“”Oh oh oh oh oh! ! ! ! Oh no tired! Kakarot! “Frieza roared in the flames with a hideous face, and his body was gradually reduced to ashes.”
“Everything is over…” Sun Tianhua felt Frieza’s aura gradually weakened until he completely disappeared. He knew that this time, Frieza would never escape as before. !”
“Then, after defeating this unprecedentedly powerful enemy, protecting the planet he grew up on, and avenging his relatives and lovers, Sun Tianhua didn’t feel happy in his heart, only endless emptiness.”
“”In the end, even if it is revenge, they will not come back to life. “He flew back to Blue Star like a walking dead.”
“He didn’t know what to do, and he didn’t know what to do, but he wanted to go back to his home…”
“”That, Mr. Sun Tianhua, right? “”
“As soon as Sun Tianhua landed, a weak voice sounded in his mind, and he couldn’t help asking, “Who are you? “”
“”I’m a Namek, Piccolo! I was fused with your younger brother before, and then I was killed by Frieza. With a little ability of the Namekians, my soul can last until now, but it may not last long. “”
“Although Piccolo’s voice was weak, he spoke very fast, as if he was in a hurry, “So, I won’t say anything more, next, I will teach you how to use Dragon Balls!” As long as you use the Dragon Balls, you can bring back everyone killed by Frieza! “”
“”Dragon Ball…” Sun Tianhua’s eyes gradually glowed when he heard this term.”
“He listened quietly to Piccolo about how to use the Dragon Balls and where Frieza stored the Dragon Balls before, and quickly flew over there.”
“After he made a wish to the dragon ball, his eyes seemed to flicker, and finally fell into darkness.”
“” Tianhua? Tianhua? are you listening to me “”
“A familiar voice came from my ear, Sun Tianhua slowly opened his eyes, and a beautiful girl was looking at him angrily.”
“”Xiaoyun…” Sun Tianhua stared blankly at Xia Yun, tears streaming down his eyes.”
“Xia Yun was anxious at the time, “Ah, why are you crying? Tianhua, what happened? “”
“Hearing this, Sun Tianhua immediately imagined her explaining, but when the words came to his lips, his eyes became confused. What happened? Yes, what happened?”
“”I don’t know… I don’t know what happened, although I don’t know, but…” Sun Tianhua hugged Xia Yun fiercely, and hot tears fell on her shoulders, “But it’s good to be alive, it’s good for you all to be alive ! “”
“Xia Yun was hugged suddenly, at first she blushed and wanted to reprimand her, but after feeling the tears on her shoulders, she blinked blankly, “Huh? Did you just fall asleep and have a dream or something? “”
“”Dream? Maybe it was a dream… In the dream, I seemed to have become very powerful, and even my hair turned golden yellow. “”
“”Golden? ! Isn’t that street sneaker? no! You should never dye your hair yellow! “”
Chapter 412 MeThere is something wrong with this ID
“Xiaoyun, why does my hair look like a street guy?” Sun Tianhua felt a toothache, and the appearance of the Super Saiyan after transformation is beyond his control!
Xia Yun laughed a few times, “I also don’t know the specifics of your transformation, that’s why I said that.”
Suddenly, her eyes lit up, as if she had turned into a cat’s eyes, “By the way, Tianhua, why don’t you transform yourself so I can see?”
“That’s right, brother-in-law, change yourself and show us.” Xia Lian on the side also said hastily. She, who was extremely curious about Super Saiyans, changed her previous indifference, even the word brother-in-law. shouted.
Xia Binbao’s face turned dark, and he was almost not pissed off, but he didn’t dare to say anything more. Seeing the destructive fighting power of this future son-in-law, he was really afraid that if he was not careful one day, he would end up with a “hit in the back” bombed and found to be a suicide”.
Although it can be seen that Sun Tianhua is not the kind of villain who kills like hemp, whether Sun Tianhua is that kind of person, and whether he is afraid in his heart are two different things!
“Oh, let me give it a try!” Sun Tianhua also showed great interest, got up immediately, ran to the side and began to gather energy, “Drink!”
Both Xia Yun and Xia Lian watched this scene without blinking. Although Xia Binbao on the side looked very uninterested and turned his head away, his eyeballs were secretly aiming this way.
And after Sun Tianhua had accumulated strength for a while, he found that…it seemed that he couldn’t change.
He touched his head with a blank expression on his face, “Why can’t it change? It’s so strange.”
“Hey, from the video, it seems that brother-in-law can transform into a Super Saiyan, but he just lost his memory and doesn’t know that he can transform? Why can’t he change?” Xia Lian tilted her head in confusion, and then, She clapped her hands suddenly and said, “Ah, that’s right! Did brother-in-law even forget the skill of how to transform?”
“Eh…” Sun Tianhua was stunned for a moment, seemed to have some reason?
Sun Tianhua is still trying to transform himself here, and Vegeta is also extremely excited trying to transform into a Super Saiyan, but unfortunately, he can’t transform at all…
“Ahem.” Chief Hu cleared his throat and said softly, “Mr. Vegeta, I don’t think you can do this. Your heart hasn’t really calmed down yet.”
“Calm down?” Vegeta frowned, and understood what he meant a little bit. What was said in the previous video was very clear. If they want to transform into a Super Saiyan, they can overcome the irritability brought by the tail. Emotions, maintaining a peaceful state of mind is the key!
“Thank you.”
Although a little unaccustomed, Vegeta still thanked Director Hu calmly, “Director Hu, it seems that I need to stay with you for a while, do you mind?”
“I don’t mind, I don’t mind.” Director Hu smiled like an old fox. After watching the video, he understood that this Vegeta is not too bad, but he was blinded by hatred, but now Frieza They are all dead, and naturally there is no such thing as being blinded by hatred.
If he is left like this, their country will have two Saiyans! One of them is still a Super Saiyan! If this Vegeta can transform later, it will be two Super Saiyans!
Moreover, he has not forgotten that in the video, Alaya, the will of the human group, clearly said that the children born from the combination of Saiyans and Blue Stars will have higher talents!
Maybe, their country can add a new race called Saiyan!
Thinking of this, Director Hu’s heart became very hot. These are all a group of humanoid self-propelled star destroyers!
On the other side, Hayama Hayato couldn’t help but sigh after watching the video. He felt that living on this planet is really full of disasters.
“It’s a miracle to be alive.”
After sighing, he skillfully turned on the phone and logged into the account of “I hate Baichongjian”. Sure enough, everyone was discussing the content of this video.
Ugly trawling speed: One thing to say, this time is the most enjoyable video I have ever watched!
Selling Little Matches for Girls: Is it fun to play? But the previous few videos I played are also very cool, all of them are at the level of exploding funds!
Ugly trawling speed: No, no, I mean, this video let me know the source of getting special abilities steadily, that is to learn martial arts! Not to mention, the plane ticket to Huaguo has already been bought, and I am going to learn martial arts.
UMR: Learning martial arts is great! He has learned so well that he can even fly in the sky! But I don’t really need to learn martial arts. Although I can’t fly, I can jump very far and high with one jump. If it doesn’t work, I can ask someone to help develop a motorcycle that can fly into the sky.
I hate Baichongjian: the one upstairs is showing off again.
Hayama Hayato naturally knows that UMR is Domabumi’s account, and they communicate with each other after they are tired from training, but Domabuki’s words opened up his mind, and he can ask Imamura Kohei to help with research and development!
Motorcycles appeared in previous videos about him, which fully proves that he is also a talent who can ride motorcycles!
He also wants a motorcycle that can fly!
After fantasizing about a wave of flying motorcycles in his mind, he turned his attention to the phone again, and found that these people had turned into repeaters.
TSF: The one upstairs is showing off again.
Fallen Saint of Chiba: The one upstairs is showing off again.
The true eye of the evil king is the strongest: the one upstairs is showing off again.
Xiao Tongtong: Those upstairs are showing off again.
Gohan Kuri and Isao Kameha: Those upstairs are showing off again.
Makise Kurisu skillfully clicked one plus one, then looked at her ID and fell into deep thought.
Jizheng of the Phoenix Academy sensed that there was something wrong with her expression, and started to get sick as usual, “Chris~Tina~~yo, whyHe has such an expression, is it possible that he is fascinated by my charm? It’s not your fault, it’s all because of my natural tear mole, drink hahahahaha! ”
“Do you think you are a certain knight named Diarmuid? What’s more, you don’t have any mole on your face!” Makise Kurisu complained expressionlessly, and then said sharply, “Also, I am not Diarmuid. Na! Don’t call me that!”
“Hmph~” The Phoenix Academy gave a sinister smile, “You’re shy, I know, this is the Tsundere attribute that was popular back then, right? But Tsundere has retired.”
Makise Kurisu only felt that the veins on her forehead were bulging, but thanks to this, the feeling of confusion she had before dissipated a lot.
She shook her head and said, “I was wondering what happened to my ID? I didn’t think it was weird before, I just thought it was a random name, but now it seems…”
Fenghuangyuan Xiezhen leaned over to take a look, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he also realized that something was wrong, Guibo Gong? Isn’t this Kamepai Qigong? !
Chapter 413 At least there must be someone who can take turns
“Christina, have you ever known a person named Kuri Gohan before?” The Phoenix Academy speculated, “Is it because he showed Kamehae Qigong in front of your eyes, that’s why you took this ID?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know at all!” Makise Kurisu even ignored the fact that she was called Tina again, but shook her head in distress, “Before this, I didn’t even know Kamehae Qigong. ”
“Then what’s going on here?” The Phoenix Academy was really numb, and finally made a guess, “Is it possible that you were involved in some kind of accident, even if the world was reset, you still vaguely remember someone Have you ever used Kamepai Qigong?”
“…” Makise Kurisu pondered for a while before nodding, “That’s the only way I can think.”
“Ah, cool!” Cheng Yang, who had received a lot of fantasy power, narrowed his eyes and exclaimed, “This feels like drinking ten bottles of kidney treasure in one go!”
“What is Kidney Treasure?” Ah Xing looked at him curiously. He didn’t have a kidney, so naturally he didn’t need Kidney Treasure.
“That’s a good thing, one bottle of refreshment, two bottles of never-tiring, three bottles of immortality!” For such a familiar line, Cheng Yang came to it immediately.
“Hiss!” Hearing such a powerful effect, even Ah Xing was shocked, “Is this a product on your previous planet? The people on that planet are so powerful, they can actually develop this kind of product. good stuff.”
“Of course.” Cheng Yang waved his hand, said casually, and then started to create Saiyan blood. If the imagination is strong enough, it is best to create Sun Tianhua’s powerful combat power.
At the end of the video, he obviously strengthened the Super Saiyan a lot, mainly because he needs to have the power to fight in space!
Otherwise, what if an alien base hidden in space appears again like last time? You can’t let HYPER Jiadou and Shen Yiyi fight every time, right? Anyway, let’s get more hero units that can fight in space. If there are more people, it will be easier to take turns.
With a slap, soon, he created two copies of Saiyan blood, and Sun Tianhua’s powerful combat power. Although his fantasy power was exhausted, there was no need to panic at all, he could feel that the follow-up fantasy power was still there. It kept pouring into his body!
After Ah Xing saw that he was done, he asked aloud, “Should we make dog food this time?”
“No need.” Cheng Yang shook his head, “Originally, the dog food was used to enhance their fighting qualities, but this Sun Tianhua not only practiced martial arts since childhood, but also has rich combat experience, so he didn’t need the dog food at all. What’s more, from It seems that the previous few dog food, the effect is not very good.”
“That’s fine.” Ah Xing is as good as others, so that’s good, he can save some energy.
Cheng Yang suddenly turned his head and asked, “By the way, Ah Xing, can you create that super life now?”
“It’s still early, why are you asking this?” Ah Xing looked at him curiously.
“Hey.” Cheng Yang smiled, and handed over a piece of paper, “This is the concept drawing I designed. When you create that super life in the future, remember to follow it.”
Ah Xing took the paper and took a look. It was a giant with a mixture of red, silver and purple. There was a jewel-like thing on his chest. The two eyes were particularly strange, and they looked like sliced ​​salted eggs. ! And the word “Dijia” was written on that piece of paper.
On the other side, Yao Chixiang and the others, who continued to fish, finally waited for their team leader. The team leader who had just arrived on this planet planned to do something big, and set off the incompetence of Yao Chixiang and others Show your talents.
As a result, he saw the video released before he started to make trouble. He had never seen those videos before, but he had heard related things from several subordinates, so he naturally knew that the content of the videos was true.
Then he saw those two destructive monsters… The captain’s legs went limp and he almost collapsed to the ground!
This nima is not an opponent at his level who can kill him at all!
Yao Chixiang looked at the airborne team leader, smiled hehe, and said like a joke, “Captain, do we still have to do it now?”
As soon as these words came out, the squad leader’s face turned black like the bottom of a pot!
If this video is true, then only the four generals of their empire and the newly developed God-killing Mech can defeat that Super Saiyan Sun Tianhua! If you don’t rely on these, then you can only rely on a large number of mechanical legions, which can always pile up the opponent’s physical strength.
But no matter what, it’s notThey are small characters like them who can deal with it! Small characters like them, go one get one away! Go for two and get one pair!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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