“”what! ! “Sun Lin looked at the extremely huge purple light cannon in horror, he could clearly feel the terrifying power contained in it!”
“”It’s not good, if that force hits the ground, I’m afraid the entire Sakura Kingdom will be destroyed! “”
“”No, more than that! “Compared to Sun Lin, Piccolo is a little more knowledgeable. He said in a panic, “This force is enough to detonate this planet and turn the whole planet into ashes!” “”
“”What did you say? ! “Sun Lin’s pupils shrank suddenly, and then roared, “Vegeta, do you want to destroy the entire planet?” ! “”
“Of course, he couldn’t get an answer from Vegeta, and then he looked at Frieza again. At this moment, he started to expect Frieza to take the purple light cannon again!”
“And Fu, whom Sun Lin placed high hopes on,Lisa smiled lightly, jumped up lightly, and then kicked the huge purple light cannon. With a little force on his foot, he kicked the purple light cannon back so easily! ”
“”how can that be! Seeing this, Vegeta’s body shook, and even his voice became hoarse. He quickly dodged back, and the huge purple light cannon passed by and shot straight into the space!”
“I don’t know if it was bad luck, but the purple light cannon fired into the space unexpectedly hit an artificial satellite, and then exploded!”
“The terrifying explosion erupted with infinite brilliance, completely illuminating the entire planet!”
“What’s even more frightening is the aftermath of the explosion. Even if the aftermath came from a height of nearly 30,000 kilometers away, it still made the entire Blue Star tremble! Earthquakes erupted everywhere, and nearly ten meters high The tsunami, the entire blue star is full of a scene of the end of the world!”
“And it was the distraught Vegeta floating in the sky who launched such a terrifying attack.”
“At this time, there was neither anger nor fear on Vegeta’s face, but only confusion. The attack just now was a blow with all his strength! However, Frieza so easily defeated his attack. Kicked back.”
“On the other side, Sun Lin’s expression was not much better. Although he expected Frieza to block that blow, he never expected that Frieza kicked the attack back so lightly! Not to mention, He just experienced how terrifying Vegeta’s attack is!”
“One kick… Frieza, that guy actually kicked back Vegeta’s attack with just one kick! The blow just now was probably Vegeta’s full blow, right? “Sun Lin lay there trembling, teeth chattering, Frieza’s strength has far exceeded his imagination!”
“Why do I feel like I’m just a flattering character who is crazy about how strong others are?” Sun Lin’s expression is very strange. So far, he has only won once, and it was with that Namek named Piccolo. Human fusion can defeat Vegeta!
Then the next time we met, he was hung up and beaten by Vegeta, which made him feel like a green leaf used to set off the strength of others.
The father beside him also saw his thoughts, and patted him on the shoulder with complicated emotions, “You are already good, like me, you can’t even be a green leaf to set off.”
Sun Lin was silent for a moment, as if that was the case! After thinking about it, he felt much better.
“Looking at the devastated Vegeta who fell to the ground, Frieza still smiled slightly, and said: “It’s almost the same level. Well, Vegeta, you can taste this more painful thing than being in hell! “”
“Listening to Frieza’s words, Vegeta didn’t move at all, even his clenched fists slowly loosened, his body just trembled uncontrollably, this is the first time since he was born, My heart trembles with fear!”
“The absolute power gap, the unchangeable setbacks, the combination of fear and despair made him cry unwillingly, all of which were the first time in his life.”
“”Aren’t you going to make a move? Well, it’s up to me. Next, where do I start my attack? Frieza chuckled, and then comforted, “Don’t worry, I will be merciful, after all, I said I would let you die in endless despair.” This is only the first step. “”
“As the voice fell, Frieza’s body slowly floated into the air, “I’m going to make a move, are you ready, Vegeta? “”
“At this time, Vegeta seemed to have not heard Frieza’s voice at all, and was still trembling there. Facing Frieza, who was as powerful as the abyss, he…he had completely lost his fighting spirit. !”
“call out!”
“Frieza’s speed suddenly increased, making a terrifying sound of piercing through the air, and then a head hammer hit Vegeta’s jaw!”
“”puff! “”
“Vegeta spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and his whole body flew upside down. The blood drew an arc, but his expression remained unchanged, as numb as a dead person!”
“I don’t know how long it took to fly, Frieza appeared in the sky above Vegeta, the tail behind him was like a long whip, and he slammed Vegeta’s arm hard!”
“Following this swing, Vegeta’s arm made a cracking sound. Obviously, the bone in his arm has been broken! The whole body is like a cannonball and flies into the river below!”
“With a bang, Vegeta fell into the water, splashing nearly ten meters!”
“Frieza slowly landed on the surface of the water. His super powers ensured that he would not fall into the water. He crossed his hands and looked at the water surface with great interest. “It seems that Vegeta was hit by me a little too much.” , Even falling into the water refused to struggle. “”
“”It is often said that people who are drowned in water are the most painful. I don’t know how painful Vegeta can be now? Why not just let him drown like this…” Frieza thought about it seriously, then shook his head, “Forget it, I still have some ways to torture Vegeta that I haven’t played yet. “”
“Afterwards, Frieza pushed lightly to the sides of his body with both hands, and the water surface seemed to be pushed away by something, and spread out with Frieza as the center, forming a high wall of water. Fall! And Vegeta is lying on the bottom of the river.”
“Frieza landed lightly on the bottom of the river, and grabbed Vegeta’s hair, “Vegeta, you fell down before I exerted any strength. Isn’t this too disappointing? You should be a little less afraid, after all, what I have to giveI give you a fear worse than hell! “”
Chapter 398 You Made a Wrong Decision
“Well, Frieza punched Vegeta in the back!”
“”Wow! ! “Vegeta screamed, he was numb like a dead person just now, and now he is filled with pain again!”
“As if very satisfied with Vegeta’s scream, the smile on Frieza’s face deepened, “That’s right, your scream is really pleasing. How about it, are you starting to regret that you dared to betray me? “”
“Afterwards, Frieza punched him on the back again, and at the same time let go of Vegeta’s hair, allowing him to fall face down, “Are you starting to regret your stupidity? An inferior creature who only knows fighting skills, Mr. Saiyan. “”
“”Ah, no. Frieza covered his mouth lightly as if he realized that he had said something wrong, and then laughed softly, “It should be Mr. Super Saiyan. After all, even if you are among the inferior creatures, you can still be called the first class.” The middle ones are waiting. Hahahaha…””
“Seeing that Vegeta just screamed and didn’t speak at all, Frieza also put away his smile boredly, and said in a cold voice, “In this way, you should understand a little bit what is called horror that is scarier than hell.” ? “”
“As soon as the words fell, Frieza kicked Vegeta’s body.”
“”Ahhh! ! ! “Vegeta screamed, and the whole person flew into the sky.”
“And Frieza also flew up at this time. He looked at the surrounding environment and couldn’t help but said in surprise, “Oh, it seems a bit far from the place where the Namek stayed before, so…””
“The corner of Frieza’s mouth twitched into a sinister smile, “Then, just like kicking a ball, kick Vegeta’s body back bit by bit! “”
“”Hahahaha…” Frieza laughed wildly and kicked Vegeta, kicking him forward a little distance, then rushing forward with another kick, rushing forward with another kick… and so on, After several minutes of kicking, he finally kicked Vegeta back to his original position.”
“Although I still want to play with it for a while, it would be bad if I accidentally killed this toy, so he kicked Vegeta into the ground with a last kick like a merciful one!”
“After seeing Frieza knock Vegeta into the air, Sun Lin lay here trembling, and waited for a long time before Frieza came back. He thought that Frieza had forgotten him, just now I’m glad in my heart.”
“Suddenly a heavy object fell on the ground, smashing a big hole in the ground!”
“Sun Lin was terrified and roared angrily, “Who is it? ! “”
“After he saw the person in the pit, the horror on his face became even more horrified. The dead dog-like person in the pit is none other than Vegeta!”
Vegeta: “…”
It’s muddy, can you stop emphasizing the word “dead dog” every time! Am I shameless? !
“Afterwards, Frieza also dodged and landed near Vegeta, and he said with some disappointment, “It’s really boring, seeing that you don’t even have the will to fight at all, and you don’t even dare to resist me, but you before Be more interesting. “”
“Then, he turned around and looked at Sun Lin with that gentlemanly and elegant smile, “Then, next, this unknown Mr. Namekian, what do you think?” If you continue to refuse, your next fate may be similar to this Mr. Saiyan. “”
“”Ah…” Sun Lin looked at Frieza in great horror. Although he didn’t know what Vegeta had just experienced, he could roughly imagine that it was definitely a horror far beyond ordinary people’s imagination!”
“The pain of being tortured by Frieza before, coupled with the psychological pressure brought about by Vegeta’s tragedy, made Sun Lin’s breathing extremely fast, and his heart was filled with unprecedented fear!”
“He really wanted to say something, let me tell you… But in a blink of an eye, his eyes became firm. He didn’t forget what Piccolo said, Dragon Balls must never be handed over to Frieza! Moreover, those Even the dead need to use Dragon Balls to be resurrected!”
“He took a deep breath and said in an extremely firm tone, “As I said, I will never tell you how to use Dragon Balls! No matter how much you plan to torture me, no matter if you don’t want to kill me, my answer will not change! “”
“Being rejected in this way, Frieza still had a smile on his face, but his wagging tail suddenly stopped moving, “What a pity, Mr. Unknown Namek, you made a wrong decision. “”
“When Frieza raised his hand, a red beam shot towards Sun Lin’s knee!”
“Sun Lin closed his eyes suddenly, quietly waiting for the coming pain, but after waiting for a long time, he never felt the pain of being pierced through the body.”
“Surprised, he secretly opened his left eye, but saw a familiar figure standing in front of him, blocking Frieza’s front, he opened both eyes suddenly, and shouted joyfully, ” Brother! You came! “”
“Ah, sorry, Kobayashi, I seem to be late. Sun Tianhua threw a healing capsule into Sun Lin’s mouth, but looked at Frieza with extremely vigilant eyes, “Who is this guy?” The qi in his body is even more terrifying than what I feel from a distance! “”
“Sun Lin swallowed, and said after swallowing the capsule, “This guy is Frieza, according to Vegeta, he is the boss of Team Ginuit!” Even that Vegeta turned into a giant ape was easily defeated by him! “”
“”Really, that’s really amazing. “Sun Tianhua’s heart surged with a surge of fighting spirit, “Then leave the rest to me. “”
“”here you are? ! “Sun Lin, who was about to close his eyes just now to recover from his injuries, immediately widened his eyes, “You mean you have to rely on one person’s strength to fight him one-on-one?” “”
“”That’s right. A chilling aura emerged from Sun Tianhua’s body, “I don’t know what happened, but just after I recovered from the brink of death, an unprecedented power surged out of my body!” “”
“”I thought I was training there, and I had trained my strength to the extreme, but now, strength surged out of my body again, making me even stronger! So, I think, I should be able to fight him, right? “”
“What’s more, I’m the only one fighting Frieza now. “Sun Tianhua chuckled.”
“Sun Lin was dumbfounded for a moment, but he forgot that both he and Vegeta had already been beaten to the ground. Apart from Sun Tianhua, there is no one else who can fight Frieza!”
Chapter 399 You can live longer if you hide
“Sun Tianhua walked towards Frieza slowly with a chilling aura, and Frieza also suppressed his smile, and looked at Sun Tianhua with a face as heavy as water.”
“In the end, Sun Tianhua stopped at a distance of about twenty steps in front of Frieza. He restrained the energy in his body, blinked and said, “Are you Frieza? You are smaller than I imagined. When I felt your aura from a distance, I thought it must be a huge guy. “”
“”…” The corner of Frieza’s mouth twitched, and a murderous intent emerged in his heart. What he hates the most is when someone talks about his height!”
“But his good self-cultivation still made him smile, “It turns out that there is still garbage that hasn’t appeared. So, who are you? “”
“”I am Sun Tianhua who grew up on this planet, and I am also the elder brother of the person you want to hurt. “Sun Tianhua looked at Vegeta lying in the pit. He had decided to fight Vegeta again before, but now Vegeta was beaten like this!”
“Not only Vegeta, but his younger brother Sun Lin was also beaten badly. The tragic situation of the two made him extremely angry!”
“”Sun Tianhua? It turned out to be just a native of a remote planet. Frieza chuckled, and was about to make a move, but suddenly frowned, “Huh?” I always feel like I have seen this face of yours before? “”
“At this moment, Vegeta in the pit regained a little consciousness. He was kicked like a ball by Frieza before, and his internal organs have been severely injured. At this time, he can barely open his eyes.”
“Just when he opened his eyes, a familiar figure gradually became clear from the blur. It was Kakarot! He once wanted to kill the man who defeated him in the end!”
“It stands to reason that he should have hated Kakarot, but for some reason, seeing Kakarot’s figure at this moment, he only felt relieved for a while… because Kakarot is also a Saiyan!”
“”Ka, Kakarot…” Vegeta murmured while reaching out his hand, as if he wanted to grab Sun Tianhua’s hand.”
“” Kakarot? Frieza raised his eyebrows in surprise, “This name is the name of a Saiyan!” Ah, yes! “”
“What Frieza saw seemed to have changed slightly. The man with a firm face in front of him seemed to have become another man, with the same firm face, the same hairstyle, and the same eyes. The only difference was that man’s face There’s a scar on it!”
“”When I destroyed Planet Vegeta, there was such a fool who dared to take the initiative to fight back against me. Your face looks exactly like that fool. That guy is your father, right? “”
“”Saiyan? Vegeta and Raditz did tell me so. “Sun Tianhua nodded, but did not deny it, “As for the person you mentioned, it should be my father. Raditz said that I look the same as my father. “”
“”Hehehe. Frieza covered his mouth and chuckled, “So, you are very similar to your father, whether it’s that face or the stupidity of daring to stand in front of this king. You’ll live longer if you hide obediently, because to me, all Saiyans deserve to die! “”
“”Maybe. “Sun Tianhua said casually.”
“So, are you ready? ” Frieza smiled lightly, and then his body disappeared immediately!”
“When he reappeared, he was already standing in front of Sun Tianhua, with his right hand in the shape of a knife, slashing towards Sun Tianhua’s neck.”
“But to Frieza’s surprise, Sun Tianhua jumped behind Frieza in an instant!”
“Nani? ! ” Frieza exclaimed, and just as he turned around, he saw a shoe zooming in and out, and finally kicking him in the face!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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