“”Really? “Kirito also had a happy expression on his face, and hurriedly walked into the room, and the man with short blond hair followed behind him slowly.”
“After entering the room, I saw the little girl wake up, sitting upright, and looking out the window.”
“It seems that she heard the footsteps of someone coming in. She turned her head, and when she saw the three people who walked in, her face was covered with a smile visible to the naked eye. She pointed at Kirito and shouted happily, “dad! “”
“”? ? ? “Kirito, who was about to talk to the little girl, froze on the spot.”
“And what made him stiffer was still behind, the little girl looked at the blond-haired man behind Kirito, and shouted happily, “Mom! “”
“Kirito: “? ? ? “”
“Finally, the little girl looked at Asuna again, “Mom number two! “”
“”Eh? “Asuna was also dumbfounded, and she even murmured, “Am I number two?” “”
“Kirito complained immediately, “HeavyIs this the point? ! “”
“Number two… I’m number two…” Not to mention Asuna in the video, Yuuki Asuna in the real world was also confused.
She has long seen that this little girl is the adopted daughter she and Kazuto Kiritani picked up, and she is also the intelligent AI of the mental health consultation program of the game Sword Art Online, although it is revealed in this video that the two of them met Yui The methods are different, but she thinks that Yui is their daughter, which should not change!
Therefore, Asuna Yuki was looking forward to this point being exposed, and she felt that if this point was exposed, her father should be able to feel the relationship between her and Kirito that was already like a family!
Unexpectedly, Yui is still their daughter, but she herself has changed from mother to mother No. 2! Mom One is even a man!
what is this? ! Could it be that she is not as attractive as a man? !
Yuuki Asuna, who has always been gentle, has veins bulging on her forehead at this moment, and she feels a great humiliation.
“After complaining about Asuna, Kirito looked at the little girl dumbfounded, “Little girl, did you recognize the wrong person? Also, do you know what happened to you? “”
“The little girl looked at Kirito blankly, then shook her head.”
“”That’s it. Kirito’s expression sank a lot, and he asked again, “What about your name, do you still remember your own name?” “”
“”Name…name…word? “The little girl was still in a daze, and said intermittently, “Jie…Yi, Yui, my name. “”
“Yui, that’s a pretty good name. “Asuna sat by the window and said with a gentle smile, “My name is Asuna, he is Kirito, and this is…””
“I was introducing, but Asuna got stuck, and she just realized that she still doesn’t know this person’s name.”
“But fortunately, the man with short blond hair said out loud, “Eugeo, my name. “”
“”Uh-huh! Yui nodded happily, and then called again one by one, “Father, Eugeo’s mother, Asuna’s mother. “”
Chapter 433 The needle is not bad
“Kirito and Asuna spent a lot of time but couldn’t get Yui to change their minds. In the end, the two of them accepted this strange title with great exhaustion.”
“Both of them are only in their teens, at the age of students, but a girl suddenly appeared and called them Dad and Mom No. 2. To be honest, both of them felt a little strange.”
“What’s even more strange is that there is also a man’s mother No. 1… Kirito sighed and shook his head. He doesn’t know what Yui is thinking. How can he call a man mother?”
“After giving Yui a good rest, the three of them walked out of the room, and Asuna said worriedly, “That child is really a player, right? If it is an NPC, when Kirito carries her, it should trigger a violence alarm or trigger a task, but neither of these. “”
“”Well, that’s right. “Kirito nodded and said, “Although Yui can’t see any player information, this should be a bug, right? How could such a small child be in this game? “”
“Although Yui and Eugeo cannot be seen as players, neither Kirito nor Asuna thought they would be undead creatures. In their eyes, undead creatures have a very ferocious and terrifying appearance. The two of them are completely human, absolutely impossible to be undead creatures!”
“Thinking of the essence of this game, and thinking of the fate that Yui, a girl, may encounter, Kirito feels a throbbing pain in his heart. Yui…that child is just an eight or nine-year-old child no matter how you look at it!”
“”Did you play with your parents? “Asuna guessed.”
“Kirito shook his head, “I don’t know, I’ll go to the safe area tomorrow to find out if anyone lost their child. “”
“Although I said that, neither Kirito nor Asuna had much hope. Such a young girl appeared alone in the forest, and even lost her memory. No matter how you look at it, she encountered something bad. things.”
“”Hey, Kirito-kun…” Asuna looked at Kirito expectantly, “If… I mean if we can’t find Yui’s parents, shall we take care of her all the time? “”
“”Um. “Kirito nodded, “If I leave this child alone, I will be worried too. “”
“Eugeo, who had been silent on the side, spoke at this time, “According to the previous agreement, you should take her back to the place called ‘safe area’, and then I will leave. “”
“Hearing this, Kirito became a little angry, and he couldn’t even control his voice, “Hey, that child not only has amnesia now, but maybe he can’t find his family!” Do you want me to leave her alone? ! “”
“”That…” Yui, who heard Kirito’s voice, leaned against the wall carefully, and looked at them with kitten-like eyes, “Father, Mother Eugeo, don’t quarrel. “”
“Uh… sorry, Yui, I seem to have disturbed you. “Although it was weird for Yui to call himself and another man as parents, Kirito still said with a smile, “Yiyi, go back and rest, rest assured, dad and… Mom, mom, Oh no quarrel. “”
“”Um. “Yui nodded happily and went back to rest.”
“It’s hopeless! It’s completely hopeless!” Kiritani Kazuto was already crying, just listening to himself in the video saying “Mom and Dad didn’t quarrel”, he already felt goosebumps A lot!
Why would Yui call a man who appeared out of nowhere as mother! He clearly remembered,Yui called him father, and Yuki Asuna called mother! Isn’t that great? What a family of three!
But, why did a third person named Eugeo suddenly appear! And it was the third male who was paired with him! Those who didn’t know thought he was Gai!
Wait a minute! Asuna won’t think I’m cheating, will she? Kiritani Kazuto suddenly trembled, thinking of an extremely terrifying possibility.
But on second thought, he obviously didn’t do anything! It was Yui who called that Eugeo mother without authorization, and he thought he should be fine.
Kiritani Kazuto patted his chest lightly, with a relieved expression.
But Kiritani Suguha stabbed a knife into his heart with a complex expression, “Brother, you’d better take a leave of absence from school recently, people outside may gossip… Ah, no, even if you stay at home, Dad Mum might ask you some questions, too.”
Kiritani Kazuto’s expression immediately froze. Although it had been two years since he came out of Sword Art Online, Sakura Country still prepared a separate school for the victims who were students, so he still had to go to school.
And once he goes to school, there will be a group of people watching him! He had already imagined how others would tease him!
And the parents… also a big problem! His biological parents died in a car accident not long after he was born, and they are adopted now, but they are the parents who raised him anyway, not to mention his adoptive mother is his biological mother’s sister!
Under such circumstances, it really gave him a headache to discuss with them whether he was a Gai guy or not…
Of course, although Kirito looks at the big heads, more rotten girls look at them with bright eyes!
Ebina Jicai wiped her nosebleed, “Not bad! The needle is not bad! Another pair of CPs that can be smashed!”
Akagi Seta was already rolling around on the bed, twisting from time to time, twisting like a caterpillar, I don’t know what kind of taboo content was imagined in my mind!
“Ma Huyou is so touched!” Shiina Mahu… Shiina Mafuyu clasped her hands in front of her chest, her eyes almost turned into red hearts, “I will definitely support them with all my heart! True love should not be hindered by the world!”
“After Yui returned to the room, Eugeo asked in a low voice with no expression on his face, “Can’t you leave her alone? “”
“”Isn’t that natural? ! Tongren glanced at him, only to think that he was inexplicable, “How could such a child be left alone!” “”
“But Eugeo didn’t hear Kirito’s words, his thoughts have already returned to the day before yesterday.”
“At that time, he was fighting with another undead creature. During the battle, an innocent passer-by was accidentally injured by that undead creature and died. That man was still shouting his daughter’s name even when he was about to die.”
“He doesn’t understand that everyone is an individual, and they should live only for themselves! Why should others be so important?”
“But it’s also because he doesn’t understand, that’s why he’s curious, and that’s why he wants to understand!”
Chapter 434 Don’t Let Dad Bring the Children
“Kirito didn’t know that Eugeo didn’t hear what he said, but just said to himself, “In short, Asuna and I have decided to take good care of Yui until we find her parents!” If you have nothing else to do, please get out of here now. “”
“Eugeo raised his head and said blankly, “I won’t leave because… I am the mother of that child. “”
“”Clam? “Kirito was dumbfounded.”
“Kirito was really dumbfounded at this time, he never thought that Eugeo would dare to call himself a mother?! While admiring the other party’s courage, Kirito also felt a chill in his heart. This guy can’t be Gaige Bar?”
“But then Kirito thought again, wait, maybe this person is not a man? He just looked at the other person’s appearance and thought Eugeo was a man, but maybe he is a woman?!”
“Thinking of this, Kirito asked aloud, “Well, are you a woman? “”
“Eugeo shook his head, “Of course it’s a man, why do you ask that?” “”
“”No… nothing. “Kirito laughed dryly, did not speak, he turned to Asuna and asked, “Asuna, what do you think should be done? “”
“To be honest, Kirito really doesn’t want to keep him. I just met him, and I don’t know how good this person is. If we attack them while they are asleep, it is possible for them to die here on the spot. .”
“Secondly, this is a strange man after all. He is fine, but Asuna will definitely have scruples.”
“However, Yui calls him mother again. If Eugeo is really allowed to leave, will Yui be sad?”
“These contradictory things make Kirito a little difficult.”
“As if he guessed what Kirito was thinking, before Asuna spoke, Eugeo said, “I won’t live here with you, I will build a house on the other side of the lake. “”
“”Build your own house? Do you have the skills to learn construction? “Kirito asked aloud.”
“”Skill? “Eugeo didn’t quite understand Kirito’s meaning, but said indifferently, “It’s just a house, it won’t take too much time. “”
“”yes? “Kirito gave him a surprised look, a little unbelievable that someone would devote all his energy to building a place that is useless to battle at this time.”
“Then he shrugged and said, “That’s up to you. Although I bought this house, I didn’t buy the surrounding area. If you want to build a house nearby, that’s your freedom. “”
“Isn’t this guy an undead creature?” Conan frowned, and found a blind spot. He didn’t understand skills,If you don’t understand human emotions, you don’t look like a normal person, but like an undead creature.
“But, shouldn’t undead creatures all look strange? After all, they are the ancestors of those creatures, and they all have some animal characteristics.” Xiaolan said aloud, “This Eugeo looks like a human being. Exactly…”
As she was talking, Xiaolan was stunned. She suddenly remembered that there was another possibility—the undead creature, the ancestor of human beings!
“Xinyi, do you think he is an undead creature, the ancestor of human beings?”
“The undead creature, the ancestor of mankind?” Conan frowned and did not answer. There is too little information now, and he will only be slapped in the face if he draws a conclusion.
Moreover, he still has one more concern. If this Eugeo is really an undead creature, how did he become a Kamen Rider?
“Time passes day by day, in order to seal all the undead creatures as soon as possible…Even before that, Kirito may die because his body becomes a pineapple pineapple, but even if there is only a glimmer of hope, Kirito does not want to give up!”
“Therefore, Kirito often takes advantage of ordinary players not paying attention, to attack the level boss of Aincrad. So far, he has already conquered the fourth floor, and most of the players are still wandering around the first and second floors.”
“But what makes Kirito strange is that these days, there is no response from undead creatures. If it wasn’t for him being able to transform into Kamen Rider Blade, Kirito would have wondered if the undead creatures were imagined by himself.”
“Kirito picked up a piece of bread and took a bite, recalling the barely peaceful days these days, he couldn’t help but whisper, “It would be great if there were no undead creatures. “”
“Yui on the side looked at him with piercing eyes, and then Asuna came over with a plate of bread, “Yui, this is your share. “”
“Yui glanced at his share of bread, but turned his gaze to Kirito.”
“Kirito felt Yui’s gaze, and showed an evil smile, “Yui, this one is very spicy. “”
“Yui tilted his head and thought for a while, but still smiled and stretched out his hand, “I want to eat the same thing as my father. “”
“”yes? Since you have such awareness, then I will not stop you. Kirito smiled and put down the bread in his hand, took another bread full of peppers and handed it to Yui, “No matter what it is, you always have to experience it. “”
“”Eh? ! “Asuna’s eyes widened as she watched from the sidelines, and it was only then that she finally understood why people on the Internet always said that fathers should never be allowed to take care of their children!”
“But before she could stop it, Yui bit down on the bread. As the strong spicy smell hit, Yui’s fair face instantly turned rosy, and tears rolled in her eyes.”
“But even so, Yui didn’t cry, she just whimpered and said, “It’s delicious. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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