“So, it is very difficult to get useful information from these intelligences! Therefore, the three of us want to ask Yao Chixiang to help us complete the task together!”
“Is it so difficult?” The team leader’s face changed. It is really difficult to find useful information from hundreds of thousands of words, and he said quickly, “Then I will help. Let’s get together, It can be said that the mere information can be obtained easily!”
“No, no, no!” Yao Chixiang’s complexion changed, and he said hastily, “No, no need at all! It’s better to say that you absolutely can’t help us! Captain, think about it, if you do everything yourself, wouldn’t it be us The ability is very weak? This is an insult to our ability! No, we absolutely do not accept this kind of insult!”
“Yao Chixiang, and you…” The team leader looked at them with a moved face. He had heard that these people were famous old fritters.
Especially Yao Chixiang, who was originally strong enough to be a great general, but because of some incidents in the past, not only his strength was damaged, but he was also disheartened, turning from a hot-blooded boy into a dead salted fish.
I clock in to work on time every day, and I don’t talk about clocking out. He will never do things that he shouldn’t do. Things that he should do… He can also procrastinate as long as he can, until someone can help him solve it. When someone helped him solve it, he barely started to do a little work.
Because of Yao Chixiang’s attitude, he received all kinds of punishments, and was demoted all the way to such a small role, but even if he became such a small role, he still did his own way!
So, when the team leader first heard that he was going to be transferred to this team as the team leader, he refused. You can’t let him come and he will come.
First, he wants to try to resist. If the resistance is successful, why not use it? The second… well, there is no second, and the higher-ups say that if you don’t want to be the team leader, you will die.
He had no choice but to come, not because he was afraid of death, but because he was afraid that the empire would lose a good patriotic young man like him after death.
But now it seems that what old fritters? what salted fish? Rumors are all rumors! What a diligent and conscientious person this is, who is willing to find useful data among such complicated intelligence data! He even refused his help for his own dignity!
If Yao Chixiang and the others were really old-fashioned, the four of them should have happily dumped the work on him when he said he would help out just now! But, they didn’t! Absolutely not!
Hey, such a hard-working and serious person will be rumored as old fried dough sticks and dead salted fish. From this we can see how terrible rumors are! Rumors stop at the wise, folks!
Tears of emotion flowed from the corners of the captain’s eyes, and he wiped away the tears and said, “Well, since you don’t want me to help, I respect your opinions. Then Makoto Ito will take care of it alone! You can rest assured to collect information!”
Yao Chixiang and the other four gave a solemn military salute, “Obey, sir!”
Afterwards, the four of them turned around and left the room, and a serious discussion came from outside the room.
“Yao Chixiang, which document do you plan to study first?”
“It’s a document that was just published recently. The title of the document is “The Two-Dimensional Girlfriend Can’t Come to the Real World”. I just studied the first two thousand words yesterday. Dimensional wife’s mentality… But I only studied two thousand words, and the analysis is still a little superficial after all, please don’t laugh at me.”
“Hey, what is this saying? They are all serving the empire, how can you laugh at you?! Besides, you have studied a document with a total of millions of words a few days ago, which is obvious to all! The empire will definitely remember To your credit!”
“It’s easy to say, everyone’s credit is not small!”
“Elbow, come into the house with me, we must study it carefully today! The future of the empire still needs our struggle!”
“Elbow, enter the house!”
Listening to the discussion outside the room, the team leader blinked, feeling something was wrong, but after thinking about it, he couldn’t tell what was wrong…
Finally, he shrugged and said, “Maybe the name of the research data on this planet is so strange? After all, it is another planet, and it is only natural that the culture is different from ours.”
He didn’t feel cheated at all. Yao Chixiang actually used something called a system to make Makoto Ito accept their transformation without any doubt or resistance. If he hadn’t conducted serious research, How could such a plan be conceived?
The squad leader who was thinking like this, once again immersed his mind in the system that becomes stronger when he eats it loaded on Makoto Ito.
At this time, Ito Makoto had already eaten nearly twenty boxes of instant noodles, nearly ten pieces of bread, and various snacks. He had already eaten all the things that could be eaten immediately at home! He is now cooking, chopping and getting ready to eat.
The captain nodded in satisfaction, let’s eat more! According to this progress, it only takes two or three days to fully accumulate the energy to transform into Orc No. 1!
Chapter 419 Blood Suppression
In the past two days, Ito Makoto has been eating non-stop, which has attracted the attention of many people. From the perspective of people on the side, Ito Makoto has eaten far more than normal people can eat.
This made many people secretly mutter, did Ito Makoto use some evil magic on himself, causing him to become a pig’s appetite… No, the pig’s appetite is not as amazing as his!
With the continuous eating of food, Ito Makoto, whose strength has risen crazily, has also improved a lot in his hearing. Although those people avoid talking about him, he can still hear them.
Makoto Ito scoffed at this statement, the system, this is the system, it is not some evil magic trick! Do you vulgar mortals know what a protagonist is, and what is the gold content of a system?
As long as you eat a little more, you can become the world’s top powerhouse as soon as possible, and bring all the beauties into the harem!
Thinking of this, Ito Makoto’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but speed up his eating again!
“Pu Chi Pu Chi…”
As soon as the eating speed is fast, it will naturally make all kinds of strange sounds, especially at the moment when it is still in class, there is no other sound except the teacher’s voice, the whole classroom is quite quiet!
And in this quiet environment, Makoto Ito’s eating sounds became even more harsh!
This made all the students in the class glance at him with disgusting eyes. The teacher on the podium was so angry that the veins on his forehead were bulging. He didn’t want to care about Makoto Ito, so he saw Ito Cheng ate and he didn’t say anything.
But I didn’t expect this bastard to get worse! Uncle can bear it, but aunt can’t bear it either!
The distraught teacher grabbed a piece of chalk and threw it over with great precision, “Makoto Ito, if you want to eat, go out and eat!”
The white chalk drew a beautiful arc in the air, and finally landed on Makoto Ito’s head!
Makoto Ito’s eating movements stagnated suddenly, like a machine that had run out of fuel and suddenly stopped moving.
Seeing his expression, the teacher panicked on the spot. Could it be that he made a fool of him? Didn’t you say that the Ito family is a family of magic? Magicians shouldn’t be so good, right?
“Hey, Makoto Ito, are you okay?” The teacher hurriedly put down the book in his hand, and walked off the podium in a panic, wanting to go over to see the situation.
But before he could take a few steps, his footsteps stopped, and his eyes widened even more!
He could clearly see that Makoto Ito’s thin body gradually swelled up, but it didn’t grow a pile of fat like an inflated balloon, but swelled out pieces of muscle exuding a brilliance like refined iron!
Not only that, even Ito Makoto’s originally pretty face suddenly became ferocious, like a wildLike a beast!
The ever-expanding body quickly tore through the clothes on his body, but fortunately, the quality of the fat times was very good, and there were no unspeakable things.
Afterwards, gray hairs began to grow on his ever-expanding body, and the hairs also exuded a frightening cold light. I am afraid that those hairs are not as soft as the hairs of cats and dogs, but more like The spikes on the hedgehog’s back are even worse than this!
“Gulu!” The teacher swallowed, his eyes full of horror. Although he didn’t know what happened, at least he understood one thing – the current situation is very dangerous!
He wanted to turn around and run away, but found that his body didn’t belong to him at all, and his legs couldn’t move at all!
If someone often watches programs such as Animal World, they will find a very interesting situation, that is, when many small animals are targeted by their natural enemies, they will not run away, but will stay like a log. He remained motionless in place. Some netizens also dubbed this situation “blood suppression” on the Internet.
And the teacher standing here at this moment is like a small animal being targeted by a natural enemy. Even though the “natural enemy” did not keep his eyes on him, he seemed to be suppressed by the blood.
What should I do? This sentence kept echoing in the teacher’s mind, but he couldn’t think of anything else at all. His whole head had become a mess…or he only knew how to repeat the sentence “what to do” machine.
It seems to be quite long, but in reality, only a mere ten seconds have passed, and Makoto Ito’s appearance has completely turned into a giant monster over three meters!
In this small classroom, he can only bend down to put his whole body in the classroom, but even the bending down does not affect his terrifying aura in the slightest!
Hearing the terrifying roar, the teacher seemed to wake up suddenly from the state of suppressed blood, he opened his mouth and shouted, “Run!”
At this time, the other students who were stunned by fright finally came to their senses, and rushed out of the door crying and screaming, wishing their parents would give them two more legs!
But it was also because everyone was crowded out of the classroom at almost the same time, which blocked the classroom door so much that only a few people ran out after being crowded for a long time. Someone turned around and jumped out of the window seeing that he could not get out from the classroom door!
Although it is not too high here, it is estimated that breaking a leg is unavoidable.
“Roar.” The monster transformed by Makoto Ito didn’t feel a little bit confused and sad about his sudden change at this time. It seemed that Makoto Ito had no consciousness of himself. Walking towards those students, a hint of mischief flashed in his eyes.
A student who was being targeted by Makoto Ito’s legs softened, and some smelly liquid appeared on his pants, “No…no, don’t kill me…I, Ito, I have never, never done anything I’m sorry about your business!”
The student tried to ask Makoto Ito for forgiveness with such words, but how could Makoto Ito, who had already been alienated into a monster and lost his human consciousness, forgive him?
With a flash of cold light, the student’s head fell to the ground slowly, with a bang, blood shot up into the sky, and then fell on the rest of the students.
The students who had just fled the classroom in a row fell silent in an instant, feeling the blood on their faces, and only fear in their hearts!
But when Makoto Ito, who turned into a monster, shifted his gaze to them, they immediately eased from the unspeakable fear. Some people who disliked their own physical strength even let out harsh screams to waste the excess physical strength.
“Get out of the way! Those in front get out of the way!”
“Let me out, let me out!”
Makoto Ito licked the corner of his mouth, and rushed into the crowd the next moment. The classroom turned into hell in an instant! And soon, this school will turn into hell!
Chapter 420 What happened?
“It’s not good!” Ah Xing suddenly broke into Cheng Yang’s room, even startling Cheng Yang, and the character he was controlling was cold on the spot.
But he didn’t complain, he knew that if there was no urgent matter, Ah Xing would not come over in such a hurry, he quickly put down the handle and asked, “What happened?”
“Monster, there is a monster!” Ah Xing said in a hurry, “Just over the Sakura Country, a huge monster suddenly appeared! Hundreds of people have been killed! The police from the Sakura Country have rushed over It’s gone, but it’s not an opponent at all, the guards near Sakura Country are also rushing there, but I guess I can’t beat it!”
“Monster?” Cheng Yang frowned slightly. This planet is an ordinary world with no special abilities, and the technology is not too developed. It’s no wonder that Ah Xing is so flustered when monsters suddenly appear.
“Ah Xing, tell me about the specific situation first, is it caused by some country’s experiments?”
“It’s definitely not an experiment. My child’s technological ability has not yet developed to that level!” Ah Xing immediately said confidently, but the confident appearance looked somewhat pathetic.
“That is to say, it might be with the enemy from last time?” Cheng Yang said immediately, “Then A Xing, hurry up and use the machine that Kohei Imamura made to search the enemy to see if the enemy sent it again. Reinforcements are coming.”
“Shouldn’t it be? I looked at the situation and found that a person named Makoto Ito suddenly turned into a monster… But the possibility of this seems not low.” Ah Xing was stunned suddenly, and couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.
Then he shook his head, threw out the thoughts in his head, and hurriedlyHe hurriedly said, “I’ll use the machine to check later. If the enemy reappeared last time, then we have to destroy their base again! But should we quickly find a way to get rid of him now?” ?”
This is also the miscalculation of Yao Chixiang and others. They mistakenly believe that the things in the video have happened in real life, so they feel that there are so many disaster-stricken planets, even if they develop an offline, they will not attract much attention. While doing a little bit of destruction, you can also collect a little bit of enemy data, which is killing two birds with one stone!
But they never expected that the content in the video was all fake and special effects! So when they created this monster, Cheng Yang and A Xing realized that there was a ghost in it!
At this time, Cheng Yang was gently stroking his chin, and was a little surprised to hear the name Ito Makoto. He had played Ito Makoto as a villain before, but this time, Ito Makoto has become a villain!
Cheng Yang thought about it, but he didn’t have any idea. Maybe he had to get Makoto Ito’s body to find out what happened, right?
“The solution is of course to be solved… Ah Xing, look at who is around there, I will use the Holy Master to contact him.”
“Yeah, let me see.” Ah Xing finally came to his senses, he now has a bunch of SSR cards, a mere monster seems to be nothing to be afraid of!
Thinking of this, Ah Xing immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and felt much more at ease. He immediately conducted some investigations and said happily, “Tu Jianbui, who handed in the exams in advance for today’s school exam, is in the nearby game hall.” Also, because of school affairs, Shirogane Yuyuki happened to be going to visit the student union of the school where the accident happened.”
Seeing these two people, Ah Xing felt more at ease! Baiyin Yuxing’s Golden Experience Requiem has self-awareness, coupled with that special ability, it is naturally invincible, and the invincible cassette buried in the soil is also turned on. Invincible is just a word!
“That’s it, then I’ll call them immediately.” Cheng Yang nodded, and immediately put a little attention into their minds, and said to them separately in the tone of a holy master.
“Baiyin Yuxing (buried in the soil), the shadow of evil has fallen, please go to this location immediately.”
After speaking, Cheng Yang also left a map record in their minds.
At this time, Baiyin Yuxing and Tujianbu were startled by the sudden voice. After a while, they both realized that this voice seemed to be the Holy Lord?
Evil shadows, it’s so strange to say… But then the two of them froze, what the hell, does this mean that an enemy has appeared? !
Realizing this, the two hurried to their destination. Before the two who rushed to the school at the same time had time to say hello, they sighed in unison, “Wow, what a big dog!”
It has to be said that Makoto Ito, who looks ferocious and is covered in gray hair, really looks like a dog… except that he doesn’t walk on all fours.
Seeing that Makoto Ito was fighting with the police, and was about to kill another policeman in a blink of an eye, Miyuki Baiyin’s expression darkened, and he immediately roared, “Requiem for the Golden Experience!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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