!”
“…” Xia Lian held the plate in her hand with a complicated expression, “Is he trying to lure the enemy away? “”
“Vegeta flew all the way to the distance, his current injury has not fully recovered, he is not suitable for fighting with people!”
“But he hadn’t been flying for long when a figure stopped in front of him. It was a member of the Ginuit team, Bart with blue skin.”
“He chuckled, “My speed is the fastest in the universe! Vegeta, you are too naive to try to escape from us! “”
“”First in the universe? “A sneer appeared on Vegeta’s face, you are so crazy, does Frieza know?”
“But before he could move, Geese threw a few energy bombs from behind and hit him in the back!”
“”what! “Vegeta only had time to let out a scream before falling to the ground.”
“Bart said helplessly, “Why, Geese, isn’t this my prey? “”
“” Seeing his defenseless appearance, he made a move accidentally. “Gith laughed.”
“”Don’t talk about it, go down and see if you beat him to death, King Frieza has said that he will be caught alive! Ginyu shook his head, blocked the conflict between the two, and landed on the ground first.”
“The rest of the members also fell to the ground. Vegeta just happened to stand up at this time, and he glared at the people in front of him, “Choose to sneak attack, despicable person! “”
“”It’s a bit strange that the word despicable will come out of your mouth, Vegeta? Ginyu raised his eyebrows, “But it’s great that you’re still alive, I was really afraid that I’d accidentally beat you to death just now, after all, you’re too weak!” “”
“”You say I’m weak? ! “Vegeta gritted his teeth and said, “If I hadn’t recovered from my injuries, how could I be hit by your sneak attack! “”
“”The injury has not recovered? Was it beaten by that Chambord guy? To deal with a person who could be injured by Shang Bo, how dare he be so arrogant. Ginyu casually threw a capsule in the past, “Eat it, this is a treatment drug developed by Gikono. It only takes about ten minutes at most for an injury like yours to fully recover!” “”
Chapter 383 Tuoki, Tomare
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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