“”What did you say? ! “Vegeta stared at Madoka, feeling uneasy in his heart, and immediately punched Frieza!”
“The huge fist hit Frieza with a piercing sound, but even though Vegeta had transformed into a giant ape, and his combat power had increased by as much as ten times, this punch still did not make Frieza take half a step back !”
“”The energy has become stronger? “Vegeta’s heart jumped, he could feel the energy in Frieza’s body suddenly increased a lot!”
“”Vegeta, there are indeed some races in this universe, like you Saiyans, who can improve their power through transformation. However, my transformation is different. Frieza stretched out his hand, patted it lightly, and opened Vegeta’s fist, revealing his current body.”
“The originally petite body has become extremely tall, and the two horns on the head have become sharper!”
“You are, Frieza! “This is the first time Vegeta has seen Frieza like this. The terrifying power contained in that tall body made him unable to take a half step back.”
“At this moment, Vegeta once again recalled the fear of being dominated by Frieza!”
“However, the pride in his heart stopped Vegeta from retreating due to fear. He forced himself to stand still and asked in a deep voice, “What’s the difference? Isn’t it all through transformation to increase strength? “”
“No, no, I said something different. My original strength was too strong to be controlled, so I specially transformed three times to suppress my combat power to only 530,000. “”
“A smug smile appeared on Frieza’s face, “So, my transformation is not to increase my power, but to release my suppressed power! Moreover, I was able to lift the suppression three times by transforming! “”
“Too powerful, difficult to control…” Vegeta was numb. Although he didn’t know the word Versailles, he knew that this Frieza was showing off!
Director Hu on the side is even more stupid, damn it, suppressed to a mere 530,000? Mere? Listen, is this what people say? !
He didn’t forget that at the beginning of the video, when Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, he used this mere fifty-three combat power form!
“”Goo! “Vegeta felt an indescribable pressure in his heart. He knew that Frieza was a proud person, and he didn’t even bother to lie. He said that there were three transformations, and that was three! He already had it with just one transformation. With such power, what about the three transformations?”
“Vegeta didn’t dare to think about it, and he didn’t want to think about it. If he continued to think about it, he was afraid that he would completely lose the courage to attack Frieza!”
“”Roar! Garrick Cannon! “Vegeta shook off the fear in his heart, opened his mouth, and a purple light cannon blasted out!”
“Frieza lightly raised his finger, “Death Ray. “”
“A scarlet beam shot out from his finger, pierced Vegeta’s Garrick directly, and then pierced Vegeta’s throat!”
“”Oh oh oh! ! ! “Vegeta covered his throat and roared angrily. This injury even caused his transformation to be lifted, and his huge body kept shrinking! But in a second or two, he returned to his original human form.”
“”This is a Super Saiyan? How weak! In this way, you will know how ridiculous it is to betray me, right? However, I will not kill you so easily. “”
“”You not only killed the Ginuit team but also Mr. Chambord, so I had to do it myself, and even refused to surrender to me! I have to torture you to repay this humiliation! “”
“”First of all, let you see that I have gained eternal life, is this enough to make you feel a little jealous? “After all, Frieza controlled the superpower and made the seven dragon balls fall to the ground.”
“The seven dragon balls gathered together, emitting light continuously, but after waiting for a long time, the dragon balls still didn’t move.”
“”Um? Frieza frowned, looking at Dragon Ball with a worried expression, “What’s going on here?” Didn’t Mr. Shang Bo say that as long as you collect all the dragon balls, your wish will come true? I’ve collected all the Dragon Balls now, what’s next? Has my wish come true? ! “”
“Sun Lin on the side also asked in his heart, “Bick, did he realize his wish? “”
“”not yet! To make a wish, you need to shout “Come out, Shenlong” to the dragon ball first. But he doesn’t seem to know about it? ” Piccolo said cautiously in his mind, and felt a little lucky at the same time.”
“Great, if this demon doesn’t know how to use Dragon Balls, it’s equivalent to Dragon BallsThe beads were not taken away! ”
“However, Frieza’s eyes suddenly turned to Sun Lin, “Your brain waves seemed to be very active just now, is it because you saw that I didn’t use Dragon Balls? Or, what do you know? “”
Chapter 393 The sky cleared, the rain stopped, and Vegeta felt that he was doing well again
“Sun Lin’s expression changed suddenly, and he looked terrified, “Can you feel the voice in my head? ! “”
“Although it feels like Frieza shouldn’t be able to hear the specific words, Sun Lin still couldn’t help covering his mouth.”
“”Looking at your expression, it seems that you really know something about Dragon Ball. Frieza took two steps towards Sun Lin, and suddenly realized, “Ah, by the way, that old Namek guy indeed sent the seventh Dragon Ball and a Namek person over. “”
“”Since there are Dragon Balls here, then the Namekian who was sent here should also be here. In addition, I have heard that the Namek has the ability to fuse with people, so this Namek has merged with you, right? “”
“Although it is a question, Frieza’s tone is full of determination.”
“This made Sun Lin tense again. He obviously didn’t say anything about the Namekians, yet Frieza guessed it just like that!”
“Hehehe, that’s right, the Namekian’s treasures, of course, need the Namekian people to know how to use them. Frieza laughed softly, that smile looked very gentle, people who don’t know will definitely think he is a perfect gentleman.”
“So, Mr. Namek, can you teach me how to use the Dragon Balls? “”
“”Don’t be delusional…ah! ! ! “”
“Before Sun Linhua could speak, a beam of light pierced through his palm! Heartbreaking pain rushed into his mind instantly, and the sweat on his forehead fell like a waterfall.”
“Looking at Sun Lin’s miserable state, Frieza still looks like a good man, “Mr. Namek who doesn’t know the name, please think carefully before speaking. People always have to pay the price for their actions. “”
“”Goo! “Sun Lin endured the pain on his body and propped up half of his body, “I will never tell you!” “”
“call out!”
“As soon as Sun Lin finished speaking, Frieza’s death ray pierced his other palm, “I should have said it before, think carefully before speaking!” “”
“”what! ! “Both palms were pierced, and Sun Lin couldn’t support his body anymore, and immediately fell to the ground. The constant pain in his palms made him twitch all over, and he couldn’t even speak.”
“Is this Frieza?! Sun Lian stared at Frieza with his eyes fixed, and despair surged in his heart. Vegeta, who was so powerful that he transformed into a giant ape, couldn’t block the power of one move. With a smile that pierces the coldness of his palms, facing Frieza like this, can anyone really defeat him?”
“Vegeta on the other side covered his pierced throat with one hand, reached into the tactical pack worn by his waist with the other hand, and tremblingly took out a capsule inside. Fortunately, it happened to be used for treatment!”
“There was a flash of surprise in Vegeta’s eyes, and he quickly fed the capsule into his mouth. The moment he took the capsule, he felt a warm breath in his stomach, but ten seconds later, the throat began to There was an itch, and he knew that the wound was beginning to heal!”
“At the same time, a stronger force surged out of his body and continuously flowed into his limbs. He could clearly feel the power in his body, and it was growing stronger at a speed almost visible to the naked eye!”
“So strong, such a strong power! Great, as long as I have this power, I will definitely be able to defeat Frieza completely! The joy in Vegeta’s eyes can hardly be concealed, but it’s strange to say that ever since this feeling surged in his heart After thinking about it, his crazily growing strength stopped abruptly, and he could no longer increase it.”
“What’s wrong with him? Can the strengthening of strength be stopped?” Nakano Yihua frowned, and began to realize that something was wrong.
Nakano Nino also frowned, and began to realize that something was wrong, “Speaking of which, after recovering from the near-death before, did his strength become too much stronger? Obviously, he only increased by a few thousand at a time before, but that time he actually It has soared from more than 40,000 to 230,000! And it seems that the strength enhancement this time is not easy!”
“Did he cheat? Or the healing medicine he took actually had a stimulant effect, so his fighting power soared like a hormone.” Nakano Yotsuba guessed.
“Shouldn’t it be?” Nakano Sanjiu shook his head, “If it could have that kind of effect, Ginyu and the others wouldn’t have given medicine. I remember that Doctor Roman said before that they Saiyans are very Strangely, the tyrannical power resides in that tail, which affects their brains all the time, making them more prone to violent emotions.”
“But at the same time, there is another kind of power in the body of the Saiyan, and this kind of power can only be activated slowly after maintaining a peaceful state of mind for a long time!”
“So I think, is it because of the influence of that girl named Xia Lian that Vegeta’s tyrannical heart has gradually calmed down?” Nakano Sanku tilted his head and said, “So, when Vegeta When he was affected by this crazy rising power, his strength improvement stopped abruptly, because his mood was not peaceful again.”
“It makes sense.” Nakano Kazuka’s eyes lit up, she was also convinced by this statement, and then she turned her eyes to her sister Nakano Wuyue, “Mayue, why don’t you speak? What are your thoughts?”
Nakano Wuyue, who was eating steamed buns, said inarticulately, “What a fakeAll hate. ”
“”Um? Frieza, who continued to use force continuously and physically persuaded Sun Lin for nearly ten minutes, suddenly felt a strong killing intent appearing beside him. He turned his head to look at the person who was staring at him with killing intent, It’s Vegeta!”
“”Vegeta, you recovered from your injury quite quickly. Frieza raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then came to his senses, “By the way, I remembered, it must be the healing capsule that Captain Ginyu and the others carried. “”
“”That’s right! It’s really thanks to Ginyu, if he didn’t carry so many healing capsules, I wouldn’t trigger the characteristic of Saiyan’s recovery and combat power improvement after dying twice in a row. Frieza, the me now has surpassed my past self, and the Super Saiyan you feared has come again! “”
“Vegeta folded his hands on his chest, with an expression of being invincible. The sky has cleared, the rain has stopped, and Vegeta feels that he can do it again!”
Vegeta: “…”
Although he didn’t know what this sentence meant, he instinctively felt that this sentence held deep malice towards him!
But, having said that, did he in the video call himself a Super Saiyan before? As a result, he was killed in seconds, wouldn’t the ending be the same this time? !
Chapter 394 As long as you are always on the verge of death, you will be invincible sooner or later
“”Hehehe, hahahaha! Frieza seemed to have heard something interesting, and he leaned forward and backward with a smile, tears were about to be laughed out, “Vegeta, if I remember correctly, you just called yourself a Super Saiyan , but what is the result? “”
“Hmph, as I said, I have surpassed my previous self! drink! “Vegeta roared, his aura climbed to the peak, and then he kicked his right foot, stepped on a big hole in the ground, and with that powerful momentum, shot towards Frieza like a cannonball!”
“Immediately, punch it out!”
“Frieza wanted to jump out of here, but found that Vegeta’s fist hit him in the face even faster!”
“Nani? ! Frieza couldn’t help roaring, his eyes flashed three points of surprise, three points of confusion, three points of anger, and one point of bewilderment, and then his whole body flew out loudly under the powerful force of Vegeta. !”
“The terrifying power caused Frieza to directly smash into a mountain, and even the ground was gradually split in two under this force, as if experiencing an earthquake!”
“”Win, win! I won! Hahahahaha! My power has finally surpassed Frieza! “Vegeta was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wildly. You know, he hasn’t transformed into a giant ape yet!”
“”Ah…” Sun Lin, who was tortured by Frieza, looked at this scene in horror. Such a powerful Frieza, would be blown away with a single punch?! Then what is Vegeta now? How powerful is it?!”
“EMMMM…” Vegeta couldn’t help but fell into deep thought when he saw this scene, then turned his head and asked Director Hu who was beside him, “Director Hu, how is your medical technology here?”
“It’s okay.” Chief Hu asked in a daze, “Why do you ask this?”
“I want to say, if the medical technology here is good, then I can be near death a few more times, so that I will be invincible in the world soon.” Vegeta’s heart was burning hot, this The way to increase combat power when you are on the verge of death is simply amazing!
“Uh… there should be no way, right? If one is not well controlled, our medical technology here may not be able to save it.” Director Hu gave a wry smile and said cautiously.
And he also felt that this was very unreliable, didn’t the Alaya said it before? The combat power increased in this way is more of the strength accumulated in daily training, and it is still a bit unreliable to rely on this method to cheat.
Vegeta didn’t know what Director Hu was thinking, and just sighed a little disappointed, “Oh, what a pity.”
“A flash of silver light flashed, and Frieza flew back in the blink of an eye. Although he was not injured, at this moment he no longer had the same leisurely attitude as before. The gentleman’s smile has also become as ferocious as a ghost!”
“” Vegeta! How dare you hit me, how dare you hit me, Frieza, the emperor of the universe! ! ! Frieza roared, and the terrifying aura instantly pervaded the entire planet! Countless lives were trembling under this terrifying power, and every cell in their bodies was telling them how terrifying this power is! ”
“However, Vegeta is an exception. Not only was he not overwhelmed by this momentum, he even showed a smile, “Frieza, this is the proof that I surpass you!” Not only will I blow you away, I will even kill you completely today! Come on, undo all your transformations, let me see your so-called power! “”
“After listening to Vegeta’s words, Frieza’s anger gradually calmed down, the tail behind him slammed down to the ground, and he said in a serious tone, “Okay, I will grant your wish! As punishment for daring to offend me, Frieza, I will let you die in endless despair! “”
“”Uh, ah! ! drink! ! ! With an angry shout, the veins on Frieza’s forehead bulged, and a blood-red evil aura erupted all over his body. The armor on his shoulders suddenly opened, and his originally normal head suddenly became distorted and narrow. A pair of spikes came out!”
“It looks weird and ugly, like an alien! But what is more important is not the change of the body, but the change of the power in the body! Vegeta can feel that the energy intensity in Frieza’s body is already comparable to his. !”
“How is it possible…how is this possible? ! “The expression of Vegeta, who was extremely confident, changed, and he couldn’t bear his footsteps.He took a step back. ”
“But as soon as he took a step back, Vegeta felt a sense of humiliation in his heart, “Am I afraid? Scared of Frieza? ! I am the Saiyan Prince Vegeta! “”
“The arrogance in his heart did not allow Vegeta to retreat, so he took another step forward! What’s more, even if Frieza transforms once more, he can still transform into a giant ape! Who will win and who will lose, is yet to be known! ”
“”It’s not a big deal to be afraid of me, after all, I’m that powerful! Vegeta! ” Frieza shouted loudly, and his body suddenly flew towards Vegeta!”
“Vegeta’s expression changed, and he immediately flew into the sky, “This guy Frieza, doesn’t he plan to transform to the last stage? Then don’t blame me for being rude! I want to turn into a giant ape form and kill him directly! “”
“”Kill who? “”
“Frieza’s voice suddenly rang in Vegeta’s ear, and Vegeta said in disbelief, “How could you be so fast? ! “”
“”There are faster ones! Death Beam! ” Frieza grinned, put the index finger and middle finger of his right hand together, swung it violently, and a red beam hit Vegeta’s knee!”
“”Wow! “Vegeta screamed immediately, even though his combat power has become higher now, and he was not pierced by the death beam, the severe pain still made him almost unable to stabilize his flying posture.”
“Frieza didn’t care if Vegeta was in pain or not, his wrists were shaking wildly, and in the blink of an eye, he threw another dozen death beams, hitting every part of Vegeta’s body!”
“”puff! “One death beam was enough for Vegeta to bear the pain, not to mention so many death beams, he just felt as if his internal organs were struck by lightning, he couldn’t help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his expression became sluggish.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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