“Vegeta grabbed the capsule thrown by Ginyu, surprisedasked strangely, “What do you mean?”
“”Hehehe. Ginyu smiled like a child playing with vectors, “Seeing that you are not convinced, after the injury is healed, you can have a one-on-one battle with us?” It just so happened that none of us had a good time. “”
“”Damn it! “The veins on Vegeta’s forehead are bulging, and he dared to use him as a sandbag and plaything!”
“Just wait for me, when I recover from my injuries, I will kill you all!”
“There was a flash of killing intent in Vegeta’s eyes, he swallowed the capsule directly, and then rested on the spot, waiting for the recovery of the injury.”
“In a few minutes, Sun Lianfei came over. After merging with Piccolo, he naturally has some of the abilities of a Namekian, that is, to perceive people who are malicious to him through a method similar to sensing Qi.”
“So, he didn’t want to destroy the village, so he took the initiative to fly over. He thought there was only Vegeta, but he didn’t expect there to be five besides Vegeta!”
“Pick said apologetically in his head, “I’m sorry, if I could be more useful, I would be able to realize that there is more than Vegeta here. “”
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. “Sun Lin comforted Piccolo, and then he fell down. They had already appeared, so he didn’t turn around and ran away, right? Besides, since he sensed that these people harbored ill intentions towards him, wouldn’t he be able to run for a while, and then for a lifetime? ”
“But, do you know them? Why do they have such strong hostility towards you? “”
“No, I don’t know any of these people! The perception of our Namekians has a little bit of predictive ability, even people who will inevitably have malicious intentions against themselves in the future can perceive it! So I think, they should want to get the Dragon Balls, so they will have malice towards me, right? ” Piccolo guessed.”
“”It should be the only possibility. “Sun Lin nodded.”
“At this time, Ginyu had already activated the combat power measuring instrument on Sun Lin. After seeing the number clearly, he said in surprise, “Forty-two thousand combat power? As far as this weak planet is concerned, it is still very strong. Guldo, leave this guy to you. “”
“It can only be said that the Ginuit team deserves to hang out with the villain Frieza. They don’t plan to know who Sun Lin is, and they don’t plan to ask if Sun Lin is an enemy. Anyway, as long as they are not as strong as them, they will kill him.” That’s it!”
“And Sun Lin’s face changed when he heard this, he already understood how cruel these people are!”
“Guerdo, who has four eyes, stood up with a smile, “Captain Ginyu, don’t worry, I don’t pay attention to a mere child. “”
“After that, the two eyeballs in the middle closed, “TUOKI, Tomare! “”
“With Guldo’s loud shout, time was frozen in an instant!”
“This guy can actually stop time?” Baiyin Dior’s expression became serious in an instant, this guy bumped into him!
And not to mention the bumpy design, but it’s still so ugly! What if people think that the people who pause time are ugly? This will have a great impact on his reputation!
“Hehehe, my super power can even freeze time! “Guldo smirked, and threw an energy bomb at Sun Lin!”
“The energy bomb arrived in an instant, and the suspended time flowed again, sending Sun Lin flying!”
“”Ugh! ! How is this going? “Being hit in the chest, Sun Lin’s eyes were full of bewilderment, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.”
“During the suspended time, he naturally didn’t know anything! From his point of view, the moment Guldo stood up, he was attacked!”
“”Could it be that I can’t even see the speed of the enemy’s attack? “”
“Thinking of this, Sun Lin was filled with horror. He thought he should be considered a strong man!”
“”This is the power of my superpower! Suffer it, brat! “Guldo stretched out his hands. He didn’t choose to stop time this time, but controlled Sun Lin with telekinesis.”
“Sun Lin just felt an invisible force wrapping his body, making it impossible for him to even move his fingers!”
“Super power? This guy is not using martial arts, but super power? Sun Lian rolled his eyes with difficulty, and an unnatural flush appeared on his face. In this state, he even seemed to have difficulty breathing !”
“”go to hell! “”
“Guldo didn’t move his hands, but the rocks on the ground floated out of thin air, condensed into a rock sword, and then stabbed at Sun Lin’s heart!”
“It seems that after seeing Sun Lin’s death, the smile on Gurdo’s face is very happy!”
“Can’t move! Can’t dodge, can’t defend! Sun Lin’s eyes filled with panic, am I going to die?”
“”Uh! “Suddenly, Guldo’s eyes widened with anger, and he let out a cry of grief. Afterwards, his head fell off like this, and his body without his head fell directly to the ground!”
“” Guldo! “Ginyu exclaimed, apparently he didn’t expect his subordinates to die in such a place! And he died under the advantage!”
“Vegeta jumped in front of Guldo’s head, evoking a wicked smile, “Guldo, I still have a way to win the others, but your super power is too tricky, I can only kill them first is you! Ginyu, I really want to thank you for the capsule, otherwise I would not have recovered so quickly. “”
“Obviously, it was Vegeta who shot and killed Guldo!”
“Guldo’s head still has consciousness, and he can even speak. He stared at four eyes and said angrily, “Vegeta, you actually called us despicable before! You are the one who is really mean! now it should be me andThat brat’s fight! “”
“Your fight with that brat? “Vegeta raised his eyebrows, “That was decided by you without authorization, and it has nothing to do with me!” As for meanness? Hehehe, as long as you can win the battle, what does meanness matter? I will do anything to get revenge on Frieza! “”
“Speaking, Vegeta stretched out his hand to Guldo’s head, and an energy bomb burst out, blowing Guldo into ashes!”
“”I didn’t expect that it would be you who saved me. “Sun Lin walked up to Vegeta and said with a complicated expression.”
“And Vegeta folded his arms around his chest, without looking at him, “I didn’t intend to save you, and killing Guldo in advance was just a judgment I made in order to win. “”
“Then, he raised his eyebrows at Ginyu, “So, Ginyu, who do you want to go first?” Or it doesn’t matter together! “”
“To deal with you, you don’t need to be together! I am enough alone! “The tall and tall Licum with long red hair came out.”
Chapter 384 Likum Planting Radishes
“Probably because the members of the Ginuit team have their own special effects, and Likum came up with a weird debut dance, “Lee—— Kom! attack! “”
“”Humph! I am stronger now than before! “Vegeta roared and began to accumulate energy. Soon, his combat power has reached its peak!”
“”Um? “Likum was slightly taken aback. He saw with his own eyes that the combat power meter showed that Vegeta’s combat power had exceeded 40,000!”
“Just when Rikum was stunned, Vegeta appeared in front of Rikum with a flash!”
“Vegeta hit Rikum’s big head with an elbow, almost distorting his neck! Then he kicked Rikum in the chest, sending him flying into the air.”
“Vegeta’s movements are flowing like clouds and flowing water, without the slightest delay, with both hands aimed at Rikum’s body, “Galik Cannon! “”
“A purple light cannon instantly devoured Licum’s body!”
“”how is this possible? ! “It was obvious that Likum had been beaten so helplessly, but Vegeta was shocked. He could feel that Likum’s energy response had hardly dropped! In other words, Likum was not injured at all! ”
“Sure enough, when the smoke and dust cleared, Licum, who was still in a pose, appeared in high spirits!”
“Although the battle uniform on Likum’s body was shattered, and the black silk close to his body was also in a battle-damaged state, he was indeed unscathed!”
“”Lee-Kum! Likum suddenly raised his right foot and spread his arms, just like a golden rooster standing alone, “Flying kick!” “”
“As soon as the word flying kick fell, Rikum’s knee hit Vegeta’s head!”
“That blow made a dull sound. If you listen carefully, you can even hear the sound of bones breaking!”
“”puff! “Vegeta spat out a mouthful of blood, forcibly stopped his retreating body, and then immediately flew towards Likum, attacking with his fists like a storm!”
“However, facing such a violent attack, Likum not only blocked all the attacks with ease, he even whistled and said some strange words with a smile, “Little brother, you are more powerful than I imagined.” I can do a lot, and my uncle’s hands are dirty. “”
“As soon as the words fell, Rikum suddenly flew behind Vegeta, and with an elbow he hammered Vegeta into the river!”
“What a heavy force! Vegeta felt the pain coming from his back, and a surge of panic surged in his heart. Just a Likum is so strong, what about Ginyu as the captain?!”
“However, this emotion only circled around in his mind, and then he shook his head and threw it out of his mind.”
“Vegeta adjusted his figure in the water. After circling in the river, he accelerated violently and rushed out of the river. When Likum was not paying attention, he hit his crotch!”
“What a deadly shot!”
“Hiss!” A Le Meng clamped his legs, and a phantom pain came from his lower body, making his hair stand on end.
Why doesn’t this man talk about martial arts in fighting? !
“”Wow! “”
“Receiving such a fatal attack, Licum screamed, and the whites of his eyes almost popped out!”
“But just when Vegeta thought that Likum was going to die, Likum grabbed Vegeta’s waist, “Little brother, you tickled my place. “”
“”You, how is it possible? ! “Vegeta struggled desperately, trying to break free, but it was completely useless.”
“After that, Likum grabbed Vegeta and raised it high with both hands, “Likum! Grow radishes! “”
“Vegeta’s whole body was buried in the ground like a radish, with only two legs still sticking out.”
“”Little brother, can’t you do this? Uncle, I’m not having fun yet. “Likum landed in front of Vegeta, stretched out his hand and grabbed one of Vegeta’s feet, and pulled him out like a carrot.”
“Looking at Vegeta rolling his eyes, looking like a dead dog, Likum shook his hand like pulling out a carrot and throwing dirt, and then said with a face full of disappointment, “Although it was a sneak attack, you At least I killed Guldo, I thought you should be more resistant to beating. “”
“The frustrated Likum kept sighing, feeling so disappointed that he became lazy.”
“At this moment, Vegeta suddenly showed a triumphant smile, stretched out his right hand and hit the defenseless Rikum with an energy bomb!”
“The energy bomb hit Likum’s body, making a deafening sound and sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.”
“However, even though he was hit by this sudden attack, Likum still didn’t let go of Vegeta’s hand! When the smoke cleared, Likum even pointed at VegetaGeeta smiled slightly, showing his white teeth, and said like a child, “Yes, it’s amazing, it’s amazing!””
“Afterwards, Likum’s face changed, and he let go of Vegeta’s hand suddenly, and then he clenched his hands into fists, and kept hitting Vegeta. This violent attack speed made Vegeta stop. It’s been a long time in the air, and it hasn’t landed!”
“After beating Vegeta for nearly three minutes in a row, Rikum finally seemed to be tired of playing. He punched Vegeta in the head with a charged punch with his right hand!”
“Afterwards, Vegeta’s body drew a graceful arc and fell heavily to the ground. He struggled several times but failed to stand up.”
“On the other hand, Sun Tianhua is training in the gravity training room. For nearly a year, he has almost no time to rest except for eating and sleeping. Up to now, he has been able to move freely under 100 times the gravity !”
“It’s finally time for me to appear on stage. I thought the protagonist of this video was quietly replaced by Vegeta.” Sun Tianhua smiled wryly, and it had been a long time since he appeared on stage.
“The main reason is that you have been practicing, and there is nothing to say about the process, right?” Xia Yun said with her head tilted.
“That’s true.” Sun Tianhua nodded, practicing this kind of thing, he would find it boring even if he practiced it himself, let alone let others watch him practice.
“”Tianhua is getting more and more powerful now, if he is allowed to fight the previous Vegeta, I’m afraid he can easily defeat him, right? “Roman took a bite of the cake and is very satisfied with Sun Tianhua’s current progress.”
“But Li Shuwen’s expression on the side was very serious, “It’s not a big deal to defeat that Vegeta, the Frieza that the Holy Lord conveyed to us is the most important thing! When Frieza descended on our planet, I could already feel his terrifying aura! “”
“”Is that Frieza really that powerful? “Roman frowned, even the cake was almost tasteless.”
“Li Shuwen nodded and said, “That’s right! Moreover, I can feel that the power exposed on his face is only part of it! The current Tianhua is far from being his opponent! “”
Chapter 385 He, Ginyu, stands on his head and eats flying
“”It’s far from being an opponent…” Roman took another bite of the cake and said with a smile, “However, you can only trust him, right? We have tried our best to let him practice, I think he will not let us down! “”
“Hearing this, Li Shuwen raised his brows, “It seems that the Holy Master has conveyed their will to you. “”
“”That’s right, the Holy Master just conveyed the news to me, and I can no longer let those aliens continue to kill! Moreover, Tianhua also needs to fight! “Roman put the cake down and turned off the gravity control equipment in the gravity training room.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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