But when Kiritani Suguha heard this, his expression was very strange.
“Cheating?” Kiritani Suguha recalled Heathcliff who appeared in the video before in surprise. He looked thick and big-eyed, but he didn’t expect to be cheating!
“Seeing Heathcliff go further and further away, Kirito felt an indescribable sadness in his heart. He didn’t understand why Heathcliff did this.”
“”Ah ah! “Under extreme sadness, Kirito seemed to feel a surge of power in his body again. He roared and knocked the locust undead creature away, then continued to accelerate while holding the locust undead creature, and finally hit a wall!”
“The wall collapsed, and Kirito and the locust undead creature were also separated by the impact and fell to the ground.”
“The seal lock on the locust undead creature’s chest was opened, and it was obviously defeated. Kirito was lying on the ground, panting heavily, and threw a card on the locust undead creature.”
Chapter 428 I tied myself?
“After defeating the locust undead creature, Kirito lay on the ground and rested for a while before finally recovering from the pain. After canceling his transformation, he stood up with difficulty and walked towards the laboratory again.”
“He didn’t believe that Asuna and Kayaba-chan could die so easily! He has to find them no matter what!”
“He entered the research room again and searched carefully, and soon found Asuna’s whereabouts. At this time, Asuna was being crushed under a boulder, and the blood bar above her head had turned red!”
“Seeing the emergency situation, he quickly ran over to remove the boulder from Asuna’s body, and then used healing tools on Asuna, “Asuna, are you okay? “”
“The virtual world also has such an advantage. Even if you are seriously injured, you won’t faint. Asuna shook her head and said, “Kirito-kun, I’m fine. “”
“Although she didn’t faint, Asuna’s face was very pale. Probably because she watched her blood volume drop to such a dangerous level before, and the fear of death almost overwhelmed her spirit, right?”
“Until now, after Kirito used healing tools for her, her face gradually turned rosy.”
“Asuna, what happened? Why was the laboratory suddenly attacked? And what do you mean by saying that senior Heathcliff betrayed? Where is the director? ! “”
“Kirito grabbed Asuna’s arm and shook it gently, but Asuna shook her head lightly, “Sorry, I don’t know the specifics, but… I heard Senior Heathcliff and Mao The director of the venue had a loud argument inside! Afterwards, Senior Heathcliff left the laboratory with the fainted Head Kayaba on his shoulders! “”
“”I wanted to go up to stop it, but the locust undead creature suddenly broke in. He ignored Senior Heathcliff, but wreaked havoc on the laboratory! That’s why I said that Senior Heathcliff betrayed us! “”
“”How could this be…how could this be? ! After listening to Asuna’s description, Kirito seemed to have lost all strength, and sat on the ground with a bang, “Why did Senior Heathcliff do such a thing! “”
“”I don’t know about that either. “Asuna hugged her knee sadly, and rolled herself into a ball. This sudden incident made her mind muddy.”
“Originally, we all came to fight for the future of mankind! Whether it’s the head of Kayaba, Mr. Heathcliff, you, Asuna, or me… But in the end, it turned out like this. Kirito said with a confused face, “Then what should we do?” I’m completely lost! “”
“Asuna also shook her head in silence, both of them were lost in confusion.”
“Suddenly, Kirito stood up suddenly, and seemed to cheer up again, he said, “Asuna, let’s move away the equipment that can still be used, whether it is for the future of mankind, or for being trapped in this world Tens of thousands of people! We…even if it’s just the two of us, we still have to seal the undead creatures! “”
“Looking at Kirito’s resolute gaze, the confusion in Asuna’s eyes gradually dissipated, and finally she nodded sharply, “Yeah! “”
“Kirito picked and picked, and finally chose a hut by the lake. Because he didn’t have enough money, he rushed to fight a lot of monsters and finally saved enough money.”
“After paying, he took Asuna and moved all the usable equipment into the lake house, “This house is quite big, I didn’t expect to save enough money to buy a house just by playing monsters for an hour or two , This is something that can never be imagined in the real world. “”
“Kirito made a joke, but Asuna didn’t pay attention, she looked at the internal structure of the house curiously, and seemed very satisfied, “This house is so beautiful, shall we live here forever? “”
“”Well, of course.” Kirito nodded, “After all, the research institute has been completely destroyed, so let’s treat this as a new research institute.”
“”Um! “Asuna nodded heavily, but in a blink of an eye, she seemed to think of something, her little face flushed.”
“Seeing Asuna’s expression, Kirito was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, isn’t this cohabitation?! Thinking of this, Kirito’s face also turned red with embarrassment.”
The three of Yuki Akira are numb. His daughter has already lived with someone in the game? !
“Asuna, have you really lived with this guy?”
Facing her father’s questioning gaze, Yuuki Asuna nodded lightly. Can she say that she is not only cohabiting, but even married in that world?
On the other side, Nobuyuki Sugo was even more jealous. He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and looked at Kirito in the video, wishing he could tear Kirito into pieces with his eyes!
“How dare you live with Asuna?! You brat!”
If Nobuyuki Sugo was angry, then Kiritani Suguha was envious and jealous, looking at Asuna who was going to live with her brother, she was so sore as if she had eaten ten catties of lemons!
“”Cough cough. Kirito was the first to get out of that embarrassing emotion, he coughed twice and said, “Let’s put the machine in place first, if we want to find the whereabouts of the undead creatures, the machine is a must!” We are also lucky, the machines used to search for the whereabouts of undead creatures are basically still functional. “”
“”Well, not only undead creatures, the whereabouts of senior Heathcliff can also be detected by this machine. Asuna nodded, and then began to install the machine, “Although I don’t know what Senior Heathcliff wants to do, but as long as I find him, I should be able to find out the whereabouts of the head of Kayaba!” “”
“”That’s right. “Kirito paused slightly for placing the machine’s hand, and said with a complicated expression, “After I find Senior Heathcliff, I must ask clearly! And the head of Kayaba, I don’t believe Senior Heathcliff will do anything to him! The director must be fine now! “”
“The two of them seemed to be cheering themselves up, and they were always thinking of the good side when talking.”
“Akihiko, what are you thinking?” Kayaba Akihiko’s girlfriend Rinko Shindai had a very complicated expression at the moment, she found that she seemed to have never understood her boyfriend.
Whether it was Kamen Rider, Ultimate Warfare, or Undead Creatures, she had never heard of them from Akihiko Kayaba!
In the past, she thought that Kayaba Akihiko made this game to fulfill her childhood dream, but now it seems that this is not the case at all!
Moreover, she also knew that Heathcliff was Akihiko Kayaba himself! It is precisely because I know this that I feel that the content in the picture is strange. Heathcliff has kidnapped Akihiko Kayaba, isn’t that just me kidnapping myself?
Chapter 429 My body is pineapple pineapple
“Three days later, Asuna, who had been monitoring the machine, suddenly had her eyes lit up—the search machine responded!”
“Kirito, we have found a new undead creature! On the second floor of Aincrad! “”
“Just after exercising, Kirito, who was resting, suddenly jumped up from the sofa, picked up the BLADE transformation device and the awakening card Ace of Spades, and walked outside, “Okay, I’ll go there right away! “”
“But just as Kirito took two steps, Asuna said in surprise again, “Wait, Kirito! It’s not just undead creatures, there is another reaction! It’s Kamen Rider Garren, Heathcliff-senpai! “”
“”Really? ! Great! “Kirito said happily, and then the pace that had just stopped started to move again, even faster than before!”
“According to the map sent by Asuna, Kirito went all the way to the second floor of Aincrad. When he arrived there, he happened to see Kamen Rider Garren fighting an undead creature!”
“That undead creature appears to be the ancestor of a deer, with huge horns on its head.”
“At this moment, Kamen Rider Garren is at a disadvantage. Just as he took out his gun to attack, the horns on the head of the undead stag flashed an electric arc, and then the lightning fell from the sky and struck Kamen Rider Garren. body!”
“”Ugh! ’ Heathcliff uttered a scream and rolled down the hillside.”
“Kirito looked at the stag undead creature, but felt strange in his heart. The strength of this undead creature should not seem too strong? But why did Senior Heathcliff fall into a hard fight?!”
“Thinking about it in my mind, Kirito threw away the doubts, and immediately inserted the Awakening Card Ace of Spades into the BLADE transforming device at his waist, “Transform! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“Senior Heathcliff, I will help you! “Although Heathcliff probably betrayed them, Kirito still didn’t want to watch him being beaten by undead creatures. After shouting, Kirito rushed forward to help.”
“”Don’t come here! “”
“However, just after Kirito ran two steps, Heathcliff’s anxious and painful voice came over, “I will deal with this undead creature, you are not allowed to intervene!” “”
“But just as Heathcliff finished speaking, the stag undead slapped him on the chest, knocking him to the ground!”
“Senior Heathcliff! “Kirito yelled worriedly, and without hesitation, he pulled out the long sword at his waist—the BLAY Awakening Device and rushed over.”
“With a swing of the longsword, it went straight for the stag undead’s neck.”
“But the stag undead skills seem to have no cooldownAt the same time, the arc on the horn flashed, and a little light fell from the sky, and struck Kirito’s side, causing a violent explosion. ”
“And that shock wave blows Kirito away!”
“”Heh heh heh…” The stag undead creature lightly spread its hands, its chest heaved and heaved, as if it was laughing.”
“Bang bang bang!”
“Just as he was laughing, Heathcliff took out the gun from his waist and shot him one after another!”
“However, these few shots failed to cause any damage to the stag undead creature!”
“The stag undead turned, an arc flashed from its horns, and a bolt of lightning struck his hand.”
“”Ahhh! ! ! “Heathcliff let out a mournful wail, the gun in his hand dropped to the ground, and he collapsed powerlessly to the ground, and then even the transformation was canceled!”
“”Ah ah! “Kirito saw that the stag undead creature was defenseless, shouted, jumped up and cut off the horns on its head with a sword!”
“”Oh oh oh! “The stag undead creature whose horns were cut off wailed, but the fierceness in its eyes became even more intense!”
“Facing the stag undead creature rushing towards him like losing his mind, Kirito took out the previously sealed locust card, swiped it on the BLAY awakening device, and a small locust-shaped light curtain emerged, and then flew into it. his body.”
“He can feel that the power of the locust undead creature has merged into his body!”
“”drink! “Kirito jumped into the air, and a standard knight kick kicked the stag undead creature.”
“With a huge explosion, the stag undead creature fell to the ground, and Kirito took out a card and sealed it inside.”
“After taking back the card, Kirito wanted to go back to Heathcliff to ask Kayaba Akihiko’s whereabouts, but found that Heathcliff had gone away with difficult steps, probably because of the injury just now, Heath Cliff fell to the ground with a bang!”
“”what! “Kirito let out a little exclamation, and ran over quickly, helping Heathcliff up, “Senior Heathcliff, are you alright?” “”
“”…” Heathcliff didn’t say a word, he just broke away from Kirito’s hands and was about to leave here.”
“But Kirito immediately grabbed his shoulder again, “Senior Heathcliff, you really kidnapped the head of Kayaba, right? ! Where is the head of Kayaba? Let him go now! “”
“A vein suddenly bulged on Heathcliff’s forehead, and he pushed Kirito to the ground forcefully, “Master Kayaba?” ! Why are you protecting that bastard! “”
“”The bastard is you! Not only did you attack the research institute, but you also kidnapped the director of Kayaba, you have committed a heinous crime! “Kirito looked at this former senior viciously, but his heart was full of sadness.”
“Hehehe, hehehe, hehehe…” Hearing Kirito’s accusation, Heathcliff did not defend himself, but laughed instead.”
“Kirito frowned, “What are you laughing at? ! “”
“”I laugh at your naivety! Heathcliff asked back, “Kirito, don’t you have doubts about what Kayaba Akihiko said?” Why must the interval between extreme wars be 10,000 years? Don’t you think that in fact, they should be the ones who want to take the initiative to break the seal of the undead creature, so as to study the secret of the undead creature’s immortality? ! “”
“”What did you say? ! “Kirito’s eyes widened suddenly, his face full of disbelief.”
“However, Heathcliff continued, “In order to ensure that they can study the undead creatures safely, they hastily developed the knight system, just to seal the unsealed undead creatures again! In the end, both you and I were just tricked by them to clean up the mess! “”
“How is it possible… how is it possible? “Kirito took a step back suddenly, the sudden truth made him tremble all over.”
“But soon he recovered, and he roared, “Where’s the evidence? What evidence do you have for saying this? ! “”
“”Evidence…” Heathcliff sneered, “My body is the evidence! Because of using the hastily made knight system, my body has become a pineapple pineapple! “”
Chapter 430 One day, you will end up like me
“”Pineapple pineapple? “Kirito frowned slightly, he suddenly remembered the stag undead creature before, according to his previous impression of strength, Heathcliff should be able to easily deal with that stag undead creature!”
“But the result… was that Heathcliff was beaten and retreated, and even the transformation state was forcibly canceled!”
“”That’s right! You should also know, if it was me in the past, I would definitely not lose to that low-level undead creature! Heathcliff was full of pain, “Then, I will show you more tangible evidence!” “”
“Then he transformed into Kamen Rider Garren in front of Kirito.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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