“”A tie? Frieza’s eyes widened, as if he didn’t expect Sun Tianhua to say that, he covered his mouth and laughed lightly, “Whether it’s your words, or the Super Saiyan that Vegeta said , you Saiyans really like to joke. Forewarning, I was just warming up. “”
“Sun Tianhua also smiled, “That’s really a coincidence, I’m just warming up!” “”
“Hot, warm up?!” Vegeta was dumbfounded. If he remembered correctly, he was easily cleaned up by Frieza just now!
So you’re telling him now that Frieza was just warming up? ! Doesn’t this mean that he is very good! Can’t even make Frieza serious? !
Recalling what Frieza said before, there are too many stupid Saiyans who will feel confident in their own strength, and when they resist Frieza, they are not much stronger than ants… Vegeta feels that this sentence is Connotation of himself!Vegeta clenched his fists tightly, not harmful, but extremely insulting!
“”is that so? Frieza chuckled, “Then, from now on, let’s all move a little bit more seriously.” Air combat or ground combat, which one are you better at? “”
“”In my case, I’m better at ground combat. “Sun Tianhua said out loud.”
“”Oh? If this is the case…” Frieza heard the words, and he searched around a lot, but after a while, he found a large area of ​​plains, and after signaling to Sun Tianhua, he flew over first.”
“Sun Tianhua followed Frieza and landed on the plain. He took off his damaged shirt and said, “You mean to give me courtesy and fight on the ground where I am best at?” Although you are an enemy, you are really kind, or do you have confidence in yourself? “”
“Frieza chuckled a few more times, “Don’t look at me as scary on the outside, but I’m actually a very gentle person. Oh, by the way, how about another treat for you? “”
“”Preferential service? “Sun Tianhua stretched his arms and asked in puzzlement, “What service?” “”
“Frieza put his right hand behind his back and said with a smile, “I don’t need two hands to fight you, only my legs and tail, how about this preferential service? “”
“Give me two hands? You are quite generous. But didn’t you say before that we should all get serious? “Sun Tianhua said in amazement, he gave up both hands, how can he be serious?”
“” You don’t need to worry about this kind of thing. Although I let you have two hands, I will use a little bit more strength. “The tail on Frieza’s back shook a few times, and he seemed to be in a good mood.”
“It seems that you are really confident. “Sun Tianhua squeezed his fist, made a cracking sound, and then asked in a deep voice, “Since this is the case, can I start attacking?” “”
“Of course, everything is up to you. Frieza made a pleasent gesture with his left hand, looking both confident and arrogant.”
“Such a casual attitude made Sun Tianhua’s expression serious.”
“”drink! “Sun Tianhua yelled loudly, his body exploded with anger, and rushed towards Frieza!”
“Facing Sun Tianhua’s attack, Frieza still had a smile on his face, with an air of ease, just when Sun Tianhua’s fist was about to hit him, he jumped up with a light body, easily dodging Sun Tianhua’s attack attack.”
“Afterwards, they immediately launched a tide-like offensive against Sun Tianhua, giving up two hands as long as they say! Even if they only use two feet to attack non-stop, Sun Tianhua can still be suppressed and unable to fight back!”
“Frieza taunted while attacking, “Oh, what’s wrong with you? Just attack once, is it over? “”
“Sun Tianhua didn’t get angry when he heard the taunt, but continued to avoid the attack, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.”
“After a minute or two, finally, I don’t know whether Frieza was slack or Frieza intentionally exposed a loophole to Sun Tianhua, a loophole suddenly appeared in the continuous offensive like a tide!”
“Great opportunity! Sun Tianhua’s eyes lit up, and he immediately bullied him. Unlike Frieza who only used his legs to attack, Sun Tianhua’s hands, legs, elbows, shoulders, head, all parts are used by Sun Tianhua as weapons!”
“But Frieza was not as preoccupied as Sun Tianhua was before, but easily dodged his attack. After dodging a dozen or so moves, Frieza sneered, and the tail behind him swished, hitting Sun Tianhua like lightning. face!”
“Wow! “Sun Tianhua was blindsided by this tail on the spot!”
“Frieza folded his hands with a smile, “This time it’s the left side, next time it’s the right side. “”
“As soon as the words fell, Frieza’s tail hit Sun Tianhua’s right cheek again with a whoosh!”
“”Then left again, then right…left, right, left, right…””
“It’s like playing ball with Frieza, playing with Sun Tianhua’s head with his tail!”
“”Finally, left! “”
“After beating more than ten times in a row, Frieza seemed to be tired of playing. He jumped into the air, spun around and hit Sun Tianhua’s head with his tail, sending him flying dozens of meters away!”
“Sun Tianhua flew upside down like a cannonball, and was about to hit a huge boulder. Sun Tianhua quickly pressed his hand on the ground, jumped into the air with a little force, and finally landed on the ground after adjusting his body shape. .”
“After the struggle just now, Sun Tianhua’s eyes became more serious, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and couldn’t help but said, “You are amazing! It’s not without reason that you are so conceited, both speed and strength are really fast. “”
“What makes Sun Tianhua even more horrified is that Frieza doesn’t even use one hand so far! He’s really just fighting him with his tail and legs!”
“Frieza slowly floated over, “What’s the matter, don’t you continue to attack? “”
“”No, just a little bit of admiration for your strength. “Sun Tianhua said with a smile.”
“”Huh? You shouldn’t be afraid of my strength, right? “”
“Hahaha, how is it possible? “Sun Tianhua shook his head, “Although you are indeed extremely powerful, but I don’t know why, feeling your powerful power, the blood in my body boils even more!” “”
“”Hehehe, it really is a Saiyan monkey who only knows how to fight, and his whole body is full of rude genes. Frieza smiled and said, “Then, you don’t have to be polite, just keep fighting with me!” “”
Chapter 403 Rounding up to 100 million
“”Right on my mind! “Sun Tianhua shouted loudly, a riot in stature, and appeared next to Frieza again, using both hands and feet, violently attacking! ”
“However, he was in good shape just now and couldn’t even hit Frieza, let alone him who was beaten by Frieza more than a dozen times!”
“Frieza easily dodged all his attacks, and then that flexible tail wrapped around his neck like a poisonous snake!”
“As Frieza slowly increased the strength of his tail, he pretended to appreciate, “I really didn’t expect you to be able to resist to such an extent. “”
“”Woo! “Sun Tianhua snorted, grabbing Frieza’s tail with both hands, trying to break it off, but the tail seemed to be glued with super glue, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break it off!”
“Damn it, why can’t it be broken! Sun Tianhua’s eyes flashed with pain, and the increasing force on his neck made it more difficult for him to breathe. Naturally, he couldn’t use his strength even if he couldn’t breathe!”
“The weaker the strength, the more difficult it is to break that tail… Gradually, a vicious circle is formed!”
“”Hahaha…” Frieza looked at Sun Tianhua’s painful appearance, his laughter became more ferocious, and he didn’t know how he had the nerve to call himself gentle before!”
“Under Frieza’s laughter, Sun Tianhua’s body gradually bent, and he was about to fall to his knees.”
“”what! ! “Sun Tianhua let out a dull wail, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he roared in his heart: Realm King Fist!”
“Then, the pure white aura on his body turned into a blood-red appearance! His power instantly increased beyond Frieza’s expectations!”
“Without noticing for a moment, Sun Tianhua snapped off Frieza’s tail, and then bit down on that tail!”
“Bite, bite the tail?” Kyoko Hori was stunned. Isn’t this fighting style a bit…
Kyoko Hori couldn’t help but turn her gaze to her younger brother Sota Hori, that’s right, this is the trick her younger brother would use when fighting!
In this way, rounding up to 100,000,000, does it mean that his brother can compete with Frieza?
Sota Hori, who was concentrating on watching TV, suddenly felt the malicious gaze from his sister, he shuddered, and while moving towards Miyamura Isumi, he said, “Sister, why are you looking at me all the time? ”
“Eh? Is there? No, it’s all your illusion.” Hori Kyoko was stunned for a moment, then shook her head again and again, then snatched Hori Sota away from Miyamura Isumi, and leaned over by herself.
“”Ow! ! ! Frieza screamed, and quickly pulled back his tail, looking at the tooth marks on the tail, his heart ached, and he carefully blew into the tooth marks.”
“Facing a villain like Frieza, Sun Tianhua didn’t intend to pay any attention to martial arts. He took advantage of Frieza’s heartache and kicked his tail!”
“”Ugh! You bastard! “Frieza didn’t notice, and Sun Tianhua kicked him straight!”
“After kicking Frieza away with one kick, Sun Tianhua chased after him without any hesitation, and unceremoniously attacked Frieza’s head!”
“Frieza was stupefied all of a sudden, it took more than a dozen punches in a row to react!”
“How can it be repaired! “Responding, Frieza’s face was extremely angry, he clenched his right hand and transformed into a fierce punch on Sun Tianhua’s face, knocking him flying!”
“The dozen or so punches just now made Frieza extremely angry. He’s grown so big, even his father hasn’t hit him!”
“Sun Tianhua, who was beaten into the air, wiped off the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile, “Didn’t you say you don’t use your hands before?” “”
“The corners of Frieza’s mouth twitched a few times, the smile in his eyes completely disappeared, he sneered a few times and said, “Hmph, that’s because the preferential service has ended! “”
“”Hahaha, it turns out that the preferential treatment is over. “Sun Tianhua also smiled, “Then in return for the preferential service you gave me, I will also give you a piece of advice.” “”
“”advice? ” Frieza raised his eyebrows with a look of surprise.”
“Sun Tianhua stood up straight, patted the dust on his body and said, “You are too confident in your own strength, this is the reason for your flaws! “”
“”…” Frieza was silent for a moment, under Sun Tianhua’s attack, he was forced to violate his promise and use both hands, and now that Sun Tianhua said such words, his self-esteem has been stung! ”
“This change of mentality made the coldness in his eyes a little bit more, he said softly, “Thank you for your advice. “”
“However, Frieza is a self-proclaimed gentle person, not only gentle but also very reserved, but after a while, he calmed down and praised, “You are really strong, let alone a Saiyan, the whole universe Few of them are as powerful as you. “”
“Thank you for your compliment. “Although I don’t know if Frieza came to praise him because of cramp, Sun Tianhua still thanked him very politely.”
“”Hehehe, it’s rare for me to ask you mercifully now, are you interested in working under me? Frieza handed out an olive branch to Sun Tianhua, “People as strong as you are really rare, and it would be a pity to just kill them like this!” “”
“It just so happens that almost all the elite fighters around me are dead. If you agree, I can specially form a Sun Tianhua special team for you. I think you should be able to serve me better than Captain Ginyu, after all, you are much better than him. “”
“”Don’t laugh my big teeth off, you don’t think I will accept the solicitation of someone like you? “Sun Tianhua refused without hesitation, and even insulted Frieza in words.”
“Hehehe, I knew you would say that. “Although he was rejected, FriezaBut he still smiled happily, “You Saiyans are born to be so stubborn, like stubborn donkeys! If you really agree, I will still worry about how I will endure such a stubborn monkey like you in the future. !”
“”Hahaha, didn’t you intend to recruit me from the beginning? “Sun Tianhua laughed and said.”
“”No, no, that’s different. As the emperor of the universe, I’m still very generous. As long as you agree, although it’s uncomfortable, I will endure it! Talented subordinates always make people extra patient, don’t they? However, since you rejected my solicitation, you can’t blame me for leaving you with only one path… a dead end! “”
“Sun Tianhua said with a confident smile, “Isn’t it too early to talk big? I’m not defeated by you yet. “”
Chapter 404 I only need to use half of my strength
“Listening to Sun Tianhua’s wild words, Frieza chuckled, “You are really confident, but I have also noticed that although you are trying to be serious, you still retain your strength, right? “”
“”Um? You noticed it. “Sun Tianhua blinked in surprise.”
“And Frieza stretched out his right hand, spread five fingers, and continued, “Counting all the strength you have saved, fifty percent! In other words, as long as I show half of my strength, it is enough to turn you into dust floating in the universe! “”
“In other words, Frieza hasn’t shown even half of his strength so far?” Koshitani Natsumi twitched, “So how strong is this Frieza! No wonder he is called the emperor of the universe It’s…”
“Is he trying to scare people?” Koshitani Xiaoju speculated, “If Frieza was really that strong, he wouldn’t have been forced to use his hands before, would he?”
“EMMMMM…” Koshitani Natsumi put his hands on the floor and thought about it carefully, “I said, didn’t Vegeta say that Frieza didn’t reach the last moment, or that if he wasn’t angry to the extreme, he wouldn’t personally Did you do it? So, I wonder if Frieza hasn’t done it for a long time, and his body is a little rusty?”
“Ah!” Koshitani Xiaoju looked at her in horror, “Xia Hai can use her brain, is the moon blue tonight?”
Koshitani Natsumi: “…”
Is she acting weird?
“Nani? ! “Sun Tianhua was stunned by Frieza’s words on the spot, but then he calmed down, “You really overestimate yourself, don’t you?” If you want to scare me, you have to make up a reasonable reason! “”
“Then we’ll see. Frieza spread his hands, as if stretching his body, “Let me tell you an interesting thing, in fact, I haven’t exercised like this for a long time. So, I actually didn’t play well just now. “”
“Sun Tianhua couldn’t help becoming alert, he could feel the sense of crisis that Frieza brought to him is rising sharply!”
“He couldn’t help but wonder in his heart, just now Frieza said that as long as he used half of his power, it would be enough to turn me into dust, could it be true?!”
“Just as Sun Tianhua was on alert, Frieza’s figure suddenly disappeared, his pupils shrank suddenly, he didn’t see anything just now!”
“While he was terrified, Frieza suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him in the face!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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