“”Oh? “Kirito raised his eyebrows, “Yui, I didn’t see it, you really are a spineless little guy, then come and challenge the extra spicy set meal for dinner!” “”
“”Um! “Yui nodded happily.”
“Really, don’t think too much, I don’t want to do that kind of thing! “Asuna puffed out her mouth like she was angry with Kirito.”
“Kirito smiled, “I won’t do it. “”
“Yui was also a little disappointed, “I won’t do it. “”
“Seeing the expressions of the two, Asuna smiled.”
“”Hehehe…” Then Kirito and Yui also laughed, and the room was filled with a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere.”
“After laughing, Yui said, “Dad, Mama Asuna, I want to play with Mama Eugeo. “”
“Well, let’s go. “Kirito patted her on the head and said.”
“Asuna also reminded, “Yui, remember to come back early for dinner at night. “”
“”Oh, I see. “After Yui responded, he quickly ran out.”
Chapter 435 You are becoming more and more like a human being
“What a perfect family of three…why does it have to be a man’s mother?” Kirito watched the video, sighing and wailing, if it wasn’t for Eugeo’s sudden birth, he felt that the scene just now , can definitely impress Yuuki Asuna’s father!
Seeing this picture of a peaceful family of three, Yuuki Akizo didn’t know if he was moved, but Nobuyuki Sugo on the other side was moved… so angry!
“Kazuto Kiritani!” He gritted his teeth and tore the paper towel, maybe he had already regarded the tissue as Kazuto Kiritani himself, with those scarlet eyes, he wanted to tear up Kazuto Kiritani!
“After Yui went to Eugeo’s small house on the other side of the lake, Kirito also got up and said to Asuna, “Asuna, I’m going to attack Aincrad first, if I find undead If there is any trace of the creature, send me a message immediately. “”
“Well, I see. Asuna nodded obediently and said, “Kirito-kun, be careful on the road.” “”
“”I will be careful. “Kirito waved his hand and went to attack.”
“For him who can transform into Kamen Rider Blade, the bosses in the front stage are not troublesome at all. Maybe only the bosses in the next few floors can cause him a little trouble? The real trouble is Find where the stage boss is staying.”
“After going to the fourth floor of Aincrad, he embarked on the journey to find the level boss.the way. ”
“But soon, a bunch of monsters appeared in front of him.”
“Looking at those ferocious monsters, he silently pulled out the long sword on his back. To deal with ordinary monsters, he doesn’t intend to transform into Kamen Rider Blade. After all, there are side effects, so be careful.”
“To deal with an enemy of this level, only the sword is enough! “Kirito roared angrily, and charged forward with a sword in hand.”
“Ten minutes later, all the monsters fell to the ground one after another, turning into a ball of data and disappearing in place.”
“Kirito held a sword flower, put away the long sword, and stepped forward again.”
“But this time, before he took a few steps, he received a message from Asuna on the communication.”
“”Is there any undead creature? “Kirito quickly opened the communication message, then his pupils shrank suddenly, and immediately turned and rushed towards the lakeside hut on the first floor.”
“There is only one message on it——”Kirito, there are undead creatures attacking, Yui is very dangerous now! “”
“On the other side, Eugeo has transformed into Kamen Rider CHALICE. He is protecting Yui behind him, and beside him is the small house he built. That house has been almost destroyed at this moment.”
“And the one standing in front of him is the undead creature with vines that was beaten away a while ago! This guy has healed up from his injuries early on, but for some reason, he didn’t come to seek revenge on Eugeo until now!”
“” Yui, you leave here first and go to that woman’s side. “Eugeo said in a soft voice while being vigilant against the enemy like a hen guarding its cubs.”
“Mom, you have to be careful. “Yui seemed to know that staying here would only get in the way, so she gave some instructions and ran towards Asuna.”
“Asuna sent a message to Kirito as soon as she heard the sound of battle. When she ran out, she saw an undead creature confronting another Kamen Rider.”
“” Yui! “Asuna in her heart also ran towards Yui, and then hugged Yui, “Are you okay, Yui?” “”
“Mother Asuna, I’m fine. Yui shook her head obediently, “But Eugeo’s mother’s side is very dangerous, there are bad guys!” “”
“” Eugeo? Asuna’s pupils shrank, and a flash of lightning flashed in her mind, “Yui, that black Kamen Rider, could it be Eugeo?” “”
“Well, that’s how Eugeo’s mother became after the bad guys showed up. ” Yui nodded and said.”
“Asuna looked at the black Kamen Rider in confusion. She remembered that the Kamen Rider system only had BLADE and GARREN! But why can Eugeo also transform into a Kamen Rider? Could it be that Kayaba Chief was arrested Is it the newly created Kamen Rider system after kidnapping?”
“When Asuna was confused, the vine undead creature had already fought with Eugeo. Dozens of vines stabbed fiercely, but were easily cut off by Eugeo with the arrow of the weapon CHALICE.”
“But for some reason, the vine undead creature is obviously at a disadvantage, but it seems to be smiling, “¥#%#¥#& (CHALICE, I didn’t expect you to have a weakness)! “”
“”&#*&¥¥(what do you mean)? “Eugeo rushed in front of the vine undead creature, slashed at his chest, shooting out a lot of sparks, and then green blood gushed out from the vine undead creature’s chest.”
“Although Asuna was far away, she could barely hear their voices, which made her frown even deeper, “Eugeo, are you talking to that undead creature? “”
“Do undead creatures have language, and can they even communicate? Asuna doesn’t understand. According to the information she got, undead creatures exist like beasts. They may have wisdom, but they are not deep! Looking at it now, this The data is clearly wrong.”
“Then… who is Eugeo who can communicate with undead creatures? Asuna pursed her lips, thinking a little bit.”
“On the other side, the undead creature that was cut off by the vine is obviously in a much worse state, and it is a little gasping when it speaks, “@#¥! @%…%¥(CHALICE, just look over there…you will know). “”
“Eugeo quickly turned his gaze to Asuna and Yui, a moth undead creature flapped its wings and flew towards them!”
“”%%¥¥#@#% (If you dare to hurt that girl, I will definitely kill you)! “Eugeo roared and rushed towards Yui.”
“But the undead creatures with vines obviously won’t let Eugeo get what he wanted. A large number of vines stabbed out again to restrain Eugeo! As for Eugeo’s harsh words, just listen to them. The undead creatures simply kill Don’t die!”
“And that moth undead creature let out a strange laugh, “*&¥%&@#¥(CHALICE, you are becoming more and more like a human being)!” “”
“Speaking, the moth undead creature will reach out to grab Yui. Both of them are considered low-level undead creatures, and they are not opponents of CHALICE at all. If they want to win, they have to use this little girl as a hostage! As long as CHALICE is in the battle If they are afraid of their hands and feet, that is their victory!”
Chapter 436: Defeated like a tornado
“These damned undead creatures!” Yuuki Asuna, who has always been gentle, actually cursed, which already reflected how angry she was at the moment.
This is of course, after all, although Yui is not her own daughter, after a long time together, Yui has long become one of her most important people, and now these undead creatures actually take Yui as a hostage, how could she Are you not angry?
Although I know that this video has already happened, it is useless to be anxious. But she still couldn’t help being anxious, and she still couldn’t help but feel anxious in her heart.Pray, that me, quickly pick up the garren transformation device, don’t think about any side effects anymore!
Kiritani Kazuto on the other side is hoping that the self in the video can arrive soon!
“”what! “Asuna heard the voice suddenly appearing in her ears, she exclaimed, and quickly rolled over with Yui, and then looked at the moth undead creature, her body trembling uncontrollably.”
“”%¥(huh)? “The moth undead creature made a surprised voice, as if it never thought that it would be dodged by a human being.”
“Asuna stood up slowly, took out the GARREN Transformer and Awakening Card Block A, even though her body was trembling, she still put the GARREN Transformer on her waist without hesitation, “I, I will not allow You hurt Yui! “”
“”Mother. “Yui called Asuna softly, but didn’t dare to speak too loudly for fear of disturbing her.”
“Asuna put the awakening card block A into the transformation device, and then yanked the garren buckle, “Transform! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“A light curtain passed through her body, and she officially transformed into Kamen Rider Garren!”
“Great! This will protect Yui!” Yuuki Asuna said happily.
“When the undead moth saw Asuna transformed into Kamen Rider Garren, he immediately stepped forward to fight her. The undead moth thought it would be a tough battle, but he didn’t expect to find out as soon as they fought. It’s a flower stand!”
“The undead moth blocked Kamen Rider Garren’s attack with one hand, and kicked her away with one kick!”
“…” Asuna Yuuki was stunned, she was deflated like a tornado, too fast!
What’s going on here, doesn’t she have a novice protection period? !
“In the distance, a man wearing sunglasses was looking at the battle here. After seeing Kamen Rider Garren’s rapid defeat, he shook his head, “This woman’s will is too weak. A moment of bloody courage. “”
“”When the bravery of blood disappeared, what filled her heart was fear. In that state of fear, it was impossible for her to exert the true power of Garren. “”
“”Sure enough, these Kamen Riders all have drawbacks. The man stopped looking at the current battle situation, turned and left, “Let me make the strongest Kamen Rider!” “”
Yuuki Asuna smiled bitterly twice, and said in a low voice, “Yes, after two years, I almost forgot, I also had that kind of time. Because of the fear of fighting and death, I can only stay together In the inn in Beginning Town, he was like a wooden man, not daring to move at all.”
Although the content in this video was completely different from what she remembered, at least her initial fear was exactly the same… Although it was exactly the same, she just didn’t want it at all.
It’s not that this kind of content will embarrass her, but because if she can’t exert her strength, she won’t be able to protect Yui!
She was so depressed that she didn’t even have time to think about who this man who suddenly appeared was.
“”Ugh! “Yuki Asuna screamed, flew a few meters away, and then fell to the ground.”
“”Mother! ” Yui yelled worriedly, and wanted to run over.”
“But the hand of the moth undead is already about to grab her!”
“” Yui! Get out of here! “Eugeo roared at this moment, and even ignored the attack of the vine undead creature, jumped here in an instant, and forcibly knocked away the moth undead creature!”
“And the vines of the vine undead creature pierced his arm like a steel bar at that moment!”
“”Well! “Eugeo snorted and covered the wound with his hands, but the green blood still couldn’t stop flowing.”
“Green blood!” Conan’s eyes sparkled, “This guy is indeed an undead creature!”
When he saw Eugeo communicating with the undead creature in a strange language earlier, he was sure of this guess, and now Eugeo’s green blood can be said to further prove this point!
I just don’t know whether he is the ancestor of that kind of creature, and how did his transformation device used to transform into a Kamen Rider come from?
Moreover, why can he become human?
Although one puzzle is solved, Conan feels that there are more puzzles… Although you can know the answer by watching it directly, but guessing while watching TV is one of the great pleasures in life, isn’t it?
“”Hoo…huh…huh…” Eugeo panted heavily, facing two undead creatures at the same time while he was injured, it was a huge challenge even for him! ”
“”%¥#@#%¥(CHALICE, I didn’t expect you to be so stupid, how stupid to hurt yourself for a mere human being)! “The vine undead creature sneered and approached him: “##@¥# (But this is fine, if you get injured, we can defeat you even if we don’t take hostages!)””
“” Asuna! Yui! Eugeo! Are you all right? ! “”
“Suddenly, Kirito’s voice came from a distance, and when his voice fell, the voice was already nearby!”
“”¥#@% (who)? ! “The undead creature with vines quickly turned its head to look, only to see a blade of light slashing straight at him!”
“In a panic, the vine undead creature hurriedly stretched out the vine to stop it.”
“Just when he blocked Kirito’s attack, Eugeo didn’t talk about martial arts at all. He immediately took off the CHALICE awakening device on his waist, put it on the CHALICE arrow, and then with lightning speed, sealed a Card with Undead from CHALICE Awakener brush down. ”
“” TORNADO! “”
“Under the blessing of the hurricane attribute of the eagle undead creature, an invisible arrow shot out like a storm, hitting the back of the vine undead creature!”
“With a click, the seal lock on the vine undead creature’s waist was opened. In this extreme war, he has already declared his retirement!”
Chapter 437 There is an exception
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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