“call out!”
“The exchange ray hit Sun Tianhua accurately, the two of them froze in place again, and the soul exchange began!”
“”puff! “Ginyu, who had just returned to his original body, protruded a mouthful of blood… so angry! Not only did he fail to change to Vegeta’s body, he even lost Sun Tianhua’s 180,000-strength body!”
“Ginyu’s clever plan to secure the world, lost his wife and lost his army!”
“But then, a gleam flashed in Ginyu’s eyes, if it doesn’t work once, then do it again!”
“”exchange! “”
“Ginyu suddenly turned in Vegeta’s direction and released the exchange beam again. This time, he is sure to win!”
Chapter 390: The Ginuit Team is Completely Destroyed
“However, Vegeta, who knows how to use Ginyu’s super power, can give Ginyu another chance?”
“Vegeta appeared behind Ginyu in a flash, and a knife pierced Ginyu’s chest!”
“”Be… Geeta… I… Frieza, the king…” Ginyu seemed to want to say something, but he could only spit out a few single words, and finally his eyes went dark, and he completely lost consciousness!”
“Vegeta turned his head to look at Likum, Bart, and Geese, who still had a little breath, and mercilessly threw a few energy bombs, blowing up the three of them to pieces. He is not the kind of woman Jin guy!”
“So far, the Ginuit team has been wiped out!”
“Vegeta picked up the tactical package worn by Ginyu’s waist, then threw away Ginyu’s body in his hand, took out a healing capsule from the package, and fed it to Sun Lin’s mouth.”
“After feeding, he put the tactical pack on his waist, and without looking at Sun Tianhua, he grabbed Sun Lin and flew straight to the location of the seventh dragon ball in his memory.”
“He still needs to know the whereabouts of the dragon ball from the Namek man who fused with Sun Lin before!”
“Wait, Vegeta, where are you taking Kobayashi! “Sun Tianhua, who had returned to his original body but was already in a pineapple pineapple state, immediately yelled at Vegeta.”
“However, I don’t know if Vegeta really didn’t hear it or if he didn’t hear it. After Sun Tianhua finished shouting, his speed became even faster!”
“Sun Tianhua gritted his teeth and wanted to catch up, but his eyes fell to the ground in darkness, and he woke up after two or three minutes!”
“No, in this state, let alone whether I can catch up, even if I catch up, I can’t do anything. I must heal my injuries first. “After Sun Tianhua cleared his mind, he staggered forward about ten steps, picked up the tactical package that was thrown on the ground, took out a healing capsule from it, and ate it in his mouth.”
“Afterwards, he sat down cross-legged, while waiting for the effect of the medicine to take effect, while sensing Sun Lin’s anger, he kept praying in his heart: Xiao Lin, nothing will happen.”
“On the other side, Frieza is waiting bored in the spaceship, tapping the baby carriage lightly with his fingers. Although he doesn’t see anything on his face, anyone who knows him well knows that he’s tired of waiting!”
“At this moment, Kikono walked in with a disk-shaped instrument, “King Frieza, the Dragon Ball Radar has been built for you. Due to the lack of materials, it took a little more time. I hope for your understanding. “”
“Hey, thank you, Mr. Kikono. Frieza activated his superpower, and the Dragon Ball Radar in Kikono’s hand flew over, “You are the one who made the Dragon Ball Radar, how can I blame you?” “”
“Frieza played with the Dragon Ball Radar, and his mood obviously improved a lot. Then he asked, “By the way, Mr. Kikono, please use the combat power meter to check for me. Where are everyone in the Ginuit team now?” It’s been a long time, but they still haven’t put VegetaGet it back for me. “”
“”Lord Frieza, I will check their whereabouts for you. “Kikono also felt strange when he heard it, just because of Vegeta, why did the people of the Ginuit team spend so much time?”
“But just after he activated the combat power measuring device, his originally puzzled expression turned into panic, “It’s gone, it’s all gone! This, how is this possible! “”
“”Um? Frieza frowned slightly, “Mr. Kikono, what’s missing?” “”
“”Lord Frieza, the combat response of all members of the Ginuit team has disappeared! “Kikono said in a panic, “The Ginuit team has been completely wiped out!” “”
“”What did you say? ! “Frieza’s face changed, and even his beloved baby carriage was shattered alive by the aura of his anger!”
“King Frieza, please calm down. Kikono said tremblingly lying on the ground…not because he wanted to get down, but because he was knocked down by Frieza! If he hadn’t made some self-defense equipment, he would have been shocked to death long ago !”
“Hearing Kikono’s almost wailing voice, Frieza withdrew his aura, but the cloud on his face could not be dispelled. First Qiu Yi, Dodoria, then Shangbo, and now even Ginyu The special forces are all wiped out, he no longer has any powerful elite fighters!”
“Doesn’t this mean that he has to do it himself?! Which big organization’s boss in this world does it himself? Isn’t it always for the younger brother? The boss does it himself. First, he has no B status, and second, he looks like himself.” Very incompetent, unable to recruit any decent subordinates!”
“No matter what it is, it is a great humiliation for Frieza!”
“So now Frieza’s killing intent towards Vegeta has reached its peak, “Vegeta! You have completely pissed me off! “”
“After finishing speaking, Frieza directly smashed the glass of the spaceship and flew out. He swore that after he got the Dragon Ball and successfully made a wish, he would definitely tear Vegeta to pieces right away!”
“At this time, Kikono, who stood up slowly, looked at the hole in the spaceship and sighed, “It’s time to repair the spaceship again… But I shouldn’t need to do this kind of thing, those miscellaneous soldiers can do it.” do it? “”
“Vegeta brought Sun Lin to the small village where Piccolo and Miyauchi Renka were staying before, and suddenly his heart suddenly jumped. He could feel that the energy reaction representing Frieza had already started to act!”
“”That’s Frieza? ! The aura that erupted at that moment just now was completely different from usual! That kind of energy reaction has far surpassed me. I am afraid that only by becoming a giant ape can I compete with him! “”
“Vegeta was horrified, Frieza’s strength seemed to be even more terrifying than he imagined!”
“”No, I have to hurry up and leave with the Dragon Balls, even if I want to fight Frieza, I have to wait until I’m stronger! Using the artificial moon, it only takes half an hour to become a giant ape. If you can’t decide the outcome with Frieza within this time, you will be finished! “”
“Thinking of this, Vegeta immediately dropped Sun Lin, and being hit by this, Sun Lin immediately woke up with a frown, “Woo! “”
“Just after waking up, he saw Vegeta’s face, looked out of the corner of his eye, and saw neither Ginyu nor Sun Tianhua, “What’s going on? “”
“He remembered that he was beaten unconscious by Sun Tianhua, and Sun Tianhua also said that he was Ginyu… Now Sun Lin’s mind is full of mud, and he can’t figure out anything!”
“But Vegeta didn’t care about that much, he stretched out his hand, and aimed an energy bomb at Sun Lin, “That Namek, tell me, where is the Dragon Ball?” ! “”
Three hundred and ninetieth chapters did not learn to escape
“”You want to get the Dragon Ball? Don’t dream, I won’t tell you! “Before Piccolo spoke, Sun Lin had already sternly refused.”
“He knows who Vegeta is, how can dragon balls, which can fulfill wishes, be given to such a person?!”
“”Let me ask you one last time, where are the Dragon Balls? ! A stern look flashed in Vegeta’s eyes, and the energy bomb in his hand flew out, blowing up a mountain peak, “If I don’t say anything, I will kill everyone in this village!” “”
“Sun Lin’s face changed, “Hey, if you want to do something, come at me, don’t even think about hurting those people! “”
“After all, Sun Lin jumped up and kicked Vegeta in the chest!”
“But the blow with all his strength failed to knock Vegeta back half a step! Sun Lin’s expression instantly turned black like the bottom of a pot. Vegeta, who was hanged and beaten by him not long ago, why? Will it become so strong in the blink of an eye?!”
“Even if he’s been severely injured and hasn’t recovered yet, isn’t it so unbearable?”
“”Stubborn! “Vegeta snorted coldly, and punched Sun Lin into the ground with a backhand!”
“If it was the old Vegeta, he would probably have caught someone and killed him now, to frighten Sun Lin and Piccolo.”
“But every time he wanted to act like this, for some reason, a girl’s figure flashed in his mind, and the barely familiar voice still echoed in his ears, “Because, I don’t think you will is the bad guy. “”
“Vegeta shook his head, shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind, and stared at Sun Lin, “Tell me, where is the Dragon Ball? ! If we delay any longer, Frieza will be here soon! “”
“” Frieza? “Sun Lin frowned. He had heard King Frieza mentioned by the Ginuit team before. Since he is the boss of the Ginuit team, could it be said that he is stronger than the people in the Ginuit team? ”
“”That’s right! Frieza ruled more than 70% of the territory of the entire universe, and he is a veritable emperor of the universe!That guy is cold, ruthless, and cruel. My home planet, Planet Vegeta, was destroyed by Frieza! Would it be better for me to get the Dragon Balls than for that guy to get the Dragon Balls? ! “”
“Vegeta tried to persuade Sun Lin with words, but unfortunately, he didn’t learn how to talk.”
“After Sun Lin listened to his words, there was no wavering in his heart. Even though he was beaten all over his body and stared at him, he still didn’t let go. “Whether it’s you or Frieza, I won’t tell you about Dragon Ball.” whereabouts! “”
“”asshole! “Vegeta gritted his teeth and cursed. He was thinking about whether to blow up this place one by one. He didn’t believe that he couldn’t find Dragon Balls in this way!”
“But in this case, on the one hand, it is easy to break the Dragon Ball, and on the other hand, Frieza is approaching constantly, so it may be too late in time!”
“Oh, what are you guys doing? “”
“Just as Vegeta was thinking, a familiar voice sounded behind him, “This voice is… Frieza! “”
“Vegeta suddenly turned his head around, and sure enough, he saw that petite Frieza standing in front of him, with six huge dragon balls floating behind him, “Vegeta, I really didn’t expect that you could put Ki Team Newt defeated all of them, which is great. “”
“Frieza clapped his hands lightly, as if he didn’t care that Vegeta killed the Ginuit team at all, but Vegeta knew very well that Frieza must be extremely angry now!”
“”That’s Frieza? “Sun Lin looked at the little alien in horror. Although he had such a petite body, he felt an unprecedented sense of oppression from it! This guy is probably stronger than his brother and even Vegeta. !”
“”Frieza…” Vegeta looked at Frieza silently, then smiled, “Now I am not afraid of you anymore! I have surpassed all Saiyans in history and stepped into the legendary realm – Super Saiyan! “”
“Super Saiyan?” Fu Lu touched his chin, “If I remember correctly, Frieza said it when he destroyed Planet Vegeta at the beginning, so that he no longer has to worry about A Super Saiyan has appeared, so is the Super Saiyan strong? So strong that even Frieza would be afraid?”
“Yuta, this guy is not a Super Saiyan, my Evil King’s True Eyes have seen through everything!” Xiaotori Yuliuhua pulled down the blindfold, revealing the Evil King’s True Eyes with colored contact lenses
“It’s not what you saw at all, right?” Fu Yu was speechless, “Didn’t the video say at the very beginning that Kakarot is the Super Saiyan!”
“Yuta, the true eye of the evil king is the strongest! This is what I saw with my own eyes! I can see that Kakarot’s body contains extremely powerful power!”
The rich warn the green: Today my girlfriend is also suffering from a routine illness.
“”Oh? Super Saiyan? Frieza raised his eyebrows lightly, and then activated his super power, causing the combat power measuring instrument on Ginyu’s corpse in the distance to fly over, “Then let me see how much combat power Mr. Super Saiyan can have. “”
“Afterwards, Frieza put on the combat power measuring device and activated it. After seeing the number, he was a little surprised and said, “The combat power is 230,000, so powerful, so powerful. “”
“As Frieza spoke, he clapped his hands lightly, as if applauding a child.”
“Seeing Frieza’s indifferent attitude, Vegeta’s face twisted, and he stared at him fiercely, “Frieza, how dare you look down on me! go to hell! “”
“As soon as the words fell, Vegeta appeared next to Frieza, his right hand turned into a knife, and he slashed towards Frieza’s neck!”
“Frieza seems to have sensed Vegeta’s actions, instead of dodging, he tilted his head and exposed his neck.”
“Vegeta’s hand knife hit Frieza’s neck, and there was a dull sound! Vegeta’s blow with all his strength not only failed to hurt Frieza, but even failed to kill Frieza’s body. The slightest change in expression! On the contrary, Vegeta’s hand felt a pain!”
“When the pain came from his hand, Vegeta gritted his teeth and backed away, and he felt a sense of confusion in addition to his panic. He already has a combat strength of 230,000, how could he not even be able to break through Frieza’s defense! ”
“Even if you can feel that Frieza’s energy is stronger than his, but the gap is not so big, right?!”
“Seeing the confusion and panic on Vegeta’s face, Frieza still maintained that smiling expression, he took off the combat power measuring instrument and threw it to Vegeta, “If you are surprised, then take a good look ,my power. “”
Three hundred and ninety second chapter five hundred and thirty thousand
“Vegeta took the combat power measuring instrument, and put it on immediately without any nonsense, then his pupils shrank suddenly, and even his voice became hoarse, “Battle power, 530,000? ! “”
“”That’s right, the combat power is 530,000, this is my strength. Frieza put his hands behind his back, “Vegeta, what, do you want to choose to surrender?” After all, you are not my opponent at all, and I have already got the Dragon Ball. “”
“”Dragon Ball? Don’t be kidding, the dragon ball is so bright…” Vegeta was about to speak, when he saw a huge dragon ball flying over with dirt.”
“”how so? I obviously hid the Dragon Balls! Piccolo exclaimed in Sun Lin’s mind, he couldn’t figure out why this Frieza just stood still, and the Dragon Ball would float by itself.”
“”This is the Dragon Ball that can grant all wishes. “Vegeta became short of breath, his eyes became red, and when he gritted his teeth, an artificial moon appeared in his hand.”
“Having collected all seven Dragon Balls, Frieza is thinking about what he is about to get.When the dead life was excited, suddenly there was a loud roar from the side! ”
“”Oh, it turned into a giant ape, and sure enough, a monkey is a monkey. Frieza knew that once a Saiyan transforms into a giant ape, his combat power will increase tenfold. In this way, Vegeta’s combat power will far exceed 530,000, but Frieza’s expression looks like Go up but don’t panic.”
“” Frieza, give me the Dragon Balls! “Vegeta hid the artificial moon behind him so as not to be smashed by Frieza, and then looked at Frieza with piercing eyes. He could feel the continuous power in his body, which made him even want to fight against Frieza. Sa said the last sentence, mere gravel, not half as good as me!”
“”Hey, it seems that becoming a monkey has boosted your self-confidence out of thin air. Frieza chuckled, “Vegeta, let me tell you a good thing, I can also transform. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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