“Frieza could even clearly hear the sound of the shoe kicking him in the face, and he was kicked out in the end! After flying about 20 meters, he rolled in the air and adjusted his posture. down.”
“He touched his kicked cheek, and his smiling face became extremely gloomy.”
“At the same time, Sun Tianhua also fell not far in front of him.”
“What a fast speed! Vegeta on the side exclaimed in his heart, he couldn’t even see Sun Tianhua’s movement just now! That movement was even faster than Frieza!”
“Kakarot is no longer the Kakarot he used to be, he has crossed a certain limit… wait, could it be that… thought of a certain possibilityAfter that, Vegeta’s eyes widened suddenly, full of disbelief and surprise. ”
“”You pissed me off! Frieza snorted coldly, raised his right hand like a machine gun and fired a large number of red beams, “Multiple death beams!” “”
“The countless death beams stopped in an instant, as if they were going to smash Sun Tianhua into a sieve!”
“However, Sun Tianhua slapped all the countless death beams flying with just one hand! The flying death beams hit the surroundings, causing an explosion, but they didn’t hurt Sun Tianhua at all!”
“Unbelievable guy! ! Facing this king’s attack, he actually deflected all the air bombs with only one hand! ” Frieza’s pupils shrank slightly.”
“Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha…” Vegeta was lying on the ground and kept vomiting blood, but he laughed, and said while coughing up blood, “Frieza, I advise you… to fight him with all your strength, This… this person is the one you fear the most… the Super Saiyan! “”
“”Oh? “Frieza raised his eyebrows in surprise. This is the first time he has heard of Super Saiyans today? This kind of words can’t make him vigilant at all, but makes him feel bored.”
“But Vegeta didn’t notice Frieza’s thoughts at all, and was still chattering there, “Yes, he is the legendary warrior passed down from generation to generation by our Saiyan family–Super Saiyan!” Frieza, you are finished, I never thought you would have today, hahaha…hahaha…””
“The legendary warrior? Is this the legendary warrior? It feels the same as usual.” Kosaka Kyousuke was a little disappointed. He was expecting some particularly handsome transformation!
“Is there any difference from normal times? At least he is really strong! Even Frieza was scared by him!” Kosaka Kirino said a little excitedly, “How much combat power does he have now? Three million? Four A million? Or five million?”
“However, having said that, Saiyans can increase their combat power so much just by dying once. Why on earth could they not defeat Frieza before!”
As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Gaosaka family fell into silence, yes, why? It’s outrageous that Frieza would exterminate the entire race with such an open-minded physique!
Chapter 400 Vegeta, give me half of your anger
“” Tsk. “Frieza finally couldn’t bear Vegeta’s nagging, raising his hand was a beam of death.”
“call out!”
“The scarlet death beam pierced Vegeta’s chest almost instantly!”
“”Ugh! “Vegeta screamed, and his whole body fell to the ground weakly.”
“Frieza put down his hand and said softly, “You should know, Vegeta, what I hate the most is when someone tells me such meaningless jokes. “”
“” Vegeta! “Sun Tianhua on the side couldn’t stop him, he could only watch Vegeta fall, he clenched his fists and glared at Frieza, “Hey, Vegeta has no strength left to resist, there is no need to attack him killer? ! “”
“He quickly reached into his bag, trying to find the healing capsule, but found that the one given to Sun Lin just now was already the last one.”
“I said it all, I hate pointless jokes! Frieza raised his eyebrows, “Super Saiyan is just a meaningless legend, who made me angry by talking non-stop? “”
“”Cough, cough cough…” Vegeta spat out a mouthful of blood, coughed a few times, and said with difficulty, “Ka, Kaka, Rot…””
“Vegeta clenched his fist with the last of his strength, and grabbed some sand in his hand, “Idiot! Even now, you’re still talking about such…insignificant, trivial things…Aren’t you a super Saiyan? Since it’s a super Saiyan…then kill Frieza! “”
“”It’s obviously about your own life, but you say it’s a trivial matter? I’m sorry, Vegeta, even if I die, I can’t become a guy who disregards life like you. “Sun Tianhua shook his head, “What’s more, I don’t even know what you mean by Super Saiyan. “”
“”Listen…listen, Kakarot…” Vegeta spoke intermittently, with crystal tears gradually oozing from his eyes, “We Saiyans… were originally an independent planet… …Suddenly one day, Frieza came to our…planet, coerced us by force…to do things for him. “”
“”Saiyans have no choice but to listen…follow Frieza’s…orders. We Saiyans have…followed his orders all the time. Even if there is no credit…work, there is hard work…” ”
“”Hey, don’t talk any more, it will aggravate your death! “Sun Tianhua looked at Vegeta’s appearance and couldn’t help persuading him.”
“On the other side, Frieza folded his hands in a gentlemanly manner, and let the two of them talk, but said disdainfully, “I clearly pierced his heart, and he can still talk so much. The monkey’s vitality is still there.” Really tenacious. “”
“But Vegeta naturally didn’t listen to Sun Tianhua’s words, and the tears in his eyes flowed more and more, “But…but, at this…time, Frieza heard…heard…our family…about the super The legend of the Saiyans is just… because of such a legend…””
“”This guy… actually destroyed…our…Planet Vegeta, and killed all of us…your parents, and my parents…everyone is dead… Died at his hands! “”
“”It’s just because he’s afraid…our family, I don’t know when, it will be born…the legendary…the strongest warrior…Super Saiyan…””
“Vegeta tremblingly stretched out to Sun TianhuaTake a shot, “Ka… Kakarot… Please… Please… You… Kill Frieza… Please… Take revenge for all Saiyans! Use us… The hands of the Saiyans…with the power of our Saiyans…””
“These words finally exhausted all of Vegeta’s strength. His outstretched hand fell heavily on the ground and he couldn’t lift it up again. His eyes couldn’t be closed, and he just looked at Sun Tianhua like this, It seems that he wants to watch Sun Tianhua kill Frieza with his own eyes!”
“Frieza!” Vegeta stared at Frieza in the video, the words just now aroused his anger again! He can’t wait to rush into the video and chop Frieza to pieces right now!
It’s a pity, not only can’t get in, but also can’t fight after getting in…
Director Hu on the side has a little pity for Vegeta, so he experienced the tragedy of the whole family being killed when he was so young, how can ordinary people bear it! Moreover, if they can’t win this Frieza, their Blue Star will probably be destroyed too…or in other words, all the Blue Star people will be killed and the planet will be sold!
Thinking of this, Director Hu felt a little sympathetic.
At the same time, the Xia family.
Sun Tianhua was also in a panic. He knew that he was an orphan since he was a child, but his adoptive parents were very kind to him, and his younger brother had a good relationship with him, so after so many years, he had already completely let go of the idea of ​​looking for his biological parents. How can you talk about feelings if you haven’t met your biological parents?
But at this moment, listening to Vegeta’s mournful cry before he was about to die, his heart was still touched.
Xia Yun at the side saw his uncomfortable expression, held his hand and patted it gently.
“”Vegeta… I didn’t expect to see you cry. “Sun Tianhua looked at this man who had completely lost his life with a complicated expression. At first, he only thought that this man was a bastard who could easily kill his companions.”
“But now listening to Vegeta’s words before he died, and thinking of the words Vegeta said when he killed Napa, he finally understands this man.”
“Vegeta is probably already immersed in the abyss of hatred, unable to extricate himself! In order to avenge Frieza, whether it is the friendship between companions, morality as a person, or pride as a Saiyan prince , he abandoned them all!”
“”I hated you very much. “Sun Tianhua stared, and the outburst of air blasted a hole in the ground, then hugged Vegeta in the hole, and buried him bit by bit, “But, after hearing what you said just now, although it can’t be called I don’t hate you anymore. But at least I can feel the anger in your heart. “”
“”Family, the anger that all members of the clan were killed! Facing the enemy who killed a whole family, not only was he unable to take revenge, but he even had to be manipulated by the enemy, that powerless anger towards himself! Feeling the anger in your heart, my heart is not very peaceful, probably because I am also a Saiyan! “”
“So, Vegeta, share half of your anger with me! I will take your anger and revenge on Frieza! “”
“At this moment, he finally admitted his identity as a Saiyan. After burying Vegeta, he looked at Frieza calmly, but there was endless anger hidden in his calm eyes, “I kept you waiting, Foley Sa! “”
“”it is finally over. Frieza, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, put down his arms and looked at Vegeta with interest, “Then let’s continue with the horror show.” “”
Chapter 401: This is the first time I have met someone as strong as you
“Sun Tianhua slowly moved the driver, “To avenge all Saiyans, to avenge all innocent people killed by you, I will definitely defeat you! “”
“”It’s so boring, every time I see you guys showing your justice, morality, etc., I can’t help but want to vomit. ” Frieza said coldly.”
“And Sun Tianhua kicked his feet hard.”
“With a loud bang, he stepped on a huge pothole on the ground, bent forward like a cheetah, and then jumped out!”
“Frieza immediately reached out to block, and the fists of the two collided in an instant, and layers of air waves burst out!”
“Then, the two of them immediately disappeared in place.”
“Between the mountains and fields, in the sky, above the sea… the camera turns wildly, but there is no sign of the two of them.”
“Ah, where are they? Why aren’t they here anymore? They can’t both be invisible, can they?” Tu Jian watched in a cloud of mist, finally it was Sun Tianhua’s turn to fight the final villain, why? Can’t even find anyone in the video?
Prallard wondered, “Is there something wrong with the camera?”
A few drops of cold sweat dripped down on POPPY’s forehead, “Pallard, this is not a movie! How could there be a problem with the camera! You don’t think someone recorded these videos at the scene, do you?”
“Eh? Wasn’t it filmed on the spot?” Palad was startled, “I always thought there was a cameraman who learned the circle, and followed the film in stealth!”
“Then this photographer is too strong! Even people like Frieza can’t find it…” POPPY couldn’t help complaining.
Doma Taihei touched his chin, thought for a while and said, “I don’t think this is a problem with the camera, but to show that Sun Tianhua and Frieza’s speed is far beyond what ordinary people can observe. limit!”
“Oh, that makes sense.” Bumi Tuma’s eyes lit up, and it really made sense to say so.
“As the two of them fought more and more intensely, all the mountain peaks collapsed under the energy of the two fighting!”
“Finally, the two showed their identity in the video again.In the shadow, Frieza was high above the sky, he pushed down with both hands, and an extremely thick qigong cannon burst out from his hands. ”
“Sun Tianhua just landed at this moment, and when he saw Frieza’s attack, he immediately pressed his hands on the ground, “Kame Pai Qigong! “”
“As he shouted loudly, the blue qigong cannon hit the ground. With the help of this huge impact, he was out of Frieza’s attack range in an instant!”
“When Frieza’s attack landed on the ground, a huge mushroom cloud exploded immediately, and the cloud of smoke and dust just covered Sun Tianhua.”
“”Light Eyes! “A large number of light beams shot out from Frieza’s eyes immediately, and the beams shot into the mushroom cloud one after another, almost covering the huge mushroom cloud! Frieza was only alone, but he easily achieved fire coverage!”
“However, Sun Tianhua, who was inside the mushroom cloud, looked at the scattered light beams in surprise. He didn’t understand why Frieza didn’t aim at him.”
“After a moment of sluggishness, he clenched his right hand and slammed it on his left hand, his eyes gradually brightened, “I see, Frieza is an alien, so he doesn’t understand Huaguo’s technique of using qi at all!” “”
“”If that’s the case…” Sun Tianhua immediately sank his mind, even in the face of the overwhelming firepower covering the sky, he still remained calm.”
“In just a few moments, his body gradually faded away, and finally disappeared completely! He has entered the state of circle!”
“After letting the light shine from the eyes for a while, the dust that had been raised before finally dissipated. After Frieza saw the situation inside, he frowned. There was no one inside!”
“”Did that Saiyan named Kakarot run out? No, I obviously didn’t see anyone coming out of there! With his speed, it is impossible to escape my detection! So where did he go? “”
“”Is it underground? ! “Frieza suddenly thought of a possibility, if that guy Kakarot crashed into the ground directly in the mushroom cloud, then he really couldn’t see anyone coming out of it!”
“Thinking of this, he immediately looked down at the ground, but there was only the big hole he made earlier on the ground, and there was no sign of anyone drilling the hole!”
“”Not here? “”
“While Frieza was wondering, his super power suddenly started to warn frantically. When he was wondering, he felt an extremely terrifying force hitting his face!”
“Frieza didn’t have time to react, so he was hit hard by this blow and landed on the ground, smashing the ground into a big hole!”
“”what happened? ! Is that the Saiyan? ! “Frieza flew out of the big pit immediately, his face was shocked and angry. Although he didn’t suffer any injuries, his self-esteem was seriously hurt!”
“It can be said that it is not harmful enough, and it is extremely insulting!”
“Just when he was feeling angry, his superpower started to warn again. Frieza, who was mentally prepared, didn’t get caught in the same way as last time, but immediately shouted, “Are you by my side?” Sun Tianhua! Take my trick! “”
“Frieza only knew that Sun Tianhua was by his side, but he didn’t know in which direction. In desperation, he could only focus on himself and burst out the power in his body!”
“Nearly infinite aura erupted, and in an instant, the aura of all creatures in the entire Blue Star trembled!”
“This can be regarded as Frieza’s right attack. Although his move couldn’t hurt Sun Tianhua who had entered the circle state, it made the energy of the entire blue star natural world become restless, and Sun Tianhua, who was originally calmly integrated into it, had to retreat. come out!”
“Sun Tianhua, who suddenly showed his figure, moved a little away, and praised in a serious tone, “Although you are an enemy, I have to say, you are really powerful!” Ever since I learned this trick, I never thought that someone could break my circle like this! “”
“And Frieza on the other side also looked extremely serious, “Are you really a Saiyan? There have been countless stupid Saiyans in the past, overconfident in their own power, who rose up against me, but they are no better than an ant in my eyes! This is the first time I have encountered a Saiyan as powerful as you! “”
“”Ah, this is the first time I have met a guy as strong as you! “Sun Tianhua nodded and said, “I obviously feel that my strength has become much stronger, but I can only draw with you!” “”
Chapter 402 Just Warming Up
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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