“No, I can’t let him attack! A stern look flashed in Vegeta’s eyes, he resisted Frieza’s attack, pushed forward with both hands, and a purple light cannon shot out!”
“”Galrick Cannon! “”
“”Humph! “Frieza watched Vegeta’s attack with cold eyes, he didn’t dodge or dodge, and let the purple light cannon hit him!”
Chapter 395 Final Form Frieza
“”what! “”
“Frieza roared, hugged the thick purple light cannon with both hands, and then pushed the light cannon back with his hands!”
“Nani! “Vegeta’s expression changed, his face was full of bewilderment and panic, he never thought that his unique move would be pushed back.”
“Vegeta couldn’t dodge for a while, and was hit by the Garrick Cannon!”
“”puff! “Vegeta spat out another mouthful of blood, and his expression no longer had the arrogant attitude before. Why, why should Frieza and I have similar energy reactions now, why can’t we win him!”
“The alien-like Frieza once again showed a gentlemanly smile, but it’s just that he’s showing this kind of smile at this time, no matter how you look at it, it’s weird!”
“”Vegeta, did I say that I would let you die in endless despair? So, watch out, this is my final transformation! “”
“Frieza slowly fell to the ground, countless cracks suddenly appeared in the crystalline armor on his body, and finally exploded with a bang, raising countless smoke and dust!”
“What is that…” Sun Lin looked at the smoke and dust in horror. Even though he didn’t know how to sense Qi, he could feel that there was an extremely terrifying existence in the smoke and dust! Every nerve in his body was throbbing. Send him a dangerous signal!”
“”That’s Frieza’s last transformation? ! “Feeling the terrifying breath, Vegeta trembled all over, he couldn’t win, no matter what!”
“After a few seconds, the smoke and dust finally dissipated, and a petite figure appeared in front of the two of them. At this time, Frieza no longer had the alien-like appearance before, and he did not show red muscles like before.”
“At this time, he is covered in silver and white, with a piece of purple crystal armor on the top of his head, chest, shoulders, and legs. At this time, he can even be described as beautiful.”
“A smile curled up at the corner of Frieza’s mouth, “Vegeta, why are you silent? You seem to be afraid of me, is this the so-called Super Saiyan? “”
“” Frieza! ! ! “Hearing Frieza’s words, Vegeta, who was already in fear, was immediately filled with anger!”
“The angry Vegeta didn’t even have time to consider the gap between the two sides, and he didn’t think of transforming into a giant ape, and rushed towards Frieza with a chilling aura bursting out of his body.”
“Fist, head, feet, knees, elbows, all parts of the body were turned into weapons by Vegeta, and he attacked Frieza at a speed as fast as lightning!”
“However, Frieza easily dodged all the attacks, not even the slightest change in the smile on his face!”
“Finally, Frieza seemed to be bored, raised his right hand and patted Vegeta’s face lightly.”
“That slap was light, no matter how you look at it, it looks like you didn’t use much force, but Vegeta who was shot seemed to be hit hard with a sledgehammer! The whole person flew out!”
“Oh, I really want to accidentally use a little more strength. ” Frieza shook his head and sighed as if he felt that he had done something wrong.”
“call out!”
“In the distance, a glowing artificial moon flew into the sky, and then Vegeta, who was blown away, turned into a giant ape, standing on the ground!”
“”Roar!” The giant ape clapped his hands on his chest, roaring loudly, “Frieza, die!”
“The giant ape transformed by Vegeta rushed forward with huge strides, and every step made the earth tremble!”
“”Let me die? Hoo hoo. Frieza covered his mouth lightly and let out another burst of standard villain laughter, “If you can hit me once, I’ll be considered a loser.” “”
“”Don’t look down on me! “Vegeta jumped, and jumped directly in front of Frieza from a distant place, and then the palm as big as a door panel turned into a hand knife and slashed down!”
“Boom! With a loud noise, the ground turned into dust, but Frieza easily dodged away.”
“Facing Frieza’s evasion, Vegeta’s eyes flashed with surprise, “I saw it! Frieza, I’ve seen your moves! right here! “”
“Vegeta kicked him back, and then aimed at Frieza with both hands. Although Frieza could dodge every time, Vegeta became more and more excited. He could feel that his own The speed is increasing, approaching Frieza’s speed!”
“Sine, Frieza! ! “Finally, Vegeta has completely caught up with Frieza’s speed, clasped his hands together, and hammered towards Frieza’s position like a giant hammer!”
“Vegeta’s eyes are full of excitement, he can think that as long as this blow can hit, Frieza will definitely die!”
“The shadow of being defeated by Frieza has completely dissipated, and he has completely surpassed Frieza now! As long as he can transform into a giant ape and exert the power of a Saiyan, Frieza is nothing more than that!”
Vegeta looked at himself trying to pretend to be B in the video with black lines all over his head, and couldn’t help shouting in his heart, don’t pretend, don’t pretend, I’m a ball, don’t pretend!
Every time you say that you have surpassed Frieza, and then you are about to be beaten by Frieza, why don’t you learn your lesson? !
You are the one who pretended to be B forcibly, and I am the one who is embarrassed!
Vegeta felt that Director Hu on the side had cast strange gazes at him several times in a row. Every time he felt that gaze, he felt his big toe start to be restless, trying to dig out a three-bedroom and one-living room on the floor!
“”Roar! “”
“Vegeta couldn’t help but let out a roar of excitement, and his hands hit the ground where Frieza was as expected!”
“A big hole came out, but Vegeta’s excited expression froze, he didn’t feel like he hit Frieza!”
“He let go of his hands, pointed his huge palm at the smoke and dust rising from the ground, and dispersed the smoke and dust. Sure enough, Frieza was no longer on the ground!”
“How is this possible? ! “Vegeta yelled in panic, he didn’t see Frieza move at all just now!”
“”Where? ! Where is Frieza! I didn’t see it, I didn’t see it at all, how could this be possible! I can clearly see Frieza’s movements! “Vegeta let out impotent rage while searching for Frieza’s traces.”
“Suddenly, Frieza’s chuckle sounded from behind him, “Hehehe, it seems that I just increased my speed a little bit, and you can’t keep up anymore. The so-called Super Saiyans are nothing more than monkeys. “”
“Vegeta turned his head suddenly, and saw Frieza had raised his palm slightly, and an energy bullet was shot from his hand.”
Chapter 396: Sine, Frieza
“There was only a flash of red light in Vegeta’s eyes, and before he even had time to dodge, his whole body was blown away by the energy bomb!”
“”Roar! “Vegeta let out a stern roar, and his huge body fell heavily on the ground. He only felt that his abdomen was hit and even his bones were about to be broken!”
“The original huge body changed back to the previous human appearance in a blink of an eye. He gritted his teeth and struggled to stand up, with an expression of disbelief all over his face, “How could this happen? Obviously until that time, I can see all his movements clearly! “”
“”Vegeta, I remember you advertised yourself as a Super Saiyan several times before, right? Hehehe, stop making me laugh. Frieza put his hands behind his back, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, with an attitude of ease, “Is this the only so-called Super Saiyan?” “”
“”Even in the form of a monkey, in terms of strength and speed, it is far inferior to me. Sure enough, the legend of the so-called Super Saiyan is nothing but nonsense. “”
“Vegeta stared at Frieza, shaking with fear all over his body, “Can I really not beat Frieza? Have I reached the limit of what can be achieved? Or did I not turn into a Super Saiyan at all? Or… Frieza is a monster that even a Super Saiyan can’t defeat? ! “”
“”impossible! This kind of thing is absolutely impossible! “Vegeta suddenly stopped trembling, and the anger and humiliation in his heart even completely dispelled the fear!”
“He clenched his fists fiercely, and said with gritted teeth, “Super Saiyan is the legendary fighter of our Saiyan family, how could it be impossible to defeat Frieza! I absolutely…absolutely do not believe such a thing exists! “”
“Following Vegeta’s roar, his aura surged again, and then he leaped into the air, pushed down with both hands, and a huge energy light cannon blasted out of his hand!”
“Looking at the energy light cannon that was getting closer and closer to him, Frieza didn’t move, he just snorted coldly, “Stupid! “”
“And Sun Lin on the side roared angrily, “Stop, Vegeta, do you want to destroy everything here? ! “”
“But how can the angry Vegeta listen to Sun Lin’s dissuasion?On the contrary, the energy output in the hand has been strengthened a bit! ”
“Just when the energy light cannon was about to hit Frieza, Frieza dodged easily with a flash, and the huge energy light cannon hit the ground, making a huge roar!”
“The earth is shattered, the mountains collapsed, the houses were shattered, and the peaceful village has completely disappeared at this moment!”
“Aliens are too scary.” Miyauchi Kazuho couldn’t help sighing, who can easily destroy a city, a continent, or even a planet in a fight like these aliens?
Ordinary people like them just stay at home, and people who don’t know why are cold.
It’s really a fight between gods and gods, and the kid suffers.
“However, fortunately, we are still alive now.”
“Sun Lin watched this scene in great pain. Although he fought here before, he was restrained and did not cause too much damage. But now, everything is ruined!”
“Even though he knows that fighting with a terrifying guy like Frieza, such a thing will happen sooner or later, but when it really happens, he will still hate himself for being weak!”
“Is everyone in the village okay? “Miyauchi Lianhua said in her mind, although she is still young, she can vaguely perceive how terrible this situation is.”
“”do not worry. Although Piccolo felt sad, he comforted the two of them in his mind, “Now we must first defeat Frieza!” As long as you defeat Frieza, you can use the seven dragon balls to make a wish to revive everyone! “”
“”Really? Can Dragon Ball even do this? “Sun Lin asked excitedly after hearing the words.”
“”Um. Piccolo responded and said worriedly, “However, if you can’t beat Frieza, it’s useless to say these things, after all, the Dragon Ball is still in Frieza’s hands!” Moreover, if a ruthless person like him cannot defeat him, maybe even the entire planet will be destroyed! “”
“Sun Lin, who has already been severely injured by Frieza, can only look forward to Vegeta, “Although I am very unwilling, the only thing I can look forward to now is Vegeta! “”
“The angry Vegeta couldn’t take a single blow, and immediately locked onto Frieza’s position, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, “I see, I see you, Frieza!” “”
“Then, his two hands moved forward alternately like lightning, and energy bullets were thrown out by him as if they didn’t want money.”
“In the blink of an eye, the entire sky is filled with countless explosions!”
“This sky-high attack is exactly Vegeta’s proud and self-satisfied prince’s tactics!”
“But Frieza seemed to be strolling in the midst of these countless explosions, not being hit by any energy bombs at all!”
“”Vegeta was not attacking indiscriminately, but actually caught Frieza’s movement! However, Frieza’s speed is too fast, he can always easily dodge all attacks, what a terrifying guy! “Sun Lin can already feel the thrill just by watching from the sidelines!”
“Vegeta’s crazy attack like this, as if only in this way can he completely vent the humiliation in his heart!”
“Suddenly, Frieza, whom he saw clearly before, lost his sight again!”
“”Where? ! Where is that guy Frieza going? ! “He widened his eyes in disbelief, and the attack with both hands stopped.”
“”I’m here. “”
“Frieza’s voice suddenly sounded behind Vegeta, Vegeta was about to turn around, only to find that Frieza suddenly appeared in front of him again!”
“”Well! ! ! “Vegeta snorted, his eyes full of fear, Frieza’s speed at this time is really much faster than him!”
“What’s the matter, Vegeta, you seem to be very scared. ” Frieza folded his arms around his chest, and stretched out the tail behind Vegeta’s eyes, and shook it slightly, as if saying hello.”
“Looking at the majestic tail, Vegeta’s angry face twitched. He gritted his teeth, and a violent momentum erupted from his body, and then flew into the sky!”
“Seeing that Vegeta still had the courage to resist, Frieza looked a little surprised.”
“As for Vegeta, who flew into the air, while gathering momentum, he generally gritted his teeth and roared, “I, I am the strongest Saiyan, Super Saiyan Vegeta! “”
“Sine, Frieza! “”
“In the end, the aura in his body finally climbed to the peak, and the qigong cannon that condensed all the power in his body blasted out from his hands!”
“”Galrick Cannon! “”
Chapter 397 You fell down before I exerted any force
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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