But he thought about it carefully, if he was treated as a salted fish like this, the empire would definitely think that he was incompetent and send him to heaven!
Therefore, he felt that he still had to find a way to do it!
“Where are the rest of the powerhouses on this planet? Show me their information.”
Yao Chixiang shrugged his shoulders, and handed over the information. The captain looked darker, Kamen Rider, Substitute Messenger, Heroic Spirit, Magician, Warrior… There must be something wrong with this planet! Why are there so many weird things? !
What shocked him even more was that this planet actually had its own consciousness! Even everyone’s thinking has a unified will!
He couldn’t help thinking, and he didn’t know if the home planet of their empire would be conscious, would the people of their empire also have a unified will?
But after thinking about it, people on this planet have a unified will, probably because of the different thinking structures of creatures? So the imperial people should not have such a unified will.
As for the parent star of their empire… even the star system is finished, let alone the planets! Now the planet they are staying on is still a mechanical planet transformed by the Imperials themselves! Even if the former home planet had consciousness, it would have long been cold.
After reading the information, the team leader squinted his eyes and thought about it. After about ten seconds, he opened his eyes suddenly, “Yes!”
The rest of the people looked over curiously, and one person even moved his gaze to the captain’s stomach, got it? Have a child? Isn’t this guy a man?
The team leader didn’t know what the group of people were thinking, so he clapped his hands together and laughed sinisterly, “Now that I think about it, we don’t need to do it ourselves! Wouldn’t it be nice to develop a few more offline people?”
“Offline?” Yao Chixiang frowned, and then came to his senses, “You mean, this planet has so many disasters anyway, even if we get some modified people out, people won’t be suspicious? ”
“That’s right! That’s right!” The captain smiled like a fox.
Chapter 414 My youth is the youth that grew up with Dior
In the afternoon of the next day, Baiyin Yuxing returned home after giving a speech to the gangsters stationed around his house as usual.
At this time, his father Bai Yin Dior and his sister Bai Yin Kyu are ready.
“Brother, hurry up, I’ll be waiting for you.”
“Immediately.” Seeing this, Baiyin Yuxing rushed back to the room, changed his clothes and came out, “Today, I must ask the Holy Master if he can let Uncle Jonathan and the others come out!”
“I think so too. Being locked up in that small dark room all the time, I’m afraid Jonathan will be locked up with a mental illness.” Baiyin Dior sighed, full of sympathy for his elder brother… Although he I don’t remember anything about this big brother.
It’s all Yuxing’s fault, resetting the world even deleted his memory!
Bai Yingui is not very optimistic about this matter, “Last time, the Holy Master said that he would talk to Gaia and Alaya about the treatment of the heroic spirits, but after waiting for so many days, there was no result. I wonder if it is Gaia? He and Alaya are unwilling to make this change? The Holy Master is too embarrassed to tell us, so he never mentioned it?”
“Shouldn’t it?” Baiyin Yuxing frowned first, then shook his head and said, “Anyway, just ask the Holy Master.”
So, the three of them ran to the training space arrogantly, intending to ask the Holy Master for clarification.
However, as soon as they appeared, I felt that I had gone to the wrong place… because there were a lot of people here!
There are Cu Chulainn, Artoria, Medea, Li Shuwen, Hercules, Da Vinci, etc., Baiyin Yuxing suddenly realized, aren’t these the heroic spirits? !
“Great, the heroic spirits have finally been released from the little black room!” Baiyin Yuxing’s face brightened, and then quickly greeted the two people beside him, “Dad, Xiaogui, let’s find Uncle Jonathan here where!”
“Let’s go!” Baiyin Dior also looked excited, he had long wanted to see his elder brother.
The three of them walked around, and after a while, they saw a tall, muscular man, Baiyin Dior shouted excitedly, “Jonathan!”
Hearing the voice, Jonathan’s eyes lit up, and he looked over excitedly, “Dior?! It’s really you! I knew it was you as soon as I heard the voice!”
He spread his arms, hugged Baiyin Dior, and smiled very brightly, “I heard from the Holy Master before that when you will come here to practice, you are still wondering when you will see you again, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon Ah! In truth, I thought I would never see you again.”
Speaking of this, Jonathan’s huge eyes were filled with tears. Facing Jonathan’s enthusiasm, Baiyin Dior couldn’t bear it a little bit. After all, he didn’t have Jonathan in his memory at all, and his feelings were naturally not that deep…
Therefore, Baiyin Dior quickly introduced the two people around him to Jonathan, “Ah, by the way, Jonathan, these are my children Baiyin Yuxing and Baiyingui.”
“Oh, it’s you guys. I’m sorry. I was too excited to see you just now. As a gentleman, I’m really rude.” Jonathan wiped his tears and smiled at the two siblings beside him, “I haven’t seen Xiaogui , I still have an impression of Miyuki’s words.”
“Uncle Jonathan, the relationship between you and Dad is really good.” Bai Yingui exchanged expressionlessly.Looking at the two of them, Ti seemed to be wondering if the two had feelings other than brotherhood?
Jonathan naturally didn’t know what Bai Yingui was thinking, he just said with emotion, “That’s of course, after all, my youth was the youth that grew up with Dior!”
However, Jonathan also noticed the slightly embarrassed expression of Baiyin Dio at this time, and he let go of the hug embarrassedly, “Sorry, Dio, after all, you have lost the memory of being with me before, such an overly intimate action makes you feel a little uncomfortable ?”
Baiyin Dior wanted to nod at first, but seeing Jonathan’s slightly sad expression, he nodded embarrassedly, and could only say, “It’s okay, Jonathan, we can get back all the bonds we used to have!”
Jonathan: “But you used to call me JOJO.”
Silver Dior: “…”
What’s with this feeling of a wife complaining that her husband won’t call her by her nickname? Is it an illusion? It’s an illusion!
Baiyin Dior suddenly felt that this reunion was a little more difficult than he had imagined.
But he is a kind person, he can’t see others sad, so he can only bite the bullet and shout, “JOJO.”
Although he was a little ashamed before shouting, but after shouting, Baiyin Dior found that…it’s not a big deal. Baiyin Dior even felt a sense of power, and there was always an illusion that anyone who dared to call JOJO was a macho.
Then he looked at the muscles on Jonathan’s body, nodded silently, well, he is indeed a macho!
He raised his hand and patted Baiyin Yuxing’s shoulder, “Yuxing, you have to work hard, you are the thinnest man in our Joestar family.”
Baiyin Royal Bank:? ? ?
Why are you talking about muscles all of a sudden? Kaguya would hate it if he really developed a muscle, right? After all, moderate fitness attracts the opposite sex, but excessive fitness can only attract the same sex!
While chatting happily here, Shizuka Hiratsuka also encountered her lifelong enemy – Medea!
“Xiao Jing, I didn’t expect to see you again, I’m so happy!” Medea held Hiratsuka Jing’s arm tightly, and refused to let go no matter what, with the word happiness written all over her face, “Xiao Jing, when can we go get the marriage certificate?”
Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”
Marriage certificate? Are you crazy? ! We are both women! If I get married, I won’t be scolded to death by my parents!
“Cough cough, calm down, calm down, Medea, although it will make you sad if you say it, but I don’t remember you now. We can start as friends first, and we can talk about it after we get along for a while.”
“Well, I’ll listen to you.” Medea looked at her with a smile in her eyes, but the hands holding Hiratsuka Shizuka’s arms did not let go.
Hiratsuka Shizuka sighed, forget it, let it be like this, anyway, Medea and the others are heroic spirits after all, they should not be able to enter the real world casually, and her parents will not get mad.
On the side, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly asked, “Miss Medea, can all the heroic spirits move freely? Or can they only stay in this space?”
“It’s you.” Medea glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino, and although she felt a little uncomfortable remembering the previous battle, she just curled her lips and said, “The Holy Lord told us, after that Gaia and Alaya The size of this training space will be gradually expanded over there, and we can usually move around here.”
“In addition, if you can ensure that you don’t get into trouble, you can go to the real world for two days a week. According to the Holy Master, this is the weekly rest system that he learned from human beings in the world, and proposed to those two black-hearted bosses. suggestion.”
Chapter 415 Nine children were born
Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn’t hold back on the spot, and she kept sweating. Doesn’t this mean that Medea can come to her house two days a week? ! Young birthday!
Not to mention the sad Shizuka Hiratsuka, Yukinoshita Yukino was quite happy, “In this case, Lilith and Artoria’s mood can also be relaxed.”
“It should be pretty easy…” Hikigaya Hachiman pointed to a direction not far away, where the legendary King Arthur Arturia was sitting on the seat and eating, and there was a lot of mapo on the table in front of her. Tofu.
Looking at the weight of the mapo tofu, there were at least five or six people drawing cards to sink the ship, so they all handed over the mapo tofu to Artoria.
Seeing that scene, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t laugh or cry, and planned to wait for Artoria to finish eating before going to say hello.
On the other side, Shinomiya Kaguya, who just came in, understood the situation just by looking at the scene. She was about to find Baiyin Yuxing, when suddenly her pupils shrank suddenly, and she saw three extremely familiar figures——Sinomiya Goose Nunnery, Sigong Huangguang, and Sigong Yunying!
Could it be that the future enemy is so dangerous? It’s so dangerous that Gaia and Alaya are even going to pull crazy people like them into the fight! This was the first thing Shinomiya Kaguya thought of, so that she frowned.
But these three people have no substitutes! Also said that Gaia or Alaya is going to help them restore their doubles? If that’s the case, it will be troublesome!
But then, Shinomiya Kaguya realized that something was wrong, these three people did not have the cold and sinister feeling she usually felt when getting along with these three people, but instead had a decent and sunny feeling.
This made her a little confused, just these three people, decent? Sunlight? Now she wonders if she has a brain problem! Otherwise, why do you think these three people are decent and sunny?
Leaving aside other people, how could Sigong Yunying’s hand fetishism have anything to do with decency? !
When she was thinking about whether to go to the hospital after that, Sigong Yan’an saw her, and immediately waved her hands with a smile like an ordinary old father, “HuiNight, here. ”
After being called out, Shinomiya Kaguya couldn’t pretend she didn’t see it, and she just wanted to know what the three of them were up to, so she took a step and walked over.
As soon as she approached, she asked first, “When did you come in here?”
All three of them were shocked by Shinomiya Kaguya’s attitude, and the three of them looked at each other in surprise. Suddenly, Sigong Huangguang reacted, “Oh, I see, Kaguya, you think of us as your world, right?”
“My world?” Kaguya Shinomiya was stunned immediately, could it be that there are other worlds?
Faced with Shinomiya Kaguya’s astonishment, Shinomiya Gan’an explained, “We are all people from parallel worlds, not from your world, and even the three of us come from three different parallel worlds. Since it is a different world, the experiences and personalities are naturally different.”
“The three of us are all sublimated into heroic spirits after saving the world. You should know that the Hall of Valor is beyond time and space, so we can all exist here together even if we come from different parallel worlds.”
Speaking of this, Sigong Yan’an smiled, “Maybe, one day you will see another self. For example, look over there.”
Shinomiya Kaguya followed his fingers to look over, and saw Hikigaya Hachiman put his hands in his pockets, looking at Yukinoshita Yukino and Yukinoshita Haruno in the distance with a gentle gaze, and…
Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly shuddered, wait a minute! Isn’t Hikigu Hachiman standing next to Yukinoshita Yukino and Yukinoshita Yono? ! Then this person… She scrutinized this person’s figure and demeanor carefully, and then she realized that this was Yukinoshita Hachiman!
“There is really another self.” Shinomiya Kaguya smiled wryly and shook his head, not knowing whether to look forward to seeing another self or what to do.
Then she looked at the three of Sigongyan’an and the expression was no longer thorny, “I never thought that you in the parallel world would actually save the world. If you say it, I’m afraid you in this world will not believe it the first time.” Bar.”
Of course, what makes Shinomiya Kaguya even more unimaginable is that there is such a thing as a parallel world!
However, in fact, there is such a thing as a parallel world, it really does not exist… The above content is all the settings that Ah Xing added to the minds of these three heroic spirits when he was tinkering with them.
But Shinomiya Kaguya didn’t know, she suddenly thought of something, moved to the side of the three of them, and first looked around like a thief to see if there was anyone there.
Seeing this cautious movement, the three people in Sigong Yan’an were stunned for a moment. Is this a big deal?
Finally, when Shinomiya Kaguya was sure that no one was looking at her, she whispered, “Dad from the parallel world, two old brothers, I want to ask, in your world, what will happen to me and the meeting?” Are you married?”
Sigong Yanan: “…”
Sigong Huangguang: “…”
Sigong Yunying: “…”
You are so cautious just to ask this? ! The three of them just felt that an old mouthful was stuck in their throats, and they couldn’t spit out fast!
However, under the offensive of Shinomiya Kaguya’s pitiful eyes, the three of them still held back their thoughts of complaining and answered her question seriously.
The one who spoke first was Sigong Yan’an, and he said, “On my side, you and Baiyin Yuxing are married and have nine children!”
“Nine?!” Shinomiya Kaguya could swallow a watermelon with his mouth open, a total of nine, which is too scary! How on earth was she born? !
What surprised her even more was that Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Yunying were pleasantly surprised, and said in unison, “Hey, on my side, Kaguya also married Baiyin Yuxing and had nine children what!”
“Nine too?!” Shinomiya Kaguya was dumbfounded. In one world, she had nine children with the president. She could also understand that she was gifted in that world, but in the three worlds, she was born with the president. Now that nine are still there, she can only think that this is God’s will!
Swallowing her saliva slightly uneasy, she cast her eyes on Baiyin Yuxing in the distance, clenched her fists tightly, and thought in her heart: President, there are only nine children, I will definitely work hard!
Just when everyone was chatting happily, Sun Tianhua and Vegeta appeared in this space, Sun Tianhua was still a little confused, “Where is this place? I clearly remember that I was still practicing at home before.”
“Idiot, isn’t there writing on the ground?!” Vegeta clasped his hands and snorted coldly, and said dissatisfiedly, “An idiot like you would turn into a Super Saiyan, how is this prince inferior to you!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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