I have to say that Vegeta is still very involved in the show, and he has completely regarded himself as the prince of the Saiyans due to amnesia.
“Oh, it’s really written! Vegeta, you have really good eyes.” Sun Tianhua’s eyes lit up, and then he looked over with a smile.
The row of text on the ground is Cheng Yang’s newly added explanatory text. After all, it would take too much time to explain every time a newcomer comes in, so he added an explanatory text where the newcomer enters the venue.
Chapter 416 If you don’t give up…
After reading the words on the ground clearly, Sun Tianhua came to his senses, “I understand, this place is similar to the training place I stayed in before, it was made by Gaia and Alaya for people to practice.”
“It’s them?” Vegeta’s eyes lit up. In this case, he can also learn Qi, Circle, Qi Swallow, Yuan Qi Bomb, Kaiwang FistKind of stunt yet? Maybe he can transform into a Super Saiyan too!
Thinking of this, the slight unhappiness caused by being suddenly pulled in has completely disappeared, and Vegeta’s heart is only burning!
“Tianhua, you’re here.”
A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him, Sun Tianhua turned his head quickly, only to see an old man wearing modern clothes and a pair of sunglasses standing behind him.
Sun Tianhua shouted happily, “Master Li Shuwen, you are here too.”
“No matter how you say this old man is a heroic spirit, he should be here naturally.” Li Shuwen smiled. At this time, he did not look like a martial arts master at all, but looked like a kind old man.
“Hehehe, Tianhua, although I knew from the beginning that your talent is absolutely extraordinary, your current strength is still beyond the imagination of this old man.”
“Hehehe, it’s all Master Li Shuwen, you taught well.” Sun Tianhua scratched his head, “By the way, Martha, Da Vinci, Roman and the others?”
“I don’t know where Martha and Da Vinci are. As for Roman, the old man saw him hiding in a corner eating cake, so it’s better not to bother him.” Li Shuwen shook his head and said, “There’s no need to rush, There will always be a day when we meet again.”
“Well, that’s what you said.” Sun Tianhua nodded, and then asked, “By the way, Master Li Shuwen, I can’t become a Super Saiyan no matter what, do you know why?”
“The old man is not your Saiyan, how could he know?” Li Shuwen couldn’t help rolling his eyes with sunglasses on, but he still gave a suggestion, “You can ask the Holy Master what’s going on, even if he doesn’t Know, he can also ask Gaia and Alaya on his behalf.”
“Oh, thank you Master Li Shuwen, I’ll go then.” Sun Tianhua’s eyes lit up, and he ran away immediately.
Li Shuwen shook his head, “Still so frizzy.”
Vegeta on the side was a big man, but he seemed a little awkward at this moment. He waited for a while before saying, “Well, Mr. Li Shuwen, can I trouble you to teach me something too?”
“Huh?” Li Shuwen looked over in surprise. He had seen this Saiyan prince a long time ago, but because he was not familiar with him, he didn’t talk to him, but he didn’t expect that Vegeta would want to worship him as his teacher. learn something?
Seeing that Li Shuwen didn’t reply, Vegeta thought he didn’t hear clearly, and immediately repeated, “Mr. Li Shuwen, I want to learn from you…”
“Stop, stop, this old man heard it, you don’t need to say it again.” Before Vegeta could speak, Li Shuwen interrupted him directly, “This old man is just curious, your strength should be stronger than mine, Why do you want to learn from me?”
Vegeta’s expression immediately became solemn, “Our Saiyan family has not been able to produce a Super Saiyan for so many years, so that the Super Saiyan has become a legend, and was even exterminated by Frieza! However, after leaving Planet Vegeta, Kakarot who grew up on this planet has become a Super Saiyan!”
“I think his road to success is worth imitating! So I also want to imitate it. Like him, there is a Blue Star adoptive father, a Blue Star younger brother, and a Blue Star wife, and then The most important thing is to learn from you!”
Suddenly, Vegeta’s eyes lit up, and he looked Li Shuwen up and down. If he wanted to have a adoptive father, wouldn’t this person in front of him be quite suitable?
Li Shuwen was horrified by the scrutiny, “If you want to be a teacher, you can be a teacher, can you stop looking at me with such weird eyes?”
Vegeta didn’t answer, but cupped his hands and said, “Mr. Li Shuwen, I think you are quite suitable for your age… If you don’t give up, Vegeta is willing to worship you as a foster father!”
Li Shuwen: “…”
Why is this sentence so familiar? Do you still want to say to me another day, “A real man was born in the heaven and earth, how can he live under the people for a long time?”
Although I think that Vegeta might be a taboo for aliens who don’t understand this sentence, Li Shuwen still plans to decline it politely. If he is a teacher, he will be a teacher. Forget about his adoptive father, really forget about it…
But before he could speak, Sun Tianhua ran back in a frizzy manner, “Master Li Shuwen, where is the Holy Master? I don’t know.”
Looking at Sun Tianhua who was scratching his head with an innocent face, Li Shuwen sighed, you are such a genius! Seeing you running so fast, I thought you knew it! Even if you don’t know, you can just ask anyone on the road, why do you have to run back?
“Forget it, the old man will take you there.” Li Shuwen shook his head and walked away, saying as he walked, “Vegeta, you can follow, since you want to learn Qi from the old man, there are other things With a unique skill, that old man will naturally not hide his secrets.”
Seeing that Li Shuwen didn’t reply before, Vegeta thought he was rejected, and felt very disappointed, but when he heard this sentence, his eyes lit up immediately, and he was so excited that the words “foster father” came out of his mouth , “Thank you foster father!”
“…” Li Shuwen was dumbfounded, he hasn’t agreed yet, so you just called it? !
Thinking of the curse of that sentence, he shuddered and said quickly, “Don’t call me foster father!”
Vegeta: “Good foster father, no problem foster father!”
It can be seen from here that he must have been a cheerful young sand sculpture. Even though he was influenced by the arrogant (arrogant + arrogant) character template of “Vegeta”, he still reveals a little sand sculpture essence from time to time.
Li Shuwen: “…”
He wanted to say something, but Sun Tianhua at the side immediately became excited, “Has Master Li Shuwen accepted Vegeta as his adopted son?”
“Ahem.” Vegeta clenched his right hand into a fist, covered his mouth and cleared his throat, “Yes, that’s right. ”
“Such a big thing, do you want to have a banquet? I’ll sit at the adult’s table!” Sun Tianhua couldn’t help making a swallowing movement.
And Vegeta also seemed very excited, “Okay, I will have a banquet when I go out!”
Ever since Cheng Yang stuffed Saiyan blood into their bodies, the two of them have been in a state of hunger at any time, wishing they could hold a bowl of rice all day long!
Li Shuwen looked at the two of them speechlessly, I haven’t agreed yet, what do you mean by the expression that the matter has been settled! I think you two just want to have a feast!
Chapter 417 Makoto Ito’s System
In the end, Li Shuwen gave up thinking.
He shook his head and led the way. After a while, he came in front of the Holy Master. He called Sun Tianhua to come over, “Tianhua, this is the Holy Master. If you have any questions, just ask.”
“Oh, thank you, Master Li Shuwen, for leading the way.” Sun Tianhua hurried over and shook his hands outside the statue of the Holy Master, “Holy Master, are you there?”
“Who called me?” Cheng Yang, who was playing a game, was stunned for a moment, and quickly shared his consciousness, and asked while playing the game, “Who is it?”
In Sun Tianhua’s eyes, the eyes of the statue of the Holy Master, who was originally dead and without a trace of life reaction, suddenly lit up with red light, and then made a sound.
“It’s me, it’s me.” Sun Tianhua quickly raised his hand and said, “I have something to ask, why can’t I become a Super Saiyan now, do you know the reason?”
When Cheng Yang heard his question, a flash of understanding flashed in his heart. He had expected this question a long time ago. Even if his strength was reached, the Super Saiyan was not something that could be changed just by saying it.
“Sun Tianhua, I know you. As the savior who saved this planet, I would like to express my gratitude to you. As for the problem you mentioned, His Excellency Alaya has already anticipated it, so you don’t have to worry.” The red light in the Holy Master’s eyes flickered For a moment, “Attitude is integral to bringing out that power within you.”
“If you want to stably transform into a Super Saiyan, you must not forget your anger at that time!”
“Angry?” Sun Tianhua was thoughtful, he seemed to understand a little bit.
I heard that there is a very tortured game called Digging for Survival. He plans to go back and try it at night. He believes that this game will definitely make him feel angry!
“That’s right, it’s anger. You seem to have understood it, so I won’t say anything more.” Cheng Yang saw Sun Tianhua’s enlightened expression, nodded in satisfaction, and then shifted his consciousness away. Go back, the game will continue!
“Hey…” Ito Makoto walked into his room, sighed, and lay down on the bed, his face full of melancholy, “Now life in school is getting more and more difficult… Not only are no girls willing to talk to me, but Even my former friends ignore me, what should I do?”
There is one thing to say, he doesn’t care if his former friends ignore him, but if no girls want to talk to him, he feels very uncomfortable! Because, this means that his weapon system will be sealed for a long time and cannot be used!
This is the most difficult thing for him to accept!
“Ding, the system is loading when you eat…”
“Who is talking?!” A strange voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and Makoto Ito suddenly got up from the bed. He looked around in amazement, but found that there was nothing strange, and nothing suddenly appeared in his room people.
He scratched his head strangely, “Is it my illusion?”
Just when he thought it was an illusion and wanted to lie down on the bed again, the strange electronic sound sounded again, “Ding, the system that becomes stronger when you eat has been loaded. This system is designed to be used in the most convenient and comfortable way. The host provides the enhancement of strength.”
“I hope the host can make good use of this system, become a peerless powerhouse, stand on top of the world, and bring all the beauties into the harem.”
“Yes, the system?” Makoto Ito was dumbfounded, did he hear correctly just now? Is it the system?
He also reads novels occasionally. The system stream novels from Huaguo are currently becoming popular, so he has naturally read the system stream novels. The so-called system, of course, he also knows that this is the standard equipment of the protagonist, something that only the proud of heaven deserves to have!
Thinking of this, Makoto Ito’s heart became hot, and his breathing became extremely rapid. He asked tremblingly, “System, are you there?”
After asking, he anxiously waited for the reply, for fear that everything was just his fantasy!
“Host, I’m here.” Soon, the system’s heavenly voice resounded in Ito Makoto’s mind again.
Makoto Ito’s expression changed from apprehension to ecstasy in an instant, and he jumped up from the bed at once, “The system! It’s really a system! Great, I have a system! I’m the protagonist!”
Makoto Ito came to his senses, his script is definitely a trash script! The ability is not outstanding, and the school provokes the suspicion of thousands of people. Isn’t this the situation of the protagonist at the beginning of the waste wood? I can’t say they are exactly the same, I can only say that they are exactly the same!
“And now, I already have my system!” Ito Makoto clenched his fists with bright eyes, “Yan Ye, Shi Shi, Kiyoura Setsuna… There are many more! All the beautiful girls will enter my arms! Drink hahahaha!”
After laughing wildly for a long time, he asked the system, “System, what functions do you have?”
“Ding, back to the host, this system has only one function, which is to transform the food you eat into your power!”
“Hiss!” Ito Makoto gasped, it’s really a simple and clear function, and it can be explained clearly by just a name! In this world, such a fresh, refined and unaffected system is rare.
“Okay, if that’s the case, then I’ll eat a loteat it! After Makoto Ito encouraged himself, he rushed to the living room, opened the refrigerator, and took out various instant noodles, snacks and the like from it.
Soak the instant noodles first, and eat the snacks immediately!
When he took the first bite of the snack, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he could feel an extremely powerful force emerging from his body!
The pleasure of suddenly becoming stronger made him unable to help but let out a pleasant groan, “Oh, it’s so cool! Just one bite can increase so much strength, I don’t think it will take long before I can punch HYPER Kato, kicking a Super Saiyan, standing on top of the world! Thinking about it, I’m a little excited!”
He thought before that he might need to eat a lot to become stronger, but he never thought that just one bite would make him so much stronger! This makes him more motivated to eat!
So, he immediately opened his mouth wide, and finished the snack in two or three bites. At this time, the instant noodles hadn’t been soaked yet, but he couldn’t wait any longer! He thought of getting stronger power!
When he was desperately eating instant noodles, his body flickered slightly, and an extremely hideous phantom flashed past!
“It’s done, that guy has no doubts about the system that becomes stronger after eating, and accepts it happily, and even fantasizes about opening a harem of 3,000 people in the future.” The team leader felt the message from the system that becomes stronger after eating The message is a bit dumbfounding.
Although he already knew that he had heard a few subordinates say that this person has a problem with his mind, and his mind is full of such things. But he really didn’t expect that this person’s brain seemed to have no growth except for that aspect of things!
Chapter 418 Elbow, follow me into the house
Yao Chixiang smiled and said, “Of course, I have studied it for a long time, and now many people like this system. Facing the temptation of this system, is it true that people like Makoto Ito who have cat cakes in their brains There may be doubts!”
“I didn’t expect that you, as a well-known old fritter in the rumors, would seriously study the current situation of young people on this planet. It really makes me look differently.” The team leader smiled quite satisfied, “By the way, the investigation did not leave any traces, right? ? Also, how did you do your research, is the data reliable?”
“Don’t worry, there is absolutely no possibility of exposure!” Yao Chixiang patted his chest and said, “I’m from Hedgehog Meow… Ahem, I found the data on Hedgehog Meow’s Human Culture Observation Network, and the data is quite reliable!”
The captain looked at him suspiciously, “Did you just want to talk about the Hedgehog Meow novel?”
“Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Illusion, all of this is your illusion!” Yaochi Xiang said righteously, “If it was the search book website, how could it be possible to get such detailed information?”
“Emmmmmm…that’s true.” The team leader thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, “Then, Yao Chixiang, you can continue to conduct research on the Hedgehog Meow Human Culture Observation Network! Maybe there will be something useful in the future !”
“No problem!” Yao Chixiang gave a thumbs up, “I promise to complete the task!”
At this moment, the other three old fritters also pleaded for orders, “Captain, Hedgehog Meow Human Culture Observation Network, we also know that the information on it is not only complicated but also confusing, with hundreds of thousands of words, millions of words of information, and From time to time, a strange creature called a pigeon by the Blue Star people disturbs the mind!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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