“”By the way, where’s my brother? “Sun Lin suddenly reacted, and hurriedly searched for Sun Tianhua’s trace.”
“After flying for a while, he saw Sun Tianhua who was pinned under a rock and couldn’t move. He quickly flew down, “Brother, are you alright? ! “”
“Sun Tianhua slowly opened his eyes, and smiled wearily, “Xiao Lin, are you here too?” “”
“Well, I came over after I recovered from my injury. “Sun Lin said while reaching out to remove the stones on Sun Tianhua’s body one by one, “Brother, do you feel any discomfort?” By the way, what about that guy Frieza? “”
“”I’m fine, although I’ve suffered some injuries, but it’s enough to take care of it. Sun Tianhua said with a smile, “As for Frieza, I can’t feel his anger anymore, maybe he was really defeated by me.” That guy is really strong, I am no match at all, if he hadn’t given up dodging and chose to resist, maybe he wouldn’t be able to touch him with that move. “”
“”Is Frieza really defeated? Great! “Sun Lin helped Sun Tianhua up with joy, “Brother, let me take you to the hospital first, and then I’m going to get the Dragon Balls. I heard from Piccolo that as long as you use the Dragon Balls, you can make those killed by Frieza die.” people resurrected. “”
“Ah, it’s over! “When Sun Tianhua heard about the hospital, his expression suddenly changed, he looked very panicked.”
“What, what’s up? ! Sun Lin also panicked, “Could it be that Frieza is not dead yet?” “”
“No, I suddenly remembered, XiaoyunWhen I gave birth, I seemed to be still practicing, and I didn’t go at all! She will definitely be angry! “”
“”call. Sun Lin breathed a sigh of relief, “I was scared to death, I thought Frieza was not dead.” “”
“Then Sun Lin said comfortingly, “Don’t worry, your father-in-law and the others have taken good care of your sister-in-law. Besides, sister-in-law knows that you are fighting for the safety of our planet, how could she be angry? She is not an ignorant person. “”
“”Although I said that…but I think that if everything is over, Xiaoyun must still be angry, right? And when Xiaoyun gets angry, I feel even scarier than Frieza. “Sun Tianhua scratched his head, and there was still a little panic on his face.”
“Tianhua, do you really think I’m more vicious than Frieza?” Xia Yun looked at Sun Tianhua with a smile, and reached his waist to grab a piece of flesh and began to twist.
“No, no… How could you be scarier than Frieza? This is definitely not what I said! Rumors, they are all rumors!” Sun Tianhua swallowed a mouthful of saliva, obviously smiling, but he was inexplicable There was a sense of danger in that smile.
“Hehe, it’s good that you know, there are not many girls in this world who are as gentle as me.” Xia Yun gave him a blank look, and stopped torturing him.
Sun Tianhua wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, he really felt that Xia Yun was scarier than Frieza…
“”Hahaha. “Sun Lin laughed twice, but didn’t answer. When he was about to fly away, his pupils suddenly dilated, and his whole body trembled.”
“What’s the matter with you, Colin? “Sun Tianhua saw Sun Lin’s expression, and followed his gaze in surprise. Not far from them, a familiar figure was standing there in a state of embarrassment——It was Frieza!”
“Fo, Frieza? ! “Sun Tianhua also widened his eyes, and said in disbelief, “I, I obviously didn’t sense your anger! Moreover, after being hit by such a huge vitality bullet, you are still alive? ! “”
“”Vital energy bomb? Is this the name of the move just now? At this moment, Frieza was covered in wounds and blood was flowing everywhere, but he still said with a smile, “The vitality bomb just now was really powerful, even I almost died.” “”
“”Yeah, I almost died…you caused me, the emperor of the universe, to almost die, do you know that? ! “Frieza’s expression suddenly became extremely ferocious, and that fake smile no longer appeared on his face!”
“Little Lin, hurry up and go. “Sun Tianhua took the initiative to let go of the hand supported by Sun Lin, “Take that guy Frieza’s spaceship, if you can find someone who can operate it, maybe you can escape!” Take Dad, Xiaoyun, Xiaolian and the others to leave quickly, understand? ! “”
” “Do you think I’ll let you escape? I will kill every single one of you! Frieza’s face was grim, and he almost yelled out these words, “I don’t care about the Namekians anymore!” Even without the Namekians, Kikono would definitely be able to find a way to use the Dragon Balls! Fuck me! “”
“Frieza pointed his fingers at Sun Lin, and Sun Lin seemed to be caught by someone, floating into the air, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t break free!”
“” Xiaolin! “Sun Tianhua yelled anxiously, and wanted to rush up to save him, but his feet were weak and he fell to the ground because he had no strength left.”
“”Hehehe, how does it feel to see someone important to you dying in front of your eyes? Just feel your own powerlessness to the fullest, and then die in despair! Frieza laughed wildly, “Oh, yes, I just heard you say that he is not the only one you care about, right?” “”
“With a wave of Frieza’s hand, the super power was activated, but in a short time, he locked on the person who was chanting Sun Tianhua’s name, and everyone around that person, and captured them all!”
“Dad, Xiaoyun, Xiaolian, father-in-law, and…” Sun Tianhua looked at all the people floating in the air in horror, including his adoptive father, his father-in-law, his wife, and his younger brother. , his wife’s sister, and a newborn baby!”
“Although he has never seen it before, he can easily feel the close breath from that baby after he has learned the breath sensor. He knows that this is his child!”
“”Sun Tianhua, show me clearly, they all died because of your incompetence! Oh ho ho ho ho ho! ” Frieza laughed wildly, clenched his fists under Sun Tianhua’s desperate gaze!”
“The six people didn’t even have time to speak, and under the control of Frieza’s super power, they exploded and turned into puddles of meat!”
“”…” Sun Tianhua looked at this scene blankly, some of the flesh and blood even splashed on his body, feeling the warm flesh and blood on his body, a string in his mind… broke!”
“I, I can’t do anything… Sun Tianhua slowly clenched his fists, and it seemed that a force surged out of his body that had no strength at all! The surging power far surpassed the previous power!”
“Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed, and a bolt of lightning struck down!”
“Among the flashes of lightning, Frieza was surprised that Sun Tianhua’s jet-black hair seemed… to have changed?”
Chapter 408: The Strongest Warrior in the Universe
“Sun Tianhua slowly floated into the air, and with the sound of thunder, the pupils in his eyes seemed to lose their color, the veins all over his body burst out, and he roared like a wounded animal, “Ah! ! ! “”
“The sky is full of low black clouds, as if they are going to swallow the whole world into darkness!”
“Like the first flame bursting out suddenly in the dark night, golden flames suddenly erupted from Sun Tianhua’s body.Light up the sky! ”
“In the darkness, he seemed to be the only one left, and even Frieza’s sense of existence seemed to have become smaller.”
“Nah, Nani? ! Frieza looked in horror at Sun Tianhua, who burst out with golden arrogance all over his body, and even his hair and eyebrows turned golden yellow. For some reason, there was a surge of fear in his heart! Even he couldn’t help but step back. One step.”
“But in a blink of an eye, a sense of humiliation surged in his heart! Fear? Am I afraid? As the majestic emperor of the universe, Frieza would actually be afraid of this wild monkey?!”
“Frieza moved back without any trace, as if trying to hide the fear in his heart, he glared at Sun Tianhua, “What’s going on with your hair, that transformation? ! You bastard, who the hell are you! “”
“Sun Tianhua slowly shifted his gaze to Frieza, and Frieza felt chills all over his body when he saw that cold gaze!”
“After a long time, he said slowly, “I am Sun Tianhua, a Chinese who grew up on this planet and this country, and at the same time, Kakarot, a Saiyan from Planet Vegeta! Now, standing in front of you is the strongest warrior in the universe! “”
“”At the same time, it is also the existence you fear the most, the legendary warrior-Super Saiyan! “”
“Is this the Super Saiyan?” Vegeta’s heart was burning, it was too strong, it was too strong! Just the aura that emanates frightens Frieza!
He watched the video with great anticipation, hoping that Sun Tianhua could torture and kill Frieza!
“Kakarot, you must kill Frieza!”
“Super Saiyan, the transformation also comes with dyed hair.” Baiyin Yuyuki’s eyes lit up, he also has yellow hair, but it doesn’t have this golden feeling, but it feels a bit malnourished and withered , which made him a little envious of this golden and smooth hair…
As himself, Sun Tianhua was even more excited. When he just saw Frieza killing his family members, even though he knew that his family members were still alive, the anger in his heart was still crazily high. He wanted to tear Frieza into pieces. !
“I transformed into a Super Saiyan, can I always defeat Frieza?!”
“”Super Saiyan? Don’t be kidding, don’t you Saiyans can only become monkeys? ! Don’t think a hair color change will scare me off! “Under the intertwining of anger and fear, Frieza raised his finger and was about to shoot a death beam!”
“However, the moment he was about to strike, Sun Tianhua unexpectedly appeared in front of him and grabbed his wrist!”
“”! ! ! ” Frieza’s eyes widened, and he looked at Sun Tianhua who was close at hand in horror. Even he didn’t see Sun Tianhua’s actions clearly!”
“Fat, what happened? “”
“Even Frieza himself didn’t realize that his tone is no longer that condescending attitude, but is pretending to be calm in fear!”
” “Mind your hands, you rubbish! “Sun Tianhua slowly moved Frieza’s wrist, as if he wanted to break his hands!”
“Frieza tried to break free, but found that no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t break free! Feeling the sharp pain from his hands, he couldn’t help but cry out in pain, “Ku… ah! ! ! “”
“You bastard, are you going to break my hand alive?! Frieza’s face was distorted in pain, his eyes narrowed, and a terrifying laser burst out from his eyes!”
“Sun Tianhua didn’t dodge or dodge, he let the lasers hit him, making a violent explosion!”
“Frieza took this opportunity to withdraw his hand suddenly, and jumped back. While rubbing the wrist that was scratched red by Sun Tianhua, he cursed happily, “How dare you do such a thing to me, Frieza? You deserve to die here! If you take my trick head-on, don’t expect to be safe and sound! “”
“It seems that Frieza’s smile became more ferocious when he saw Sun Tianhua’s miserable state of having two holes punched out by his own pair of lasers.”
“But it’s a pity that the reality still disappoints him after all!”
“As the saying goes, if there is smoke, there is no injury. When the dust from the explosion dissipated, the unscathed Sun Tianhua appeared in front of him!”
“”how can that be! Frieza’s eyes widened, and he roared out of composure, “What the hell did you do! “”
“Sun Tianhua’s expression didn’t change a bit, he still stared at him with that cold gaze, “You take pleasure in killing people, don’t you think that this will make you look great? “”
“Being stared at by those cold eyes, Frieza seems to feel that there is a sharp sword in those eyes, which can pierce his soul!”
“But as the emperor of the universe, how could he be afraid of this!”
“He stood up straight, and tried to speak with the superior, easy-going attitude before, “I am Frieza, the emperor of the universe! It is an honor for them to die at my hands! “”
“”pleasure? “Sun Tianhua raised his eyebrows expressionlessly, and his momentum exploded again, “You know what?” Frieza, I’m… completely angry now! “”
“Following his roar, the ground collapsed in an instant. Before Frieza could even see his movements clearly, he felt a sharp pain on his face, and then he could no longer stand still. In an instant, It flew out like a cannonball!”
“Sun Tianhua didn’t hesitate, his speed increased sharply again, and he caught up with Frieza in the blink of an eye. He grabbed Frieza’s leg with one hand and his head with the other. While lifting his knee, he held Frieza with both hands and moved towards him. Hit it on your own knee!”
“”Whoa! ! ! ” Frieza immediately screamed, and even his eyes were about to pop out in pain! He could even hear the bones on his bodyThe slight crackling sound! ”
“Sun Tianhua even grabbed Frieza’s tail mercilessly, swung it several times in the air like a meteor hammer, and then threw it towards the ground!”
“Then, with one hand facing the ground, he said coldly, “Kame Pai Qigong! “”
“At this time, he doesn’t even need both hands to store Qi, he can release it at will with just one hand!”
“The huge blue qigong wave caught up to Frieza’s body in an instant and blasted him into the ground!”
Chapter 409 You already knew me, didn’t you?
“Above the vast wilderness, the ground felt as if it had been hit hard, and it was dented and cracked!”
“The light emitted by the huge blue qigong wave actually dyed the pitch-black sky with a layer of blue!”
“”What’s going on now? “”
“The high-level leaders of some countries have tried their best to observe the situation here. Even if their equipment can’t observe the battle scene at all, at least taking a look can give them a lot of peace of mind.”
“Although the more they watched, the more flustered they became… But when they saw that Sun Tianhua’s hair had turned golden yellow, and even started to frighten Frieza, they finally felt relieved. Anyway, Sun Tianhua’s appearance is also the same as their Blue Star Humans are similar, so it shouldn’t be like that blue alien who directly destroys a continent, right?”
“This planet was originally peaceful, but since the arrival of Frieza, in just a few days, it has become like this. An entire continent has been destroyed, and more than a billion people have died. Whether it is civilians or high-level people, everyone Just pray that these damned aliens get out of here!”
“When there were no aliens, they often fantasized about the existence of aliens, but when aliens really existed, they only felt endless sorrow and humiliation!”
“All of this is because they lack firepower…”
“Just when they hated their lack of firepower and prayed for the aliens to leave quickly. Suddenly—”
“The hot blue light dispelled the darkness, and the places that were originally shrouded in dark clouds were completely revealed, and countless modern instruments burst out sparks one after another.”
“On the blue star, it’s like an extra blue sun!”
“In the next second, the frightening power fluctuations spread to the whole world, blowing the entire planet like a hurricane!”
“Such a terrifying scene lasted for about ten minutes before it subsided slowly.”
“Sun Tianhua looked at the ground expressionlessly, he knew that he couldn’t kill Frieza at this level.”
“After everything subsided, it took a while for Frieza to float up. He kept panting heavily, and his injuries became more serious than before.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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