Did he take part in such a war? Kiritani Kazuto just felt like his mind was a mess, and he couldn’t figure out anything.
And Kayaba Akihiko… If he remembers correctly, Kayaba Akihiko’s ID in the game is Heathcliff!
“It’s all wrong.” Kiritani Kazuto sighed softly, shook his head, and let go of all the thoughts in his head. Let’s read it slowly, as long as you read it, you will be able to understand it.
“”Huh…” Flashing through the series of conversations, Kirito shook his head, throwing the confused and fearful eyes of the group of people in the safe area out of his mind, took a few deep breaths, and then calmed down, ” The fate of mankind rests on my sword! Now is not the time to get lost because of them! “”
“Despite saying that, Kirito still has guilt and pain on his face.”
“Afterwards, Kirito came back to his senses and found that Asuna had sent him the address, and the time was a minute ago.”
“Kirito, who felt that he had wasted a minute, didn’t hesitate anymore, and hurried to the location marked on the address.”
“When he got there, a red and silver Kamen Rider with a strange pattern of OMO-like armor on his face was fighting a monster!”
“That monster has a huge skull and a very long blood bar on its head. It is the boss of the first floor!”
“And that Kamen Rider is none other than the Kamen Rider Garren transformed by Heathcliff!”
“Watching the battle between the two, Kirito took a deep breath, put the BLADE transformation device on his waist, inserted the awakening card A of Spades into it, and pulled the BLAY buckle violently, “Transform! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“A light curtain flew out from the belt, and then it was printed on his body. A Kamen Rider whose body color was cyan, resembling a halberd and a scorpion, appeared on the spot. It was Kamen Rider BLADE!”
“Gulu!” Kiritani Kazuto made a swallowing motion, with unspeakable excitement in his eyes, good guy, so I am really a Kamen Rider!
But then, his expression became gloomy. He is obviously a Kamen Rider, but why is he still acting like this? !
Kiritani Kazuto has always hated the appearance of being too feminine, so feminine that he even looks like a girl. He probably desires what he lacks. He has always hoped to have strong muscles like that Super Saiyan Sun Tianhua! Unfortunately, he didn’t… Even if he could transform into a Kamen Rider, he still didn’t.
“Senior Heathcliff, I will help you! “”
“As soon as the words fell, Kirito charged forward with a sword in hand. The boss, who could only draw with Kamen Rider Garren, was at a disadvantage immediately after Kirito joined the battle, but was knocked down in a short time. But this BOSS did not disappear after being defeated like the traditional BOSS, but just lay in place.”
“”Seal him away, Kirito. “Heathcliff lifted his transformation and showed a kind smile of his own.”
“Yes, Mr. Heathcliff! “Kirito nodded, pulled out a card, and threw it at the BOSS. Afterwards, the body of the BOSS gradually dissipated and flew into the card.”
“”In this way, the first undead creature is sealed. Heathcliff patted Kirito’s shoulder with satisfaction, “Speaking of which, the last time we met was during the beta test, right?” Recently, your strength has improved again. “”
“Kirito smiled a little shyly, “Thanks for your teaching. “”
Chapter 426 All you have to do is fight with all your might
“”Let’s go. Heathcliff smiled and walked ahead.”
“After Kirito released his transformation, he followed closely behind. The two of them returned to the base all the way. Asuna, a girl with long flaxen hair, seemed to have been waiting for them for a long time. She narrowed her eyes and said with a smile on her face, “Senior Heathcliff, Kirito, thank you for your hard work, the director of Kayaba is already waiting for you inside. “”
“The two nodded and walked in. Sitting inside the room was a man wearing a white coat and exuding the air of a scholar—Kyaba Akihiko.”
“Aren’t Kayaba Akihiko and Heathcliff the same person?” Kiritani Kazuto was stunned, they were clearly the same person, but why are they now two?
If these two people appeared at different times, then he could still guessIt is estimated that Akihiko Kayaba played two roles, but now, these two people appeared at the same time!
Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Tong Gu Kazuto’s mind, he remembered, this is a game after all, it is a virtual world, not the real world! Even if Kayaba Akihiko uses the background program to pinch himself an extra body, it’s no big deal.
“Kayaba Akihiko smiled with satisfaction, “Congratulations to you for successfully sealing the first undead creature. As long as you seal all fifty-one undead creatures except the undead ancestor of human beings in this way, human beings will win again. Prosper and prosper for the next 10,000 years! “”
“Kirito was not as happy as he imagined when he heard this, he said in a deep voice, “In order to avoid the outbreak of extreme war in reality, causing a large number of people to die. That’s why you made a plan before, and put the cards that seal all undead creatures into this virtual world——Aincrad, so as to let the extreme war go on in this virtual world. “”
“”That’s right, this virtual world draws on the power of the seal stone, the adjudicator of extreme warfare, so even the bodies of undead creatures can enter here. Kayaba Akihiko nodded, but his expression was a little puzzled, “Why are you saying this all of a sudden?” “”
“”You said at the beginning that although you have used the power of the sealing stone, you still need the guidance of the human soul to make the sealing stone produce the wrong judgment of ‘this is also a piece of the real world’. Only in this way can the sealing card of the undead creature Enter into this world! “”
“Kirito said in a hurry, “But now, all the sealed cards of undead creatures have been placed in this world and unsealed, so I think, should we release those ordinary people first? “”
“Akihiko Kayaba shook his head, “Kirito, I know you don’t want to see someone die, but don’t underestimate the enemy! If the undead find out that apart from them in the whole world, only a few of us are real souls, how can they not have doubts about this world? ! “”
“”Even in order not to make those undead creatures suspicious, I also specially added the setting that the blood volume will be reset to zero and the real death will happen! Only when all undead creatures believe that this is the real world, will they be able to fight in this world with peace of mind! “”
“”Once they have doubts… Maybe they can find a way to leave this virtual world! At that time, the ultimate war will break out in reality! Kayaba Akihiko looked at Kirito with his sharp eyes, “There will be more dead people!” “”
“”…” Kirito opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything. Although he had known about this for a long time, he still couldn’t bear to think about the fate of Klein’s people. There were more than 10,000 people life!”
“Kiyaba Akihiko also seemed to see Kirito’s pain and entanglement, his voice eased a lot, “Kirito, in this virtual world as you know, we managed to spread some power from undead creatures. “”
“”As long as those ordinary people continue to upgrade according to the content of the game, they can get part of the power from the undead creatures, and eventually grow to the point where they can fight even against the undead creatures! They are not just bait, but also an army to defeat undead creatures! “”
“”Kirito, this is a war involving the life and death of human beings, I hope you can get rid of the weakness in your heart as soon as possible. Besides… If you really don’t want people to die, then the most important thing you should do now is to try your best to seal all undead creatures except human undead creatures! “”
“Kirito was silent for a long time, then finally nodded, “I see… Then, can you tell me the whereabouts of the next undead creature?” “”
“Akihiko Kayaba shook his head, “Aincrad has a total of 100 floors, which floors have undead creatures? Did those undead creatures defeat the previous layer-defending boss and become the new layer-defending boss themselves? These are all unknowns. Kirito, you go to rest first, and I will let Asuna inform you when there is news about the undead creatures. “”
“”Um. “Kirito nodded, got up with a complicated expression and walked out the door.”
“But before he took two steps, Heathcliff hurriedly stood up behind him, “Master Kayaba, why did you ask Kirito to help me?” Do you think I can’t defeat that undead creature alone? “”
“”I just think that if two people are together, it will be more secure! “Akihiko Kayaba said lightly.”
“But Heathcliff seemed even more irritable, “Isn’t that why you think I can’t defeat that undead creature alone! Are you underestimating me? ! “”
“”That…” Kirito stopped in his tracks, wanting to stop their quarrel, “Senior Heathcliff, the head of the Kayaba may just think that the two of them can seal the undead creatures faster, so as not to cause casualties to the players . “”
“Heathcliff didn’t seem to listen to Kirito’s words at all, still glaring at Akihiko Kayaba, and Akihiko Kayaba smiled wryly at Kirito, “Kirito, I will have a good talk with Heathcliff, you Find a place to rest first. “”
“Kirito looked at the two, finally nodded and left here.”
“He went to a hotel, and after paying the accommodation fee, he chose a room at random and lay down on the bed. He took out the card that sealed the undead creature, and thought, “In addition to the undead creature, the ancestor of human beings, there are a total of fifty undead creatures Ah… how long will it take to seal them all? And during this time, how many people will die? “”
“Thinking about these things, he couldn’t help sighing, and at the same time he thought of Heathcliff’s performance just now, “Speaking of which, Senior Heathcliff is very different from when we met last time.Don’t be so big, when we met last time, he was still a very gentle person, but why…””
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Chapter 427 Why are you just watching?
“Kirito doesn’t know what happened to Heathcliff, but Heathcliff’s behavior cast a shadow over his heart.”
“Suddenly, his address book rang, and he quickly opened the address book. The moment he saw the message, his pupils suddenly dilated!”
“Asuna: Kirito, come here quickly, Mr. Heathcliff betrayed us! Mr. Kayaba has been captured by him!”
“Kirito just felt a thunderbolt crash into his mind, his whole head was like chaos, and he didn’t have any thoughts.”
“With his mind blank, he staggered open the door, rushed out of the room, and ran towards the research room instinctively.”
“”Impossible…impossible…how could senior Heathcliff betray? It’s all fake! “”
“While running, Kirito recalled every detail of getting along with Heathcliff when he first entered the Sword Art Online beta test, and the emotions in his heart kept bursting out, “Yes, it’s all fake! all fake! How could Senior Heathcliff betray everyone! “”
“The roaring Kirito kicked open the door of the laboratory, but the scene inside left him speechless. A large number of research facilities have been destroyed, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that most of these instruments are already unusable. .”
“This research institute was purposely established in the virtual world to allow Kayaba Akihiko to study undead creatures in real time and formulate combat strategies based on the characteristics of undead creatures. But now, the entire research institute has been completely destroyed!”
“Kirito kept panting, he scanned around, but found that Asuna and Akihiko Kayaba were not in sight, he quickly shouted, “Asuna, Director Kayaba! Asuna, the director of Kayaba! “”
“But no matter how much he yelled, no one responded. Just when his expression became more and more ugly, a lot of locusts rushed over!”
“”Is it an undead creature? “Kirito’s face became serious. While dodging the attack of locusts, he looked at the surrounding environment and said in his heart: The research room is narrow and there are various research equipment. It is really impossible to use it. You need to go outside!”
“After thinking about this, Kirito immediately rolled over and rolled towards the door of the laboratory, then covered his head with both hands and rushed out of the laboratory.”
“At the same time, an undead creature that looks like a locust also landed in front of Kirito.”
“”Is it you who destroyed the institute? Where are Asuna and Director Kayaba? ! “Kirito glared at the locust undead creature while wearing the BLADE transforming device on his waist.”
“”Jie Jie Jie…” The locust undead creature didn’t speak, but just let out a weird laugh. I don’t know if it doesn’t know how to use human language, or it doesn’t bother to use it.”
“The attitude of the locust undead creature undoubtedly angered Kirito, the awakening card Ace of Spades was inserted into the transformation device, “I will seal you away!” Transform! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“Kirito, who transformed into Kamen Rider Blade, immediately stepped forward to fight with the undead locusts. However, after all, he only trained for two months. No matter his combat experience or his own strength, he was inferior to the undead locusts. Just now After a short while of fighting, Kirito was crushed and beaten.”
“If the situation continues like this, it can be predicted that Kirito will lose to the locust undead creature in a short time.”
“But at this moment, Kirito saw a familiar figure in the corner not far away—Kamen Rider Garren!”
“It’s Senior Heathcliff! Kirito was confused, why didn’t he come up to help him after completing his transformation?”
“In doubt, the locust undead creature punched Kirito in the abdomen again, making Kirito bend down involuntarily, like a prawn.”
“”Well! Kirito snorted, and in pain and confusion he yelled at Kamen Rider Garren who was watching the show, “Senior Heathcliff! Why are you just watching? Are you really betrayed? ! “”
“Just as he finished yelling, the locust undead creature punched him in the head again, knocking him to the ground!”
“As for Heathcliff, who was watching this scene from a distance, he still had no intention of going up to help, he just watched quietly, but after watching for a few seconds, he seemed to feel a bit sorry for just watching like this, so, He turned and walked away, gone…”
“Senior Heathcliff! Kirito roared angrily while being beaten, “Why! Why on earth! Are we not companions? ! “”
“However, no matter how loud Kirito’s beating was, or how terribly the roar was, it still couldn’t stop Heathcliff from leaving.”
“Sure enough, it’s still not right… Although Heathcliff is the trumpet run by Akihiko Kayaba, at least he behaves like a gentleman in front of everyone.It’s impossible to abandon your companions. ” Tong Gu Kazuto scratched his head, sure enough, his memory and this video did not match up at all.
“Does brother know Heathcliff?” Kiritani Suguha asked curiously, Kiritani spoke in a low voice, she couldn’t hear clearly, and only heard the words Heathcliff.
“I guess I know him.” Kiritani Kazuto nodded, “He’s a guy who cheats when he can’t beat anyone.”
And it’s still a blood lock, it’s annoying!
However, although Kiritani Kazuto said so, he didn’t have any ill feeling towards Heathcliff in his heart, so even though he saw Heathcliff in the video seemed to betray them, he wasn’t very angry.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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