“”Whoa! ! “Sun Tianhua cried out in pain, and backed away again and again.”
“Frieza immediately wrapped his tail around Sun Tianhua’s neck, made Sun Tianhua bend down with a little force, and then his elbow hit Sun Tianhua hard in the stomach!”
“”! ! ! “Sun Tianhua’s pupils dilated suddenly, and he knelt down on the ground tremblingly clutching his stomach, so fast that he couldn’t see clearly at all!”
“Sun Tianhua couldn’t open his eyes in pain, “Is the gap between me and you really that big? “”
“”I told you a long time ago, as long as I use about half of my power, I can turn you into dust in the universe. “Frieza turned his back to Sun Tianhua, swayed his tail slightly, and returned to that calm look.”
“”Well. “Sun Tianhua groaned and stood up, resisting the severe pain in his abdomen, and rushed towards Frieza with a roar.”
“The moment his fist hit Frieza’s head, Frieza slightly turned his head away, and with a sudden twitch of his tail, Sun Tianhua was sent flying!”
“At the same time, Frieza appeared at the place where Sun Tianhua was about to land at an even faster speed, and another tail sent him flying!”
“Bang! Bang! Bang…”
“The sound of the tail being slapped on Sun Tianhua’s face kept coming from the arena, and Frieza’s figure could not be seen clearly, only Sun Tianhua was being slapped around by Frieza like a rubber ball!”
“Hearing Sun Tianhua’s screams, Frieza pulled Sun Tianhua into the ground again, and said with a sneer, “Oh, what’s wrong with you? Not to mention half of the power, I haven’t even used a third of my power now. “”
“After all, Frieza kicked Sun Tianhua in the stomach, and Sun Tianhua was like an arrow being shot, smashing all the obstacles and falling into the river!”
“Frieza followed and flew to the river, but he didn’t choose to make a move. He just stood by the river with a relaxed face.”
“Not long after, Sun Tianhua rushed out of the river. He squatted halfway by the river, panting heavily.”
“Frieza covered his mouth and teased, “You finally started to breathe, it seems that you have used all your strength without reservationMeasured. However, it’s a miracle that it survived in my hands for so long. “”
“Sun Tianhua took another breath, adjusted his breath, and rushed over again. Not surprisingly, he was beaten again!”
“”The current situation is not good no matter how you think about it. “Roman took a bite of the cake with a solemn expression, “I didn’t expect that Tianhua has become so strong, and he still can’t beat Frieza!” That Frieza didn’t use as much power as he said, did he? “”
“There is a TV in front of him, and the battle scene between Sun Tianhua and Frieza is playing on the TV. This is a masterpiece of collaboration between Da Vinci and Kohei Imamura. Although it is impossible to perfectly capture the actions of the two of them, But it’s probably okay to look at it.”
“”I don’t know half of it, but from the combat power measuring instrument I developed, Frieza’s current combat power is a full 60 million! “Da Vinci was wearing a pair of strange glasses with the number 60 million written on them!”
“”Sixty, sixty million? ! Roman was so startled that his voice became hoarse, and even the cake fork he was holding fell to the ground, “Hey, dear Da Vinci, the things you made should be fine, right?” In other words, is it too far away to measure accurately? I remember that guy named Shang Bo, with only over 20,000 fighting strength, has already destroyed an entire continent! “”
“Da Vinci glared at Roman with dissatisfaction, “I am the almighty genius Da Vinci! How could there be a problem with a mere combat power measuring instrument? ! Even if it is so far away, it can be measured accurately! “”
“”yes? In other words, is that guy’s combat power really 60 million? Haha, hahaha, hahahaha…” Roman was completely numb, just holding the cake and giggling.”
“Da Vinci said dissatisfiedly, “Stop smirking, use your invincible ring to think of a way! “”
Chapter 405 Vitality Bomb
“”Ring…” Roman smiled bitterly, “but I’m just an ordinary person, at most I like to eat cakes. “”
“Da Vinci sighed helplessly. She naturally knew that the man in front of her had already made a wish to the Holy Grail to become an ordinary person. …everything was sacrificed!”
“It is still possible to exist here now, and it is all because of that girl who can still remember that such a person once existed, and even forced the memory of him into the minds of the public. Otherwise, he would have ceased to exist Even the Hall of Valor will forget him!”
“The current him is indeed just an ordinary person who likes to eat cakes. If you pin your hopes on him, it would be better to hope that Frieza would step on a stone and crush himself to death!”
“Besides, even if Roman still has the power he once had, he probably won’t be able to defeat Frieza…”
“Roman…” A trace of horror flashed in Conan’s eyes. He had been thinking about who this Roman was before. Even if the heroic spirits that have appeared so far do not match the legends or records that have been handed down, he at least knows them all.
Only Roman, he has no idea who it is!
But now, he felt that he had a clue. The so-called Gaetia should refer to GOETIA, and in the magic book “Solomon’s Little Key”, ARSGOETIA is the name of the witchcraft for summoning the seventy-two demon gods!
Coupled with the ring Da Vinci mentioned, he immediately thought of the seal ring owned by King Solomon!
In other words, there is a high probability that this man is King Solomon. Conan gasped, King Solomon, who likes to eat cakes… Today, his inherent impression of the Heroic Spirits is still collapsing.
“”Ah, right! “Roman seemed to remember something, his eyes lit up, and he breathed a sigh of relief, “Kaiwang Fist! Didn’t Tianhua also learn Jiewangquan? ! As long as you use Kaiohken, you should be able to defeat Frieza, right? “”
“”Ah, yes! As an almighty genius, why didn’t I think of Kaiou Fist? Da Vinci also relaxed a lot, “It seems that there is still a chance of winning against Frieza!” Do you think so, Master Li? “”
“Li Shuwen, who was bumped by Da Vinci’s arm, had a sullen face, he was not as happy as the two of them at all, “Unfortunately, Tianhua has already used the Kaiwang Fist now!” And it’s the highest strength he can bear so far, ten times the world king fist! Compared with before, his current combat power has increased tenfold! “”
“”I’ve already used it…” Da Vinci hastily measured Sun Tianhua’s combat power with the combat power measuring instrument. Compared with before, the combat power has indeed increased by ten times!”
“This time, both Da Vinci and Roman were silent.”
“On the other hand, the battle between Sun Tianhua and Frieza is still going on fiercely. Of course, it may be inappropriate to say that. It should be said that Sun Tianhua is constantly being beaten!”
“Frieza knocked Sun Tianhua into the air with another punch, then slowly landed on the ground, quietly waiting for Sun Tianhua to stand up.”
“Sun Tianhua was lying on the ground, panting heavily, whether it was due to physical injuries or the pressure of facing Frieza, he was short of breath.”
“After a full minute, he stood up from the ground with difficulty. Looking at Frieza not far away, who was resting, he couldn’t help asking, “Why don’t you take advantage of the victory and pursue it? “”
“”If you keep attacking, you might die soon. Frieza’s tail slapped the ground, and the arcs at the corners of his eyes showed that he was in a very good mood, “After all, I’m reluctant to kill you so soon. If I don’t torture you well, my heart willThere is no way to appease the anger in Zhong. “”
“Hahaha, you really are a cold and heartless guy. “Sun Tianhua laughed bitterly, and then said calmly, “Looking at it now, I don’t seem to be your opponent. “”
“”It’s useless to regret now, after all, you are the one who challenged me and rejected my recruitment. Frieza said coldly, “However, if you are willing to surrender, maybe I will not torture you and give you a good time if I am happy for a while.” “”
“”That’s really sorry, for my wife, my unborn child, my brother, and all the innocent people on this planet, I must defeat you! “Sun Tianhua finished speaking, slowly raised his hands to the sky, and then closed his eyes. It is quite the essence of sending a national military salute.”
“”Um? Seeing Sun Tianhua’s strange movements, Frieza couldn’t help being curious, “What are you doing?” “”
“Sun Tianhua didn’t say anything, he just sensed the aura of all the creatures on this planet, calling softly in his heart, everyone, lend me your strength!”
“The birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, the animals running on the ground, the plants fluttering in the wind, and the human beings who are the spirits of all things… The qi contained in every living thing on this planet gradually drifts away and gathers. Wake up, this is exactly another trick that Sun Tianhua has practiced – Vitality Bomb!”
“Hey, I’m asking you something. “Seeing that Sun Tianhua didn’t answer, Frieza’s eyes flashed with anger, and a beam of light hit Sun Tianhua’s knee!”
“”Ugh! ! “Sun Tianhua screamed and half-kneeled down, but his hands still kept the same movements. After a while, he stood up again, panting heavily, while collecting the qi contained in all living things.”
“At this time, Sun Tianhua was quite fortunate. Fortunately, Frieza is an alien and doesn’t know how to use qi. Otherwise, he would definitely have noticed this energy bomb in the sky!”
“” Even so, don’t you give up? Frieza raised his eyebrows, and said with great interest, “Looking at your appearance, you should be planning to do something, right?” Is there any trick? Then do it for me, just because I’m still bored. “”
“”Let me think about it, after you managed to use the treasured trick, but found that it didn’t work for me at all, your expression at that time must be very funny! Oh oh oh oh oh~” Frieza covered his mouth and smiled very happily, he just waited out of determination.”
“This wait is a full half an hour!”
“Frieza, who had clearly made up his mind before, has already worn out his patience! He stared angrily at Sun Tianhua, “Hey! What the hell are you thinking about? ! Could it be that you want to delay for a while, to delay the time for me to destroy this planet? ! “”
“But Sun Tianhua still didn’t say anything. The biggest disadvantage of this skill is that it takes a long time to gather vitality!”
Chapter 406: I am Frieza, Emperor of the Universe
“”Damn wild monkey, how dare you ignore me again and again? ! “”
“Frieza, who was already waiting impatiently, saw that Sun Tianhua didn’t say a word, and the anger in his heart burned even more!”
“In anger, he rushed up and punched Sun Tianhua in the head!”
“There was a bang, and Sun Tianhua flew upside down and landed on the ground screaming.”
“”Well! it hurts! “Sun Tianhua frowned and groaned in pain, the punch just now made him feel like all the bones in his body were falling apart!”
“He squinted his eyes and looked at the vitality bomb in the sky, thinking in his heart, it’s not big enough, and this kind of power might not be enough to defeat Frieza! You need to continue to gather vitality!”
“It’s really not very big, you can even say it’s too small?” Sun Tianhua was a little bit numb. At first he thought that the vitality bullet should be big enough after gathering for so long, but when the camera turned around, he could see clearly that this A vitality bomb is at most the size of a basketball!
Gather vitality from all the creatures on the entire planet, and after gathering for so long, it turned out to be only the size of a basketball… He suddenly felt that the vitality bomb was an unreliable trick. Qigong is much stronger than this vitality bomb!
“It’s not small, is it?” Xia Yun gave him a strange look, “I think this vitality bomb should be as big as the playground, so it shouldn’t be too small!”
After finishing speaking, Xia Yun suddenly realized, “Oh, by the way, you just look at the size in the video and think that this vitality bullet is not big enough? But this angle is from Sun Tianhua’s direction. It’s so far away from Yuanqi Bomb, so of course it looks small! When you stand on the ground and look at the sun, don’t you think it’s at most as big as a basketball?”
“Uh, that’s true.” Sun Tianhua was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dryly. He hadn’t thought of this at all just now… But after the cadre school, he felt a surge of horror in his heart. With such a huge vitality bomb, he actually Feel like it’s not enough to beat Frieza?
“Just a little bit…just a little bit! Sun Tianhua said in his heart, then he stood up tremblingly, maintaining his previous movements.”
“”This pose again? What the hell are you playing! “When Frieza saw Sun Tianhua’s action, the veins on his forehead suddenly bulged, and he felt as if he had been fooled!”
“”Stop playing tricks like this with me, Wild Monkey, I’ve had enough of you! “Frieza raised his right hand, and an energy projectile shot out, hitting Sun Tianhua.”
“”Wow! “Sun Tianhua wailed, unable to maintain the movement of gathering vitality anymore, and flew hundreds of meters away!”
“Frieza slowly floated over and landed beside Sun Tianhua, condescendingly looking down at the lyingSun Tianhua, who was on the ground, said, “You monkeys have always been like this from before, you guys are so angry when you look at them! I’ve had enough of this long and boring battle.”
“Frieza slowly stretched out his right index finger, and a small, pitch-black energy that exuded a frightening aura condensed on his finger, “Next, I will completely destroy this disgusting planet! Of course, before the planet explodes, I will take the Dragon Balls and that Namek away. As for you, just lament your powerlessness in hell! “”
“Suddenly, Frieza saw that there seemed to be a huge shadow on the ground, and he paused for a while in surprise, “Huh? What is this? It doesn’t look like the sun! “”
“The curious Frieza immediately looked up, and saw an extremely huge energy bomb hovering above his head!”
“” Was it discovered? “Sun Tianhua said in a heavy tone, once discovered, there is no way to sneak attack! If you can’t sneak attack, Frieza can dodge the attack at any time!”
“And Frieza’s eyes almost popped out at this time, “Then, what is that? ! Is it a collection of pure energy? Could it be that you just made it? ! how can that be! There should be no remaining energy in your body! “”
“Although I don’t know if a vitality bomb of this size can defeat Frieza, but there is no other way now! A flash of determination flashed in Sun Tianhua’s eyes, and immediately triggered that huge vitality bomb to fall from the sky!”
“How can it be repaired! The angry Frieza immediately activated the energy bomb in his hand again, “I’m going to blow you into dust in the universe!” Planet Destroyer! “”
“The pitch-black ball of light hovering over his finger instantly swelled up, but just as he was about to throw the planet-destroying bomb to the ground, a huge shadow enveloped his body!”
“Frieza’s body froze suddenly. He turned around quickly, only to find that the huge energy bomb that was so far away just now was already close in front of his eyes! Even his planet-destroying bomb had been destroyed. Swallowed by that huge energy bomb!”
“”Oops, oops! Frieza said in a panic, but then a look of humiliation appeared on his face, “Am I panicking?” Are you afraid? ! how can that be! I am Frieza, Emperor of the Universe! I will not be afraid of such a mere thing! “”
“Frieza, whose self-esteem was stimulated, did not choose to escape, but rushed towards the huge energy bomb, stretching out both hands, trying to use this energy bomb just like he did with Vegeta’s Galik before. Push it back!”
“However, the power of the vitality bullet seems to have exceeded his imagination. Not only did he fail to push the vitality bullet, but he was even pushed down by the vitality bullet!”
“Looking at it from a distance, the speed of the vitality bomb’s falling doesn’t even slow down!”
“”damn it! go back to me! ” Frieza roared, his slender hands suddenly swelled up, his eyes were bloodshot, it seemed that he had exhausted all his energy!”
“Unfortunately, even so, Frieza was pushed towards the ground bit by bit, and finally hit the ground!”
“A shocking explosion resounded through the sky! Afterwards, the ground trembled, the wind howled, and huge smoke and dust filled the sky, just like the end of the world!”
“After a long time, the smoke and dust finally dissipated, the wind stopped whistling, and the ground stopped trembling. The place where Frieza was hit before left a huge crater with a diameter of tens of kilometers. There is no sign of Frieza.”
“”What the hell happened? “Sun Lin, who recovered from his injuries, just flew over when he was blown away by the huge airflow generated by the previous vitality bomb. At this time, he adjusted his figure and flew over again. Seeing the completely changed terrain, he was stunned.”
Chapter 407 I can’t do anything
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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