Not far away, Ito Makoto, who was attacking the policeman with a grinning face, froze suddenly. Everything around him seemed to be broken, and his actions could not be played back involuntarily!
When the scene around his eyes returned to its original state, he found that he had returned to the state about three seconds ago. Such a strange situation undoubtedly made him a little confused, and he even asked out loudly in surprise twice in a row, ” What happened? What happened?”
And the policeman who escaped the catastrophe let out a sharp breath, the rejoicing in his eyes couldn’t dissipate for a long time before, and he didn’t even have time to think about why he survived.
However, he soon knew, because he could already hear his colleagues cheering, “Golden Experience Requiem! It’s Golden Experience Requiem! That gangster superstar is here!”
“Great! It’s the gangster superstar, we will be saved!”
A group of policemen from the Sakura Kingdom are cheering for the arrival of the gang superstar. To be honest, this scene is so weird… The policeman who escaped has this kind of mentality. Do you want to be so excited? Isn’t it the gangster superstar? We usually catch a lot of gangsters… wait a minute! Gangster superstar?
“Hiss!” The policeman gasped, and immediately cheered along with his colleagues, “Okay, the gang superstar is here!”
“Gangster superstar?” Through the cheers of these policemen, Makoto Ito at least understood who did the trick just now!
He glanced around, and soon set his sights on a man with blond hair. His thick nostrils spewed out two solid white air, and even made a sound like a steam engine. He pondered He shouted angrily, “Are you the gang superstar they said? Were you blocking me just now?!”
Baiyin Yuxing opened his clothes, like a Yangko star, the golden stand-in also poses behind him, “That’s right, it’s me, Baiyin Yuxing!”
Chapter 421 Hello Sao
“Stupid guy, although I don’t know what method you used, but you dare to block my action, it means that you are ready to be torn apart by me!”
Ito Makoto grinned, and rushed towards Baiyin Miyuki with his thick thighs, shaking the mountain for a while!
But facing Ito Makoto who was rushing towards him, Baiyin Miyuki was expressionless and movedDo not move.
Makoto Ito himself couldn’t see the double, and after alienating into a monster, he not only lost his original consciousness, but even his brain became less bright. Seeing the motionless Shirogane Miyuki at this moment, he just felt that the other party was scared Stupid!
This made Ito Makoto sneer at Baiyin Miyuki in his heart. He has a pretty face, but he is not very capable!
But when he was laughing at the other party in his heart, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have been in the same place the whole time, without moving?
Makoto Ito, who was not very bright in his mind, fell into silence directly. Could it be that he was running under the sunset in his dream just now, but he didn’t move at all in the real world?
But at this time, Baiyin Yuxing changed into a strange pose, “What’s wrong, monster? You said that you want me to be prepared to be torn apart, but your body didn’t act!”
“You should know it in your heart, right? No matter how nice your words are, your heart is already filled with fear! Your legs that didn’t take any action are the proof of your fear!”
“Ah, this…” Tu Jian was stunned, this routine is so familiar… Could this not be familiar? ! Isn’t this the way of Baiyin Dior, Baiyin Yuxing’s father? ! Even that strange pose is exactly the same as when Baiyin Dior used this routine!
This made Tu Jianbu couldn’t help but wanted to complain, why did you say your father’s lines and show your father’s actions? ! Hello SAO!
But Domabu also knows that there is still a difference between Baiyin Yuxing and his father. After Baiyin Dior stopped time, he asked a substitute to move him back, but Baiyin Yuxing only needs to activate the ability of Gold to experience Requiem, so that It is enough that the enemy can never reach the reality that approaches him!
From the standpoint of B alone, it was Baiyin Dior who lost!
Among all the people at the scene, not only Domabu was very familiar with this routine, but the rest of the policemen also had strange expressions. They had also seen the video, so they naturally knew that this was Baiyin Dior’s routine.
Seemingly aware of the strange gazes of the people around him, Baiyin Yuxing’s face was a little rosy — blushing, and he felt a little ashamed to copy other people’s routines in public, even if it was his own father’s routines.
But in a blink of an eye, he abandoned this idea. Can his son copy Lao Tzu’s work, can it be called copying? This is called reference, do you understand? !
Not to mention the various thoughts in the minds of this group of people, after several sprints, the monster transformed by Makoto Ito found that he could not get close to Baiyin Yuyu no matter what. Doubt, am I really afraid of this guy?
“No, it’s impossible! How could I be afraid of this guy!” Makoto Ito shook his huge head, even though there was still a little fear hidden in his heart, he forced himself to shake this fear out of his mind.
As for this person… he can’t live through it, let alone beat him!
Therefore, Makoto Ito planned to ignore Shirogin Yuyuki directly, and turned around to leave.
But how could Baiyin Yuxing let him go? Seeing that the confidence in Ito Makoto’s heart had been hit, he immediately bullied him. Before the person could get close, the substitute had already flown towards Ito Makoto, and the sandbag-sized fist aimed at Ito Makoto’s head and smashed it down!
“Woo big wood big wood big wood big wood big!”
With roars, the Golden Experience Requiem knocked Makoto Ito to the ground. Although Makoto Ito was not seriously injured, his head was full of confusion, and the three philosophical questions emerged from his mind in an instant Come out, who am I? where am i what am i doing
Baiyin Yuxing frowned. He didn’t expect that after playing the Golden Experience Requiem, he only produced a bunch of bags, not even a little blood! Is it too resistant to beating?
Buried Doma also frowned slightly at this, the enemy’s resistance to beating was beyond her imagination, so she immediately took out the player drive and the invincible cassette, “Hyper Transformation!”
The most invincible gold player is here!
The Cherry Blossom Country policemen on the side were like salted fish, they stayed aside and shouted 666, and even started taking pictures. It is conceivable that their professional standards are really not high…
After the transformation, Tu Jianbu is no nonsense. Taking advantage of the luminous enhancement particles from the transformation just now, she immediately launched her nirvana. Under the action of the luminous enhancement particles, her basic data will rise to the normal state double!
The right foot buried in the soil gathered energy, jumped into the air, and then moved instantly beside Makoto Ito who had just got up. Every time he teleported, there would be a strong kick on Makoto Ito!
Makoto Ito, who had been kicked for a long time, felt that his body seemed harmless, and laughed loudly, “Hahaha, this is useless at all! Did you not eat…”
Before Makoto Ito could finish his words, there were bursts of pain all over his body, and his whole body flew into the sky under the impact of various forces!
“Ultimate blow!”
The salted fish policemen of Sakura Country exclaimed, “It’s a delayed kick!”
“What kind of delayed kick, it is obviously called a network freeze kick! Don’t forget, this is the Kamen Rider of the game!”
“Oh, that makes sense!”
Not caring about the chatting of these people, Domabu just focused his eyes on the monster. The monster just screamed and was lying on the ground and couldn’t get up, but it looked like it was still breathing, not dead.
This made Tuma Buried feel a little dignified. She had performed a nirvana with double the basic stats in the luminous state, but this monster was not beaten to death!
Baiyin Yuxing also came over at this time, and said solemnly, “I think you can see it too, this guyAlthough the attack power is not very good, but it is very resistant to beating! ”
“Well, you’re right, I don’t know where it came from.” Doma buried his lips and said, “Baiyin, what do you think if we carry him into that training space? We can’t kill him, maybe Is there anyone else who can? It’s really not possible, it’s better to be locked up there.”
“That makes sense, then let’s get him there.” Baiyin Yuxing nodded, and immediately let the golden experience requiem carry him up.
Chapter 422: Why Am I Not a Kamen Rider?
Not long after Baiyin Yuxing and Doma Buried left with the monster, and when the police of Sakura Country were dealing with follow-up matters, the troops of Sakura Country arrived late.
One of the soldiers from the Sakura Kingdom jumped out of the convoy. He looked around first, but he didn’t see the large monsters that the policemen had mentioned before. He only saw these policemen dealing with some things.
Could it be that the monster escaped? After thinking about this, the soldier of the Sakura Kingdom felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. He pointed at one of the policemen arrogantly and said, “You, come here.”
The policeman pointed at himself, and when he saw the soldier from Sakura Country nodding, although he was dissatisfied with the other party’s attitude, he trotted over, “What’s the matter?”
“What’s the matter?! Don’t you know what’s the matter?!” The soldiers of the Sakura Kingdom were stunned for a moment, as if they never thought that the other party would be so negligent of their duties, and they didn’t even know what their purpose of coming here was!
A wave of anger surged in his heart, and he said immediately, “Aren’t you the ones who asked us for help earlier? Let me ask you, where is the monster you mentioned earlier? Has it escaped?”
“Oh, yes, there was something about asking you for help before.” The Sakura Country police slapped their foreheads, and then remembered that they were a little excited because they saw that gangster superstar and that invincible player. Even such things are forgotten.
But then, a trace of disdain for this arrogant soldier of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom rose in his heart, and now it’s just for nothing! Waiting for you to come, I am afraid that the yellow flowers will be thanked!
Although he thought so in his heart, the policeman of Sakura Country showed no emotion on his face. He smiled and said, “Don’t worry, the monster has been dealt with.”
“???” The Cherry Blossom State police looked confused. Didn’t you say that monsters are invulnerable and can’t be beaten at all? As a result, when we came, you said that the monster has been solved? Co-authoring, you guys are entertaining Sajia, right? !
On the other side, Domabu and Baiyin Yuxing have brought the monster back to the training space, and they are about to let the people who are still in the training space have a look. The will of the planet and the collective will of human beings go there.
The two naturally did not refuse, and there was no reason for the rejection, and then the monster disappeared in front of their eyes.
Looking at the monster that was suddenly transferred in, Cheng Yang and A Xing fell into silence. The monster’s defense power is simply too high!
Thanks to this, Ah Xing’s lack of firepower phobia emerged again. He said quickly, “The enemy looks very powerful. Do we need to make more SSRs?”
“Don’t be so anxious. Of course we need an SSR card, but we still need to know where this monster came from.” Cheng Yang rubbed his chin and said, “Ah Xing, you can see that he is the same as last time.” Are those guys with you?”
“I can’t see it.” A Xing said with some disappointment, “At first I felt that there was something in this monster’s head, and when I was about to follow the vine to touch it, the other side decisively let that thing explode. There are no traces to be found.”
“Because of this explosion, this monster also died. After all, his brain has been blasted into a paste.”
“The enemy is very cautious.” Cheng Yang also sighed. He also used Imamura Kohei’s machine to detect it before, and the red dots of those enemies did not show up last time, because this monster came from a different wave of enemies than last time. place? Or did the reinforcements sent by the enemies last time have better concealment methods?
“In short, let Imamura Kohei and Da Vinci find a way to strengthen this machine for finding enemies.”
Because of the video played last time, everyone realized Da Vinci’s power as an omnipotent genius, so he fulfilled his wish to equip Da Vinci with an extremely intelligent brain, and now there are two super-genius-level existences up! It should be easy to find out the whereabouts of the enemy!
“As for the reward, I’ll use thirty Saint Quartz… By the way, I have to ask the Holy Master to send Thirty Saint Quartz to Tujianbu and Baiyin Yuxing as a reward.”
Not only did Ah Xing not feel that these remunerations were too much, but he felt a bit uneasy about his conscience. These things were only eleven servings of mapo tofu, which was almost like free labor!
He thought with some worry, the two of them will not be hung on the street lamp in the future, right?
“Brother, you are back.”
Kiritani Suguha looked at her brother who had returned home, and smiled sweetly. Ever since the SAO incident, she had deeply regretted the generation gap between herself and her brother Kiritani Kazuto—if at that time It would be nice to talk more, and it would be nice if I smiled at him more at that time.
During the SAO incident, she was thinking about such things every day.
So, when her brother woke up from that game called Sword Art Online, she was really happy and wished she could stick to him every day!
But unfortunately, she still doesn’t have that kind of courage after all… And more importantly, since her brother was able to move freely, he often went to another hospital to visit a girl named Yuki Asuna, and occasionally stayed there eat latemeal.
Kiritani Suguha felt sore in her heart, she had a feeling that her brother no longer belonged to her.
But even so, she made up her mind that she would never maintain that cold relationship with her brother again!
Seeing Kiritani Suguha’s smile, Kiritani Kazuto also smiled slightly, “I’m back, Suguha.”
Kiritani Suguha frowned slightly, she could feel Kiritani Kazuto’s smile seemed a little stiff, did something happen?
And Kiritani Kazuto is really not in a good mood at the moment. Although he has long known that Yuuki Asuna’s family is very good, if he wants to be with Yuuki Asuna, he will definitely encounter great resistance.
But he never expected that just today, he heard the news from Yuuki Asuna’s father that she was going to marry Nobuyuki Sugo! Asuna is only seventeen years old!
Even if Yuuki Asuna opposed it with all her strength, her father did not change his mind. He only said that this was an order from his parents, and as a daughter, Yuuki Asuna only needed to obey the order!
Naturally, Naoto Kiritani is not willing to do this kind of thing! But… He is an outsider and has no power, how could he affect the decision of Yuki Asuna’s father, Yuki Akizo, the CEO of RECT?
As soon as he thought that Asuna Yuuki was going to marry someone else, anger and unwillingness flooded in his mind!
hateful! Why am I not a Kamen Rider! If I were Kamen Rider, would I be like this? !
And at this moment, the TV at home… lit up.
Chapter 423 Although this is a game, it’s not a joke
“Although this is just a game, it’s not a joke!”
As soon as he saw this sentence, Kiritani Kazuto’s eyes lit up. This sentence… Could it be that this video is about the SAO incident?
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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