Although it feels that the SAO incident is obviously not comparable to the incidents experienced by those heroes, at least tens of thousands of people were trapped in it, and more than 4,000 people even died. He thinks it should be considered a fairly large incident.
More importantly, if the story between him and Yuuki Asuna can be described, Yuki Akizo must also feel the sincere feelings between them, and will not choose to break them up again?
He doesn’t want to be the protagonist, he just hopes to make Akizo Yuuki change his mind!
“This is a game involving the life and death of tens of thousands of players, and it is also an extreme war involving the survival of human beings!”
“Kirito: “Whether it’s me or anyone else, neither exists to die, but to live. I will not let you kill anyone again, the fate of mankind rests on my sword! Transform! “”
“Dad, look, it’s Kirito, it’s Kirito!” After arguing with her father, Yuuki Asuna, who was in the middle of a cold war, suddenly lit up her eyes, and she quickly called her father to watch the video .
Although she felt that what she had experienced before was nothing like an extreme war, she was keenly aware that the protagonist of this video was her lover Kazuto Kiritani!
Coupled with the word transformation at the end, Asuna Yuki can roughly guess that Kiritani Kazuto must have some kind of unknown power! He even participated in something called Extreme War behind her back!
Kirito, why did you hide it from me… Although she was a little sad about Kiritani Kazuto’s concealment, she was even more excited at the moment. If Kirito really had that kind of power, her father’s attitude would definitely change !
She is very clear that her father is a typical businessman, no matter what decision he makes, he will weigh the pros and cons, even if her father is now more optimistic about Nobuyuki Sugo, but if Kirito really has the power of the protagonists of other videos, then her father will never If she were to marry Nobuyuki Sugo again, it wouldn’t stop her from getting married to Kiritani Kazuto!
Akizo Yuki frowned slightly. He recalled the appearance when he saw Kiritani Kazuto before, but he couldn’t figure out that the ordinary high school student who looked thin and incompetent could be the savior? !
And Kiritani Kazuto who was at home was also stunned. He only expected a little bit of what he and Yuki Asuna experienced in the video, so that Yuki Akizo could understand the relationship between the two of them. main character.
After all, he can’t transform into a Kamen Rider, doesn’t have a stand-in, can’t summon heroic spirits, and can’t transform into a Super Saiyan. He’s just an ordinary high school student that can be seen everywhere! How could he be the savior!
But in the end… I sat up in shock in the dying illness, and the savior was actually myself!
“Brother, have you ever experienced something like that?” Kiritani Suguha stared at him with those big piercing eyes, with the word “worship” written all over his face, “Brother, you said the word “transformation” Right? Can you transform into a Kamen Rider or a Super Saiyan?!”
“…” Tong Gu Kazuto was silent, to be honest, he didn’t even know what he could become!
“Ahem.” Kiritani Kazuto cleared his throat, “Suguha, you’ll know after reading.”
“En!” Kiritani Suguha nodded heavily, and watched the video with his brother.
If these people watched the video with anticipation and curiosity, then Nobuyuki Sugo watched the video with anger!
He clenched his fist and punched the table, “Bastard!”
He knew who this person was. He and Yuki Akizo met this afternoon when he and Yuki Asuna went to visit Yuuki Asuna! I also know that this person is Yuuki Asuna’s boyfriend!
But he didn’t care at first, so what about her boyfriend, isn’t Asuna Yuuki still going to marry him?
but nowIt’s different! He can also guess that if Kiritani Kazuto is really a powerful savior, then Yuki Shozo will never mention his marriage with Yuuki Asuna again!
“No! This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed!” Nobuyuki Sugo’s face, which was originally considered a gentleman, had become extremely ferocious at this moment. Suddenly, his mind remembered the latest game developed by their company – ALFHEIMONLINE.
“What if you find a way to imprison Yuuki Asuna’s consciousness in that game? Hehe…hehehe, hehehehe! That’s right, let’s do it! Just do it! Tomorrow, tomorrow, I will let Yuki Asuna tried this game and imprisoned her consciousness in it!”
As he spoke, Nobuyuki Sugo’s face twisted, “It’s mine! Asuna Yuki is mine!”
“Hey, this game is awesome. “”
“”Yeah, I heard it’s a full stealth game, but I never expected to be able to play such a game in my lifetime, it’s like traveling to a different world! “”
“”Who said it wasn’t? I declare, SWORDARTONLINE, God forever! “”
“”Stop talking, let’s go to the next area to fight monsters, we can’t lag behind others! “”
“A group of people are happily discussing this game. Not far away, a character dressed in black and carrying a long sword is looking at them with pity.”
“Kirito, what are you doing here? A samurai-like character wearing a red turban ran over with a smile on his face and patted the black-clothed character Kirito on the shoulder, “I just killed a monster, but when I turned around, I found you were gone.” “”
“”It’s nothing, Klein, I just looked at the distant scenery. “Kirito shook his head and smiled rather reluctantly.”
“”oh, I see. “Although Klein noticed that Kirito’s mood was not right, he didn’t expose it. After all, they just met, and he still understands the truth of exchanging words.”
“Then he said with a smile, “By the way, Kirito, take me to the next area to fight monsters, right?” I can’t wait to upgrade! “”
“But Kirito’s face darkened, and he opened his mouth with an expression of hesitation.”
“Under Klein’s curious eyes, Kirito was silent for a while, and finally he forced a smile and said, “Klein, talking about playing games for a while, are you hungry? Do you want to go offline to eat? Come back with something? “”
“”Eh? Klein stayed for a while, “But I’m not hungry.” “”
“No, you’re hungry! Kirito grabbed Klein’s shoulder and said with a serious expression, “You are very hungry, get off the assembly line quickly!” “”
Chapter 424: Games Are Not Used To Make People Go To Heaven
“What’s going on here?” Tong Gu Kazuto looked bewildered, he didn’t remember such a thing happened?
Moreover, looking at his performance in the video, he seems to know the essence of the game SAO? What exactly is going on? !
Tong Gu Kazuto felt like his head had turned into a mess, he could sense that many things did not match his memory!
But he believes that this video will definitely give him the answer!
It has to be said that after playing the video several times, the public has already formed an inherent impression that the video is absolutely true and definitely not fake!
At this moment, not only Kiritani Kazuto looked blank, but Klein also scratched his head in a dazed expression, “Is it like this at the beginning? But I don’t remember it? Could it be that after two years in that game world?” Years, I can’t remember it myself?”
“”what? Klein blinked his eyes in confusion, and finally said with a wry smile, “Okay, okay, I’m hungry, so I’ll go offline first.” “”
“Klein, who doesn’t know why Kirito said such a thing, just thought that Kirito didn’t want to bring him up, but he couldn’t say it directly, so he made an excuse to let him go offline. He didn’t say anything. He planned to go offline later. Come back online in a minute or two.”
“However, his plan to log off suddenly stopped, and the place where the log off button should have been placed is blank!”
“”Ah, huh? What about the logout button? Klein thought that the logout button had been changed, so he quickly asked Kirito, “Kirito, do you know where the logout button is?” “”
“But after asking, he saw Kirito, the friend he just met today, looking at him with very complicated eyes, with guilt and pity in those eyes.”
“I don’t know why, a fear suddenly surged in Klein’s heart, he quickly grabbed Kirito’s hands, “Kirito, do you know something? ! Just tell me what happened, please! “”
“Kirito pursed his lips and shook his head, “You will know soon. “”
“Just when Klein wanted to say something more, he found that he had returned to the initial birth point, which was the safe area. He scanned the surrounding area and found that this large area was already crowded with people. He I understand, everyone who logged into the game is here!”
“Just as everyone was discussing what happened, the sky darkened, and a huge figure appeared in the sky.”
“Everyone, welcome to my world, I am Akihiko Kayaba, the producer of this game. “”
“”I think players should have noticed that there is no logout button in the main menu options. However, there is nothing wrong with the game! I repeat, there is no problem with the game! This is exactly the original version of SWORDARTONLINE (Sword Art Online). “”
“”From now on, you will not be able to log out of this game until you reach this castle – the top of Aincrad! “”
“” In addition, there is noThere is a way to rely on external force to stop or deactivate the operation of the full-stealth machine NERVGEAR. If someone tries to do this… NERVGEAR’s signal component will send out microwaves that are enough to destroy your brains and stop your life activities. “”
“”At the same time, I hope everyone can pay special attention to the fact that the game Sword Art Online is no longer a simple game for you, but another real world! From now on, the game will cancel the resurrection function. When the life value of each character reaches zero… your brain will be destroyed by NERVGEAR. “”
“”Let me say this one last time, the only way to log out of this game is to reach the highest level of Aincrad and defeat the demon king on that level! The moment this condition is met, I assure you that all players who are still alive will be able to log out of the game safely. “”
“”If you don’t want to fight, you can also stay in the safe zone, where any fighting is prohibited. This concludes the official operation instructions of Sword Art Online, good luck to all players! “”
“Hiss!” Kosaka Kyosuke’s eyes widened, and he shuddered suddenly. He suddenly remembered that Akagi Kohei had invited him to play this game with him.
But later neither of them got the full stealth machine NERVGEAR, so they gave up.
Although what happened in the SAO game has been reported in the news, but the report is not very detailed, or he doesn’t know much… But now, he knows enough!
When he didn’t buy it, he and Akagi Haohei complained about how unlucky they were, but now that I think about it, they are so fucking lucky!
Gogen Ruri on the other side sighed, “The game made by Kohei Imamura will be infected with game virus, and the game made by Akihiko Kayaba will kill people again, can you people make games seriously? ! Games are things that bring happiness to people, not things that make people go to heaven!”
“Following Kayaba Akihiko’s words, everyone at the scene fell silent, but after a while, an even more terrifying noise erupted at the scene.”
“”A liar? Isn’t this a game? How could people still be dead! “”
“”Can’t get out, really can’t get out! There is no logout button! “”
“”What should I do? ! I don’t want to stay in this place forever! “”
“People cursed and cried one after another, and the safe area that was quiet just now became as noisy as a vegetable market in a blink of an eye.”
“Klein, who had been silent for a long time, was motionless like a log, and suddenly woke up. He glared at Kirito beside him, “You knew this kind of thing would happen, so you asked me to log off immediately, right? ! “”
“Kirito looked at him quietly, then nodded slightly.”
“Klein only felt a flame of anger ignited in his heart. In his opinion, Kirito, who knew the details of the incident in advance, was not the mastermind behind the scenes, but was also an accomplice of the mastermind behind the mastermind! The friend who had just met turned out to be in the blink of an eye. Became a murderous Shura!”
“Kirito naturally also saw Klein’s anger, but he had nothing to say, he just warned, “Don’t leave the safe area, as long as you stay in the safe area, everything will be fine…you can definitely do it as soon as possible.” Back in the real world, I promise you! “”
“Klein was stunned. While locking them in this death game, he told him that he would let them go back as soon as possible. What exactly is this going to do?”
“Under Klein’s puzzled gaze, Kirito slowly walked out of the safe zone.”
Chapter 425: I Will Overcome Fate
“Shortly after Kirito walked out of the safe zone, the communication device on his body suddenly rang, and he quickly clicked in. The person who sent the message was Asuna!”
Yuuki Asuna: “???”
At this moment, even Asuna felt that something was wrong. If she remembered correctly, Asuna was her screen name… But she should have gone far behind when she met Kirito, right? She remembered that at the beginning of the game, she only dared to stay in the safe zone, and she didn’t dare to go out at all!
Could it be that she has spent two years in the virtual world of Aincrad, and she has lost her mind? !
Then she shook her head violently, probably not because she remembered it wrong, but because her memory was modified or the world was reset! According to the experience of the previous videos, it is nothing more than these two possibilities!
“Asuna: Kirito, the first undead creature has been found, Heathcliff-senpai is fighting him! I will send you the location of the undead creature later, you hurry to support Heathcliff-senpai! ”
“Kirito: I see.”
“Kirito, who just waited for the address sent by Asuna, flashed through his mind the conversation he had with Akihiko Kayaba two months ago.”
“Kayaba Akihiko: “Kazuto, do you know why in this world, human beings stand at the head of all spirits, not other creatures? “”
“Kitani Kazuto shook his head: “Ah… sorry, I don’t really understand this. “”
“Akihiko Kayaba: “It’s war! A game called Ultimate War, where the ancestors of fifty-two races fight to determine which race will rule over the next 10,000 years! And 10,000 years ago, it was the ancestors of mankind who won the victory! “”
“” Ten thousand years ago? ” Kiritani Kazuto’s eyes widened suddenly, “Doesn’t that mean…””
“”That’s right! Kayaba Akihiko nodded and said, “A new extreme war is coming!” Who will be able to win this war, and which race will be the master of all spirits in the next ten thousand years? Everything is unknown! “”
“”It was once said that all the gifts of fate,The price has been set in secret. Therefore, the human beings who once won the victory may encounter bad luck because of this good luck. “”
“Speaking, Kayaba Akihiko handed over a BLADE transformation device and an awakening card, “Kazuto, can you defeat fate? “”
“Kazuto Kiritani took the BLADE transformation device and the awakening card, and after a long silence, he said as if he had made up his mind, “I will fight against fate and defeat it! “”
“The reason why human beings become the master of all spirits is because of such a reason?” Makise Kurisu was dumbfounded. She never thought that human beings became the master of all spirits not because of their wisdom, but because of their ingenuity in a war. Winning!
Today is also the day when the scientific common sense that has been cultivated collapses… She smiled wryly a few times, and always felt that if she watched this video a few more times, all the common sense in the past could be thrown away.
On the other side, Kiritani Kazuto was also silent, “This is Extreme Warfare? But what does Extreme Warfare have to do with this game? Why must there be such a killing game?”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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