“After glaring at Sun Tianhua for a while, he suddenly laughed, “What a lecturing tone, you just accused me of killing innocent people indiscriminately, didn’t you?” Is it right for you Saiyans to kill so many people in the past? “”
“Seeing that his own strength is at a disadvantage, Frieza actually started talking about it! I don’t know whether he wants to let Sun Tianhua join him in this way, or whether he wants Sun Tianhua to lose his fighting spirit.”
“But to his surprise, upon hearing this, Sun Tianhua just said indifferently, “That’s why the Saiyans are extinct… This time, it’s my turn to punish you!” “”
“”Sanctions? Sanctions? ! The veins on Frieza’s forehead suddenly popped up, “Just because you want to punish me, Frieza?” ! For a mere wild monkey, there must be a limit to getting carried away! “”
“Frieza’s figure suddenly disappeared, and Sun Tianhua also disappeared in place.”
“Then, a fiery red light that seemed to cover the entire planet erupted from the clouds—that was the flame produced by the aftermath of the power between the two and the effect of the atmosphere!”
“The people looked up at the sky in a daze, and they began to fear, whether they would be reduced to ashes in an instant like the people on that vanished continent!”
“But the fear in their hearts has just risen, and there is a strong light flashing outside the clouds, making people unable to open their eyes!”
“”Oh! ! ! “”
“When the field of vision was dim, Frieza’s cry of pain that seemed to shake out the internal organs of a person came. It was just a cry of pain, but it also made ordinary people’s hairs stand on end, terrified and uneasy.”
“As soon as they opened their eyes, a huge qigong cannon shot through the clouds like a stream of light, smashing into the unreal horizon.”
“This qigong cannon flew all the way to the middle of the Philippine continent before disengaging from the land. It quickly grazed the surface, penetrated the entire continent from east to west, and then shot into the universe. It didn’t know how far it flew before the momentum disappeared!”
“A horrific rift valley with a width of about 30 kilometers appeared, and the entire Philippine continent was easily divided into two like a cake…”
“The water in the ocean is like the hungry students rushing into the rift valley when the school cafeteria opens at noon.”
“At the same time, the longitudinal wave of the earthquake, which contained terrifying energy, spread in all directions at a terrifying speed. Wherever it passed, the rock formations collapsed, the land cracked, and the mountains collapsed like fragile building blocks. The doomsday-like scene made animals and the people ran in terror!”
“”Frieza…” Although Sun Tianhua didn’t see the distant scene clearly, through the perception of qi, he could clearly perceive how many lives were killed by the qigong wave just now!”
“He looked at Frieza calmly, even though he was extremely angry in his heart, there was no emotion on his face… at the same timeAt that time, he also knew that Frieza’s action was to let him know that once a strong man of their level fights, if he can’t control his power, even if it is only a part of it, it will be enough to cause a heinous tragedy! ”
“Once you recognize this part of the facts, you will pay attention to this point in your heart from time to time, you will subconsciously let go of your strength, and you will involuntarily restrain your hands and feet!”
“I have to say, even though we only met each other not long ago, Frieza clearly analyzed his character!”
“Stay there honestly and don’t move, otherwise, I can’t guarantee how many people will die. Frieza smiled sullenly, raised his hand, and a purple-red ball of light hovered over his finger, “As long as I hit you with this blow, it will kill you!” “”
“”If you can kill me, come and try. “Sun Tianhua really stopped where he was and didn’t move.”
“With a wave of Frieza’s finger, the small purple-red light ball immediately burst out as a beam of light, hitting Sun Tianhua’s head, knocking his head up!”
“”Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho, you really didn’t escape? How stupid! You don’t think I won’t kill these people after you die, do you? ! “”
“Just as Frieza was laughing wildly, Sun Tianhua’s raised head fell down. There was only a small red dot where Frieza hit, and he didn’t even break the defense!”
“Looking at Frieza’s shocked expression, Sun Tianhua said, “I just want you to know the gap between us! “”
“”…” Frieza took a step back in horror, and asked again in a panic, “You, who are you? “”
“”You already knew me, didn’t you? “”
Chapter 410: It must be a machine failure
“Oh Noel! “”
“The attack failed, and Sun Tianhua’s contemptuous eyes, the humiliation and fear in Frieza’s heart turned into extreme anger in an instant!”
“”gap? How dare you tell me the difference? I am Frieza, Emperor of the Universe! Frieza roared, raised his right hand high, and instantly condensed an incomparably huge energy bomb. From a distance, this energy bomb was as big as ten stadiums!”
“Even the energy bomb he used to destroy Planet Vegeta was not so huge! There is no doubt that once this energy bomb falls, the entire Blue Planet will be wiped out!”
“”Give me with this planet, as dust! “”
“He threw the energy bomb at Sun Tianhua with a hideous face, and the huge energy bomb immediately brought Sun Tianhua down continuously, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire planet in the next moment!”
“Hahaha, you deserve it! Anyone who dares to defy me, Frieza, will die! “”
“Just as Frieza was laughing wildly, the huge energy bomb suddenly stagnated, and then flew back at an even faster speed!”
“Nani? ! ” Frieza stared, and before he could dodge an inch, he was smashed in the face by that huge energy bullet!”
“But the energy bomb did not explode immediately, but was pushed forward by Sun Tianhua, and in about a second, the two appeared on the white road more than 400,000 kilometers away, and the moon is only tens of thousands of kilometers away. It is already clearly visible!”
“After that, the huge energy bomb finally exploded completely, and a blazing white light burst out in the dark cosmic space!”
“Whether it’s Sun Tianhua or Frieza, both of them were exposed to the terrifying impact head-on, but the difference is that Sun Tianhua was almost unscathed, while Frieza was a little bit more injured because of his own energy bullet!”
“But the expression on Frieza’s face at this moment is not the pain of being seriously injured, but the incomparable surprise of seeing something unbelievable!”
“His astonished voice immediately passed into Sun Tianhua’s mind through superpowers, “You, how could you possibly be able to survive in the universe? ! “”
“In his memory, Saiyans are a race that can’t survive in space at all! That’s why he just planned to use that trick to destroy that planet. Once the planet is destroyed, no matter how strong this guy is They will all die because their bodies are exposed to space!”
“But in the end, he slapped him in the face. This guy, like him, can survive in space! Could it be that he is different from ordinary Saiyans because of his transformation?”
“And Sun Tianhua’s voice also came into his mind along Frieza’s superpower, “Why? I’m also looking for an answer. “”
“”Are you kidding me? ! Gritting his teeth, Frieza roared, and couldn’t help but think in his heart: This is like a nightmare that shouldn’t have happened… Yes, a nightmare! Frieza, the majestic universe emperor, was bullied to such an extent by a wild monkey , I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!”
“But after a while, he thought of something, and he calmed down again, “To tell you the truth, my strength has not reached the limit, and now I only use about 70% of my strength!” As long as I can use all my strength, a monkey like you, I can easily kill you with just a move of my hand! “”
“It’s really pitiful to see your self-deceiving appearance, well, I will give you a chance, a chance to bring out all the power in your body. “Sun Tianhua folded his arms expressionlessly.”
“Frieza glared at Sun Tianhua, the expression he had just pretended to be calm was immediately revealed, coupled with Sun Tianhua’s almost benevolent tone, the humiliation in his heart almost reached its peak!”
“” Don’t regret it! “”
“After a roar, Frieza began to accumulate energy under Sun Tianhua’s gaze, and the Qi in his body soared like a rocket!”
“Inside Frieza’s spaceship, a group of miscellaneous soldiers were trembling, and one of them said cautiously, “Should we leave this planet first? Once King Frieza destroys this planet, we won’t even be able to escape.” It fell!”
“The other person snorted coldly and said in a cheerful mood, “The members of the Ginuit team have already lost their energy response. Now Frieza has been fighting with his opponent for so long and it is not over. I think Frieza The guy is also coming to an end! Sparsi! The demon that destroyed our planet is finally dying! “”
“A gunshot rang out, and the person who hated Frieza fell to the ground immediately. The one who did it was Kikono.”
“He put his hands behind his back, walked slowly, and said as he walked, “King Frieza is an invincible existence. Even if the battle lasts a little longer, he is just playing with the enemy. You should think more when you speak. After all, if King Frieza knew about it, he would not have died so easily. “”
“Everyone fell silent and dared not speak again.”
“Suddenly, a large instrument started beeping, and Kikono’s eyes lit up, “Oh, King Frieza’s energy response has been found! “”
“The alien sitting in front of this machine and controlling it quickly responded, “Yes, yes, it is indeed King Frieza’s energy response, and the combat power value is rising crazily, 110 million, 113 million Millions… 120 million! King Frieza’s combat power finally stopped at 120 million! “”
“Hey, you are indeed King Frieza! What a terrible value! This kind of power, even if it’s just momentum, is enough to defeat all enemies, right? ! Kikono said happily, “I didn’t expect King Frieza to be serious. It seems that the enemy must have completely angered King Frieza!” “”
“”But, but…” The alien manipulating the machine suddenly changed his expression, and said in a panic, “There is an extremely powerful energy reaction beside King Frieza! And it keeps rising! The combat power is 134 million, 138 million…””
“Kikono on the side was dumbfounded, “No, it’s impossible! How could there be such a powerful existence in this world, even stronger than King Frieza! Machine failure, yes, it must be a machine failure! “”
“Kikono, who decided that the machine was faulty, quickly walked over to fix it. But just as he approached, the machine started to alarm like it was overwhelmed, and at the same time, white smoke began to emit from the top of the machine.”
“This machine finally couldn’t withstand those two terrifying energy reactions, and exploded directly!”
Chapter 411 Yellow hair? Isn’t that just a street sneaker?
“The combat power is over 100 million, what kind of monsters are these two guys!” Kyosuke Kosaka’s eyes were staring straight, he remembered clearly that the guy named Shangbo had a combat power of just over 20,000. Entire continents have been destroyed!
But now, the two of them can beat a hundred Shangbo for just a fraction!
A feeling of envy, jealousy and hatred suddenly surged in his heart. Not only is he powerful, but he can also survive in the universe. What a cowhide this is!
If he can do the same, opening a space travel live broadcast room will definitely become a hit!
“On the other hand, after a long period of energy accumulation, Frieza’s power in his body has finally reached its peak. He doesn’t understand the induction energy, so naturally he can’t understand how terrifying the power in Sun Tianhua’s body is at this moment!”
“He just felt the surging power in his body, and the confidence in his heart emerged again,”
“Looking at Sun Tianhua’s indifferent expression not far away, and the flying golden hair blown by the flames, the anger in his heart burst out involuntarily. He clapped his hands lightly, and then pushed them out violently.”
“The next second, without a sound, an astonishing light erupted in the universe, and an energy bullet that was more dazzling than the sun flew out of his hand!”
“” Frieza! “”
“Obviously there is no air, and the previous communication all depended on Frieza’s superpower. But at this time, Frieza seemed to hear some kind of deafening roar, and Sun Tianhua punched out the energy bomb. .”
“As soon as the two touched, an earth-shattering explosion bloomed in the darkness!”
“In just a few seconds, the two fought more than ten times, leaving a series of flames on the path of millions of kilometers!”
“And after this fight, Frieza suddenly discovered that he had already used 100% of his strength, yet he was still at a disadvantage!”
“He wants to escape back to Blue Star, only by being there can he force Sun Tianhua to restrain his strength!”
“But Sun Tianhua had already understood his purpose, and immediately punched Frieza in the face, sending him flying into the starry sky farther away!”
“Although Frieza adjusted his body immediately and was about to fly towards Blue Star, he saw that Sun Tianhua had already rushed over! Under Sun Tianhua’s struggle, the two arrived at Mars in just half a minute. The place between Jupiter, that is, the famous asteroid belt 400 million kilometers away from the sun!”
“And the endless flames and explosions also came all the way from the blue star to the asteroid belt!”
“Sun Tianhua knocked Frieza into the air with another punch, and then a Kameha qigong blasted him, pushing him onto an asteroid with a diameter of five kilometers and a mass of more than 12 billion tons. Asteroids vanish in an instant!”
“If the two of you fight on Blue Star, the planet will collapse if you don’t pay attention! This is why Sun Tianhua must lead Frieza herereason! ”
“Although the asteroid belt has about 500,000 asteroids, it will be drawn as a densely packed appearance in ordinary books, but in fact, it is far sparser than imagined! Obviously, this is a good place to fight!”
“Frieza opened his mouth wide, as if he was roaring something, the momentum on his body exploded, he casually raised an asteroid with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers, and threw it at Sun Tianhua.”
“Sun Tianhua not only did not dodge, but accelerated violently, rushed to the top of the asteroid, smashed the entire asteroid, and returned to the vacuum.”
“And after he crashed through the asteroid, he didn’t stop, the golden arrogance on his body became fiercer, a golden streamer flashed, and Frieza shot backwards as if he had been hit hard, smashing more than a dozen asteroids in succession. Huge asteroid!”
“Sun Tianhua just stopped, his cold eyes stared at Frieza tightly, although he didn’t speak, but Frieza could clearly perceive the meaning – Frieza, you already want to Ruined!”
“”Ruined? I’m doomed? “The veins on Frieza’s forehead kept bulging, and the anger in his eyes seemed to be burning out!”
“”Just by you, dare to say that I, the emperor of the universe, is about to die? ! How can it be repaired! “”
“Frieza felt that the power in his body seemed to have broken through the previous limit, and it surged again. He pushed forward with both hands, and a purple-red light cannon went towards Sun Tianhua!”
“Seeing that purple-red light cannon getting closer and closer…Sun Tianhua slowly squatted down, gathered his hands around his waist, the Qi in his body climbed to the peak in an instant, and then—”
“”Turtle-pai-qi-gong! “”
“A thicker light blue light cannon burst out from his hands, and the moment it touched Frieza’s light cannon, it easily swallowed it! Then it swallowed Frieza’s figure!”
“The surging energy pushed Frieza forward…until a minute later, this terrifying energy light cannon finally traveled a full 400 million kilometers and reached the sun!”
“The surging energy even blew away part of the flames on the surface of the sun, and then those flames surrounded Frieza in an even more violent manner!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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